Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-13


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• ■ • • , i I | | j I 1 ! FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS, LA.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 12. 1922. Kan Uraaada 1 mile. leuth day. Rusiues* Vices Baciag AssociatioB. ff later Meeting of M days. Weather clear: temperature 60 . Stewards. K t; smith. M. Macfarlan. A C afehfe aad L. M. Holmes. .Ind_es". .1. B. Campbell anil leaeph ilcLeaaaa. Starter, A. K. Bade. Baciag Secretary, .loseith M I.cnuan. Baetag starts at _T."i p. m. Chicago time L:ir p. m.t. Indicates appreuti.e allowance. ?TQ?_r_* 1IRST RACE—1-8 Mile. Jan. 15. 1921—3.—2—117.1 Pur.e ,000. 2-year-olds. Ot_F_Pt_*_» Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. !tt!e Horses A Wt PPBl .t ■_- 4 Btr Fin Jockeys Owaeia o il c p S~" 3B452 DCS TIM . will ~ 1 1 •"! ■ "_"" "! tilettl A SitnorTs 7 T"l 1-S3?7_R f • ORTO a l" i» II :. B B Scoble Montfort Jones 3 ! _" l :.-0 BB41S KKWIIK s. v. lit t . . • G W CrollP .1 Laaia I M % 1 M ILLUSIONIST w in I : ."•- 4 i HarsonG May-berry s _ M I 4 .".i!".: BT A.XtllM.l.NA « 111 4 I _. M BaDtton A M.irrone M W 40 IS • ANITA HAMPTON » IL •"• I K G Babin VinlreT Bros M 4 t |n Ii I BKJECTION v lit 7 t 7 TiJ Zoeller .1 H NasIi I 4-t 40 o t B045t I ILAC TIME n ill 11 9 V P F Welner Waldeck Stable !. i:. U 6 :; SBdlt BOOG k-BOO v, 1!4 si" M • E Barnes K R Bradley M V M 4 _ BLUE BIRD a 111 3 * i P" n ConnTlyR K vTatklaa E :. ;. 2 l STYLISH MISS a in 2 7 11 II : Walla -i II I mirhhthi M M B 11 :. tOmilted from entries. Time. 24. 36. Tra ;k blow. Winnei Br. t. hj sntep a lint in . by Aieaatara II. traiaed by A. Simons: hred by Mr. p. T. Chinul. Went o post it 2:13. At posl ■"■ minutes Start goad and slow Won easily: sp, ond and third driv-i.i. DUSTEB raced lata the lead at oace ami easily won frees start to Baribth , I OBTO was ;: k-u up at the start aad raced extremely sride. but tinned an immens.- gap aad might have beaten the winner with cqaal racing lack. KEVPIB B. ran a yoo.i race, hat tired taally. H.LtsiONisr raa weB. BLUB RIRD «as in a Jam soon after the start. Scratched 50412-Lady P.-..s. 1 14 : Dearie, 114: Reny Wood. Hi: Maaeette, lid. KQKK d SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. .Feb. 9. 1918— l:lTli— 6— 116. Puree ,000. 4 -year-old I «3_r _l_a_b and upward. Ciaiiniiif. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third. 00. lnTle Ho s J WVUTSr ~t U "_ Str !:n Jockeys Owners i" It r V J5 5BS11 BOND" _w s iof 7 :: _i» l« l1 i: .i Garaer ain I Saafard I io S 4 S BBd72s*PHILANDKRER wa 4 MS IS _ : A Wilson .1 C Caha S :; 3 •;-: .-" 5SS14 NORDKCK wa 5 Km 4 :• 8 J» 3 ! ! C Lang G B Disgs :. ti .". 2 1 50303:F— YING ORB vc :. 109 I 7 7- C 4. 4 C Police C A Applente .4 4 7-3 7-1.1 .-.93!:S CHIEF BTHELL «n 4 107 Z I P" • 7 S» .1 Fraley R W Moore M 1". 11 6 : . ,- 907fi ETTAHE wa ; 111 I :.s -:1. I t; G Babin Wbrfrey Bro5= I t; 4 _ i BBSOO**PR*MISIXG TOM wa 4 MS :: i | :. 5. 7"- K Scobi* M M Shields ill Q i. .-,!t:?. MARJORIE M wn I 103 is n s ■ s. S: A Oantner.l E Xaah M 1". Ii « :: BB472*VANSYLV1A era I Mi S I I» S» 9 9 t; Bcealagl, M Benter r. M a 8 4 Time. £4"5. 49=5. LISS. Track slow. Winner — Ch. , by Bthelht 1 1 Baadoir. hy Oetagaa traiaed hf W. M. Cain: bred in France by Mr. .vii_a~t Belanaat. Wen I to j.osi ;,: l:lt. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow for all but NORDECK. Won easily second aad third driving. BOND, under .. -rood ride, was kepi in the Bnaesl going throaghoat and. ra. icz into the lead on the last turn, held PHILANDERER sale throagh the stretch. PHILANDERER ran h.s usual coaslsteat race, was alanmys rleae np aad finished gaining, bat tiring. NOBDECK was away slowly and closed gn immrarr _.ip lata ■ game third. FLYING ORB tired in the stretch. ETTAHE hail no mishaps. PROMISING TOM was doae :.ii"i uoing the first iiuarter. Scratcbed 5B3SS Betsinda, 1 »7: :dt:.14 The Decision. 112; :.!to4l tld Dave. 107; ,"t943S Pretender, 115; -.fir.oJ-Serbian. 113; 9S0M Car. 113; r.rto..l May Bodiaa, lo- KQPT PTC: THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1.11 5— 6— 116.1 Purse ,000. 4-year-oldi _l _r _PeJ _l and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 00. Bah- Horses AWtPPSt 4 _. ". Str Fin Jockeys oT7ner OH C P S _ .TO S JO THE XKHIIKW W 5 112 11 2 _» l- 11 l-r C Turner FTiY~Kirhwor.il .. R~-M ;;- ." .IBVIOi A.CTRBSS wa 1*3 13 ii _•» 2* a Wilson T Harrison I ." - l" .- «C»; ALEX. HAMILTON n 1111 9 5 :;; :;» 2 ::! C Ponce M Gerahel : l ; M 1-2 SOU 1* ANTICIPATE a 5 112 8 8 4 4j 4_ 4 M c.arnr-r . 1. Earl 8 8 .. t. S-a r.04S.*COURLIS wa5 110 M I J :. B V C Lang .1 .rthur K M | .• -S BOSS* PLAIN BILL villi " S m 1* 7 P I D MifvW T Hickey IS it M I 4 ." 9ll» CACAMBO wa C 112 3 7 P 81 8* 7* A GaatnerA s Day I 38 r. »; ". S0453** FLEER wi . .". IM -I I W ••- m P K ScoWe E -I Heffernan 8 IS IS i :.M-,i CHLES F.VPAT.w 4 1A7 111 J»*M_ !•_ m R Ranelli!-: P Karndick S» 6i 60 20 10 BS7tB*SPTING CHXCB wa 4 M8 7 if n ii 11 ion i. Carney W M McKenney 30 M M ij I .".7r -i RAS W 4 H02 ti I -Vi t» r.h 11 E Pool BloriftaBt Stable 4 s 7 :: "-: Time. 24. 49. 1 15. Track slow. Winner -B. g hv Lin le Qaalify, hj Sir Dixoa trained by .1. s Wliatlev; bred bv Messrs. Headlev A MiUer. w.it to post :r ;i:ii4. At post l minute Start good aad stow. Won easily; aecoad aad third driv-Ing. THE NEPHEW began well aad, after b up saT.ed in the good o;;u. wore ACTRESS down steadily and. passing into the lead, drea away in the last sixteeath. ACTRESS began fast and showed the most speed to the stretch, but was tiring badly r t.,- end. ALEXANDEB HAMILTON rated forwardly and wa- foiag well at the ead. ANTICIPATE raa i good race. BAS n.iit baAj Scratched 59343 Firsl PaUet, UK 9B3S3:Mark West, 1 0« : :•. 133 Saady II.. 110; BB5M -lago. 1.0S; I; s!,,«-. io_. Orerweigbts Pas. ii_. paaads, !_Q?_R_|_ LOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. iFeb. 19. 1916— 1:05 j— 4— 129.1 Pur?e ,000. _ _r«3 eJlf 3-yaar-Oi— «. Aliowar.ces. Net value to winner S700: second. 00: third. 00, — lade- Horses Ty17Fs~ Str Fla Jockeys Owners O H C P S 503"S»KNOT il ss wa 111 4 1 I4 1* l* 1 C Laag T O Webber .77. s-;, :;-_•;:-:. i-.°, SBSO.*BlRDIE c. wa Ma I 8 _J _■ l"1 : A Wilson .1 Greeaherg 7 :. 8-S 4-5 |andB4S4ROB wn 11 I , I i 33 M Caimer C Wekleman ;• ■■ :;1 t.-j 1-2 :,;-.: ; cai.kta m*vn 8 s » t 4 P CltllettiG McMitchell fi 10 a :: 7-r. .-»!4:. DEVON1TE a I 9 •• T 7 C. 6»* G Walls .1 II Louchheim M 4 t 40 12 ii .-,!4i:; MABEL A. ■■ n 1-" . . :. .; :,. i: MarinellM A Applepate 38 68 18 M S BB4S4 HII.I-HDALE wn :-.. :: . i M 7 - ;• ; BreningJ R Sklnker 5 5 4; s-:, 7-10 .■ «»:;!»•: ERSKINE DALE tva 115 3 3 8 8 8 8 D ■" lyj McPheraoa :;ft M ■ 12 1* Time. 23*,. _t*4, l.Ol1. 1:08. Track slow Winn •- B. r, by short Grass- Geatlewomaa, by Bain train..; by X. 0 Webber; bred by Shori Grass stad .• -, 3:81. Al nosl 1 mianl ■ Start •- od and slow. Woa easily; second and third i .. aa KNOT URASM, sbowlag the beaefit of ■ g I ride nad sadden bpoproveaneat, began fast ami showed inc. s :. -, ..; .1 paceaiakiag aad drew awey In the la»1 • gbth t«i win in a canter. BIRDIB ;. began slowly. ;,ur ra.-.i into xecead place qaickly aad held It gamely throaghoat. Ron had to be ridden hard for lite entire race and finished weU. GALETA ran «• il bnl was tiring at the ead. OKVOMTK eaate with .1 1 ush throagh the stretch. KH_L£DALK was In the wars going meet of tht waj and ran i rly. s. rati •!• .1 l50414Gammer Gartaa, 108; D023t Mabe] CnrtU, 108; 5034©5Cap* Pillar. 112; :.9t:!o Bobbed Her DC; 5S04H Veiled Colleen, 85; 3043- Daddj Wolf. ;o:. Orerweight* Mabel A., i.. poaads; Erskine Dnle. 8. rftJT CrrT FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1:44 — 3— 104. Tulane Handicap! _l«_fOiiLy 0 Farce SI. 500. 3-year-olris and upward. Net value to winner SI. 000; second, 00: third. 50; fourth!_0J Index Horses AWtPPSt «. ■_■ •• Btr Fin J fkey» Owners t» II c P R 204S _ THIMBLE" wn i l«S I 1 i I _ C Laag U J Marphj 2 V2-:.:f-.".7-l0l-t IS8518 LNITED VERDE m I lis : 1 3 V 3 - . 14 Garner C W Clark l 13-J1 1-:: .%0:!L" s OF PLEASURE wa 9 113 2 •• •". i- 4- t - ;:• I .1 BurkeJ M Gaode t S-S 504 78 1 BYGONE DAYS wn 4 118 4 3 IJ 3 2 4 • H klarinellit .! BrockmiUer 1 t t.-5 l-.". .- ii:;i If, KE JOHN - ■■ M 1 V ■■ -"• J Wallace 1. T ZalUcaffer IS 38 SI ti _ Time. 24-;,. 49,5. 115. l-H. 1:48.. Trark low. Wiaaer B f by Haon Baadspit. by Bock Hand trained by M. .!. Marphy; bred hy t"»u.. k stable. w hi to posi al 8:53 Al i"»st _ iainates Start . o.l and slow. Won easily; seeaad ami third dririag. THIMBLE stole a long toad aa the fust tara bj stnyiag .-lose te the Inner rail, was in the beat yo;n- •.! mat ng the pace fast, held the others safe all the way. IMIKIi v_BDK ran aa excellent race aad held on gamely in the stretch drive. SANDS »K PLEASURE dosed a big ap in tiie last tjuarter. BYGONE DAYS bad no mishaps ami tired in the stretch. P-CIC t_C SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Mile. Feb. 13, 1915— 1:4445— 3— 104. Purse SI. 000. 4-year- Oetr OOO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value *o winner S700: second. 00; third, 00. Ynd." Horses AWtPPSl Sti I • lockcys iiw. ii H C P S 5043S: PAVIA a 1 "i • 1 I _ Is 1 I B MarinelliO Bead 5 i:;-:".4-5 1-f, .■ !••»»« O* LAWN BELLE wn 9 183 1 4 4 _ 2*. . ■ A Fratoj W P Btraaaa 88 SI M I 4 8BS1B*TULSA era S MS I E •■ T Ij E s.obie a j Riley ■ 7 •; I 4-5 5: ." 87 WAUKEAG wa 8 183 4 2 S* S» 1 -i. C Laag C N lr.-eman 8-5 9-5 8-5 7-101 -3 .",!." 19 "LITTLI-: KD W 8 11" 8 8 8 7] 8* . 6 _ C Poace 1 P-urson l«l 15 15 5 " iJllii DARNAV m f_8l 3 7 7: I R 7 8* A Wilson 1, V Glick 7 S S :i 6-5 fc»4.7*ST. ISIDORE wa 9 lit •. 3 8. 4* 9 it 7 A BaataerJ E Kadh ."■ b» S :: M 5»S12*SERVICE ST P. we..". Ml 3 ., .. | » n s G Mela A S Woodcliffc :.i 38 20 12 ti Time, _•%, 50-6. l:16-5. 1:43»5. 1:49-. Track slow. Winner h. f. by VitelUas — Adriath a, by ClilTord traiaed by M. .1. Murphy; bred by Mr. John San- iordl . Went to post at 8:10. At post -I minutes. Stait good and slow. Won baa dily: s.. ond and third driv-inp. PAVIA took the lead at nine and. selling g goad pate all the way. Unisheil gamely and outstayed OAKLAWN BELLE. The latter raa a good race and was going fastest at the end. TfLSA moved up steadily throagh the last qaarter. W.MKKAt; showed speed, hat tired in the stretch. ST. ISIDORE was done alter going well for three-quarter-. Scratched 50377»Mid-ighl Sun. ID-".: 094..:; 1 Rolo. 101. gr oTjr PT O SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 14, 1908— 1:5145— 3— 122. Purse ,000. 4-year-O _?_l«3 _e olus and upward. Claiming Net value to winner 00: second, 00; third, 00. IndeT Horses A#tPP*t _ i *4 Btr Fin Jockeys Owners OH O F- B 50410 : LA-Y LOC w 5 H8 - •"• S ■■ ■ V v- 5 Garner Cain o.- Baaford 3. ;; U -54-5 "3-5 1511* LORENA MOSS wad 09 1! 4 :: 2H _J - SskC Lang J Cunniffe 4 7 7 2J 6-5 80612* HELLO PKD.NER w 3 111 1 _ 2. 1 T» V V .1 Wallace- K Dnhain 15 M II 6 :: 5051 S ALEX JR era •"• ll- M ti V » : 4- 4- 4- A Wilson A W Jackson :: 5 4i - 1 _9o9X Pit: v.i! •, to; :: 18 18* H «1 7- l| ; Mnagnafl i: Van Winkle : o r 0 1", 6 3 SOSSO KING TROJAN WB I li" 7 v ;, :, . 1, t;i. I,- R Lunst-rC .Morton 15 15 15 b 3 5007B»*BAR OP PH*NIX WB 8-85 8 7 S- 10» rt- S- 7- A Oantner.l K Nash. 10 10 i 2 1 .VJ150MOH.N AP.BOR wc 1 110 5 11 li 11 s1 Si V E Scoble V St John 10 12 12 5 2J 0047$ : HARVEST KING WB t 111 I S 5s 4 :.- ,r,n n» H J Burke J M Goode I :. 5 2 1 59319 SHE DEVIL w ti 1 M I 1 t; V 18* J8» 18* G Rrenin-L M Reuter 10 15 15 6 3 5BSBS HvVARD BOUND w 7 MC " I 1* V 1! H 11 ■ Anthony K 3 Douglas 50 50 50 £0 10 Time. 25, 50. 1:15*5. l:423j. l:55«i. Track slow. dinner — Rr. m. by Jack Aikin — Mrs. f. 0. Hogan, by Sir Dixon trained by W. M. Cain; bred by Mr.fFraak o. Hogan. Went to post at 4:14. At post -» minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LAZY LOU was close up from the start and. holding the lead briefly, was taketi back and saved to the st retell, tiien took tli" lead again to win as her rider pleased. LORKNA MOSS was in close pursuit. for the entire way and outstayed HELLO PARDNKR after a hard drive HELLO 1ARDNER beean fast and. racing into tht- lead, tired, bat made a game iinish. ALEX JR. ran well. PIE closed a big gap. BAR OF PHOENIX was far back all the way. Betatchid 5 3QaMachiaveHi, a.".: 59_s.-. Marie Bappold, 97.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922011301/drf1922011301_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1922011301_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800