Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-12

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TIJUANA The horses which seem lest in Sundays ra-es are: Tijuana. Mexico, March 11. 1922. 1 — PlantHganct, Chow. Fond Hope. •_•— Walter Dant. Blow Steel, Divland. 3 — Maiincheti. Clear I he Way. View. 4— Hurry D.. Jack Lett, Tillolson. B — Lavaca. Karlymorn. Cafeleria. «— MELACHRINO, Dick Tcrpin. Nancy Winet. 7 — Fiiri elow, Regal Lodge. Vetera** S — Rifle, Rouen, Sir .lohn Aergne. 9 — Sedan, little Romper, Hen Well. G. W. Schilling. Xcw York Handicap. 1— Fond Hope, Charmant. Plantagenct. Orleans Girl. H—pjvland. Tom Caro. Blow Steel. Walter Dant. 3 — Clear the Way. View. Choir Master. Ix belia. 4 — Harry 1.. Iueblo. Tillolson. Bed Man. .". — Rhymer. Salgoorge. Karlymorn. Rnfferty. ■ — Mclaohrino. Faber. Dan Hogan. Miss Kdna. 7— FCRBELOW. Planet, -lake Sch.is. Roisterer. B — Rifle. Don .lose. Bill Head. Rouen. !J— Little Romper. Sedan, Garden City, Anna Rogina. Chicago and Bnffalo Handicap. I — Charmant. Fond Hope. Candogrey, Orleans Girl. j_ Divlaml, Ilow Steel. Lotta Speed. Walter Dant. 3 — Clear the AAay. Mannchen. Lobelia. Krinicana. 4 — Tillotson. Velvet, Jack Lodi. Bueblo. 5 — Audrey K., Miss Kruter, Tanibiau. IiiiccroM . 0 — MELACHRINO, Faber, Dick Tcrpin. Judge Hancey. 7— Furbelow, Planet. Veteran. Regal Lodge. 8— Don Jose. Rifle. Rouen. Bill Head. 9 — Garden City, Anna Regina, Little Florence, Nonsuit. Observers Handicap. 1— Blantageuet. CJiarmant. Orleans Girl, Fond Hope. 2 — Plow Steel. Lotta Sped. Tom Caro. Divland. 3 — Mannchen. Clear the Way. Krmitana. View. •1— Iueblo. Tillotson. Jack Led!, Hairy I. 5— Rhymer. Audrey K., Salg"orgo, Karlymorn. 0— MELACHRINO, Dick Tcrpin, Faber, Lady Myra. 7— Furbelow. Veteran, Planet. Roisterer. S— Itifle. Rouen. Don Jose, Bill Head. • — Uttle Romper, Sedan. Kirsties Cub. Garden City. Consensus of Handicaps. I — Planl.igenet. Fond Hope, Charmant. Orleans 1 GirL 2— Diviand. Walter Dant. Plow Steel, Lotta Speed. ;; Mauiicheii. Clear the Way, View. LahaHa. •1 — Hairy 1 .. Tilloison. Pueblo, Jack Ledi. ." — Bhvmcr. Lavaga. Audrey K.. Larlymora. •— MKLAI I1KINO. Faber. Dick Tcrpin, Dan Hogan. 7 — Furbelow. Planet. Veteian. Regal Lodge. S— Rifle. Don Jose. Rouen. Bill Head. I — Little Romper, Sedan, Garden City, Anna Re- ftiua.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922031201/drf1922031201_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1922031201_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800