Belmont Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-30


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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART NEV7 YOKK 2f T KONDAY MAY 20 192C Belmont Park 1 miles Fourth day Westcbestcr Racing Association Spring Meeting of 19 days Weather clear tampcrotaro C3 Steward to Represent Jockey Club F li Hitchcock Judges K G Smith and C CornehlKen Starter Mara Cassidy IJacing Secretary A McL Karlocker Racing starts at 215 p m Chicnso time 115 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinker Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate date tract record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance C riUST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Straight llay 19 1003 51 3 112 Scud Purse Pursa 1OCO 2yeerolds Allowances Kct valoo to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Kin Jockeys Owners CHOP 61 903 CERTAIN w 113 2 2 1i Il 1 L Lyke F Johnson 12 12 25 out 62005SPRAVUS wn 112 4 S 2ll 21 21 B Sande J E Madden 2J 3 3 13 out 62003 DOUGIIOREGAN wn 108 34 3 3 31 C I ins J S Cosden tlS 20 15 3 out outBRILLIANCE BRILLIANCE WB 110 11 4 4 4 C KummerJ S Cosden 115 20 15 3 out outSHUFFLE SHUFFLE ALONG w 111 55 6 6 6 F Keogh J E WIdoner t 15 15 3 out outtCoupled tCoupled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 53 Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by Ultimus Lady Savoy by llorion trained by J Notter bred by Mr IJal Priei Headloy HeadloyWent Went to post at 217 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving CERTAIN set a fast pace from the start and under good riding outstayed PKAVUS in a gamo finish PHAVUS raced in closest pursuit and attempted to run out in the early running but finished fast anil gamely and would have won in a few more strides DOUGHOREGAN showed a good order of speed and ran a game nice BRILLIANCE was taken back and raced under restraint sill the way SHUFFLE ALONG ran green greenScratched Scratched l 03GCaiiaque 115 ClS9SXnssan 113 61003 Sarsaparilla 10S 10SOverweights Overweights Pravus 4 pounds Brilliance 5 Shulllc Along 3Vj H Th3 SECOND RACE Atont 2 Hiies Steeplechase Purse 51000 4yetrolds and upward J3CS Maiileas Allowances Net vUue to trinner 5700 second SOCO third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 3 7 10 12 Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P G1543 LOUGH EAGLE w 4 127 7 B 3 2 Ill1 1 A Sims Folly F m Stable 6 10 10 4 61708 KATHN HARLAN w 5110 10 1 E 3 3 ° 2 2le C Akers J E Griffith 3 7 7 21 C5 01473 = SWEET KISS w 6 130 3 2 1 1 2 J 3 3 W McNiirF A Do Priver 20 20 15 C 3 3HISTORY HISTORY w 5 142 1 7 S1 C 4s 4 4 A WliamsU Parr 10 15 15 6 3 61708 ROTAL GREENS w 4 137 9 S 7 C ° G ° B 5 M OCnorJI Lavine 30 30 30 12 6 61543 TROMA ws 4 140 2 10 9 7 C 6 6 W KeatirsT J OBrien 20 30 30 10 6 54571 OOR BOOTS w 4 130 4 6 41 Fell W Bethel Groentrcc Stable 2 2i ff 12 14 01708 THE VIRGINIAN ws 4 137 B 3 2J Lost rder L Clieyne Dosoris Stable t2 S 2J 45 25 61708GRENADIEU vr 4 132 8 4 C 4 Fell A CTmpbellQuincy Stable 8 10 10 4 2 2G1708aQUECREEK G1708aQUECREEK w 4 137 6 9 Ran out W MhoneyJ E Davis 12 3 2i 4525 4525tCoupled tCoupled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 318 Track fast fastWinner Winner Elk c by Lough Foyle LAigletle by Stalwart trained by J W Healy brtd by Mr Edward B McLean McLeanWent Went to post at 242 At post 1 minutp Start good and slow AVon easily second niitl third driy ing LOCGH RAGLE jumped faultlessly and rsieing into a long lead easily outfinlshfd bis opponent KAT1IUYN HA ULAN was hard ridden all the way and jumped well but could never overhaul the win icr SWEET KISS is a good jumper but tired after leading for a mile TIOMA refused at the twelfth fence but finished GRENADIER refused and fell at the eighth fence OUU BOOTS foil at the seventh jump THE VIRGINIAN lost his rider at the sixth fence QUEC11EEK ran into a beacon and un ¬ seated his rider TKIED XAGE S 12 Furlongs Main Course Sept 16 1521 104 4 S 115 Willow Purse Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Fillies and Hares Allowances Net value to winner SCO second 2CO third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt H 51 Str Fin Jockeys O U O P 67232 PEN ROSE wn 6 122 1 1 2 2 21 1 L Fator Triple Sp F Stb 1 1 3E out out57190BANTRY 57190BANTRY PASS w 3 102 43 I1 1 1i 2J C Lans Cak Ridge Stablefi 8 C C5 out 58225MARY PATRICIAwH 3 110 32 3s 3J 3 3 J CallahanJ MacManws 10 15 15 3 out S8721 ARROW OF GOLDwn 4 105 24 4444L JlcAtee P P Smith Jr S6 J 16S710out Time 23 47 63V4 105 Track fast fastWinner Winner B m by Sweep llanrose by Hanover trained by J Coffey bred by llr William E Ran ¬ dolph dolphWent Went to post at 311 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PEN ROSE raced in close pursuit of BANTRY PASS in the early running and gaining steadily when called on took the lead afler a mild drive and wen under restraint BANTRY PASS sot n fast early pace and finished gamely but could not withstand the winners challenge 1IA1IV PATRICIA saved ground on all the turns and held ARROW OF GOLD safe at the finish ARROW OF GOLD dwelt at the start and was always outpaced outpacedScratched Scratched C17SOCalamity Jane 114 017S4Kmotion 107 62071 Last Straw 115 C17iBts Wai 110 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile June 1 1921 135 5 113 Kineola Handicap 1200 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1020 second 200 tliird S100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P G2070CHESTERBROOK wn 3 102 2 2 21 2J 21 1 J CallahanCbrook F Stb E5 2 2 12 out C2035SFLYING CLOUD wn 4 121 3 4 4 3s 2 3 2 B MarhiclliM Hirsch S5 4i S5 12 out 63003 BERSAGLIERE WB 5 124 4 3 1 1 1i I1 3 F Keosh G A Cochran 2 3 1251 out C1971 LALLY w 3 107 6 1 3 4 45 4 4 T Rice Riviera Stable 20 25 25 7 21 UD70 TWO FEATHERS wn 4 110 1 5 5 5 B 5 B L Morris W M Jeffords 8 12 10 2J 1 Time 23 47 112 138 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br c by Cavalcadour Flying Fairy by Aeronaut trained by J S Healy bred by Mr Edward B Cassatt CassattWent Went to post at 339 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CHESTIIRBROOK well ridden raced in closest pursuit from the start and papsing the early leader into a small lead gamely withstood FLYING CLOUDS belated rush FLYING CLOUD under re ¬ straint in the early running moved up fast on the outside in the stretch when called on ami would have won in another stride BERSAGLIERE took a quick lead and set a fast pace under restraint but tired in the stretch drive LAILY ran fuirly w ll TWO FEATHERS was always beaten beatenScratched Scratched 01070 Billy McLaughlin 126 01035 Caligula 108 61970 Tufter 110 C1902 Sunnyland 104 01S2G June Grass 120 FIFTH EACE 4 12 Furlongs StrMght Kay 19 IMS 51 2 112 Pnrso 1000 2yearolds Claiming Ket valuo to winner 7CO second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeya Owners 62068 GHOST WB 112 4 2 14 1 1 J Kutwell W J Salmon t2 13513535 out 62002 = TOP NOTCH w IIS 2 1 ZJ 2 2l E Sande B Harding 111 11161523SOVIJTT 61523SOVIJTT WB 105 6 6 41 31 R McNee W J Salmon t2 13S13C C2002 PRUDENTLVL w 118 6 5 3 31 4 C RobsonKmcnj F m Stb 4 6 6 St 26 26ClSiSLADV ClSiSLADV MONMOUTH w 109 1 4 4 B 51 C Ponce C A Applegate 15 15 7 H WARREN w 110 3 3 6 6 6 B Parke J L Holland 15 25 2 tCoupled in betting no serrate place or show brtting brttingTime Time 63 Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by Sweep Unseen by Yankee trained by T J Healey bred by Mr William B Miller MillerWont Wont to post at 405 At post 2 minutes Start good and low Won easily second and third driv ins GHOST took the load quickly in the eiirly running and easily held sway to the end TW NOTCH was alwtys in nearest pursuit of the leader and under extreme pressure SOVIET began slowly and ran out at the start but gradually improved his position and outfinisbed IJIDDKNTIAL Th latter theU tudly in the last eighth LADV MONMOUTH it early Scratched 6COOT1 Blnck Monkey IOT OlOS Soldier U 110 110Overweights Overweights Lady Moiimoutti pounds Ghost 2 SIXTIi EACH 34 Mile Kain Course Sept 1 1919 110 4 130 Purse 1C 3yearods and upward Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 700 end 200 third 100 Index Horsea AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jovkey Ownen 61036EXCELSIS w 3 115 1 1 1G181SSTARN I1 I4 1 I1 E Sande F Johnson 3 3 11545 25 G181SSTARN w 3 115 12 5 6 51 3 2 L Lyke Greentree Stable 34485 3G C197lAKNtSTI w 3 115 10 8 8CJ683 101 81 S1 3i L HcAtee R L Gerry 75 11595 71013 CJ683 TUEVISCOT w 3 115 7 7 T1 6 4l J Pierce J E Davis 50 60 60 20 10 G16H5 FRENCH FURZE WB 3 115 15 10 51 2 2 61 L Morris W M Jeffords 15 15 10 4 2 2t 61645 SO IT GOES WB 2 115 13 7 7C2000 t 41 61 C H JtiUerAJrs S A Clopton 15 15 15 6 3 C2000 BLUE BRt SH w 3 115 5 11 11G168VDOCBLE 12 12 10 71 E Fator M Colford SO SO ftt 20 10 G168VDOCBLE CROSS WB 3 115 17 176J937 161 10i 9l 8 E Josiah J E Griffith 30 30 30 12 6 6J937 MYSTIC WSB 3 115 16 14 1461845SBETTY 11 111 111 91 C Ponce Quincy Stable 50 60 00 20 10 61845SBETTY BLUE w 3 110 U 9 9 J Si lOl B Parks S Willets 30 BO CO 20 10 61728 VINEYARD wn 3 115 4 2 3 31 71 11 M Karsonl Kamicts 60 100 100 40 20 2014l 61037 KKLLERMAN w 3 115 17 16 14l 151 15s 12s F KeoBh W Wenrick 20 30 15 6 3 32h 57701 JAUNEBAR wn 3 115 9 4 4HOPE 2h 41 12 13 J Butwell J Shaughnessy 30 GO CO 20 10 HOPE O COXBE w 4 120 2 3 4 13 13 14 J Merimec F A Clark 50 lfl IfiO 40 20 61702 RAGAMUFFIN w 4 120 S 12 12YANlCEEDOil K 18 16s 15 C Buel W Lawrence 50 103 ICO 40 20 YANlCEEDOil w 3 115 14 15 17 17 17 16 W Kelsay J A McDonald 50 100 100 40 20 61645 NAT S wu 3 115 3 13 131 14 14 17 J Metcalt W Treraper BO 100 100 40 20 20Tinte Tinte 53 46 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Ultimus Melissa by Star Shoot trained by J Notter brp l by Mr Hal Price Hcadley HcadleyWent Went to post at 434 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing I3XCELSIS raced into a long lead in the first half mile but was tiring in the List eighth auil wan ridden out nt the finish TAKN saved ground wien entering the stretch and finished with u rush AKNUSTI in close quarters in the early running worked his way up steadily and made a fast fiuiah TKKV1SCOT also finished well F11ENC1I FlllZE ran well to the last eighth eighthScratched Scratched C1835 Jetterman 115 5SUS3r itxsiblxm 115 61M8 llacuuetta 110 CJ03S Torchy 115 61477 Occidents 115 Loytcier 115 John Joseph 113

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Local Identifier: drf1922053001_2_6
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