Approve List of Bowie Officials, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-28


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— = APPROVE LIST OF BOWIE OFFICIALS _S RALTIMORK. Mil.. March L7.— At a meeting of "_ the Mary land Racing Commission this afternoon the selection of John B. Campbell of New Orleans, *• Herman P. Coukliug and Oeorge Brown. Jr.. were J approved as stewards for the Kowie meeting, which begins Saturday. Baker Waters, who has been in the stand at the llp other Maryland meeting, will act us one of the ,,e judges along with James A. Mm phy, J. H. Anderson 1 - ami Kdward Tribe. With the payment of l.000 between now and nd Friday afternoon the Rowie management is ready to to op.-n its gates This sum represents the daily ily sii.liOn taxation for twelve days of the sport.

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