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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1922.— Oriental Iark tl mile. Eighty-fourth day. Ouba-American Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of 107 di vs. Weather clear: temperature 80". Stewards. .1. Hachmeister. . H. Lansdale and E. Burke. Judges. . Cornehlsen and Edward Jasper. Starter. James Milton. Ba ing Secretary. Martin Natlianson. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.i. •Indicates apprentice allowance. ftfeZCk/i riRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05%— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-OvFOlJt olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third T 0. * -r — Index Horses AWtPPSt ■_• :-i. Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P fl "79605 RAVE.NSKA w s 5 115 10 X fil S* 2- |3 C Robsonf. Price , 4 4 8.5 4.5 C039»3FR1MITIVF. w 5 110 i 1 :; 11 ll S1 J Connors W C Kennedy 5 5 5 2 1 00539 LADY LOV1TT w 4 107 4 3 V 5 4- :.- T Rums .1 Mclntyre 2 2J 21 1 1-2 " 00434 P.lRLKY wit 5 115 7 a ■• 1" Q 41 W Kelsay C Reynolds 10 10 10 4 2 59921 MABEL RF.YNDSwB 4 10," 1 I X1 71 5* V A McLhlinl" Davis 10 10 10 4 2 00538 THORN BLOOM w X 115 5 5 71 9 7IC W Mors yH W Plant 12 12 12 f. 2J 003»1 COL. ULLARD w 5 115 9 10 9 X 6J 7* II ChmntsM Cardemas 20 20 20 8 4 00539 TONY WI 5 115 2 2 M fi"k S5 I" F Hunt C Hawk 5 | fi 2.J e-5 00489 NORMA J. wstt 4 107 3 4 2- # 93 94 S McCraw .7 Hendrick fi fi fi Q. 6.5 5317G SYLVAN* w fi 115 x 7 10 10 10 10 L Penman M Williams 5 fi C 2l. G-5 Time. 26. 52. 1:05%. 1:12%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Ravensea. !»..SO straight. S5.70 j.-ace. .X3.00 show: Primitive. .50 place, .20 show: Lady Levitt, X2.70 show. Lqtiivaleiit booking— Kavense.i. 390 to 100 straight. 1M to 100 place, M to 100 show: Primitite. 125 lo 100 place. GO to 100 show: Ixivitl. 35 to 100 show. Winner— Br. g. by Sea King — Lady Diinravcn. by Desmond trained by O. Price; bred by Mr. John K. Madden I. Went to post at 2:40. At Baal 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third th» same. RAVFNSKA began slowly, but worked his way up on the outside and. gradually improving Ills position, outgamc.l PRIMITIVE at the end. The latter raced into a clear lead in the stretch, but tiled. LADY I.OYITT liiiished gamely on the inside in the deep going. TONY set the earlv pace and tjlllt. Bl P.LKY ran well. Scratched— 0039!-Lady Ivan, lit: 00292 Keriian. 115. ftilQ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purr.o 00. 3-year-olds artd Wl/tlt/ti upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner S550: second. 00; third, 0. Index Hois.s A Wt lISt U ~ " A Str Fin Jockeys Ov.neis Q~ H f3 V ff~" 00510 PLUBALITT W Ml fi J ••* * 1*11 L l".:nrri:in Harlem Stable I I C ] f*" 00510 -■ tscoi: BON aiMI 1 :: •" 4!i ::■• | a rtiiuaa- II v Daiv 3 3 :: 1 2-5 M4M STONEWALL witllJ 5 t J- 1 PJ V W Mors-yW F Knebelkap 7-104-5 4-5 1-4 1-8 00490 -AI.KSO W Ml 7 X XX 6- 4»k A M.-LhlinC W Ross 10 10 10 4 £ .0543*AT1U;ARV1:N wit lo:; X 1 1*1* 415 D Prible R Saumlfrson 4 4 4 3-2 J-5 Mt*4* ANITA SPBINGEB w K 1 7 .- 7 S* fi- .1 Pevic A Mtddleton M 20 20 8 4 00490 ■•LOVBLUB8T w K ;: 5 5 71 7- .1 ChulmrsMarvlaiid Stable 10 tfl M 4 I 00510 MARY D. wltll 2 5 Gnk X S V Hunt C Franklin 12 12 II 5 2J Time. 26. 52. 1:19%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Plurality. 1.10 straight. 0.20 place, SI. so show: Coscorron. .90 place, .20 show: Stonewall. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds — Plurality. 955 to 100 straight. 910 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show; Coscorron. 145 to 100 place. 00 to KM show: Stonewall, 35 to Hit show. Winner— B. c. by Pluvious— Farewell, by Oaaafjr trained by J. McDernii.l: bred bv Mr Thomas W. OBrien I. Went to post at 3:03. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PLUBALITT was brought on the outside when enteiing the homestretch and. linishing fust, out -gamed COSCOUBON after passing STONEWALL at the sixteenth post. COSCOHRON linished gamely next to the inside rail in the heavy going. STONEWALL tired after racing into a good lead. AI.ESO closed a big gap. ATHOARYKN quit after setting the pace briefly. Scratched — 0051FMrs. Crundy, 103: 00510 Helen Major. 9S; 60-190 Naomi K., 95: 00190 Awning. 112. Overweights — Mary D.. 1 aaajaak B-fcltQf* THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1818—1:41—6—117. Purs« 00. JJ*J*yP 4-year-olds and upwaid. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses A Wt PPSt % - Str Fin Jockeys Owners H C P S «049J-*TONY BRAU w 4 105 4 4 PJ "1 4 V li B Scheffel S T Baxter 1 6-5 6-5 1-3 out 04514 OSGOOD w 6 111 12 4 4 S» V 2"- L Penman B B Rice 2 21 21 2-5 out 60351 -GOLDEN CHNCE w X 11.5 I I gt 2nk 11. :;i :;-• D Pribb- B F Major 4 4 . 41 1 out «0515STANLI:Y w 4 M 2 1 l» I*, .if 4 I A .McLhlinT A Sears 3 J- 2. 4-5 out Time. 25. 50%, 1:18%. 1:46%, 1:50%. Track heavy. S3 mutuels paid. Tony Beau. .10 straight. .00 place; Osgood. .S0 place; no show mutuels Kold. Equivalent booking odds — Tony Beau. 105 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place; Osgood, 90 to 100 place. Winner — h. c, by Tony Bonero — tilenwiilii!. by Oiiaranlee trained by S. T. Baxter; bred by Mr. R. L. Franklin. Went to post at 3:26. At po.-t 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. TONY BEAT slipped through on the inside on the turn into the homestretch, from where lie came with a null and finished on the outside, where the going was best, and won going away OSOODD raced gamely, but tired in the final drive. GOLDEN CHANCE raced into the lead, but tired. STANLEY led under a choking pull in the early running and was exhausted when called on Scratched— 00508-Tawaseiitha. 96. a~»OefcQ7 F°RRTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. 9J*J*JF § 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % %• % Str Fin Jockeys Owners "" H 53 P S*" 00564 3 JOHN J. CASIO Y w fi 110 4 I ;,»i ! U 1 1 T Burns W A Crawford 8 IS 4 7 ifT 00543 McADOO w 10 110 7 I P 5 :," 41 2"t G Fields RoRedale Stable 10 10 10 4 2 0046C*GUARDSMAN w 7 105 I 2 Ill J 2- V J ChalmrsH A Cotton 10 10 10 4 I 00568BILL RUNLET w 7 110 5 .; | | J fi V A- L Penman E B Rice 2* I 3 6-5 3-5 00504 MISS HILARITY ws 4 97 I 7 61 «i 7"-7151 H Scheffel W R Cross I 4 4 8-5 4-5 6«SM*ALTAMAHA ws 14 1111 - 4 | | 4» 4 :jnk Gnt c Robsonf .1 McDonald 4 4 4 8-5 7-10 00539-*F. AND WARMERw fi M ti S 7 7" 8" ■ 7 D Prible C J Whatley 2 3 l! 6-5 3-5 00564 PAROL w 5 111 1 1 21 20. 5- til 8* W MorseyS T Baxter 10 10 10 4 I 00515 SALESMAN wstt 4 107 r. :» I :i y :i n H ClemntsHarlcirt Stable S 8 8 3 8-5 Time, 25%, 51%. 1:19. 1:47%. 1:51%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. John J. Casey. .20 straight. .00 place, .50 show: McAdoo. .50 place, .90 show: Guardsman, 1.70 show. Equivalent booking odds— MM J. Casey, 300 to 100 straight, 130 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show McAdoo. 275 to 100 place, 145 to 100 show: Guardsman, 4S5 to 100 show. Winner— Br. g. by Bryn Ma wr- Brown Bess, by Bliuen trained by W. Scuitto; bred bv Mr II P Gaidner. Went to post ;t 3:57. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. JOHN J. CASEY moved up on the outside after roiin.ling the far turn and, easily lacing into n good lead in the stretch, won under slight restraint. McADOO wore GIARDSMAN down and headed him in the final drive. GlABDsMAN set the early pace and linixhed gamelv. but tiring BILL HlNLEY closed a gap. Snatched— 00404 -Baby Faust. 105: 00400 Lt. AVm. J. Murray, 102; 005C4 Dandy Van, 105 0civeiglits — Altamaha. 1%. pound-: Parol. 1. AApmifcfi FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— 1:38%— 5— 105. Purse 00. 3-year-old* and Vll/tPC/O upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 4 . Index Horses A Wt PPSt 1 ■_. "-, St r lTii Jockeys Owners O U c" p" FT" 005 1 4 FRAN K W. w 5 112 2 1 1 ll 1- y V- 1. penman M Goldblutt T i I 1-4 out 00511 MAYOR HOUSE wb fi 105 1 3 || V ll 2 2 F Hunt C 11 Gilroy 8-5 8-5 8-5 1-2 out 00405 HUTCHISON wb :: 1021 I 2 l»l r. 3 ::■■ :: ; Fields E L Baker 7 7 7 2 out i;0570:lTICACEY w fi 10., 5 4 4 5« 4nt p 4* A McLhlinT A Sears 4 4 4 6-5 out 00404 RANDKL wn I N I t 5" ** 5" 5- 5= A Yerrat J T Mueller fi fi ti 8-6 out 59001 WHIPPET w 4 1 U 4 5 fi fi fi G 6 15 Scheffel M Goldblatt tl 1 1 1-4 out tCoupled in betting; no separate place or show betting. Time. 25%, 50%. 1:17%. 1:45%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. M. Goldblatt entry, .90 straight. .40 place; Mayor House, 90 place- no »now mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds— M. Goldblatt entry, 95 to 100 straight, 20 to 100 place: Mayor House 45 to 100 place. Winner— P.. h. by Marathon— Maid of Fortune, by Prince of Monaco trained by M Goldblatt" bred by Messrs. J. I. Can and Bio. I. Went to post at 4:21. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FRANK W. took the lead at once and. winning all the way, won in a canter. MAYOR HOUSE ran 11 111 closest pursuit, luit had to be ridden out in the stretch drive to outstay HUTCHISON The hitler ran wide on the turns and raced in suddenly improved form and finished gamely TICACBY wia taken wide on the turns. Overweights— Hutchison. 1% pounds. -U»-U-«-»«-ycr fiO-QQ SI"PH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Turse 00 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. ii"ii: Horses AWtPPSt ■+ .. "4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners ~ O H C P S~" 60210 WIN OR QUIT W411I fi 5 P -ll 4- :. ll V MorseyO B Potts " 8 — ii — S — ■■ 8 -, 0054S-MAJOK DOMO wfillO 4 4 2 lj I |« J. E Penman T Cheek "551 00511 TABA8CON wn 0 111 I 2 4 4 31 21 :: T BurnH M O Viau I I I o 1 00543*L!TTI.E DEAR w 4 ION J :: | | ;. ,;-■ 4: ,; Scheffel A G Robertson 3 2 2 1?-. 00544 -MARY Kill: wn 4 M I 1 I] V 2* 4 M D Prible FHart | L fl 1 ll 00543*RILGER wn 10 105 5 « ..- K* p .V ,;. j Maib.n R Dolz 6 I f ■ I I .-... .,J C.VPr. REES wtilio S S 7 71 s I 8 S McCraw J M Hubbard 10 »»»* 10 P 5 ST « ,vTimei "*- 1:17% --*!£• 1:4~- Track heav , , ,-■ •, ** $.vo-sh"« ■,;■!«,; 9*M*»s Struu vU,i- *3-70 s,,ow: M:,jor Dom"- 8° -* oJ.TnZk ££andand* to 10° *-* «r tu -00 »»-; »w- U- * "V MiU--*UU-" -" » -. W. M,™ l.v Kingston trained by F. Rector; bred by Mr. Charles I** aw,y. MA/OH DOM tc % LuaZ uLSS "2fi 2***. U :,",1 W°" J1" l"sld, ln •*» *** a,1 1, eighth. TARASCON tired after ,, ,k.. ., 1. ■ tired in thei * lhlU"in« fa! ••«* at the dosed a gap and fini.hed eighth post. LITTLE DEAR Ovcrw. iglits - Win or Quit. 1 pound.