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I , f f 1 HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 12. 1922.- Oriental Park il mile. Forty-fonrtli day. Cnbn-l American lackey nadTkate Clab, Winter Meeting of Mf eg more days. Weather cloudy; temperaturo 86 . " Stewards. .1. Hachiueister. C. II. Lausdalc aad E. Barke, .ludgcs, C. Coruehlsen and Edward Jasper. Starter, .lames Milton. Racing Secretary, Martin Nathanson. Riiiing starts at sTm p. m. Chhage daaa 1;.".7 p. as.. •Indicates apprentice allowance. J"_#kp-g v FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— l.OoL— 5— 102. Purse S7O0. 3-year- DoOOlF olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 .- t Str Kin Joe keys Owners 0 H 0 P 8 59118 CORTKZ wit I J IJ 7 4 -" 1 P ]• B K.-niVd;. 1* Ilazz.. - - - 4-5_"-3 ■ ;C47 WIN OR ylIT w 4 112 S I 8J 9 V |? W Mors.yO V. Potts I 1 I 1 H .19400 LULLABY w 4 105 :i 1 1» -- - ",0 L Penman Egypt Stable 4 4 4 8-5 4*f 59441*TOV ALONG 5 U0 1 1 -10 816 8- 4. T Doyle P K Doyle 12 12 12 6 1| 58*» 5* MOLLY PUFF w | 91 I 5 I* 5« 4 ." - B Scheffel J De Estrampes 10 M 10 4 2 59286KAYMAX w 4 107 4 2 6 6a 74 «i i -I Maiben W H Schwartz I I s 1 3-8 1 58760MIFLLO wr. 4 105 u I :- 7* 8* 7 .1 McBrJde W L Drake 5 E 5 - i ~.848S OUR NEPHEW »7JM 3 8 9 9* 8* E AthJaanF J Kearna :. 5 -1 1 1-8 1 59243 -MR. KRUTRR vb U 110 I . 5 4 •" » G Fle*Ba Bosednle Stable 5 5 S 2 J Time. M%, S0«i. 1:04%. 1:11%. Track slow. -1 |9 mutueN paid. Cortez. . SO straight, . SO place. .00 show: Win or Quit. S12.90 p!:ico. .50 baa ; LaRaby, si. 20 thaw. ■ Bqatva nt bookiag Mill Carta. Ml to It* straight, no ta 100 place, 100 to 100 show: Win or Quit, -N .-,4.". to iimi pin.-. . 138 to loo thaw; Lallaay, 112 la 100 law, Winner— B. c. iiy sain Bteera, by QeliiTf ni trataal by .T. Bansch; bred by Mi. GJeorge .1. f.oag. - Weal to anal at 8:31. At past I nUaate. goad gad riaar for -ill but MR. KRI 1 1 : lr . Woa P easily; nrrond and third driving. CORTEX sprinted! late ■ leas lead while rounding tli. fir tare ami * Mil a eaater. VI. OB QI IT raced well ami outgamed LULLABY for fteeaad place. Tie latter set tae early pace ami Baished gamely, bat tiring. TOY alum; cleaed a rap. MB. RBUTEB hied tad araa = 1 ulhpd tip. Scratched -38328 Ibtterton. 113: 59221 Drapery. 118; BMW Bevolry .lames. 115. T hfir ar»-d SEC0KD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05%— 5— 102. Furse 00. 3-year- tiudOl olds ~nd upward. Clai:i.::ie. Bat value to winner S550: second. 00; third. 0. imlTx ilorai ■ AWtPPSt J4 j r4 Btr Kin Jocbeyji garaeW g 11 i p s EBaSOMAD NELL wl % :. _■ : ;ij lj 1 1. Penman T Doyle 1 1 1 1:1-1; .Y7S24 HAMAX w 5 Ill 7. 4 1 -■ : " A Pickers II Coona 2 z 2 3-5 1-:: 59347 1 . FAIRBANKS w 5 llfi . I I • • .1 Domic!,. I Bop./. 4 E E x-5 4-.. BSdZl "I.. GENTRY w 7 110 1 :: :.- 4* D Prible K I Major 4 4 1 7.7.-10 ."•9494 misted JIGGS w 4 1*5 :. 1 BJ 1. - 5* B Scheffel E Palmer* I M 10 12 ,X53ti -RY ; » : a J l"7 87 7 7 7 9* .1 Pevic C Hiddleton 24 S 23 M ." SttSllWDS OF CHCE v4M 4 G •"■ .".••- 7 II ClmeataG Benachotaa | 1" M 1 ! Time. 24. 50-.. 1:04-. 1:11%. Traci: slow. Mataela paid. Mad N«-n. • : M utraiaat, s_.!»o place, BUM ie.« : Haaua, M.70 place, B.dd ahaw; j [taaglas Pairbaak*. .48 i i«. i:Miiiv.iii •!.: i.".knu ...lii- M:. ! X.ll. . :. t.» BKi ktrafght, 4.". n. 100 place, 25 la MB ahaw; Haaaaa, 85 J i.. Iimj ulace, K0 to 100 k»w: Dovclas Pairbaakx, 1240 t.. 100 b!m w. Winn.-- Ill. 1. i . i . 1 • 1 1 1 1 : 1 i 1 Salvatioa Sell, in SalratioA traiaed by :. Y Padelford; bred by Mr. , I. N. Ril|Wn. I W.Ht to po-t :it 2 • At i«o t 2 miiiuti •-. Start :: i":i aad sloar. Waa haadtly; apcoaal and third irivifif. MAD Ni:i.I. aras taken aride at the far lara, a aire the featiaat araa beat and, roaaiag fart 1 breach the arreteh, area paiae aarajr. HAMAN aaTed irraaad arhea eateriax tii - heaaeetreteh and took g the lead, bat fiaiahed la the WM.-t poiac and tired. DOrOLAS IAiUl.ANKs eaaira peaaed I.. GKNTRV -in lite last eiajhll . | S.rai.iied ri»rt20JEliaa n , S3; BMSi BaThtea, ! S; 51101 MaUaera, lid; BSMS Smite. IS; BS9S1 Thaaahtkae Beauty, 107. overweiiitts -Winds of Chaace, 1 pound. - fQpratJO THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05 1— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year- «t/«JUI olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. s "ladex . aaaraea AWtPPSt BtrBia Jockeya Oaatis O H C P 8 BMSS BAN DEL " wa H 3 3 4 I" 5 ! Mi J Heapel .1 T Mueller 12 15 1". :: 1 JSSSSIFIXCASTLE am MS I : 1 l" 21 V B KenndyA W Hamei 2 2] 2| 4-r. I-:: 1 and 7.9423 l.r KNOW era hM "■ I 3 i _• :::t S* A M l.lilin. O X c. H KeeaeJS ::-."» ::-.". 1-4 1 I 0a 4hSSBi;«,KINGHAM 112 I :: 2* 41 I 1: Srheffel W V KjaeheikaaapS J 5-3 1-1 i , r; IS* WHISPERING nlN I S "■ :. »S 1. Penman J Low.- l." 20 if 7 2 1 :,i:r. ;8 CAESAR aria MB 2 1 I ■; S •• T Mums ,r W Paaarle 40 :.o :m 12 4 j Time. 24 a, 5C... 1:035. l:104i. Track slow. 1 SJ aiataels paid, Baadft, ISaXSt stralcht, |andS8 place, SS.4S ahaw; fhacastte, S4.SS place. $.1 ini *.u ; 1 Lackaaw, .S0 ■ boar. rqtin.ii. hi hookiac odds— Ran.lel. 141". to 100 strabrht, sir. t.. MB place, 70 ta 100 -how: Plaeaandtle, | L49 i« Iimi place, OS ta UWt show; Lackaaar, -•" t - loo ahaar. Wlaaer B. •. by lack Atkla— Nlko, by Oaaary trained by I. W Naylor; bred by Mr. D. W. Scatt. Weat !• a| :t:Jo. i past I niaate. Start ji"Oi| and slow. Won easily: Recoad aad third dii-111".. RAN DEL arared ap with a rash aa the aaliiMt ef the trader* after roaadian the turn lata Hie B 1 ,..n. iiii.ii and e.i~iiv raced ot ■■ paad lead. ilXtAsri.i: -..-t :i u 1 pace to lae stretch and araa n I the in-iih- all the v.:iy. LCCKNOW nwerred over t ihc inside ar the efajhth pest and aeeda a atraagef ti.ler th:in he bad today. BUCKINGHAM lired in the ejoiac. S.rai.iied!.7 LefljMra, 112. 5 rrQfirdlJO FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— 1:38 i— 5— 105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds «3*yOO«l and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S550: socouil. 00; tliird. ?50. ~l1i«P-7 B*«ea AWtPPSt M j | Btr Fin Joekey-. owners !"_" B B 50383*1.1 LGER «ra W MB C 3 J* I- 2» -4 1 .1 Maiben B Di.iz S 3 :; 1 1-2 59J92 DON THRUSH wb X 110 I :: 2= 2 1 i- : G Corey Ashland Stable S] . 3] 8-5 3-5 j .".OtKJ —M KADl WORTH w 9 105 2 8 8 G ; ■! : P Walls p C Prisbie 4 4 4 8-5 3-5 59525 NAVAJO v..- 1 MB 7 I V ■•■ V : 4" E .losiah A Mitchell M M 10 I 3 SB4S2*AlTTOMATIC RED ar 4 MM 2 i1 3* 4J 5" ■". F Her*nde*A M del Ilierro IS IS 1". r, 3 59383 FA1RL.1 •» 11 H * 8 4 7! 7 7" V* S" .1 M.P.ride • V Brant !•» z- 28 8 4 , 59543 ELMONT wit S 114 I 1 l» 1 3] •.■ 7 - 1. Penman T Doyle 6-5 ff-5 1 SI I I ; B.BS21* DRAGOON w r. 7 lo.i r. 7 t;5 s I I R 1» Prihle T Hodga I 7 7 23 ■ •• 1 Time. 2a. 49-j. 1:18. 1:48. Track slow. IS wit to paid. Baiter. fBtuld -iraiiit. s;i..",o place, SS.dO -how. lion Thrash, tll.M place, |S.3B show; Meadaarorth, SS.2B nhiar. | EqniTaleai I klaji odd- Bahrer, 14MB ta phi straight, MS to ISO place, :.h» to MS de-w: Baa Thrush, « • 405 to loo place, 213 to KKt -how: Meadoworth, *;o to loo -how. Winner is. h. by Maaiatrate Settle B. II., by Harry Edwards traiaed by -I. A. Grey; bred by Dr. . J. P. Keith 1. I i Weal to post at 3:4ii. At post 1 minute. Start rood aad slow. Won .:is.i ; aeeeanl and third driving. BULGER, .lose up from the st:nt. wore Don THRUSH down in the Btretrh and drew away fast la ■ the la-t sixteeath. DON THRU8H raced lata .1 good lead, bat tired and ju-t lasted lonj; eaaaarh to oaf- • tay MB ADowouTIl. The latter begaa lowly, bat t-losed a bit sap. ELMOXT was leading arhea be • stumbled and went to hi- kaees on the far turn. Scratched— CBMSFelis .l . 104; 51111 Jose de Vales, 11: 5!i4sj Sea Urcala, 105; 51521 laclaeratar, 109: BBI8S Scar llank. loo. prQprO/d FIFTH RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. Feb. 3. 1918— 1:44%— 3— 92. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OJ/tJO-Jt and upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; tliird, 0. "liid-~ Ilai an AWt iPs: -, ~_ % Btr Fia "jiockeya Owners O il C P s— :,9To; FRANK W m i ill 7 :; il 1- !■ t* V L Penman M Goldblatt l l I 1-3 1-d 5J3«4 MELVIN w G 10.7 3 1 - 3«J ::* 2" 2JP Walls ! i T Saega 1 3 :.L t-5 2-3 GSS17*INQUIRY wS H7 »i 4 a* as t* r : McXhltnJ B : li KeenM4 4 I 8-4 4-5 59423 HUTCHISON wa 3 M - 2 3 J 2" -1 V 4 - .N Swart P. I, Baker S 5 :. 2 1 ."9443 THE I.BOPARD wa S M2 I • • I I ■■ S •■ -I llewpcl .1 Low.- B B E - 1 lSS4t4FORGE AHEAD wa 3 83 S J -J 1 7 7 «. D Pribb- 1 I Weir 28 28 M I 4 .",9.: i4 Till-: PIRATE ars S MB l B V ■• •■"■ ■"•- 7 ; Fields Roaedale Stable t t, I 2J t;-.". | Time. 25. 49-. 1:17, 1:4S%, lo1. Track slow. BJ2 mnltieN paid, liauk W.. 4.00 straight, BSTSi place, 82.M shaw; Melria, S4.SS place. Si. so ahaw; laajairy, $£.19 chaw. Eqaivaleat bookiag odd-— Frank w.. loo to loo straight, S3 to MS place, Jo to loo show: Merria, 15 to loo place, 40 to 100 show: Inquiry, 33 ta MS -how. Wbaaei — B, h, by Marathon — Maid o, fortnae, bj Priaca af Maaaca traiaed by M. GeMhtatt; bred I iy Meat is. John D. Carr B Pros.. Went to | ost at 4:10. At po.-t 0 aiiantes. Start aood and -low. Woa iriTiag; second and third the i in.. I HANK W. to..k the lead qaickly and won all the aray, but tired and had to be hard ridden to , oatstay MELVIN. The latter ran well and m ,:d - a rciwahuc laish. INQUIRY iiuished gaaaety. HUTCHISON I tumbled and went to hi- kti.-- at the three-eighths paal and was moving up fast when the Mishap , .• i erred. The others were beatea oil". Scratched— 5«H4:.-Harloek. 100: 5!4!7 Eleanor S.. 103; 511 13-Bermout. 100. Oiai auelghti — The Leopard. L pounds; Forgi Ahead, S, prQrr £»KT SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918 — 1:41 — 5 — 117. Purse . 0«Jtl]fr*3 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. " hide* llorss AWtPPSt U j : S I I i m Jockeys Owners 5 Tl C~~P S~ • ftBSSSMARY J BAKER w 4 MB - - V .■■■ - SHT i. Penman R 7] PatTl l i i 2-5 1-5 59525 JNNY OCNELL m 4 MM : i - 1 1 :: T Burns I Deibarrio 12 12 12 I 8-6 ..949M" .lll.DKP.D w 3 lot; .". I 3 2*2] .■ A Ml -Lhliri. iariatiao Stable 1 2J 2] 4-5 1-3 SS3S4*McADOO a M KM I •• 5« A i: i- *; Flelda Boaedale Stable s x n :; 8-5 SS441ALF VBZINA m 7 111 8 ■ l» V :■- :. • ; Corey Ashland stable 28 i 0 jo 8 4 .. • ih 4 II M. STEVENS wa 6 HI 3 8 •; E 8 . 6 J Maiben ; K Allea I -3 8-5 s-3 1-2 1-4 Time. 25. 49.,, 1 1C, 1:40. 1:492... Track slow. sj paiii. Mary J. no Baker, sono sii.iii.-in . S4.SS place, 82.5a ahaw; Johnny OCaauaeB, .30 place, 82.S0 how: Mildred, .70 show. Coiiiv.iK in bookiag addi Mary Jane Baker, _oo to MS straight, 123 to ISO place, 29 ta 100 show: Johnny OToaaell, 2*5 to loo straight, 10 to loo show; Mildred. 33 to loo show. imiHi p. i i, Wrack BUerslie, h. Charaxaa traiaed bj i: Brewster; bred by Mr. Arthur It ll..llO.i. I. Weat to i o-t at 1:47. At po-t 1 minute. Start goad and -low. Won driving; second and third tin .n.. MAR? jam: BAKEB responded nuicklj when called oa in the stretch drive and gat tip to wia i hi the Baal stride*. JOHNNY OCONNBLL saved graaad on all the turn-, but tared alter takJag a rood 1 lead. MILDKKt ii-.d gaaeely, bat tired, HARRY. M. STEVENS aeeaaed arable to exbrad liims, it in 1 the soini; McADOO ran fairly well. Scratched 5S4SS2Baby Kaast, MB; GB29B Y.llow Bloaaoat, 101: SS404 Tokalea March, 111.