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LATEST EASTERN WORK-OUTS i 900 HAVRE DE GRACE. HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., April 24.— The i training gallops here Sunday included the . following: Weather clear; track fast — 1 Three-Eighth* Mile. | 627-Approval 38% 897-Lnst Effort ..37% 1 898-Better lack ..39 898-Mid. Stories ..37 j 895-Pes. Leighton. .58 89C-Night Raider .40 89S-P rainstorm ...34% 894-Rubien 35% 884-Comic Song ...37% 857-Rolo 39 1 89S-DuKter 39 888-Valor 35% j 890-Eternity 39 898-Witticism 39 898-Edna D 38 884-Whalebone 39 897-Gray Bard 39 I Half Mile. 893 All Fair 49% 885-Legaey 52 897-Blue Ribbon ..51 760-Moco 49% Cork Elm 51 894-Minutc Man ...52 t 883-Capers 50 898-Ont and Gone. ..50 889-Clinchfield 53 898-Spearlene 52 897-Duc de Morny.49% 895-Sophla Goldman49 Elizabeth Bean50 S9S-Sword 49 1 895-Frank Monroe. 55 Topango 50 3 895-GulIivant 51 895-The Mleskinner49% 897-IIindoostan 49% 898-Woodland 50 890 ki w pie S 50 Five-Eighths Mil*. 880-A. Hamilton. 1:04 895-Forest Queen. 1:04 896 -Cartoonist ...1:08 896-Keenan 1:08 1 890-Evil 1:01% 890-Super 1:03 Three -Quarter* Mile 896-AiIliro 1:10% 897 Hidden Jewel. 1:16% ] 890-Colando 1:18 88S-Pretender ...1:19 , 898 -D. Deadeye ..1:18 74S-Polly Ann ...1:18 892-Futen 1:21 894-Marie Maxim.l:19 897-Fair Mac 1:20 898-Sagacity 1:20 , 740 High C 1:21 899-Sagaznore ...1:18 , 589-Hullabaloo ..1:21 897-Timbrel 1:18% 895 Horeb 1:17% One Mil*. I P9S-Bon nomme .1:54 894-Reglstrar 1:44 897-IMlly Barton. 1:46*: 899-Tan II 1:50 892-Fairway 1:44% 899-Titlc 1:44% 898-Jim Cof froth.. 1:53 897-Thistle Queenl:50 897-Miracle Man. 1:49 896-Violinst 1:44 Better Luck was only cantering. Rubien j is a fast horse; he was lame all last fall, j but appears to be quite sound now. Brain- storm showed a fast three-eighths. Duster is not doing much fast training. The M skinner showed plenty of speed and finished I with something in reserve. Sword has been working well and is about ready. Forest Queen ran evenly all the way. Evil and Violinist worked together, snowing fine speed. t Hidden Jewel is as good as he will ever be; works well all the time. Hullabaloo was -never extended. Violinist was doing his best , and did not appear to have anything left. Fairway finished well. Billy Barton was only j cantering. Title was under restraint all t» 1 way and finished with plenty in reserve t Super showed good speed and could hav : ] gone the mile at a fast clip. High C. is ; ; working well and a sharp trial can be ex- j j pected from him any time. Due de Morny j I is about ready and has shown up well in 1 1 his work. Clinchfield does not appear to . . call for much. 901 I HAVRE DE GRACE. ! HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., April 24.— Mon- j day work-outs here were as follows: [ Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile • 886-Apple Jack 37% 893-Mcssinea 35% 898 Daniel 37 894 Rajah 38 SSS-Ifciiryman 37 894-Right Ansle ..39 S96-Bttahe 40 898-Sinart Guy 39 892-Fairly 39 899-The Poy 40 89i-Jago 36% 899-Vitamin S9 899-Lunetta 40 897-Wireless 3S% 899-Mercutio 35% Half Mile. 899-Allah 49 89«-Martha Luckett51 892-Aihanna 54 89S-Mark West ...49% 897 ltuxom 53 894-Miles S 50% 1 899-P,iff Bang 50% S99-I illory 48% i ; HIS-Domingo 52 897-S..iling Along .4S N-9 Crass Tree 52 87S-Tipjity Witohet- 3 89S Lucky R 54 893-Vanity Dresser. 54 894-Lion dOr 50 896-Waukeag 52 710 Manna 4S% Five-Eighths Mile. 764-Arrah Go Ou.l:04 670-J. Pasl Jonesl :13 8S ;-Klaek Deer ..1:05 894 Miss FontaineLOl 899-Dr. Oh. Wellsl:04 899-Miss Bnima G.I :Ot 897 ■ Enchantment 1:02% KJVOriole 1:0."% 891-Exhorter 1:07 890-Spanish Maizel:o3% 895-Jacques 1:04 Three -Quarters Mile. 899 Bondage 1:26 Macduff 1:20 895-Eogart 1:21 8S9-Pi lines 1:21 899-Carmandale .1:16% 89SBontledge ...1:18 899 -Cape I*illar 1:14 894 Star Voter ..lilt MM-Oromweil ...1:19 80S Snare 1:17 887-Kizer 1:19 897-Shoal 1:19 800 French Furze. 1:19 S9S-Thimble 1:20 899 Halu 1:20 870-Tiug-a-Ling .1:18% 89S-K.s Champnl:19 888-Taw Feathers. 1:20 ■MsaC Island 1:20 899-Tricks 1:20 SOS-Mad Nell ...1:18% One Mile. Brn 0. Lynnl:46 895Ioan of Arc 1:49 747-P.aby Grand 1:49 896-Lusmcre 1:51 BfO-Bestaett 1AH% 737-Ovenuatch ..1:48 i HS-Dec de Morn.vl:41 BSS-Oppeneaa ...1:52 . BBO-Doeble Cioes 1:44 897-SUppery Eim 1:4." 87 :-Fictile 1:47 808-8ailisg B. ...1:19 1 SOT-Cr. Mayers 1:44 8SS-See. Tlights.l:4t % ; j SOS-llouyLuliiim .1:53 HV.q and an Eighth. SOS-Olympus 1:50 890-Yaslimak 1 :5G% Messinea showed line apeed. Jago ran ,v U under a pu!!. Milea B. a d i.i.f Bang worked togotlier and were not extended. Hark ahqwa speed enough to win races. Sailing Along worked a worked a good half and is about ready. Man:.;. :.nd Iillory worked a ! fast half easily. Cannandale is in his best furm and can win any Cape PUlar was never any better. Double Cross is working well. Grace Mayers was doing a! out all she could. Due de Morny was out to : the limit ar.d did his best. Yashmak is a much -improved iilly. Olympus was never extended and finished with plenty in reserve. JAMAICA NEW TOBK, N. Y.. April 24.— Todays training gallops at Jamaica included the following: Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighth:, Mile. 899 Valentia 3.;=3 Half Mils. 736-EIecttd II 48% 80S-V.ynnewocd ...54% BBS-Uephaistoa 4J Five-Eighths Mile. 022 Transit !.»% Hcphaistos galloped an easy half mile. Elected U. looks and acts good.