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TIJUANA FORM CHART 71JUANA. MEX.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11. 1922. tone mil. . forth th .lay. Tijuana Jockey lub. Winter Meeting oi 123 or mora day-. Weather windy; temperature 85 . Presiding Steward. Prancia Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. toff roth and l.eou Wiag. Starter, Harry Horriasey. Raciag Decrctary, Leoh Wfasg. Raciag starts at 1:06 p. aa. Chicago time 3:55 p. m.t. *Iadicatea anpreatice allowaace. - fTOCl satafa 11KST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Ju:ic 28. 1S1C— 1:05J i— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year- • WI/04U olds and upward. Claiming. Netvalue to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. "lin!»-x Horses AWtPPBi i is - , Btr Fin Jockeys Owners Rqalv. Odds strt ~t SB4SK* HELEN LUCAS wit 4 IBS :: - 5* 21 15 W Organ TT .VvTn tSSSO-MA - ."9491* »li il. I. IB HART w 7 MM S :: 5*5*1 D V K Kobto M R Sutton 580 180 S 59451 PKTI.AB ws!M13 9 1 7. 7 V B Hall H Rasmussen MBa-M8 BBt23*OITR HAZEL aSha 5 E 4 4* ** I. A Jacobs II .lames ix+i-lnft J 59500". NiOtiRB WOt B WSB 11 h«S 7 i t, ■ / JJ 5J .! Hantmer i Morrison Jo-i.mi ■ 59502 ROCKBRIDGE wu ." 11! 3 7 !• !i 7J 8* B McEwen Mtilball ft Head 1*8 aa SSBB1 LAZY i!i:N araa S ill 1 I 83 M s 7;. R Carter Matthews A llla-MM " 59445 si li. PO pis 4 2 1, li • 8»» B Parke .1 B.ll.r j«.i-|im» 10 3S62S RQL HAWKINS wa I 113 I 4 23 2» 9 :i T Rae W Knanp 1 | : Mtittit-l field. Time. 27i. 50. 1:104,. laej. Track h.-avy. sl* apataets paid, Helea Lavas, fi.-bl, S43.B8 straight, | place, 40 show: Poilie Hart. . so * place. .oo show: I.-llar. . so show. Baaltraleai b.M.kiti« odd- Helen Lacaa, field. 2B30 to loo straight, to umi place, 22S to 100 ahaw; : Baflll Hart. BM to UK place. 130 to 100 show : Ietlar. 2flt to ltMl show. Winn.i — P.. f. by Zen-- Moou-hinc, by Peep oD.i.v trained by .1. t;. Arvin; bred by Mr. Edgar Ren- sli.tW. Went to post at 1:55. At paal 1 minute. Start Rood and slow. Won driving: second and third the o aaaar HRLEN LUCAS began slowly, bat moved up steadily and, saving ground when entering the tool: the had and held DOLUS HART -af.- at the end. DOI.I.Ii: HART was a game ami forward contender from the -tart and Iiuished fast and gamely. PETLAB began fast and dropped back at it on. m. |ml dosed apj rapidly through the final eighth and Iiuished fastest of all. OlR HAZEL raced well. 1. STILPO showed the most speed to the stretch and ajWit. S. rat -59520 I-wis P.., 11": 5952S Josenia. 111. - C».Clev/ir7 SECOND RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1, 1920—1 :43s— 4i— 122. Purse 00. OvO 4 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. 0. index Horses AWtPPSt 4 z :li St r Kin Jockeys Owners KquivTodds sFPt •t IShJBB* CAFETERIA WB C MB _ - 1* l-i 1-i 1 ■: ■ P E Noble .1 McDaniel 180-108 no BBBBd*8U8AN ML ara 6 10S t: :, e 3*1 1* I* l" T Wilson Strife £ Valentine 700-100 S SBISI IFIOARON wSBB 5 •: 21 V 21 V 3" A Jacobs M R Sutton ISM-MO i» B#1SS*CAM. MULLER wsn x pis 1 f; 8 I .," |»» *• J Hunmor E MeCawa 381-108 M Bwa*4*DALWOOD w 7 110 :: I BJ 4« 4" 4» ."."• B Parke J Kern 588-M* n r 0i~.l BIT OF BLARNEY W 7 MS I I 51-.".1 ti ii 8 B Fator F B Irwin 23C8-M8 M Time. 25, 54, 1:223 ,, 1:52"6. l:57i. Track heavy. mutiiels paid. Cafeieria. 00 straight. fSBS place. SSdB show; Su-an BJ . . SO place, 10 -how; v; lilgarou, 80 show. 1 1 -1 ■ -N - P * = j J , I g | - s 1 and i 1 j 1 1 | B I 5 j , ; 1 | « • . I i ■ • • | I i , , • E.iuiviilent booking odd-— Cafeteria, 10O to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Susan M., 110 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show: Figaron. St to MM show. Winn.i -ill. in. by Abe Frank— Suffice, by AVooBihorpe trained by F. Samples; bred by Mr. B. A. Traunnell I . Went to post at 2:20. At post 1 niinule. Start pood and slow. Woa pulled up; second nnd third driving. CAFETERIA took a long lend at once and. although racing under stout restraint, won in a. canter. SISAN M. Waa saved umil In the final eighth, where she i-ime fast and utsily outstayed FIQ-ABOM. The latt.r raced in closest, but unavailing, pnrsail af the winner and tired finally. CAMILLA Ml I.I.KH Iiuished well. DAI.WOOB quit badly. Scratched. 5SS3S|Oar Maid. los. RrCfce: ,IO THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Kay 20. 1920— 5*— 4— 107. Purse 00. B-yaegvMa and *3 *J «Jr ~t C5 upward. Claiming. Ket value to winner 5350: second. S100: third, 0. ladex Horses AWtiisi , Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. OiMs 8tr*t 5#2r l COL. MURPHY wi si 5 112 4 « 4i :l i] 5 V Organ J. O Arvta "wTToti 5914*. tii. LOTSON w M 112 2 l i" V :. 2, .1 Hnamer 2 K McGregor 70-100 59147 i:HMlTA.XA m 7 110 -i I 8 # 1 3J H Park- .f Kern 1IO-10.I 59485 PMTBR PBKI.X W 18 MB 1 2 2* 1- : 8" E Noble W H Moore I-OI-lOO 59500i:.MM.- WELLER w 3 107 ."» .. .".■ S» ."."■ :.- c Stoder P Glixaaan sar-MS .-.950! BLATTIB WHJLDO wa S 112 I :: ..-•; : 8 w Gargan .1 A Parson 88B-MS Time. 26.. 55. 1:10. Track heavr-. S2 mutiiels paid. ..!. Murphy, 1. SB straight, sum place, 83-00 -how: Tiloi-.ui. S2.S0 place, .40 show: Limit. ma. .40 show, Btinivaleat booking odds— 4?ol. Murphy, sso to ;oo straight, 2io to 100 place, St ta 100 show; Tiiiot- -nn. 40 to 100 place. Ill to IIMI -how: LrmiMna. 20 to 100 sUOW. Winnei B, g. by I he... i ..ok — Harvest Oueea, by Peep oDay traiaed by J. O. Arvia; bred bv Mr. William Garth. Went to post :;i 2:15. At post 2 minrie-. Start good and -lew. Won driving: second and third the same col.. MUBPHY begaa slowly and moved ap steadBy and, forging to the front when aa eighth aad, lited and barely basted to win in a c!o-. linisli. but his rider wa- watching ;. horse OB the iusio:.. ..n.l .lid not »e TJLI.OTSON coaaiag. TILLOTSON -. t and forced a go...! pi .ui.i would have won in the next -iti.ic EBMfTAXA closed a pap in a fa-t lini-h. MASTER FRANKLIN showed speed for hall the di-tanc. CrQK: 4€k FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Fttrlonss. Jure 28. 191C— 1:053— 3— 118. Purse 0O ~"3."yaar""-ui/l"Tt/ ol-3 and apaiard. Chruniag. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. fades Horses _ AWtPPSl : _ str Fin Jockeys Owaers EtrolT. Odds Strt SS4SS*CHOIR MSTER wa 7 M» II 11 IJ 1» B Parke J Kern SMM BSS33 RUNECRAFT wa 7 MM 8 3 - -" 3*3 2? T Wilson P L short IB8I 188 59388* ; WHLKBACH wsa S 107 3 8 8 14 2s :; I Nob!.- Mawaale .v Bnunatock 3M8-MB 59491 i; ADLING a fcMt I 2 t1 S3 i"- Is C li Walters ....,,. 5D180 QUINAM vv 7 10! 5 . :, I :.• :.: j Deford C E Uatthewa 1 SM kU 59350 *K. CHEATHAM w S MS ! I 2J :: 8 8 J Honmer Z E McGregor 80-100 Time, 23°. 54, i:08r,. 1:M%. Track heavy. S2 matnela paid. Choir Master, S7.2o straight, 33.80 place, S2.n0 show; Baaeerafl, SSSJM place. |5 ;,i -how; George Maehlehiach. 33.00 show. Equivalent bookiag odd- Chair Master. 260 to loo straight, M to kmi peace, 4o ta loo show: Baai rraft, 1830 to lot place, 170 to loo show: tieorge Maehlehach, ISO to 100 show. Winner !i. g. bv Uncle N.-thei by Tournament trained by J Kern; bred by Messrs Headier MiBer. Wenl to post at 3:0S. At po-t 1 aaiaute. Start good and -low. Won easily; second and third driving. HOIK MASTER took the lead a I once, outpaced and outstayed In; opponents ami uon eased it|i RUNECRAFT was prominent from the start and gamely out finished SEOBGK hlUKllLEBACH. The latter, fioni a slow beginning, raced up int.. second place Midway ..: the snatch, bat tired near the end. GAOLING was unable t.. keep up and did bis I K1TT1 I HEATHAM shewed early sped then quit hadly. Qrr rTnph. FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1810—1:45—3—110. Pur* 00. 4-year-uids «Jf7e «J vF and upward. Handicap. Bet value to wiaaer 90: second. 40: thud. 0. laslex Horses AWtPPSl j _: Btr Fhi Jockeys owners"" Eqniv Odds Strt 59429 J.AKi: SCHAS ws 7 MM 5 2 23 2s 1" li 1 * A Jacobs rrTvT:TTt:~ 410-1011 59503 WILD PLOWEB W 5 M2 2 S : .I Hunmor A I, Rrige O-lftu 159129 i MIDI A v. ". 97 I 4 r 1. ;, :::l Ja C Stuiler V U.tnruile ;oO-«Hi 59«8» W. MONTGOMERY w 9 MR 2 P 4 r B Park. p R Irwin |MB M8 51.370 BOB BAKER ws C MM 8 I ■• D Hunt C 11 Irwin 9129 iiMONl v. I 6 MB 1 ii I i 8 6 6 II B Bwer .i ijin.iii m m fCaaaaled in betting as . It. ami r B. Irwia entry. Time. 26. 52. 1:21-,. 1:50;,. 1:53. Track hea7y. S;2 mniiieis paid. Jake s. ha-. sio.Lti straight, 34.20 placi 33 M bow; Wild Plaaarr, 34-00 place 33 to shoa : M idi.i. 34-00 show . equivalent I king odd .Like Schas, 410 to 100 Straight, 110 to 100 phi. e. 70 to 100 how: Wild Flower, 100 ta 100 place, 70 t 100 -how: Midia. ISO ta 100 show. Winner B. g. by Xorford- Laara i:.. by Ben sir.. me trafaed by J. Hill: bred by Mr. A Real. Wini to post at :;:!.".. .t pool 2 aaiaates. Start good and alow. Woa driving; ecoai and third the sain... JAKB schas pa- .l MIDIA after raciag three inarters and, standing a hard drive, gaaaeiy withstood the pressing challenge of WILD FLOWEB. The latter ran a g i race aad lini-in d fast and gaining. MIDIA showed the most early speed, but tired in ihe Baa] eighth. WOODIE MONTGOMERY made a game finish. BOB BAKEB quit badly and -.-ems stab*. Overweight! — Wild Flower. 2 pound-. PrCarrRr-| SIXTH RACE— 3-4 MUe. Dec. 20. 19 1 C-1 1 1 1 •■ , —3—l IS. aSwaa 3 - year - Olds "and 3 %J *3 *J JL upward. Claiming. Net. value to winner 50: second, S1C0; third. 0. Li.j.- Horses AWtPPSt j £ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqniv. Odds Strt 59.. 115 1. ITT ROMPER w 4 131 .". 2 i 1 TT J 1 1 iiu7mer"T1iTi7bTll ,t l~~k 140-MS 59OH WAR SMOKE wa 128 1 l E Fator Blackwdl . .- Cripnea iru-lflil 51503 I it . DODGE w 7 109 2 3 il i: Bwer W Walker M8-M8 597;0 RAFFERTY ws 3 112 I I* 4 lC Studer 11 Walters IM-M8 59HP. McCROAN m 8102 I . :. E 5 E P Barn Smith Williams IB08 BB Time. 2G3-,. 53"6, 1:23. Track heavy. 32 paid. Little Baaaner, straight, .20 place. 32.00 show: War Baaaka, 31 M place. 32.00 show; Don Bodge, 32.M show. i:.|iiialei:i booking odd- -Little Boaaper, 500 I.. 100 straight, lit to loo place, 30 to 100 show: War smoke. St to loo place. St to loo -how: Don Dodge, St ta Phi s|„,w Winner— Br. e, i.. Boa Johaaoa La Yeita, bj King-ton trained by It. CaaapbeU; bred by Mr. Heury Dew oil . Went to iiost at 4:01. At post 1 minute. S.ait good and -low. Won driving: second and third the taaae LITTLE BOMPEB, a match improve. I colt, took the lead quickly and. trawiag away under slight restraint, owtflnished WAB SMOKE in game fashiaa. WAB BMOKE raced in closest panraait of the hader throughout and lii:i bed r.-olnfly. DON DODGI did hi- best under hard riding. BAFFBBTY v.. i- never a dangerous coateader. RTORTtrO SEVENTP RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong:;. June 28. 1910— 1:0513—118. Purs?~S500. ~3-year-*3 *Lw *-T »_ dm oiis and upward. Claim ig. Met value to winner 50: s.ecuud. 00; th,rd, 0. Index Horses AWt Pi si , _■ ■ ■ sir I in Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 594«"« RE8TFUL w S MB 7 8 S ..- P |ak J Hanmer Morris Stable 338-M8 5952K- INFIELD w 4 Wi i I 1-1 _- L" T Wilson w N Beechwood 4#-M8 59333 MKX w.s 10 115 :; 7 7 4"- :;s :- J MetcaU E Siov. -II :;i-100 BS8SS*DIKNERO wa 9 110 I 2 53 S» P 4*1 E Noble T R White 1.-10-100 584St*MISS KRUTER w 11108 E 1 . 2» 5- 3- Stoder II T Palmer :!5u-lno 59487- BAISY N. w 5 108 ti S B ti t J ti- B Parke G .Mel aslin 700-100 59S40 CANVASBACK W 6 110 2 3 6s 7 7 7 A Jacobs E Winters IHO-IUO Time. 263i. 53. 148%, 1:16. Track heivy. s2 Bataeh paM, Bestfal, .ss.oo straight, si. 40 place. 20 thaw; Infield. .20 place, .20 show. Mex, ¥3.20 -how. Bquivahmt booking odds— Restful. 330 ta 100 straight, liO to 100 plate. 00 to 100 show; Infield, ICO to 100 pia.-. »;q ta 100 show : Mexi IMI to 100 show. Winner -Ch. m. by Smile — Mexicauna. by Calvado- traiaed by X. W Hut khart ; bred bv Mr. Clayton Moris. Went ta paal :it 1:30. At jiosi 1 aaiaate. Start good and alow. Won driviag; second and third the taaae. RESTFUL, away slowly, moved up with ■ great rush an the outaide forging to the front midway •, the stretch, Snhthed on the pith aad outstayed INFIELD in the final stridea. The latter showed the nn.- early speed, bit: swerved toward the inner rail aad, finishing in the deene t going. stumbled repeatedly in the last fifty yards. MEX closed a big gap from ■■ slow beginning. Miss KRTJTBB -hewed speed, but failed to stay. CANVASBACK .n- pocketed for the Brsl half mile. Scratched 38328 La vaga, 113; 583*1 Brown Favorite, ii:,. 50425 Miss Hilda IL. 108: 59499*Dewy Field, 84; 5S4M Caadegn v. 113