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ANNUAL RACING FORM THE INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITY ON AMERICAN RAGING Circulating in the United States, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Australia. India, Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc., etc. I THIS BOOK CARRIES indexed form charts of all recognized racing in the United States, Canada, Cuba and Mexico, has supplanted all others for the use of racing officials and is universally used by jockey clubs throughout the world. Compact, accurate, perfectly printed, with absolutely correct index, on linen paper, lettered, and bound in flexible leather. Contains, besides charts of all recognized racing on American tracks, the American and Canadian time ircords scales of weights of various governing bodies and records of jockey mounts in the United States, Canada and Mexico, for the year. ■ ■ i ♦ ■■* Mr The Special Attention of Students of form li directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows eacii an* every start of all horses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated on the occasion of each and every start. By means of this innovation it is possible for the user of the Form Book to instantly de ►ermine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which infor mation is desired, as shown in the following example: LAST bFARX oh. g, 6, by Martimas— Flicker H. A. Cotton y J 80971 "3KK8u J:li.52m IU4tt*» KJU4B7S ■8152Sa S1«1and JS1082 J81728* UlflM »81and43aj ■319:«*ll "8HKili ■SlttNtfa «*320HO «S20SP 182147* »S22S1 I-32.H05 "82*77 1 "823UV »S24J9» i 2.S16 P32H38 M "32944 lSS2M J8327«» ■•MS2J "BS480 83fi2Uk ■S.tttMn 1S8827 »88O03 "84032 ■S4139t "84S57 84R H 84074 Ml4«l» ■84748 «M 8*844 RABENNY, ch. s, 6, by Book Sand— Half Sovereign M. Lane » ittiaot" ■SIMS L81482 *31470* IflW1 M1SWI "815M8ia 31740b 31814a iSlhtt i J81U341 «81U7»" MalMft •aSF/nffe XSMHa IS02S*B »3i!l«5* 312175* •CSSM WSil 182X11 13287B landSMS* S8l:««»«j 33207* 3330U 33t«l* " 38!itM*a *88«7S 88770 andH822* S3392X *SSWV **410ft*ui k34VS41« *S42«« »S43Wtn 84422a k840ili J 8468 J 184717 184761 J EODIAO, cb. h. 6, by Star Shoot — Lady Vincent M. J. Daly «8107» "31179» "31228 •SUNS "SUSS* »31410* "81467 i 315401 "816W J81088 181743b 131H1S 1S18S2 18202«* "32002b »S2l2N*a JS22U9* « 322oO* »82281« "824M« i •R2483k P32011»y •S3S4I PS25.r 7 •8305Kti 33268 SSSSS k833«8 P3340O* P83«07* »83«12» P83»577 P 8374ft •S8S72 «-84ttM0»sj • 34138" «-843t 8 PS442fe*s» 84641 M14UJ •84888 "84749* P84S17i "k" for beaTy, "m" for muddy, "ty" for alopny, "•" for ilcw; raoec not otherwise deiic-natod wort »r*r faat or good tracks. The alphabetical alien before cacfa race number • ..»«■ the atstaaea at vrhlek tke aace hat been run according to the key below: 1-4 ana 8-8 Mil* . . . ...■.-:.»►*#■ A 1 Mile H 3 1-2 rnrlong-i -* ■ From 1 Mile 20 Vara* t* l-a Mile M D 1 Mile lOO Ttrli O 4 1-2 rutlouaa .....* W I J-l« Mile* T fl-M Mile • 1 1-8 Mile* «* » 1-2 Farlwnara » ■ 1 8-16, 1 1-4 and 1 6-1 ■ Mile*. H 8-4 Mile • MFJ J 1 1-2 Miles S « 1-2 FarluaK* V«M K 1 K-8 and 1 8-4 Mile* 9 T-8 Mile Ulan I 2 to 8 Mile* V T 1-« rarleaaa . ..- w.m M 8 t«* 4 Mile* ■ V Annual Racing Form 4 has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospective purchasers of the 1921 edition is respectfully called to the desirability of placing orders early. VOLUME IL, 1921, Is Now On Sale PUBLISHED W TWO VOLlWtS Price, Per Volume, 0 Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois. 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - New York, N. Y. 74 Exchange Street Buffalo, N. Y. , I SPECIAL | RACING MANUAL There is to be a limited Special Edition of five hundred copies of The American Racing Manual of 1922. The book will be carefully bound in fine flexible leather, with gold lettered title, and only sold through this office at per copy. By registered mail 15 cents extra. The Special Manual is built for folks of taste who want "something better." DAILY RACING FORM 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - - - CHICAGO, ILL. 1 i J i 4 The American Racing Manual FOR 1922 NOW ON SALE » — 4 — 0 4 The Encyclopedia of Thoroughbreddom contains engraved diagrams of thirty-two leading American race courses, with their locations, capacities, chutes, stands, width of tracks and length of stretches in detail. 2 ♦ THE 1922 MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to date, j X Instead of divisions of quarter seconds the three tables have all been X modernized into fifths. Before the tables and their application charti ]| X is an introduction and general directions for handicapping by the late | X Nin S. Hand, an expert of the first class. ] I PRICES BY MAIL: Leatherette Bound .60 FULL PURCHASE PRICE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH ORDER THE 1922 LEATHERETTE COVERED BOOK IS A DEPARTURE FROM THE OLD STYLE. IT IS MOST SERVICEABLY BOUND, GOLD LETTERED AND FLEXIBLE 4 4 4 4 ■ THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL la a copyrighted lMiblicntion. Ita contents ninat not be used without per-in ImmIou. The matter lo the paKeM of The American HacluK Manual la original and haa been written and compiled by ita editors and Ntatlstlclans. Proof of originality la ready in caae protection haa to be aouitht attainat unauthorised copyists. 4 — 4 — 4 — 4 i DAILY RACING f ORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 157-159 East Thirty-second Street .... New York, N. Y. 74 Exchange Street "Rnffalo. H. Y. THE HOME STRETCH WEEKLY PUBLISHED AT SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PRICE 15 CENTS. TIJUANAS CODE HORSE: Week-One-Odas-For FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS DEALERS. HOME OFFICE, 411 PHELAN BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN If you are interested in information on horses well meant and you are absolutely reliable DONT HESITATE. RUSH your correct address at once. Several plays weekly. TERMS — Send me by wire after you collect the winnings of a 0 O.J0 straight play. I CANNOT WIN IF YOU LOSE 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. SERVICE FOR RELIABLE BUSINESS MEN who are not satisfied with their present selections, but wish to connect with real information to their advantage. Limited number of clients accepted. We reserve the right to reject any applicant. Business by mail only. F. E. M. and CO. 1411 Philadelphia Ave. West. Detroit, Mich. , SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL, Daily Racing Form Circulates in the United States, Cjinnda, Mexico, Continental Europe, Great Britain, Cuba, the lhilip- pillls. On sale each day before noon In Cbicaco. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Boston, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, St. LouiK, Cincrnuati, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Cleveland, Buffalo and points between, and shortly after noon in Kauris City and correspondingly distant points. No opinions; just the news of each duy by wire. The only daily newspaper in existence devoted to the thoroughbred horse and the running turf. All American form charts by telegraph, with indexed entries. Compact, correct, cleanly edited and printed. Publisher of a Monthly Form Book of the highest value to students of racing. Handicap figtures on all entries. No tips; just the mathematical calculations of experts. The index numbers are always correct. Daily Racing Form is a model of correct detail in newspaperdom. » TERMS: 10 Cents Per Copy. |3.00 Per Month. 0.00 Per Annum. Single copies by mail 12 cents each. At plain enveloped letter; first-olass maiL F. H. BRUNELL, Editor. C. C. RILEY, Associate Editor. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 167-169 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET ;: BUFFALO, N. Y,