Gigantic British Turf Swindle, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-01


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11 rl „ . r GIGANTIC BRITISH TURF SWINDLE A gang of Knglish "got-rich-quickers." using the I turf on the old American plan of Arnold and Com-_ • pany. and paying 10 per cent per week from new r receipt* for several months, is in the legal toils. Ironi the statements in coi-rt the operations of the ■ gang ran into some Sls.uOO.OOO. all of which is out t of sight and is being hunted. The entire British 1 Isles were "worked" aud the preliminary teett-i. - niony yielded the fact that in two small Welsh 1 counties alone some S3, 000. 000 were subscribed. Some of the witnesses who had been early patrons s declaied that Ihey had received double Ihe amount j of their contributions One lieorge Hunt, a Londoner, was the "fiout" of the gang snd si far i- I is the anly one lii the hand* of the authorities,

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Local Identifier: drf1922030101_9_7
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