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1st RACE RACEZaicz S4 Slilc aycarolds Filllcn Claiming Oct 16 1913 111 2 1O5 1O5Dlst Zaicz Course Dlst Time Tck Odda Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish 6ITH b f 3 105 By Delhi Bourbon Lass by Bourbon Beau Trainer J 0 Gallabor Owrer Gallher Bros C1410 Lexton LLoraineKG 34 l14 = sood 75 105 2 2 5 BJ E Scobie 6 MBlcsm Eve White LLoraine K234 Lerton KG l10fast 1310 113 1 1 2 El 6s H J Burko 9 Omnipotent B andCoo ColGiil E79S2 Churchl 34 l12rast 3110 104 2 4 4 41 11 B Parke 0 Georgette Rekab Wolfs Cry C7775 Latonla 34 l14 slow 1310 104 1 11 1 1 H Gregory 7 BrtTrash WolfsCry QuGdeji E75S1 Latonla 34 l15hvy 34 106 1 1111 1 B Parko 7 Hysteria TheColaLady Pumps 57171 Latonla 34 lm fast 1S5 100 2 12 6 61 H J Burke 7 LMother MFallon Bernlce K 5J f lC7rifa3t 6 103 1 1 1 13 11 W Morsey 9 LGlark WwardLady BrniceK E67C3 Latonia BJ BrniceKBJ f l05slow 6 1133 1 1 1 1 H J Burke 12 MrtWinsor OlegeGlrl OBetij 53317 Lex ton 12 50 raud 20 112 C 6 6 L Allen 11 MFallon LRocheater BernK 7ATWAED I AST b f 8 10i 10iTrainor By Black Toaoy Wayward Lass by Sir DJron Trainor K Goldblatt OTmer H Goldblatt GoldblattC0175 C0175 Havana BJ f l06fast 85 107 G 22 22ES7I3 2 2ak L Penman 0 Ultimo Ficcastle The Boll Call ES7I3 Havara ES lCOfast S5 107 4 22 22B7E09 2 I1 L Penman 8 Leghorn WhoCanTell Col Chile B7E09 Latonla 34 l177femud 21 112 6 45 4 3 G Fields 6 RcdLeaf PreciousLala CapRock 57727 Latonia 51 f l07fast 175 112 3 24 24BGS48 4 4 B Scobie 12 BriehtLeaf ColGiil PrccLnla BGS48 Latonia 5i f l07faat 7 112 2 22 22E6737 21 31 G Fields 0 Glyn LIna Clark Bernice K E6737 Latonla Bl f 109 uvy 14 107 3 66 66655S1 5s K5s S1 H J Burke 8 Startle JeanneBowdre BIrdleG 655S1 Latonia 51 f lOCifost U10 110 2 11 S BIrdleGS 3 D Connlly 11 SirHugh Gran Ware SandBooO SandBooOBy BIRDEE G b f 3 100 By Vandergrift Gretchen B by Bryn Zlatsr Zlatsr1J Trainer Johasoa Ownar OwnarS4 J Greeabarg SQ341 FGnds S4 l13faBt 41 1J 1 A Wilson 11 Bernlce K Galeta Miracle Man eoCS3 FGnda 34 l14 sood 4 4Bi 1 Il A Wilson 0 Juno Avispa Forest Queen 6S317 FGnda Bi f 111 mud 5 5i 71 7 J McCoy 8 KGraRS OMcMeckin Ashland 65635 FGnda i f lOSi mud 65 65BJ 1 Il A Wilson 12 Paul MIcou Delhi Maid Mense K536 FGnda BJ f IrtS slow 5 2 2 A Wilson 8 Knot Grass Hob Galeta BD307 JelfBon 34 l13 fast 4J 4JS4 11 41 A Gantner 9 Griselda Fred Klnney Fuse Fuse2J B3151 Jefrson S4 115 good 7 2J 2 A Wilson 12 Simplicity FredKinney Klrtle ESffiS Jeffuon 51 f 1O1 hvy 4 31 Sj J McCoy 8 Sweepy Elmer K Imego B8016 Onirchl 14 lnfaat 9 l 8 B Pool 8 JBowdre Prec Lnla MWinsoj BEIGHT 3LEAF ci f 3 3Trainer B9 By Bulse Triad by Star Shoot ShootHal Trainer W Euford Owncr Hal Price Eeadloy 61619 Iextoa 31 l13faat l13faattS3C2 4310 103 1 S 6s 6 O Brcuns 9 HoldMc LotLoralne OdAmonr tS3C2 Lex ton PC lllalow 21 ICi 8 6 41 41 B Barnes 12 Ompotent PPecl TJncleSonny 632S4 Lexton FC llOwfast 24 1 6 S 3 7J STS B Barnes 0 Omnipotent B andCoo ColGlr ES240 Lexton FC l10fast 6 108 6 4 61 8 J E Barnes 8 Lord Alien Billy Star Rckab E7S09 Latoala 34 l17raud 7 112 2 45 6 B Barnes 6 RedLf PrecLula WaywdLady E7W7 Latoala 51 f l07tast 17 112 1 1 1J 1 E Barnea 12 ColGirl PrecLula WayLadj E7598 Latonia 34 l12 ifaBt 6 109 11 2 11 11 B Barnes 12 Salamander OrDale LltPolly 57313 Latonla 51 f l10imad 13 109 1 36 64 E Barnes 6 Rekab Lina Clark Wolfs Cry E7238 Latonia Gl f 103 fact 7 IDS 2 1 1 1 1 la B Barnes 12 Hcldlle Omnipotent LtlePoUy 57040 Leioiiia 5 f IKS cood 24 1031 1 1 2 3 E Barnes 8 LCIark Omnipotent LyMthei T prrTrr b f s 104 104Trainer By Delhi ady Teresa by Star Shsot Trainer W KIL Owsor 3 W Kan E5S37 Emplro E5 t l07fast 5 112 5 5El 3 S3 31 F CHtlletti 0 BevcrlyEcllc FlftyFlfry Dccap 55537 Empire El f lC7 SOOd S5 102 1 1 Il 11 F Cltllstti 0 Timbrel Mars2ale lieparatioa S2S4 Aqflact 58 lOOjEfast 5 104 a a5S 2 21 2i F CTltiletti 0 Rose Brigade Kirtle Olenbells 555S3 Aqduct 5S lClfast 155 23 2 2 3 21 F Cltlcttil2 BDeadcye Mar White Boanful 4429 Jamaica 58 l02slow 4 107 3 358101fast 3 11 li F CltilettllS Lit Patsy V Colleen Rnnnyol BJ23S Jamaica 58101fast 135101 2 2BSl02mud 1 I1 1i F Critlletti 8 FKncy Dovesrst TClkinder E41S5 Jamaica BSl02mud 12 104 6 7 71 7 F CHlletMlO BrnauBoy Buanyol BerBclle BerBclleBy DOLZT VAHDET b f 3 Bl BlTrafeer By Sola Evsrdcae by Ssmpronius Trafeer J Ainerd Owner 31 0 Human 1 60882 Mobile IciTCy l51Kfs3t 2i 113 5 6 4 41 S WIda 6 Execution MCrttrd WRcIlef 60841 Jlobllo Ab 5S fa 3t S 110 8 51 6 S Wida 10 BrnDick Alverida MldKtom3 a C Mobilo Ab Clf 1 1 hvy 8 107 8 33 33CWSC S 61 PI S Wida 8 LittlePatsy Juno JlisaCrestwd CWSC FGnda Iia70y l4SJimud 13 JCS 3 7 7 8 8ECHI 81 9SI E Pool 10 Grass Tree Mary Maxim Juco ECHI FGUds 34 l15 fast IS 102 S 11 6 6s A Ganlnerl2 Psourdine Cchficld Pretender 55311 FGndfi 1 l l hvy 10 67 4 8 3 t 6 5 G Brculns 7 CliarliQe PricsBeTil LkyGirl 5fS22 FOnda S4 llS hvy 13 luii 4 77 77KeGSEE 7 71 6 E Scobio 8 Delhi Maid Galata Our Betsy BetsyBy KeGSEE rsSIT ch f 3 II Cl ClTrafcsr By KcGee Pint Eoe by Focso Trafcsr S B caee OtTEcr TT E Applesato ato ApplesatoK831 atog K831 Latonla 65 f I07iifa6t 3 113 8 99 99EC763 g 91 g go o T Murray 10 Col Girl BonCreat MarWlnsor EC763 Latonia CJ f l034slow ISf 113 g 11 12 12K3S7 12 12 T Murray 12 Glyn MaretWinsor ColIeseGirl K3S7 LwtonJa 68 l01Hfaat 7 112 8 69 69C5S17 9 8 S1 H LunsTd 12 Inquisition Crossless OnanDalf C5S17 Latcnla S l 5 fast 26 113 1 87 87K235 7 0 S1 T Murray 10 PrecionsLnla Chetviak Marimba K235 Latonla 58 1 3 hy 20 113 7 SI SIK094 1 6 8l T Murray 10 Riga Blue Beep TlieColeLadj K094 Latonia B8 l02slow 28 113 78 78E4811 S 8 81 T Murray 10 StaClara FhmBlne BDIandCoo E4811 Latonla 4J r 5S5 bvy 25 115 7 T 7 71 H Lunsfd 7 Bed Leaf Santa Clara BirdieG