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I I ■ . ; I I j VOLUME II. of ANNUAL RACING FORM FOR 1921 WILL BE ON SALE MONDAY NOON. JAN. 16. DAILY RAGING FORM PUBLISHING CO. .441 PLYMOUTH COUBT CHICAGO. ILL. ,157.159 East 32nd STREET. NEW YORK, N. T. 74 EXCHANGE STREET I BUFFALO. N. T. j j , Yesterdays Long Shot Special won. This makes 3 winners out of the last 5. Shortest price was 2-1. DONT FAIL TO GET TODAYS 50c— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50c NATIONAL 0. K. PUB. CO. 411 Baltimore Bide- Chicago, IU. Pastoral Swain. 8-5. Won. and a scratch were last Saturdays XX BjjaaaMla, Dont fail to get tomorrows two live ones. All they cost is . Todays Form Special: April-Pear.19.15-32-74. the: standard turf guide. 403, M W, QuiBcy St. OhicafO, IU. The Monthly Form Book containing chart* of all race* run on recognised tracha in North America during the month of DECEMBEK, IS NOW ON SALE. I 1 PRICE 81.08 Single oopl«a by mail will FOBITITBLY only ha aent aa registered mail, with as extra eharga ef Us eenta for registration. Not responaible far book* ■ent aa regular maU. ITt" - » DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COUHT 4: CfHOAGO, ILL. 167-168 Eaat Bind STBEET, BEW YORK, N. T, 74 SCOEAval frXftUX ll BDTFaU.0, V. X,