Havana Entries and Past Performances for Friday, January 13, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-13


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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 L AVIOATHIOn tLli.4,R: TRACK SLOW. Rafing starts at 2:3" p. m. OMtaf time 1:57. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :;: hair mud limner. M Maidens. *Appren:ie« fclh.wance. I. RlinkeiH. Fiiit Race — 3-8 Mile. Puise S7«xi S-jrear-atda. aiImw.iikos. Traek ree.od .Ian. 21, MM »«%— 2- 112 1 Tmlays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rep. A Wi.Han r" 94l9 M:ss Reulnh 11". . 721 i".U479| TlAiiena Mareellia. 124. 720 343441 Kiank 8. M US :3s -. IU..71S ..9479 fceih-- Rem,. a M. 113.. 712 .,947!» vTender Beth Ml 11:!.. 71". .".9479 IOMtii.n .M 110 70" R A. Jones entry. Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 1744. 8-jrear-aMa. laiining. Track record: Jan. 24. MV7— 1:0." .. — S — 102. :,9!fi0»»blist Girl M4j 1:07. 102... 72*. : 9:.2W Bitter HitiiiR .107 1:09-., 111.. 720 .-.9..20 •Fictile 100 1 :0s 1 If, x 715 .".92J9- Aeosta t.I 110 1 : «.. 140X714 :.9-V»l bflaa Btetaaa 144 l:07". 110x710 .",•921 May Hanman t.l.107 1:09-. MB.. 740 .".9.V20 *Doti Manuel . i M 1 100 l:o:i.. IB5..70S 34424 V ol Tex 107 I:01H., 111x70.". .",9037 Chariot t a Btaita ... ftft 1:11 IBB.. 708 .".S121 Kthel Vale M ...10!l 1 :« 94-. 1B8..70B .". i4so *BIgeiw Ml 10.". 1:1 r.-. 1BS..7BB :.7S4l Tattteg If MS..7BBJ • Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year »14a and upward, riaiminc. Track record: Jan. 21. 1917- 1 :0.V.-,— J— 102 I BBS47* •Marcella Roy M.1BB lrB7% 4 MB. .723 SBS4S* •Dixie Flyer I IB l:0«.. U 102x720 C7744M t.Raiueau 109;i:07;. B 112X713 .79494 ■Ainevi.an J ,.t ■_• I- . . IBB 1 :BB«a 7 110x713 34042* nearge VT 112 1 :os., 1 112x710 yBSBB ■Bragalese 112 1:0V 4 111®710 SB4B2 -bKinK Wertb 114 1:B7% 111070710 ,".7»s7:; Ki.kle laiu-.v 112 1:07. 7 107 714 • .".9492 aloha J. Caaey ..112 1*44 8 112x74*. S8S22 *b**ay When IBS lrBBVi S 102x7oo 5 BB057 •fJeoi-Ke Jarnes . .102 IrSB 1 188x780 j BB1BB Idauy Fieeme.-n ..112 1:10j 5 1B7..7B8 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Rinse o0. J year « ld- and U].ai.l. Claiming. . Track record: .Ian. 8, MSB- 1 :11— 0— 102. ■ - 8B440*bWar Map 188 1:1614 B 107:-:72a i.Vj:it;o Rood Hope 118 1:R"".-. 4 1BBX72B 58202 i.iint Boris 112 1:12 7 107X715 ■ " 59121 Gratian MB 1:13% 4 B7X71S 5B5221 *E4 Garrison 110 1:12», R 184X713 .",9.".22 *bp.lazeaway 112 1:12 10 112x710 •• .-.othl Fitz-Boodte 87 1:12% 1 MSX71B : 3B31BahDr. Shalei I IB 1:14 7 107x710 ..lis; »Kaddle« 112 1:13.-, 4 B7..7B8 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 1 Pane oo. 4-year-old* and apward. daJaakeg. Track record: March 28, 191ft 1 -88*4— 3 - -MS.J 1 r.9.-.2". bPar.d 115 1:48 5 118X723 ." !--: l-ilsen Ill 1:44m 8 118X728 ■ .".ft.".!:. l.Silex II 113 1:42.. .". 110. .71.". •■ 08390 *oiiie Pal-aer 11:1 i:44 .s 5 MB x 715 •■ :.9.".4.". *Bibbier 182 1 : !2:;„ ., MB. .710 5 :.91S2 *Higk niyarpaa ...MB 1:42 7 MS.. 718 I 59580 »Toy Aktag IBS 1:13 5 MB. .710 j 39803 *Frogleg» 107 1 :4.".., 13 1850703 .".9421 GnaiiRman 188 1:42 H 7 119.. 703 5 08224 Caraway M . ...107 1:41% 8 lo:,..7iMt | Sixth Race— 1 Mile. J Purse 8780. 4-year-oMa and apward. ClaiaUag. ° Traek recard: Marek 23. 1919 13s..— .". — IBB, I 6 GB583- bJCDGK RIRROW. 1 MB*k725 1 .-,9r,44 Jacobean 4 10.-.:;:71." 58493 •bCarreacy 1M 1:48% 7 110x71a 6 :,ft442 -Sunrose 193 1:49% 7 193X715 ■"■ 382SS Waierford 119 1*88% 8 119X713 •" :,ft4ft:; I.iiv Boota 5 119. .718 I : 94 ;i Lyric 1107.710 £ 58288 bUngiraa 193 1:48% 5 119x798 , 59441 T: ieinphani 119 1:49% 6 112.. 788

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922011301/drf1922011301_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1922011301_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800