Sixth Race [6th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-13

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; I j . . SIXTH RK 1 1-1G lilies. 1-year-olds and upward. Claiming. I 1eb. IS, i: 15 1:44 4-5 li 114.1 BALADIN. b. g, 7 108 By Negofol— Daino cBauty, by Octagon. Trainer, D. Womeldorff. Owner, W, B. Bernhardt. 593M F.Gnda 1 1-16 l:17,-,fast 7 M 1 1 3 2 1| I«| C Lang 7 Wi.kfoid, TMOffieial, Wre.ker 55642 Windaor I 1-4 246fcfast 39-10 M 8 6 ri « 6 «»J .1 Rowan M lacag, Benevolent. DeetarJha 5S379 H*fn 1 1-4 OV L:ttl-, ll-.O 9"« 6 7 7 5 31 3- A Gantner S Iadua. Doctor Jim, Ply Haaae 55339 H fit 1 1 8 OT 1 :52 -..goorl I8f P 9 1 8 6 6 f.i 3»» J Rowan 12 Murray. Trospeetor, Winneconne EEM6 Haaitoa 1 l-M l:4t%faat S IM 6 S 8 8 71 7» C Lang 8 Madge F.. Bolster, Master Bill VERITY, ch. m, 6 107 By Ivan tha Terrible— Veracious, by St. Leonard. Trainer, J. S. Hays. Owner. J. S. Hays. 59539 F.Gnda 1 1-8 2.-01%hvy 13-M M8 121 l i1 lake Lang B Serbian, JoaauOertea K.TraJaa E9519 F. Gnda 1 1-16 l:54%mud 11-5 104 13 2 1 1«| 1»| C I ang 10 Lit.Bd. SehLightllL, 8ani.Jay 59438 F.Gnda 1 1-16 l:48%faat 3 IM 14 3 2 T* 1* C Lang • Zone dAraMe. P MeGee Lively 59343 JefTaon 1 1-16 1 :47%faat 7 111 9 9 8 7 65 54 C Ponee 11 ». Faithful. PirstPullel jrtfjuil 59297 Jeffson lm70y 1:46 fast 13-10 107 3 4 2 3 11 Ink C Lang Ml Bailie. Ftipapet, Sentiuieutal MISS FONTAINE, ch. f. 4 100 By Ivaa the Terr-.ble— Superl, by The Commoner. Trainer, F. Baaith, Owner. C. J. Brockmiller. 59511 F.Gnda 1 3-15 2:06%hvy 9-5 91 2 ■! I t ::- f j Owena 8 Grauud, B. Verdict LEaMenr 59437 F.Gnda lmTOy l:45%fasl 12 M I E 5 5 S S" J Owens 8 Escarpolette, Bcgeaiaa, B Voter 59150 Jeffson 11-16 1:50 slow 11-5 IM 4 7 6 6 1" 2" A Wilson lit Young Art-mi VeritJ Oaf 51X195 Jeffson lmTOy 1:M fast 3| MM 4 4 3 I 8«J 3*1 G Walta 8 Gorilla, LaeyKate, Cr RaaaMtl MM Jeff son ll:4544hvy 7 101 2 3 3 3 2« 25 L M.-Dott 4 Bhfnolette, BWdea, Okinlteii EKCRINITE. b. m. 5 101 By Rockton— Rockwater. bv Laureate or Clifford Trainer, W. Baaith. Owner. F. Farrr. 59:»7 F.Gnda 11-16 1:48 fast 21 102 till 2» 1» C Lang 8 Pickwick, Great Gall. Philistine 58121 Empire 1 1-16 1:49 Sifast 1" IM 16 6 6 6 B" G Babia 8 Titaninaa, Challenger, Boekaort 58226 Empire lm70y l:45%fast 30 100 9 I 9 !• B*» T Brooke M F.Fagarty, T.-a-Ung, Bark Bill • Laur el 1 1:4-" -fa st 61 M S ."679 S;i ,1 Rowan 9 Pibroch, Sanay Hill KUgGeorga 57SH H-deGa lmTOy l:46%faat 6 MB 4 S 2 31 4* J Wallace 7 Theodosia. W. Bedotte, M.Kitiey CRIMSON RAMBLER, k. f, 4 102 By Pebbles— Climber, by Voter. Turner. A. G. Duiilan. Owner, A. G. Dunlap. P-Gnda - !,:.:■] 12 102 - •; S v - s j Wallace 10 Verity, UttleKd, BeaehUshtlll 59321 Jeffson lmTOy l:45fcfast 6 Ml 7 7 5 4 41 l; A Gantner 8 Gorilla, The Moor Pim 59297 Jeffson IroTO: l:4« fasl 20 l"! 9 7 E 8 6 6 A GantnerlO Verity, Damoris PlTnancr 59151 Jeffson 11-16 1:49 . ! IM 189 I 7" B» B Mari*elU12 Biehelien, Joe Joe. BVltybell JefTaon lmTOy 1:46 Caal I Ma 0 5 4 4 4- 4*1 B MarieUI 8 CoriUa, LaeyKate, Miaarontalna SEARCH LIGHT III., ch, g, fi 107 By Sweeper— Gas Jet, bv Lamplighter. Trainer, A. O.rrer, .T. Marino. 5! 19 F.Gnda I 1-16 l:54%mud f 108 .11 2 4« 3*1 J 1 Mney lo Verity, Uttle Ed Baasaay Jay !• ■■:- P.Gndt I . I il I • I 1 1 1 21 3* A Gantner 5 V.Adam, SolidRock. .I.cs..,.,.. ■ ■r,!Fs 1- 3-4 1:14%fasl 13-5 110 - 7 6 6 6» .1 D Mneyl2 IbiUnderer, M.Rankin, Zealous I leffson s-4 l:17%mud i, 110 8 5 7 B| TfF Cltilettil2 Silence, Propaganda Vnticipat- 581 JefTaon 61 f l:U%hvy 7 112 7 6 5 4* :- P Cltilettl 12 :.. :•■■..; ,,. Diocletian! Gold Stooa CURRENT EVENTS, br. g, I 104 By Wrack— Votes, by Voter. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. Owner, C. P. Winfrey:. S93T8 F.Gnda I 1-4 2:07 1 6 C 1 Coney 8 Itoyal Dock. Laay Lou Gorilla f.92X.; Jeffson * 1 96 5 3 3 l 31 2*4 C Lang 8 Plibtygibt. SiaterFlo Cote dOr 59137 JefTson 11-16 1:48 fast 15 98 ..7 7 7 612 : Brealng 8 Ace, Cote dOi Joe Joe .".i!9 Jeffs.. ii 1 1-16 l:50%good 10 112 I B a « 7 8»* T Rowan » Sagacity Mr. X. !:■• m ■•! • 5T653 Bowie 11-16 1:53 hvy 26 IM 2 i I l B1 9 -"• G Babta IB ir.Fo_Mi-ty, GtVriage, Beeretarf IIITLE ED, br. g. G 111 By Norford— Purse Ro?, bv Orsini. Trainer, G. Prter -o:i. Owner, G. Peterson. 5955S F.Gnda l 1-16 l:4»*;slow lo 116 8 8 7 8 61 £• C Ponce 8 Paria, Oaklawa Belle. Tulsa 59519 P.Gnds 1 1-1- i :" -..i:n: ! 15 111 i . :• I 2J C Ponce 10 Verity, BchUght III., s;im Jay P.Gnda 13-16 2*4 mod 1 112 7 7 7 6 6- B»» C Ponce 7 Riehelien, VngAUam. Gonranmi F.Gnda 1 1-16 l:47Vifas« 40 Mi 7 7 7 7 7 7»J E Marts 7 Baladin. Wickfowl Trust Dfflcal n 1 1-16 l:49%slow 6 HI 11 M 7 i 9» 11«« G Mangan 12 Richelieu, Joe Joe Ballyhell 9026 Jeffson 1 1-16 l:55*.-,hvy 9-5 114 6 5 3 2 lh li a Mangan 9 Thirteen, Blaaeory, Joan.Orertoa PEETEEDEB.. b. e. 9 107 By Burgomaster— Sallie of Navarre, bv Henry of Trainer, W. M. Bheoiy. W. M. Bheady. Eravarre * P.Gnda t 1-lfi 1 :48%f ast 15 11412 2 i : K» 8" E Haynes 9 ■,-... I- MeGee s 931» Jeffson :: i 1 :i: -f.isr 13-5 115 :; 2 9 9" I P Murphy 12 Philanderer, U.Keakin Zeal-. us 59116 JefTaon 3-4 l:16%slow 8 115 M S 4 3 1] P Murphy u More!. Back Bar Pleer 5S939 Jef fson 11:41 0 IM 5 6 6 7 8 S14 F Mnrphi 9 Grayson, Tantalus Joaqnbn ■-" ieff I 1:4S 114 161 6 7" 7 ■ M Hux:on %i rrate 1 . trior! a IR077 BOY, ch. g. 6 106 By Star Shoot— Partri.e. bv longfellow. "Trainer. C. E. Murray. Omer, J. F. Bnrdette. "9398 P.Gnds 1 1-16 l:47%fasl ■ 107 7 5 5 2 3 3»3 a Gantnerll ■ • Machiarelli. Har.Kiaa • Jeffson 11-16 1 : 20 107 .67 7 1 3" .1 Wallace T P. G. King, Lirely Maize effson 3-4 1:16tss1ow 15 110 11 11 7 V ;a J Wallace 12 Pretender. Qoreb, Bark Bay Jeffson lmTOy 1 104 l E i . 7 8* 3 Wallace 8 . Ulooioy Gas 58S90 JefTaon lmTOy l:54%hvj 8 M5 J 3 3 4 3] ;:r J Wallace 8 Grim. Rambler. LtleEd. Montillo KING TROJAN, br. g, 4 112 Ey King James— Boher:::a. by Wagner. i Trainer, C. Morton. Owner, C. Morton. ■955:i : .. uds ; : 1:551 115 8 5 I 6 R Lan I 1 !,,■ 1 i r.Moss. ILIardaer 1 K.flnda I 1 ■- -: ■■ ■.-.ivy 7 IM 3 t I I V I" R 1 . ■ si r 11 Voriti Serb u lohnny Orertoo m 1 1 16 I:49%b1ow 7 I08i 6 2 2 3 51 5". |t Lcasterl2 Kiehelieii, Joe J*, Ballybell i JefTaon il ; :: • 8 104 4 .; 7 7 s B*» 11 Thurber * AtrneyMuir, Dwkmate. GoryaMa . Bowie 11-18 1:5.1 hvy 2 112 R 8 5 4 4A 4-j L McAtee 10 Pi Pogarty, .■! riase, Beeretaiy • Pimlico i 1 :4514m ud 23 M 2 ] I 1 V 1»» J HeupeJ 12 Krank Fosarty, Spugs, Nataral DAHINDA, b, m, C 97 By Rockron—, by CUfford. Trainer. W. 1. Fatoy. Owner, J. E. Tewaey. 59514 F.Gnd il ■■ 104 , lo 9 , ■ 7:i • n 11 llnrgoyup. IlrleiiAtkin. It.sWing I l:ll%fast 30 102 11 11 lo M s - E Scob uderrr, M.ltankin Zealous 53288 Mobile Ab 5-8 1:04 hvj 15 IM 8 6 6 5- PJTf Dkaon 9 Fin. Rooster, Virge, Doctor 7,-iu I Mobile Ab6fl:31 livy 3 109 6 2 1 3- » A Wilson v !e- Devil Couati »s S Mobile Ab 5-8 l:05%mud 31 l!2 3 2 :: 2L 11 Meier ■ v sPel Orien. Dress LEKJOLETJK, b. g. 6 111 By Bpaaradnt — Canfactien, by Isinglasi. Trainer, G, Peterson., G. Peterson . 59511 P.Gnds : 3 16 2:06*3hvy 20 105 I • 3 2 4 I - K Martz K ifmaiMi S.V. ■. M.Foataiae • ivniel 20 IB I 5 5 I T1 B1 !•: Marti 8 JarkH . HvtKing, Serbian 59418 F.Gnda 1 1-16 l:47%f ast 30 109 I C C 5 4: 4*1 B Mum/. 8 Galiot, !..■/■• Lou, Challenger 59198 JefTaon I 1-8 1:54 faal 15 112 4 5 5 5 S 6;i i" Ponce 11 Gorilla, Z.iiArmee, AttoryMall 79151 Jeffson 1 1-16 l:49%sl0W 12 111 6 6 6 7 102 9" V Murphy 12 Rlctel lee, Ballybell DAHABIAH II. , br. m. 7 102 By Helmet— Altiora, b- Lamplighter. Trainer. J. MePheraan. Owner, G. E. Chancellor. -••..; ..of hvj ls-5 Po 4 :■:.., ... Se i ■ Orerioa 5M78 P.Gnda I I ■ l:37%i iud 4 6* B» D ■ ll Itthday. Wad.aLast, S.Venlhri 69197 Jeffson 1 1-16 1:48 faat M 110 s 6 n . 8 l « F Cltiletti 8 Ace, Correal Events, Cote dOr 55119 Latonia 1 1-16 l:M%faat S 105 9 8 8 8 ."- I* U Garnei B Bigh lea.-. Mab, Louie [ ,u 54924 Latonia 1 1-8 l:B2%fast 7 MCI 4 :. 1 3 B» .;"• f Connlly 7 Dr. Rae, Gourmand, Cantilever ,f .Latonia 1 l-M 1 :-".5-;,lr.y 4J MS 6 5 4 0 24 ;, . Francla 8 tas.Hugbes, Simpton, Ctiiev«r

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