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- 1. ,1 ■ - 1. 1, ■ HAVANA FORM CHART ~ ~ ■ — — -— -——-———-—_—_-— ______-___—_____-—___._-—___.______.__ HAVANA. CUBA. SATURDAY. MARCH 11. 1922. Oriental P_4 1 mile. Ninety-fourth day. C«h American Jockey hihI Am., club. Winter Meetia. of 107 day-. Woathcr clear; temperature 80°. Stewards. J. Ha. hmeister. C. H. Lsassale and E. Burke. Fudges. C. Col uehlsen and Edward Jasper. Starter. .I.iiii.- .Milton. Racing Secretary. Martin Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:31 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.. •Indicates apprentice allowance. Br_irRand4riand FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05%— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-ye*r-. »*JyJJ*J olds and upward. Claiming Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horsea AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Joekeys Owners ~Q~H 0 P 8 59806 KING B. wB .! 10O 5 5 Rt .„!,:;.• Q N Swart g g Swan g j f— j |T" .»; 4."» LR BALVERE v.i; 6 _S 4 1 -- :;i IJ jq c Kobsonl; .Mock 6 8 8 3 8-5 CR6RR HUMPY w ■: in s 7 71 51 !■» :• J ChalmersL Crist 15 15 »5 6 3 00317 BU9B w i lu 1 u u s q i: ;,i Garner G Holmea t-0 6-5 J-i 1-2 1-4 00691 -JAP Mi;.MA w:iB 4 110 11 I E» 8* ." 3" W Kelsay Goldapple Stable 3 5 3 2 1 1 S9M1 SAN STEFANO wr 3 101 S 2 I» lh 4" « A Tryon M D Boll 6 S R 3 8-5 6 00770 RED w 6 US fi 4 41 | 8" 7 I. Penman T Cheek 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 I 00.1041THORN BLOOM w 8 113 1 I 11* 11 11 • Si .! Smith It W Plant 20 20 20 8 4 6 MHTIOCCUPATION wa 4 Ml 11 U ins «i I1 V H Wakoff Square Stable M M 88 8 I t 6o:m RETREAT w 6 108 2 M U 9" B» 10. A Pickens .1 Hendrlck 5 5 5 2 1 I 0074* LADY IVAN w S 11:: ft :: 0" 10 10MH ■ Joslah C J AVhatb-y k 6 6 21 C-5 lUfM IOT ALONG ws 3 113 7 12 12 12 12*12 T Burns F R Doyle 20 20 20 8 4 tMurnel field. Time. 24i, 49%. 1:02. 1:03%. Track fast. mutuels paid. King B., $."2.40 straight. 82S.70 place. 3.10 show; Lo Bnlafre. 0.90 plan, 1.40 ■heart Humpy. SIS.IO show. | Equivalent IxMkiiiK odds — King It.. 2.V20 to 100 straight. M8B to 100 place. BM to 100 show; Le Enkifre. 015 to 100 place. 470 to 100 show: Humpy. MB to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g, by Sea King — Eureka, bv Fair 1lnv trained by U. .1. Hak: bred by Messrs. Mosley and Madden. I Went to post at 2:33. At peat I ■!— !■ Start Rood ami slow. Won driving: second and third the Kinne. KING B., clone up from the start, came through on the inside in the stretch and. finishing fast. I oiltgamod LE BALAFItE at the end. LE EALAFKE ran well, but tired after t:iking the lead. HEMP? l closed a s»l and finished fast. HUSH met with e:irly interference. RED was fractious at the barrier. I where he wore himself out. SAN STEFANO showed the most speed to the stretch, but tired. Overweights — San Stefauo. 4 pounds. I - ■ - J fiAfillQ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05%— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year-UVOUll olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S~ . «o7;"«7AMKR. EAGLE w 7 112 J 2 S* V. Ill1 C RobsonB Mock 21 2J 21 1 1-2 00.14 1 * BLACK BABY w 4 10" 1 I H p" fat J* D Prible E E Major ?. HI 31 7-5 7-10 6040 1 MOLINERO wilting 4 :: :: 8* " " M Garner A J Molera 5 5 5 2 1 C8«M£* CURRENCY f. 7 113 5 8 4T. 2 l"" 8» W Pool O I- Foster 8-5 2 2 4-5 2-5 « 0060G CillNOOTEAGUE wr. 4 105 7 5 5 fink r- V J Smith G K Allen 20 20 20 8 4 f «»02«7* ;UAT[AN w4 M 8 7 7: 73 fi"k fi v J Chalmers W C Wmoreland4 4 4 8-5 4-5 • OOe*?4 PITTSBURG wb 5 10S :: 1 2" 5= jnk !■ - J Maiben P Sralendorff 10 12 12 5 2 I 00682 CLARK M. wn 12 111 6 G 8 8 8 S E Hunt G Holmes "0 30 30 12 6 I Time. 23%. 47%, 1:01%, 1:07%. Track fast. I S2 antaela paid. American Eagle. 2.00 straight. S3. 70 place, .10 show; Black Baby. .90 place. .80 show: Molinero. $."..30 show. » l«iuiv.ihnt booking odds — American Eagle. 500 to 100 straight. 189 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show: Black Baby. 115 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show: Molinero. MB to 100 show. Winner— Cii. h. by The Manager— Star Cat, bv Star Shoot trained by ,T. Shine: bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowell. Went to post at 3:05. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but CURRENCY. Won easily; twwal and third driving. AMERICAN EAGLE came through fast on the inside and easily raced into a snftiient lead in the last eighth. BLACK BABY" set a fast puce, but tired in the last sixteenth. MOL-1NEKO ran well and m:ide a game finish. CURRENCY began slowly and closed a big gap in the first ipuirtcr. which caused him to tire. PAQ1 / THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Candidate Handicap. Purse OvOlv £900. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner 00: second. 25: third. 5. "Index Horses AWtPPSt A % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S* I M71S 1CHERRY TREE w 11» .: ti t iakj* V M Garner H P Whitney 4-5 1 1 1-4 out 00713 I.LBCKE wb 101 G 2 4. 3 1 2: A MoEhlinGoldapple Stb t-1 -I 2! ::-.". out .Willi LIT. BLK SHEEP Wl 88 5 1 1- in f 3" J ChalmersJ W Pangle 15 20 N 5 out 00713-COL CHILE "111 1 ", 2 2- 21 1 C RobsonO L Foster 4 41 4 1 out .07 J 3 LEGHORN w 109 1 3 P 6 i ." A Pickens W Dugan 4 4 4 1 out SB If DQUKBAPA wi; 110 2 1 H ti ".- K W Kelsay Goldapple Stb t2i 2i 2L 3-5 out ttoupled in betting: no separate place or show betting. Time. 22"v5. W/s. 3:12%. Track far.t. mutuels paid. Cherry Tree, .00 straight, S3. 40 place; Goldapple Stable entry. .00 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds— Cherry Tree, 150 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place: Goldapple- Stable entry. NO to 100 place. Winner — B. c. by liroomstick — Cerise, by Voter trained by M. GoldMatt; bred by Mr. Harry Iayne Whitney. Went to aaal at 3:29. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CHEERY TREE was saved in the c:nly running and. closing a gap with a rush through the stretch, got up to win in the final strides. KEI.lKE sivil ground when entering the homestretch and Mould have WOS with a itronger rider. LITTLE BLACK SHEEP set a great pace, but came extremely will- wlien cut ring the homestretch. COB CHILE tired b;idly. ici weights-Col Chile. 2 pounds; Little Mark Sheep. 1. i"»AO| -fl rOTJRTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. OtJO JL JL 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index jTorses~ AWtPPSt U lk ?l~sTr F7n~Jock!TyT Owners ~~H C~P~~B"~ Bt9U*D yrfA • .s"7m:st v.s tfTir. s :, t iT: "1 - v Q a iMci;«-ns .r Hendrfck sTI: 2 4-5 1 3 ooi«3 ava r:. v.-n .". kit l i ! 4 4 4!i2-M Ohunaer JOt OHIeaal H 31 7-5 7-10 i0.r»fl4*l ANDY VAN ws 5 105 3 2 l1 •* J» U 9 .1 CiialmersF R Doylo 15 15 15 6 3 «0770.IACK HBAU5Y w I Mi f. 4 J«| V V V 4". W Pool J Everest fi 8 8 3 8-5 B07I4 NAVAJO ws 4 107 1 fi 71 II V 53 5- B KenndyA Mitchell 4 I I 2 1 BBBt* •CARAWAY ws fi 100 : s f :, C- i- «- N Swart J Kindle 8 8 8 3 8-3 BBBBB*COUN8Sli v. I 110 I 3 «i« fii 7" 7" 73 J Maiben G Nlbbfl 12 12 12 5 2J 00509* LITTLE DEAR W 4 Ml 7 IN H fll 8» 8- D Prible A G Robertson 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 00103 BEDLAND vn 10 112 5 H *. t» 81 »■ J1- F Hunt G Holmes 10 12 12 5 Q «0791*GO51lL VI 13 lit 1 7 51 8= 10 10 10 T No!-ni W B Cro:;s 13 15 15 6 I Time. 21%. 49, 1:15, 1:42. 1:45%. Track fast. mutue.s paM. Bvttma Best. BB.M straight. S4.M place, .30 show: Ava R., .90 place, ?1.::d s!iow: Dandy V;ni. S17.30 show. Equivalent booking elds— D/.ttas Best. 220 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Ava R.. B3 to 100 place. 11.", to 100 show: Dandy Van. 705 to UK show. Winner — Itr. g. by Setback — La Dotta. by Rowling Green trained by T. Cummings; bred by Mr. C. It. Cimphell. Went to BBat at tjSB, At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the s.iinc. DOTTAS KEST raied into a good" on the backstretch and drew awny in the stretch, but tired l ;iill.v in the last eighlh. AVA R. ran a good race and finished resolutely. DANDY VAN also ran well and outtinished JACK HKALKY in the fin il drive. Scratched BMW Salesman, 107: BMW Lit t If Bam, lit, sTmAQI 9 FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23, 1019— 1:33":,— 5— 105. Purr.o 00. 3-ycai-olds and ™ij™"0 jk.+d upward. Claimintr. Net. value to winner 50: yeond. 00: third, 0. "index"-Horses" A Wt PPSFVd % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P~~S~ fiO-iOplTr.rrATiT.rrV vv 103 r. 2 »■* Z*ll* |ak 13 I, Penman M GoktMatt 2 2 2 4-5 2-6 OOfiHL1 • DIVERSITY wn K 3 7 41 4 8* 2 2« D Prible F .1 Kearn.s 3 S| 3J 7-5 7-10 000 »:;-" ARTICLE X. w 102 1 1 l«l-|k 81 3- 31 N Swart O L Foster S K 8 3 8-5 00709 KANDEL WB Ml 1 fi 8* V fi "- 4- W Kelsay . I T Mueller H fi fi 2i B-G 00043 FOBCI-; AHEAD w Ml S 5 S fi1 3nk 4"k 5- T Nolan F D Weir 8 8 8 3 8-5 IHM» •BUCKINGHAM w .8 7 4 7i 8 S 7- fi-1 AV Pool W K KnebelUampfi fi c, 2J fi-5 BBTBB HUTCHISON wb MB :: 8 3 3 41 B 71 .1 Maiben R L Baker 3 8] 3J 7-3 7-10 «0710WHO CAM TELL w K r, 3 3 Et 7"t 8 8 P Walls M D Suggs 6 6 fi 2. 6-5 Time, 24%, 49. 1:14, i:40%. Track fast. tnutiicN puid. Reli.iliility, straight, .40 place, .90 show; Diversity. .70 place, .30 show: Artide N.. .00 show. Iviuivabnt booking odds— Reliability. 215 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Diversity. 83 to KM pbice, M to 100 show: Article X.. 10O to lOO show. Winner — P.. f. by Transvaal — Dependable, by Dalhousie trained by M. Coldblatt; bred by Messrs. Mill Ml A Wa Ideal. Went to pot .it 1:20. At pest 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the Maw. RELIABILITY was under slight restraint until rounding the far turn, where he stole a long lead, but had to Ik- ridden out to outstay DIVERSITY. The latter made a threatening challenge at the eighth post, but tired in the last sixteenth. ARTICLE X. set a good pace, but tired after going three-iiuarier--. .Scratched— 0O505 Plurality. 105. £»f|Q-| O SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3. 1918—1 :44%— 3— 92. Purse 00. 4 -year -olds OVOXtJ and upward. Claiming. Net value to v/inncr 50; second. 00; third, 0. I ndeF Horses AJWJ PPStJ4_J4_%_Str Fin Jockeys Owners 6 H C P 8~ 007f5~.YTYSVfLl.E w • 102 7 3 IS 1 1C l lrL Penman P. L Biker 31 4 4 8-3 4-5 00007 LITTLE GINK B ! 107 1 5 8*1* 2 2"k 2 J ChalmersJ A McPherson 30 20 20 8 4 0V»«H5*.IOHN J. CASEY w 6 105 3 1 4 4 8*| ::J 3 W Pool W A Crawford 20 2 20 s 4 007 !."»» ISGOOD w 6 111 9 4 B 5= 5»- 4" B| N Swart B B Rice 0 6 6 2h 6-5 00715-DAN wr. S 110 4 6 fiuk fi1 fi- 3- B» Q Corey .1 H Shreve 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 i 0O070TMARACDER wi: 7 105 2 9 !i !» 8 :J PJ fi1: D Prible A G Robertson 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 0OL5:PD LPH w 3 110 fi 2 8* S1- 71 7- 7 W Kelsay i C Mayes 10 10 10 4 2 00377:|*V. TURNBOW wk7 1I1 8 S p 7. :• fii S J Maiben S McNeill 21 3 3 6-5 3-3 00097 *SIBOLA w 7 100 :. 7 8* 31 4" 9 9 P Walla T A Sears 6 6 6 2*. 6-3 Time. 25%. 49. 1:15. 1:41, 1:48. Track fast. mutuels paid. M:iysville. 0.10 straight. S9.50 place. show; Little Gink. 9.30 place, .00 show: John .1. Ca-oy. BB~BB «how. Etiiiivalcnt tHioking odds— M.i.vwiile. 705 to 100 straight. 375 to 100 pbice. 225 to 100 show; Little Gink. S05 to 100 nbice. 200 to 1H show: John .1. Casey. MS to 100 show. Winner— P.. f. by Cavalcadour II.— Hill Top. by Clifford trained bv A. Thomas; bred bv Mr. S. K. Nichol-i. Wont to aaal :it 4:4T. At aaal 1 minute. st:irt good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. J1AYSYILLE took the lead quickly and easily won all the way. LITTLE GINK ran a game race and ontfinished JOHN .1. CASEY in the atiatck drive. The latter ran well and finished gamely. DAN was brought wide on Hie stretch turn. WALTER T ItNIloW ran a poor ra,e. Scratched — 00715 Trase— , 107: MBU llocnir. 103: c,;7.".l3;eorge J;unes. 104; 0O0S5 Alf Vezina. 110.