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MARYLAND BILL MOVES ON . » Anti-Racing Measure Goes to J Third Reading in House. • Politics Plays Important Part in Fight Against the Sport — No Action in Senate BALTIMORE. Md.. February 28.— -The anti-racing Mil was passed through second reading by the , house of delegates today at Annapolis. It was by a vote of 75 to 25. It now goes to the third reading. , The hill has not yet been reported out of committee in the senate. A fine of 00 is provided for the first offense and a jail sentence and a fine for subsequent ones. Floor leader Gambrill voted for the bill and speaker ]j-e against the adoption of the judiciary rommittees favorable report. Baltimore Citys delegation was split, but with the majority of the votes in the negative, though several members did not ballot. Miss Risteau of Harford County, in explaining her negative vote, said that she abominated betting, but the financial aspect of the matter constrained lier to vote as she did. William Purnell Hall, author of the bill, led the fight in its behalf as chairman of the judiciary committee. Mr. Hall was on his feet for recognition by the chair as the clerk read the title of the anti-race track betting bill. "This bill," he said, "is designed to break up the partnership between the State of Maryland and the gamblers of the world; it is meant to do this and nothing more. For 00,000 a year we have sold our birthright. These honest, high-toned. ;reen Spring Valley gamblers," said Mr. Hall, "tell us that if we pass this law we will have more gambling than ever. Well, well see about that." Mr. Hall then referred to the cry which bad been raised in Baltimore City for home rule, which, be said, a Vertain curly haired mayor" bad called for vear in and year out. The city, he continued. Allowed Baltimore County to take ,000 a day ►- from the Pimllco race track when it found that an nexation would bring the track into the limits of the city and the county protested against losing ihe rerenue. Quoting figures of the race tracks of Maryland Mr. Hall said that more money was bet at them last year than the combined capitals of the banks _ of Baltimore. "How long do you think baseball would last as the national game." asked Mr. Hall, "if we allowed pari-mntuel machines to run at the ball pnrks? The racing commission for the State of Maryland is a joke." he continued. "They have admitted that their rules and regulations are dominated by the New York Jockey Club. There is onlv one honest race track man in this state," said Mr. Hall, "thats Jim OHara. He admits that he does not care whether they run on one leg or two — all hes in the sport for is the money." Speaking of the loss to the state of the revenues from the race tracks Mr. Hall said: "Well take care of that. I projHise to go over the budget with a fine-toothed comb and take something out of it that should come out." Delegate Squire. Cecil County, followed Mr. Hall in speaking for the hills passage, and said: "If there were a horse race within ten miles of here today, I would move to adjourn to attend it. But the question has nothing to do with racing. It is a question whether the state shall so far stultify itself as to admit we must have legalized gambling lo pay off debts. "The race tracks." he continued, "are bigger and richer and more powerful than the State of Maryland. That should not be." Delegate Baker, chairman of the city delegation, said in explaining his vote that the racing commission had not lived up to its obligations to the state and had not performed its duties in the proper manner and had allowrd a body outside of the state to dominate its decisions. Witli the expressed hope that conditions would be better under the next commission he voted "No."