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CHURCHILL DOWHS The horsss which ss a beat In Friday mces aro aroChuruklU ChuruklU DOTTES ioalsylllc E r 2Iay 18 1125 Glyn Wayward Lady Birdie Q Full Spoon Belle of Huo lildga Irene IreneWalton Walton WaltonS S Chattertoc Lady Astor Dorothy Buckner i ifarhnba Petls Jou Jou r Jou sit Blarney Stcne Hep C PRINCE 1C Larchmont Can E OSulli OSullivan van 7 LesiJ Picter Lady Lillian LillianJ J I Dempssy DempssyIVTevr IVTevr Yorls linsdlcnp 1 Glyu Wayward Lady Birdie G Bright BrightLeaf Leaf S Full Spoon Blla of Blue Rldg Probable Probable3H23 3H23 Lalshton Chatterton Travesty Lady Astor Dolores Petle Jou Jou Marimba Fancy Free E Jouett Rep Doomed Blarney Stone C PRIXCfTK Larchmont Dan E OSulli OSullivnn vnn Golden Crest 7 Kliapalons Issal Alex Jr Mormon El ¬ derClilcsso der Clilcsso nail ricffnlo Hsutllcni 1 Glyn Wayward Lady Blrtlla G Lady LadyDelhi Delhi 2 Full Spoon Happy Moments Miss Leigh Leighton ton Belle cf Blus Ridge RidgeS S Lady Astor Dorothy Buckner Travesty Dolores 4 MARIMBA Petle Jou Jou Lonlcera 5 Rep American Boy Jouett Brotherly BrotherlyLove Love 6 Princ3 K Lnrchmcnt Dan E OSullivan OSullivanGolden Golden Crest 7 Legal Pictor Lady Lillian British Maid MaidOlservers Olservers Handicap 1 Lndy Delhi Glyn Wayward Lady Birdio G 2 Full Spoon Belle of Blue Ridge Miss MissLeighton Leighton Probable 3 Chatterton Dorothy Buckner Lady Astor AstorTravesty Travesty 4 Marimba JOTI Jou PC tie Asia AsiaE E Jcuelt Rep Blarney Stone American Boy G Larchinont o ivo w rvt3j n nLucldus Lucldus 7 LEGAL Mormon Elder Pictor British BritishMaid Maid 1 Glyn Lndy Delhi Wayward Lady Birdio BirdioG G I FULL SPOON Bello of Blue Ridge M3a M3aLclghton Lclghton Probable 3 Chatterton Lady Astor Dorothy Buclrner BuclrnerTravesty Travesty 4 Marimba Petia Jou Jou Laaiccra E Jouett Rep Blarney Stone America 6 Prince K Larchmont Dan E OSulliYun OSulliYunGolden Golden Crest T Legal EirapaJong Pictor Mormon Elder