Attack Maryland Racing: Bill to Abolish All Betting Introduced in Legislature-Political Move Seen, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-13


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ATTACK MARYLAND RACING! Sill to Abolish All Betting Introduced in Legis-, I lature— Political Move Seen. i ANNAlOLLS. M.i . Jaaaao -• The hill la abol i-ii race trad, bettiug in Marylaad waa latrodaced ■ w- due-day by Senator Byroa of Dorchester. It was referred by Preaideal Sorris, who has bom i aeiirc as H, G. Bedwella attorney ia fighting ngulnsl the state Baring Commisaioa and the ; Jockey Club, to the senate finance committee, which may have a m:iority in its favor. The legislator* favoring racing in Maryland WCT* taken by surprise ■ t PreaMeat Norris refereece to the fiaance committee. They had coafMeatly expected the hill to be referred to the committee i n judicial preceediaga, which * undei-tood to favor licensing the tracks to permit b -ttinu». Marylands annual revenue from the four tracks at PlmUeo, Have de Grace. Laurel and Bowie is approximately STiNi.isio under the Barke law, enacted by tin teal legislature. Ind-r thi- law the state takes ,000 a day for each day of raring in the state. Lent year there were ninety days. The law also provide- for a IS per cent tax on the not profits of the tracks, which, it i- estimated, will bring the gross reveaae up te dose to ,860,000 in tin- nezl twe fiscal year-. On the theory that the bill went to the root of the badget uueetiea. be-cause of the revenue which would be lost to the state. President SofTM lefCired it te he finance committee, which passes ou all aatatlaaa of state revenue and expeiiditui s. But that fact does not alter the view of track supporters that a shrewd political move had been made against tkeaa. Friends and foes of th • measure had been sizing ap the committee on Jadirial proceeding-, ceattdeat that the bill would go to it. PreaMeat oni- announcement of the reference committee drew the first sharp attention te the finance committee. Immediately there was talk of it having been "packed" while tho— interested in the betting leghriatiaa had watched instead of the pernoanri of the judicial proceedings. The bitter committee is ceaapoeed of lawyers, eheaea apparently on that basis alone and without regard to race track sentiment-. Whatever committee the bill might have been referred to there are believed in the senate now enough votes to uphold the m.-asue and kill betting. Thi- fa. i i- bajnertaal in view of the possi bility of th" senate sitting as a committee in [tarif aud by a majority vote inking the hill from the finance committee and pas-ing upon it. This i- the only way by which the hill could be taken out i»f the finance committee over the objection of the president of the senate. 1resent indications are that president Norris will permit he finance tommitlaa to have consideration ..f the bill, accepting its report ia the senate, and will not attempt to pass it along to th.- yadlrmry. Senator Frieh of Baltimore City, chairmen of the judicial proceedings committee, is said to feci that •In- bill ought to be taken out of the Chance committee and referred to his committee. He is known to favor the spoil and leaders of track seQtiBScat had looked to him to pilot through «u unfavorable report on the bill. The same bill as Senator Byrons was introduced in the hou-c by Uepiesentaive "W. P. Hall. It was referred to the judiciary committee. There are eleven members of the -enate finance committee. Those who now seem to be oppo.-ed to betting are Senators TiRhar.ou. Wi omho County: Harrison. IFareeater County: .fon-s. Montgomery County; MiDauiei, Talbot County; Kusell, Keut County: Wolfe. Howard County: Soader. Carroll County, and Goodell. Frederick County. Chairman Mcintosh. Baltimore County, and Biggs, Baltimore City, will probably be against the Byron measure. Senator Mish. Washington County, is regarded as a doubtful member. lie is understood to be adverse to belting, but the interests of his community in the Bagantenra Fair, where racing is a I ! feature, are said to be an inj|oi-taut consideration witli him.

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Local Identifier: drf1922011301_1_4
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