Maple Heights Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-19


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MAPLE HEIGHTS FORM CHART MAELE HEIGHTS Ohio Thursday May 18 192 One lIHe Eleventh day Ohio State Jockey Club Spring meeting of 13 days Weathsr cloudy cloudyPresiding Presiding Steward Joseph A Mnrphy Judge F TV Gerlmrdy Starter Wm Snyder Racing Secre ¬ tary TV R Norrcll NorrcllRacing Racing starts at 215 p m Chlcnso time 215 215R R 1 Q 0 a FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlong Kay 0X000 0 1922 1074 4 102 Parse 600 3yearolds Uaidons and winners of one raco Allowances Met value to winner 150 second 1CO third 50 50Equir Equir Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 57217 Horinga 107 1 G Williams ECO100 ECO100C1G87 ECO100C1G87 C1G87 Plaudel 107 2 = k j Maiben 2720100 2720100C0503 2720100C0503 C0503 FarewH TapsllO 3l C Eames 3020100 3020100C170G C170G Deuces Wild 105 4 13 T Mooro 1210100 617 61716 16 King Paul 1101 51 O Stone 5300100 5300100G177S3Angela 5300100G177S3Angela G177S3Angela 110 6 T Rao 150100 150100G17SG 150100G17SG G17SG C Lefkovits 107 1 J Smith 8300100 8300100G179G 8300100G179G G179G Prologue 107 8 J Wallace 2530100 2530100G1G37 G1G37 Happy Girl 105 9 R McAlaney 7740100 GlSlOSan Hedron 112 FcllP Murphy 190100 2 mutuela paid Horinga 1320 straight 320 place 430 show Plaudel 1340 place 590 show Farewell Taps 870 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Horinga 5GO to 100 straight 310 to 100 place 115 to 100 show Plaudel r70 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Farewell Taps 335 to 103 show showTime Time 100 Tract fast fastWinner Winner P R Gardners br f by Horroa Sy ringa by Cesarion trained by W Davis bred by Mr John B Gorham GorhamWent Went to post at 215 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched 61819 Aleso 105 105Overweights Overweights Horinga 2 pounds King Paul 3 5 9 1922 10754 4 102 Purse GO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net valua to winner 450 second 100 third 50 50Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight01799s 01799s LuiMeme 107 I1 J Chalmers 240100 GlG89Sade D 100 2 J Wallace 510100 510100G1GG1 G1GG1 Surmount 107 31 S Doerr 3570100 3570100G1G28 G1G28 Coombs 107 4i J Smith 610100 610100585G1 585G1 Nan 107 51 T Wayt f320100 f320100G1818 G1818 Mabel Trask 103 61 O Atwell 209MOO 209MOOG0019 G0019 War Club 113 7 C Garner 320100 61777 Mis3 Krutcr 100 S T Jolly 1420100 1420100G1COO G1COO Minnie H 105 9 P Moore t tG812GsMaiden G812GsMaiden VoterlOS 10 E T Moore 12030100 G11G1 Aunt Sadie 10SJ 11 D Bauer 11440100 61749 Rcd 102 12 R McAlaney t ttMuttiel tMuttiel field 2 innluels paid LuiMcme G80 straight 3CO place 3CO show Sadie D 520 place 340 show Surmount 90 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds LuiMemc 210 to ICO straight 80 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Sadie D 100 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Surmount 395 to 100 show showTima Tima 109 Track fast fastWinner Winner 0 L Fosters br g 5 by Luke McLuko Micaela by Watercress trained by 0 L Foster bred by Messrs Kccne Schorr SchorrWont Wont to post at 240 At post 3 minutes Start sood and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched 01818 Duly Fashion 107 5CS03 Fait Accompli 105 C177C Back Bay 107 01799 Dottaa Best 107 107Overweights Overweights War Club 3 pounds Nan 2 Aunt Sadie 3V fiICQQ UJOOO TB3ED EACE 5 12 Furlongs May QI 1922 1 07i4 102 Purss 600 4yoaroldi and upward Claiming Nat valuo to winner 450 second 100 third 50 50Eqniv Eqniv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 60892 Cabm Creek 107 la T Rao G201W G201W61749McLano 61749McLano 107 2 G Will lama 130100 1301005BlGG3Lucky 5BlGG3Lucky PearllOO 31 J Chalmers 4470100 C171S Billy Boots 110 4 G Stono 1S20100 1S20100G074r G074r Bls Son 109 BJ C AVatson 170100 G179Gs Sq Charlie 104 6J J Pcvic U330100 U330100G1GG1 G1GG1 Fringe 1035 7l A Jacobs t tG1799 G1799 Arrow Point 10J 8 E T Mooro 2533100 G1G89 Milda 103 S1 O Atwell 7900103 7900103G1779 G1779 Bronston 107 10 O Corey 1740100 1740100GISGlSea GISGlSea Mime 100 11 J Wallace S320100 61796 Louis Reidol 109 13 C Eames t ttilutuel tilutuel field 2 mutuels paid Cabin Creek 1440 straight 580 place 440 show McLane 350 place 200 show Lucky Pearl 970 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Cabin Crock G20 to 100 straight ICO to 100 place 120 to 100 nhow Mc ¬ Lane 90 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Lucky Pearl 385 to 100 show showTime Time 109 Track fast fastWinner Winner J L Wades b g 4 by Short Grass Ocanya by Ornus trained by J Burke bred by Messrs May Canfield CanfieldWent Went to post ut 309 At post 2 minutes Start good nnd slow Won driving second and third tho thoScratched Scratched G1715 Jill 100 C1817 Malvolio 107 01797 Butler 107 H T Platt 102 102Overweights Overweights Big Son 2 pounds Fringe 3 Ar ¬ row Point i Louis Ueldel 2 0093 esroa vOI iS3i 2KI 4yearolds and upward Claiming Hot value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 50Equlv Equlv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightG1818 G1818 Puzzlo 110 I1 T Williams 1CM100 1CM100G1779C G1779C A Byrne 137 2 F Sharpe 2SOO100 G1749 St Kevin 113 5 C Garner 1910103 1910103G1779IHandfuIl G1779IHandfuIl 113 4 G Corey 130100 130100G1798 130100G1798 G1798 Grey Eagle 113 5 A Kroger 410100 61720s Hopover 107 6 Q Williams S10100 G1GG5M1S3 Dlxlo 103 7l B T Moore 2C70100 01720 N Mbrlght 107 Sl A Jacobs 12101DO G1715 CBln o Mlnelia D G Btono t G1SOO Conaix 113 10 C Eames t tGlGGlMr GlGGlMr Kruter 102 H J Chalmers C350100 G1720 Captain Tom 102 13 J Wallaco 2450100 2450100tMulucl tMulucl field 2 mutuela paid Iuzzlo 3550 straight 1700 place 780 show Charles A Byrna 1450 placo 050 show St Kevin field 350 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Puzzle 1G90 to 100 straight 750 to 100 plaen 00 to 100 show Charles A Byrne 040 to 100 place 223 to 100 ehow Bt Kevin field 173 to 100 show showTime Time Ij39 Track rtopjvy rtopjvyWinner Winner G Dlnsereonu b t 4 by HsnilBil Les Jnvalidcs by Toddlngton trained by 0 P sytlie bred by Mr I W Bcott BcottWent Went to post nt 337 At post 2 minute Btart good and Blow Won handily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched C1220 Swirl 103 01751 Bogart 107 4yoaroMs and upward Claimics JJet value to winner 450 second 100 j thirl 50 50Eqnly Eqnly Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straisht 61781 Jackstraw JOT 1 J Wallace CW100 G1C91 Br Favorite 11 3l O Atwell 2250100 2250100G1754 G1754 Viva Cuba 105 5 W UogowskJ 21010J 00553 Mlsj Nell 105 4 13 T Moora 5110100 G1720 Margaret N 103 6 R Ball t300U9 t300U9G1G90 G1G90 Sacajawea 119 C Q William 1230100 C1751 Hopefu 114 7J 0 Garner f G17183RailbIrd JW S O Stono 1039100 00371 Sea Urchin 107 B R Bolton t 61777 Emma J 110 10 D Baacy 7WW9 7WW9G17793Vlola G17793Vlola O 110 11 J Buraa 10101 0102 7 Harry SmarrlDS J3 O Eamcg PSXKIOO tMutuel PSXKIOOtMutuel field 2 mntnels paid Jackstraw 1520 straight JQCQ place f48Q show Brown Favorite 5l BQ placo OfSO Bhowj Yiva Cuba 540 show showEquivalent Equivalent bcokiiif odds Jnckstraw GCO to JOQ straight JiSO to 100 placo 140 to 100 showj Brown Favorite 010 to 100 place 2iO 9 JgQ show Viva Cuba 170 to 100 show showTime Time liOO Traclt sloppy sloppyWinner Winner J Spanccrs b n 6 by Jac ttin = 3Ca Rclla by Huroij trained by J B Partrjdsoj brc4 by Mr Barney Bchreiber BchreiberYent Yent to post at 403 t posj mlnntea ptart good ani plyw Won easily secomj jin4 third driving drivingR drivingrnlplinil R rnlplinil R151Wr R151Wrtn tn f1rna 11n MTfW RTrxv tash 112 C17S2 Cavalier 107 CIO 41 SIXTH RAGS 34 SIIlo Hay 10 u a ° 1322 113 t 110 Farso COO 4yearolds and upward Clalmlnar Net valuo to winnsr 450 second 100 third E9 E9Equlr Equlr Odds OddsInd Ind Horse 7t FJa Jockey Straight C1777Gold Stone 107 1 J Wallace 1SO100 G177G Llttlo Nieca JO 3 O Atwoll 3350100 C1797Ollvo Jmo3 103 W Bogowskl 850100 i 61G05 J OConnell 1H H T Baraa 15W103 15W103G1764 G1764 Sha DevU 103 B H T Moora 810100 G1GGG J J Caaey 10J 6i C J3amea K10100 K10100G10G2Pcffsy G10G2Pcffsy EatonlOl 7 J Chalmers faHO100 61797 Star Banner 103 S T Rao 610100 t 01623 Catoctln J10 9 G Btono f I 00902 E PrlncesslOS 101 T Wayt 1500150 1500150G1709Peaceful G1709Peaceful Star J03 11 A Jacobs 2J501CO tHutuel field j 3 mntaels paid Gold Btone 560 stralsbt i2Q place S3BO Bhow IJttlo Kiece 22CO placa 1100 bhow Olive Jainea 470 show showEquivalent Equivalent tooklnii odds Gold Btone ICQ to 1GO i istraight straight 110 to 100 place 00 to 100 Bhowj Littlo j Nluco 1030 to 100 place 4SO to 100 show Olivo James 1S3 to 100 Ehow Timo 1 17 Traclt elappy Winner H Pavls b jr 0 by Golden Maxira Brishtstone by DsutsclilamJ trained by 0 DavJsj j bred by Mr Thomas M Murphy j jWent Went to poat at 433 At post 2 minutes Start i good and slow Won easily second and third driy i ins I IScratched Scratched G1033 Onr Maid 101 G1SOO Plum Bios eom 101 C1GSS British Isles 12j G1713 lUvulet I IDS 51G47 Barber 100 Ovenveishts OUro Jamen 3 pounds Catoctin 3 113 4 110 Clavolana Comi j mercial Handicap Purse 1000 0yearelda and j upward Ifot value to winner 5S50 Bscond 201 i third 51DOJ fourth f6Q f6QEtjnir Etjnir Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Flat Joctey Straight C1733Magician m 1 T Wayt C3QM9 01590 Apple J H Jfl PI W MoelvHj 50100 OlCSO Anticlpatg JOl 8 T Bumf WKQ C1717 Col Clrfl9 JOQ 4 J Wallace 7WJCO G1603Glenrt 105 5 W Bogowakl 01015 60713 Cuba J3nqfto 103 8 J Chalroera 4CO100 5 mutual paid Mcgiciajij 1500 straight JGCO place 300 show j Apple Jack IL OOQ place j 300 slwy ntjcipnto 200 show showfcqnivalcBt fcqnivalcBt boohing pddSTrlTasIcIan OSO to 10Q t tStraight Straight 2SO fp iW Pl5CPf PO tq 100 pho J Appja j Jack JI 200 to JOO place 5Q t9 m Ph ° wj AaUclT AaUclTpate pate 80 to 100 sho r Tims 117 Troiai floppy floppyWinner Winner J3 nicpa W g f by Palvatlort Hln sion by McsinprlsJ tralncg b H Biccf brad jy Mr Edward Cebrian CebrianWent Went tp post at C10 At po t 1 mlnuto ptart S09d an4 fOo Wpn handily Bscomj ns4 thirfl drVT W3 W3Bcratchcd Bcratchcd ClCO LasJ pno 103 tt207CofilBj4T

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Local Identifier: drf1922051901_10_2
Library of Congress Record: