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EX nj . A a : cord !! this , of J*°" WIU would force »orp 1|! deep* . w.|s tiJ. the termed |n! 1 down _ f in ;n" son . ... . . " death ""j disease, and ."" "" "J1 iiiHiiiry ",1 been air !1!r In " j"1 been Iow no *• A "" J**1 roairs h-v by ,1 l; :iri carry V:l1 »at ::lj:v "In when le !" from the the ma is . jaws J .. t. the ., Which J"J! will lose "sl upon. " ." air "_ ~ A : *J be iriae _ j1 tubes . ! lb* " "" to "** ever, . is |J the " done " is IS "" " earls :." Vl" ,r !,:l1 part, "s 1,l: T ;!u i!" o1 -v by he " this •" -* the ! -1 taint ,!i :- "■ ,c" he lie r " ! : r!:l the ho hut _ — EXPLANATION OF ROARING Animals with Heredity Taint of That Disease Are Not Safe for Breeding. horse that is a confirmed roarer generally has paralysis of the muscle rim trail lag the left vocal and can be cured only by an operation removing cord. The peralyati or this muscle that control* the cartilage of the larynx is due to a wasting the left recurrent nerve, which, if in health, supply the motor force to the muscle. Tl ;• being absent, the muscle loses its power and wast-s away. Hence, the left half of the me i I • tlown and bars the ingress of the air at c i i inspiration, which therefore strikes violently again-t helpless cartilage; hence the peculiar BOBBU rearing. The cartilage is thus flattened and expiration is easily effected ami therefore is tree from noise. When uoise is heard, both breathing in and breathing out. it is title to o obstruction in some part or other of the respiratory paesagfa . usually ill the larynx. There are. however, other causes for this complaint. Many roarers have been examined after anil have been found to h.iv no vetige of but some have had the shape of the larynx upper part of the windpipe materially deformed, crooked and depressed. This has caused into otiier causes of roaring, and nanee probable ones have been found. The parts may have subject to inflammation and some part of the tube may have become thickened anil inelastic. this way the inflammation of strangles have communicated to tin- larynx or windpipe, followed by some alteration of structure. Bearing is unusual raaaaanBeace of strangles. more rreojnenl cause, and previously unsuspected, is tight reining. More lit rses have become through painful pressure on these- parts fight reining than is suspected. This is particularly so with driven, when leaching tiicm to themselves well. The arched aecg and elevated hi ad of the driver or draft horse is an unnatural position, from which the animal is always aaxioaa to be relieved. injury alwaya follows the throat is violently pressed upon, ami, es- peeiaily when it is exposed to the additional danger impatience of the animal, though suffering pain that tight reaping causes. The injury is materially increased in cases where the horses heart not well set on. or if the neck is thick, or the narrow. These physical conformations are peculiarly affected by the tight reining practice. The shape of the larynx or windpipe will occasionally be altered if they be thus sipieezed between jaws and baaed of the neck: or if the muscles expand the opening into the windpipe of the purpose, of natural breathing be compressed, they be incapable of full at -t ion. and by dttgtaea wiil the power of action, even when not preened Therefore, the opening not being sufficiently enlarged during rapid breathing of th" animal, the will violently through the dteinished aperture ami the sound termed roaring will be piotliiced. sound somewhat similar to roaring may also from a tumor in the nose. In this case it may possible to remove It Of il may arise from a thickened state of the mi ah am of the bronchial as sometimes found after catarrh. laryngitis, nana] treatment of this is blistering. I*arg.-hoi sos with long windpipes are Bsore predisposed roaring than smaller one-: ponies are seldom, if affected. The treatment for roaring is unsatisfactory. If it occasioned by mechanical injury as in reining, remedy is obvious, and this mischief is usually to young horses and the unthinking horseman the only cause. Every kind of treatment— from firing deal the outside of the throat to the excision of the Whet It -•as been done with only partial success. In the Stag* Of the disease, whether it proceeds from violent pressure or in consequence of catarrh or trai.gits. or the enlargement of some neighboring inflammation will be present; then one Can b" bmtified in having recourse to blistering. The •ilislc:-s mil- at first be confined to the upper part the threat, and if unsuccessful there, they should .tend over the whole length of the windpipe. If disease arlees from paralysis of the muscle controlling the left vocal cord, it tan be cured only an operation removing this cord. Horse breeders. bOWeV r. sued I not forget that roarer, whether horse or mare, will often entail disease on its progeny. The. subject of ontail-aaeal of disease by the parent on the offspring, if riven more consideration, would eliminate many of diseases that now effect all Bee* tack on the arm. Therefore, any animal that has the hereditary toward roaring in ils Mood should not be -boson for breeding purpose-. in Mr/tag a berae it is not easy to detect the roarer. Boone horses do net even show the swnp-•oias when in moderate exercise. I- may. however, easily detected by striking the hone suddenly, even threatening him with a stick, when he will Itter a singular grunt or groan. A roarer is con-•Mered an unsound animal, for he is incapable of exertion which may not only be occasionally ordinarily resnahrad of Mat. — Maritime Parmer."