Second Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-13

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1 , , , 1 ; SECOND RACK 5-S NIHe. P.-vear-old"* anil 11 |t ward. riuiminu. Way 20. 1 !»* M 4 107.I CHARMANT, ch. f. 4 107 By The Rascal— Liiolin, by Requital. Trainer, A. E. Noyes. Owner, A. Noyes. 3 M0t; Tijuana 6S t l:i: slop 4 885 2 1 1 V 1* G WTiams X F.Hope. Ind. Brigade, Lewie B. 68223 Tijuana 5-8 POG-lhvy 9 106 I :: I 4J oe3 : Willims 8 Jack Ledi, Rosa Atkin. Infield 6*269 Tijuana 61 f l*X3%slop 2 106 I 11 l :"J E Noble 7 Perfect Day. Ladv lone. Chrome 5*388 Tijuana 5-S 1:05 slop 8J 113 1 12 SJ 5 i ■ Taylor 8 lobelia. Perfect Day, Hot Foot 501G7 Tijuana 54 f l:ll%Nlop 16 10S 3 11 l"* 2% A Jacobs 11 KeaBeach. H. Valley." M Tilghmn GOLDIE ROSE, b. m, 5 110 By Sir Huon — Trappist, by The Friar. Trainer, F. Risk. Owner, H. James. .".f,:S7 Tijuana 2-1 1:20 .slop J| 110 3 C 6 6:i 6«i A Jacobs 7 Gadlintr, Ev.Harrisan, Cl.Juuia 59327 Tijuaria 6fi 1 l:12ibvy 5 113 7 7 7 4* 3"* J Htamer 9 Mabel Rule, Rafferty. Cafeteria r,92G0 Tijuana 61 t l:12%slop 5 114 3 7 C 4» Pi J Htamer 9 Rosa Atkin. Lavaga. Hot Fool 59208 Tijuana 5-8 1:05 slop 6 109 6 6 6 6J 4* O Willims 8 Lobelia. Perfect Day, Hot Foot 59104 Tijuana 5i f l:09ofast 2 114 S 6 6 3* 2» C Gross 10 M.Tilghman, MissDbar, Chrome EVALYN HARRIOAN, ch. m, 8 11* By Harrigan— Vanoena, by Batten. Trainer, W. Leeds. Owner, W. Leeds. 86421 Tijuana 6] f l*X2%ate* 13 110 « 4 5 5l C6 P Hum 7 Gadling. Eailymorn. Plow Steel 59427 Tijuana 6-2 1*28 mud 17-5 110 6 6 6 6- 7*J E Noble 7 L. Romper. Crispie, JosieGonnan 69387 Tijuana 3-4 1*28 slop 9 110 2 11 3- 26 P Hum 7 Gadliug, CloverJunia, JackLedl 69337 Tijuana 6i f I*X3%ftrry 9 108 9 8 8 9 911 G Willims 9 Mab.Rule, Rafferty. GoWleBose 6918G Tijuana 3-4 1:17:7bs1op 41-10 109 3 2 2 2 2» G Willms 7 M.Stathem, BnsyBird, Billy Joe STILETTO, b. m. 6 112 By Assagai— Annie Lauretta, by Emperor. Trainer, 6. W. Atkinson. Owner, O. W. Atkinson. 59386 Tijuana C— R 1 :05 ;3alop 22 113 7 7 7 7 711 T Nolan 7 ElSahio. EllaWaldo. Lit Romper ..9:t 8 Tijuana »i f 1 :llr3mud 19 111 8 8 8 6- 6*J T Nolan 8 ChoirMaster. SeaBeach, Dorothy 59126 Tijuana 3-4 l:li*5fast 22 109 2 2 2 6 5J H B B"wer 8 O.Homestd, Pltagenet, Hosellls 59045 Tijuana 3-4 l:16*ifast 7 110 5 2 2 2* 11 H B Bwer 12 MissStatbem. HotFoot. Carobaa 59017 Tijuana 6-8 1 :02%f ast 11 104 6 6 6 6*i6;JH B Bwer S 1 y Fashion, Tillotson, Rgleadef VIEW, b. g. 7 112 By MeOee— Faikview, by Hamburg. Trainer. W. R. Padgett. Owner, Padgett ft Daugherty. 68826 Tijuana ; ;fl: 9 fast 8-of los 10 s 6 .vj in j Htamer 11 ElSabio, BusyBird. Plantagenet 68983 Tijuaha 5-8 l:02Hfast 9 114 1 2 2 3i 3s O Atwell 11 D.deGnise. W.Wtaker, Per.Day 68563 N.Kion 61 f 1:30 slow 14-5 114 3* J Connors 8 Rey Kanis, St.Keyja. Miaaie H, 5S429 N.Kton i f 1 -4*-ifast 8 118 57 W Gargan 6 Kog, Lucky Pearl, Copyright 583U N.Ktn Ab 5-8 l:0l%faat - 110 1 J Connors 8 lU Boot*. kPyHaUon. L.Hrgaa LITTLE JAKE. ch. g. 12 112 By Xrutsch— Stella Pel-kins, by Prophecy. Trainer, M. P. Level, Owner, E. at Lee»l. MRTi|«M 6-8 1:U4ssliii 3 111 :. 5 6 7- I ■= J Mctcalf 9 DyF.tsbiun. Raffertv, Mal..Kule 09017 Tijuana i-t l:02sfant « 111 ! 1 1 1» 4;1 E Taylor 8 DyFushion. Ti Hot son, Kulenrter 5?00S Tijuana 65 f l:0S»jfaal I MS 7 4 4 31 4;J B Parke 7 Uranium, Earlymorn. ltosellia 68901 Tijuana 5-S l:02tfcfaat 9 M9 1 1 1 1* H B Parke 8 HiltonA.. Hi BUT—. Earlvinn I ES8*7 Tijuana 5-8 1:03 fast » Ml 4 5 6 6-» : A Jacobs 8 Tillotson, Eye Bright. J. L" wood I ASK JESSIE, b. m. 6 M 105 By Brigade— Wampago, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer. E. E. Buchanan. Owner. F. W. Co oper. :.«".: TUoana 6ft f 1:" feat _ IV 8 7 i .".- 6* 1 Park.- 12 43aroea :ty. PiaectMt, Fisarou M9S2 Tijuana 5-8 1:03 fast I MB 11 1" 8 7? 74 E Nohla 18 Ljaaerich, Stiletto. W. C. Duolv HB27 Tijuana Hl:ll fast 11-10 108 4 1 2 2"! 4»J B Noble 11 KedWilliam, Restfull, Mrs.Pat — Tijuana 6i f l;88**taat 3 109 5 11 M 2 K Noble 10 Dr.Stevson. MUsOuri. R.Willm HUM Tijuana I I I BBBliaM II M IM 4 6 6 4- 2J M Garrett 12 Tennilee, McMurphy, Blazer COFFEE JOHN, b. h. 6 107 By Andrew Mack— Hessian, by Sain. Trainer, A. McH y. Owner, M. E. Jamei. 59167 Tijuana H f l:ll%aiop 22f 106 10 11 10 10- 10:T W Davis 11 SeaBea.h. Hap. Valley. Chiirmnt MM Tijuana MlMKhat S40 114 « 7 7 7 715 J Murray 7 Merry Lass, trispi.-. Irauium 67846 WUrwi Ab 5-S 1:00 fast ."4 111 9» F J BakerlO Mineral Jim, Kio, Blazer 67743 WVfl Ab 5-8 59-s lop 250 114 8»1 a? J BakerlO Cancion. E. Tranter, MineralJlm MARSHAL TILGHMAN, blk. g. 13 112 By Aryan— Clara Byers, by Chant. Tariner*. C. L. Kent. Owner, M. Morrison. j MKTDtau 1 II TTaalop 11 til 1 4 I 5* 5:S.I Htamer 7 Merry Laaa, I.aisv, Dorotbv MR Tijuana 6-8 1:0" :;.mud ::9 Hfi | 7 7 6* 8" T, Hall 7 Bill Il ail. EDa Waldo. Rosellis 59261 Tijuana -8 i o,= plop 14 111 7 8 8 8; 8" B Maskrid 9 El Sabio. Am. Maid, Merry Lass 69167 Tijuana 6ft t l:ll»r.slop 11 109 4 6 4 4J 4"| J Hap. Valley. Cbannnt 69104 Tijuana H f 1 :00-Vfast M P9 1 1 1 l1 ln J Htamer 10 GoldieRosp, MissDunbnr, Chrome

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