2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-28

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1 I I j a j j| I * . f. ,! * J 1 J I L 8 J IJ J _,! 5 ; ": j u I n„,| DAPC :*-4 ■!!•» :!-vear-olls anil m»*v;«r«l. laimiim. IJe*-. -G, 11114! c.iu nrtbL — 1:11 s-a — 1 — no. i CROUPIER, blk. g. 4 113 By Colinet— Mario Hydo, by Handcuff. Trainer, W. H. Sperling. Owner. J. Pidgeon. 61028 Tijuana 3-4 1:16 slow 1-2 113 7 4 1* l2 J Majestic 7 Toyon. Little Princess. Olive D. i"7..4 Tijuana 3-4 l:l.".%fast 8-5 113 8 I 4 41 2* P Martinez12 liar slleir, MtKomy.lr., C.Canl ..98.79 Tijuana 51 f 1 :08%fast 13 li7 7 « 4 3» 3J J Majv.stio 7 ThtySeven, P. Martin, L. Pointer 54076 Tijuana 3-4 l:16%slow 23-10 104 1» J Majestic 11 Ch. Master, P.leuuy. YLLmbsU 53953 Tijuana 3-4 1 :1G fast 31 105 8»i H Jones 9 Lit. Pointer, AiintAuule, Jkl-dt 52918 Tijuana 3-4 1:16 slop 7 112 6 3 8 41 6" C Gross 7 Chow, Tawasentha, Busy Bird 51X9 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 8 109 3 3 3 8« I1 H Saladin 9 Tawntha, Sis.lully, MabelKulo 52846 Tijuana 61 f l:08%fast 7 110 11 8 4 6l 2» H Sa ladin 13 W. Judge, TheVatnp, Sh.S.|iilrrel BITTERN, b. f, 3 93 By Unole— Hawkalight, by Hawkawicb. Trainer, J. C. Holmes. 0-rnor, J. C. Holmes. 61012 Tijuana 51 t ls6f%tast 6-5 97 7 .". 52 23 M Fator 11 BLKaOOcr, N-Kl-in. GMBn.mlt ! 01001 Tijuana 81 1 l:07%fast 13-5 97 8 a 4l 4"iC Studer 7 Littlel,ess. TomCraven, Tabloid 60905 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast 27-10 96 6 4 2" 2»» M Fator 10 Ola Lee, Col. Snider, Tambian 88888 Tijuana 3-4 1:17 goodl3-10 95 1 1 1 1* 1* D Hum 12 0. Crown, Mrs.Jiggs, KiukavouB 60050 Tijuana 61 t 1:09 good 6 110 8 9 7 7» 4" H Saladin 10 Ind. Prince, T.Craven, Candorosa 59948 Tijuana 51 f l:13%hvy 3-2 93 4 2 2 31 3* C Studer 11 HugMe, Alazon, Blanche Meyers MART JAY, b. m, 9 108 By Hippodrome — Calyx, by Kantaka. Trainer, H. N. Skaggs. Owner, C. Tyiw. 11042 Tijuana 51fl:07%fast 41 113 9 7 61 5*1 J Hunmerll H. Rudder. Bittern. NickKlein 60997 Tijuana 8-8 l:02%fast 49f 111 1 6 21 1*| D Hum 9 GoodKnough. JoeBlair. Full.Moon 60443 Tijuana 1 l:47%slop 32 106 1 Pulled up. G Willims 6 Capt. Evans, Fond Hope, Ispham 60o26 Tijuana 0-8 l:02%fast 43-10 111 6 6 6 61 6"J C Gross 12 China Jane. Nick Kleiu. J.D.Sugg 60154 Tijuana 51 f 1 :10%slop 10 109 5 9 9 8* 9" C Gross 11 Kenward, MhWlark, Mac Johun MOM Tijuana 51 f l:09%fast 7f 111 4 7 5 51 6*1 D FTOgttel2 Infield, Walt.Whitaker, Alajab 59691 Tijuana 1 l:43%fast 141 110 6 S 6 7 7 7" D Frog*ete 7 TheCigarte, Ermitaua, By Right "96." 1 Tijuana 5-8 1:02%fast 36 108 « 7 7 7 6«1 D Frogtte 7 View, Stanley H., Hot Foot 27866 Reno 3-4 l:14%fast 7 100 4«i H H Plips fl Furlong, Prairie, Colle 88888 Reno 1 l:40%fast 2 91 2*1 H H Plips 6 Grosvenor, P.Conard. M. Fielder 27650 Reno 7-8 l:27%fai»t 6 97 Di H H PllpB 7 J. Graham. Diadi. Senorlfallans I METEOR, b. g, 3 95 By Flammarion— Maraita, by Peep 0 Day. Trainer, V. Cloud. Owner, Maple Leaf Stable. 1 00008 Tijuana 8-4 l:16%fast 31 lOf 8M 9 8 U 1" W Davis It Alazon. Candorosa, Toyon [OOOO8 Tijuana 51 f l:0S%fast »f 103 9 9 91 7*1 W Davis 10 EugeniaK., Bookworm, Contriot MOM Tijuana 3-4 1:17 good 24 96 7 118 f|W Davis 12 Bittern, Castlet rown, Mrs.Jiggt . 4 Tijuana 6-8 1:03 fast 141 113 4 14 10 1* U" J Metcalf 11 S.Breeae, Kv. Stories, BtlDream .7841 Willws Ab 6-8 l:01%slow 28 T16 6" ES McCown 6 nermosaNegra, Aleso, Mrs. Pat ,6662 Bbousa 41 f 67%fast 46 112 V H McCown 8 R. Roberts, Cpt.Clover, RofonJr. 5*S Reno 1-8 48fast 108 112 71 E3 McCwn 8 Lit. Florence, Tatting, Dr.TabM ?INK TENNT, cb. m, 6 108 By David Teany— Fraim, by Paoemakar. ..Trainer, G. Lyon. 0wa.tr, O. Lyoe 00867 Tiiuana 8-4 l:16%slow !4f 108 8 8 :- 7*il C P.alls 10 Kimono, Restful, Chrome 88821 Tijuana 51 f l:10%slop 24 111 10 7 7 7 " 103 C Thpson 11 Ternette, Czardom, Uaisy 6C602 Tijuana 3-4 1 :16%good 24 113 7 8 8 81 8T1 R Carter 11 Coombs, Blk. Top, LadyBonrbon MOM Tijuana 3-4 1:16 fast 56 110 6 7 6 4 6«1 J Majestic 12 SadieD., Eva.Hargau, Balarosa 6179 Tijuana 3-4 1 :19%mud 32 114 5 7 7 7 7" B Taylor 7 Mistake. Dora, Al Porter M887 Tijuana 3-4 1:2 %slow 4 114 2 6 3 35 3» E Taylor S Dora, Nebraska, Asbton Girl 8888 Tijuana lm70y l:51%slop 6f 112 1 3 4 4 4« 4l« E Taylor 7 Bneville. LewisB.. W.H.Pearcs Or RACE TRIMBLE, cb. m, 6 113 By Scotch Dance — Boll Weevil, by Oaynga. I Trainer. J, Gannon. Owner, E. H. Androas. 61041 Tijuana 8] f l:68%fast 1« M8 2 2 2= 2= M Fator 11 ICI.leVan. Ispham. J. fnderwood 80000 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%faat 16 108 6 8 5» C8i C Ralls 8 I.W. Harper, K.Chham, StUeilo 00910 Tijuana H f l:0S%fast 40 T06 3 3 81 V H Molters 7 UnsHeir. K. Cheatham. Stiletto •M22 Tijuana 61 f 1:11 slop 8 lot 7 7 6 6» 8" T Wilson 10 Careen, Circulate, Alajah ••T.4S Tijuana :.-8 l:0..%sl iw 8 108 5 4 2 1| 2" Ralls 9 LimePiue. ialway. DM.DsMlsf • 440 Tiiuana 6i f l:12yr.sIop 16 W 2 2 H 3 33» T Wilson 8 VeUet. Apple Jack. Crispie i8772 Tijuana 6j t l.OOfefaat 2J M 8 8 6 41 5»i HI Nol.lft 12 RedMan, W. C. Dooly, Hotfoot 8N8 Tijuana 61 f I I8%f 1 14-G 108 4 6 t 1 ll T Wilson 18 VeraRita, Bookworm, Our I Intel .aoi.9 Tijuana 3-4 l:16%fast 13 10 luk i 3 3 ll 31 ■ Noble 12 Jewel Cily. Mis. Tat. Alaxou FLASH OF STEEL, ch. g, 8 115 By Ballot— Nigol la, by Ornament. Traner. J. Singleton. Owner, 3. F. Mackey. 00949 Tijuana 1 1-8 1 :50%koo«1 M 1 lo 8 6 f.2 G* .1 Ilunmer 7 Mouloiia. White! l:ien. AlmaB. 60837 Tijuana B| f l:10yr,mud 4t 112 7 7 7 611 O Thyaon 7 Manncheu, C.Masier. MheWay *a73 Tijuana 1 l:4r.%slow 13 110 4 4 6 6 G» 4 T AVilson 8 Cigale, Weiuland. Nebraska BM88 Tijuana 1 l:43%fast 10 110 6 9 9 7 6» 5"S G Willims 9 Wise Judge, Petlar, Tambian 88888 Tijuana 1 1-8 1:58 fast 14 110 16 6 6 6* 4» J Htamer 8 Dr.Sumuel, Gi;iC.Jr., Maukinll. BBBM Tijuana Gi f l:13%hvy 76 110 4 8 8 8» 67 C Ralls 10 Kenward, Crispie. Vera Rita M88I Tijuana 1 1-16 2:01%hvy 9-10 110 3 4 4 2 2» ll J Htamer 8 Dehra. Lit.Oiphau, L.Josepbins CAPON, b. g, 4 103 By Cock o the Walk — Bessie Simpson, by Deceiver. Trainer, F. McLean. Owner, W. McLean. 01011 Tijuana 81 1 148%faat 6 io4 4 I V 7s C Studer It D.uil.leVan, GoTrimble, Isjiham .0905 Tijuana 8| f 1 :08 fast 19 102 9 10 91 7S C Studer 10 Ola Lee, Bittern, Col. Studer 8871 Tijuana 51 f l:10%good 12-5 106 6 6 6 61 6*1 C Studer 12 Coombs, LyBourbon, Canvasbk . 133 Tijuana 61 f l:09%slop 36f 101 8 7 7 7» 7" C Studer 8 Ringleader, D. Fashion, B. Smoke 8088 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%fast 64 103 6 7 8 61 6*1 C Studer 8 D.deGuise, JackLedi, Eariyinora i8983 Tijuana 6-8 l:02%fast 130 106 2 10 10 »l 71* C Studer 11 D.deGuise, W. Whitaker, View .8900 Tijuana 8-8 l:02%fast 93 99 8 8 8 8 8»« C Studer 8 Feplace, H.sTopaz, H.Angleto .8871 Tijuana 6ifl:09 fast 275 103 4 6 6 S» 7" C Studer 7 Mcl.eu. MyrtleA.. PeggyMartlu RED WILLIAM, ch. g, 6 110 By Hilarious— Ethel Scruggs, by Fonso. Trailer, L. Matthews. Owner, Matthews and D ui.lap . 01041 Tiju..na 8| 1 l.v,fasi i;i 11, 8 7 71 6» K Taylor 11 IK,ul.|eVan, GVTrimble. Ispham ..9138 Tiiuana 1 1-S l:f.7%slop 29 loi 4 3 3 4 V 6J" B Parke rt Salgeorge, Bhymer. Uelua 9047 Tijuana lm70y l:47%fast 8 110 6 5 6 3 6 42J B PwOW 8 Balarosa, Shenaiidb. H.sTopas sOHTTIlaaaa 3-4 1:16 fast l-b 113 6 3 1 ll 1» R Carter 11 Restfull. Mrs. Put, Ask Jessie 58826 Tijuana 61 1 l:03%faut 9 114 7 14 e-i 4"i R Carter III Dr.Slevson, AskJessle, Missouri 55252 Reno lni70y l:47%fast 38 188 st" U Witlms 80 iierrot. Boreas, Lady Joeephlus LARIAT, br. g, 6 110 By Rapid Water— Tourmaletta, by Lissak. Trainer, W. Sims. Owner, W. Sims. 81011 Tijaaaa InlOy l:48%faat 6 110 8 8 9 9- P Iarun 9 Ceo.C.Jr., L.Orphan. Ostentalits 00926 Tijuana im7ly 1 :.".l h y 17 10 ill 4 8 W TJt R Carter 0 Cap. Evans, Argent.., I.W.IPper 60809 Tijuana "1 f l:09%slow 92 112 7 7 7 V R Carter 7 Mad.Byng, IT ilOwlmi. Mflower 88887 Tijuana 5-8 1 :01%fast 162 110 S 8 8 8 8"» R Carter 8 RitiK. Huron II.. Sedan BHSS Tijuana 3-4 1:19 slop 30 KJ6 6 6 6 41 4» R Duggan 7 Mn.hen, Cl.theVSay. M.Stathesa 58495 Maplell. 61 f 1:13 ti.y 26 lo? 5 o 6 6 6T1 P Long 6 Marnme, Kama. St. Just 58291 Lexton 3-4 1:14 fast 88 107 4 8 8 8 8" G Fields 8 Lively. Gipsy Queen, Locarno 57491 Latonla 3-4 1 :14%good 81 110 7 6 » » »■ N J Brnesll S. Liberty, G. -Swell. H.BurKoyn*

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922032801/drf1922032801_4_4
Local Identifier: drf1922032801_4_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800