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rfL DAOC 1 Mile Louisville Hotel Handicap 3yearolds and upward GUI nAUL Slay 7 iyi 13G 15 3 03 03HEP HEP b c 4 106 By Picton Enchantress n by Collar Trainer L F Marshall Owner Marshall Bros BrosG1853 G1853 Churchill 1 116 l47hvy 95 109 3 1 1 1 J Zoellcr 7 BlarnejStonc Frank W Tliaron C1772 Churchill 118102 fast 3310 112 3 1 1J I1 J Zoeller 5 UnrleVelo ParisMaid LyLillian LyLillianG1713 G1713 Churchill 1 l3SVsfast 6 103 S 3 21 21 J Zoeller 8 Hold Me Joaett Tharon 01591 Lcxton 1 l39fast 175 107 4 4 31 J Zoeller 6 Clintonviile Tody Wickford 61552 Lcxton 34 l15 = ilivy 12 113 7 7 5l 2l J Zoeller S Holdlle JSReardoa ChHenry ChHenryG1443 G1443 Loxton 1 116 147 good 9 113 6 1 2s 21 J Zoeller 10 AmBoy Escarpolette HonBcy HonBcyeoCS3 eoCS3 FGmla 1 ll2hvy S 101 3 4 4 4 3 3 J J Zoeller 4 Manoevre Slip Elm Barracuda 60117 FGnds 1 11S l43fast 12 103 5 5 4 3 2 1 J Zoeller 0 Pimlico Willow Tree Joaquina 602S8 FGnds IrnTOy l48 hvy 4 102 5 5 4 3 311 3 1 A Wilson G Biff Bang Servitor Ashland 60141 FGnds 1 11S l171ifast 10 105 5 4 5 6 81 911 J Zoeller 10 Padua Runzaf Cliiymore 600S2 F Gn ls Im70y l52hvy 12 105 6 6 6 6 C 6l J Zoeller G Unit Verde BlarStone Clmtra Clmtra5S976 5S976 FGnda 34 l20VLhvy 10 103 1 22 21 21 J Zoeller 7 Mulciber Servitor SerapU THIEODAJX ch cTo 104 By Cunord Electro by Electioneer ElectioneerTrainer Trainer V Perkins Owaer W Perkins G1942 Churchill 1 l37fast 9 107 2 2 1 1J E Pool 8 Bonus DorothyEnckncr Ashland AshlandG1792 G1792 Churchill 1 l37 faat 42 105 6 4 41 41 A Wilson G FPliantom PreLnla Chatrton ChatrtonG1512 G1512 Lexton 34 l16 thvy 25 107 7 7 5 5T A Wilson 7 CMclleckin PrecLula Ashland 58402 Lexington 1 l3SifaEt 16 100 7 9 9 9 H J Burke 9 Rockminister LadyAstor Bonus Bonus5B2G7 5B2G7 Lexington 34 l13fast 7 ICO 12 7 81 S B Parke 12 Gentility CnclcSonny CapRock 58192 Churchill 78 l26fast 61 103 4 4 3 3 B Parce 8 Rkminter MFlon OMcMkln 53131 Churchill 78 l2Sfast 6 112 4 3 21 31 B Parke 11 Precious Lula Bonus Cap Rock 57948 Churchill 34 l12faat 45 103J 6 6 6l ° 6U II J Burke 7 FPliantom CleseGirl BFighei 57771 I itonia 1 IMOXfaat 41 112 7 1 11 1 H J Burke 8 LtColonel Blue Deep CharHn G7G43 LrUonia 34 114 good 214 112 6 4 51 6 H J BurkclO BudFisher Treasurer BroJoha BroJoha575CO 575CO l itonia 34 l17hvy 13 112 9 9 9 9 T Murray 10 Tuiane Clousbjordan Maxlmac MaxlmacB549G B549G Liitonla 51 f I07sfa3t 4S 112 8 S S S D Connelly 8 BillyBrush UephaUtoa PecaiCi PecaiCiPRECIOUS PRECIOUS LTJXA b m 5 S6 By Helmet Armilila by Bryn Hawr HawrTrainer Trainer A Baker Ownor R I A Baker BakerG1904 G1904 Churchill CJ f l18 l18sfast sfast 910 1C6J 5 G 5ll y M Garner 9 MthaFallcn Bill andCoo Wliirl WliirlG1792 G1792 Charchill 1 l37sfast 31 105 1 3 2l 21 F Wilson G FPhantom Chattn Thibodaux ThibodauxG1512 G1512 Lcjcton S4 l16Vshvy 1710 1C6 5 1 11 2 F Wilson 7 CMcMcekin Ashland BfHome BfHomeES212 ES212 Churchl 7S l21fast 11 1C8 4 8 S 7 3 5i J Kederis 10 J Boivdre Rkmlnister J Finn FinnE8134 E8134 Churchl 78 l2Cfast 9 109 14 8 5 5 1 I1 J Kederis 14 Bonus Thibodaux Cap Rock RockSS016 SS016 Chirchl 34 l12fast 7 1C6 6 6 4 2 2 B Parko 8 JBowdre MargWiosor KClark KClarkE7S09 E7S09 Latonla 34 l17rnud 4310 109 4 6 2 2 2 J D Alney 6 RedLf WaywdLady CapRock E7727 Latonla 51 f l07faat S710 1C3 S S 5 21 3 E Pool 12 BrightLeaf CelGirl WayLadi E5415 Latonia 51 f l06fast 9 107 3 4 S 4 44 H Lunsfd 8 Sir Hugh Bonus Martha F llcx llcxE5347 E5347 Latonla 5S l00fast S2 113 4 3 3 1 1 J Butwell 10 Chenink Marimba MoekingBird MoekingBirdS5003 S5003 LatonU 6S l0tmtart 113 llfi B 4 i 4 4 i F Smith 11 BrthHalr MWInnor InqalslUc InqalslUcROULEAU ROULEAU br h 5 103 By Tracery Royal Coinage by Minting MintingTrainer Trainer E Speneo Owner Kontfort Jones JonesC187 C187 Churchill 118150 fast 27 107 9 6 34 3s E Fool 9 Bxtmtor LyMcsp SofPleae SofPleaeU1G57 U1G57 Icxton 1 14 206slow 1J10 HI 1 C 6 61 E Pool 7 UVerde SiufRiaer BlarnStcne G1589 Lcxton 1 11G l44fast 5 UMsdcap TdIIonnear BStone G1441 Lcxton 1 113 l13good G 112 4 3 31 32 E Pool 7 UnitedVcrde Advocate Wdtrap WdtrapS34 S34 Lexton 1 1S i54mud S5 110 4 3 3 4 4 4 M Garner 4 UVerde Ctilever SofPlsure 68292 Lcxton 1 116 l45Vfast 45 115 444 2 3 2 M Garner 5 JSRcardon LMdcap WPrizo WPrizoES173 ES173 Churchl 1 18 l49fast 4 10714 I 3 JD Mney 0 DrClark Firebrand JlarJHynea JlarJHyneaES015 ES015 Churchl 1 l37i fast 1910 112 4 4 4 3 3 3 J D Mney 4 MarjHynes DrClark Advocate AdvocateE7725 E7725 Latonia 1 316 l5SKfast 115 4 4 2 1 2 21 M Garner S Guy MarHynes SecGreetlnga SecGreetlngaE7393 E7393 Latonia 1 58 246slow 5 108 9 5 4 4 3 M Garner 10 IlEColen BlServt BorPle E7339 Latonla 1 l427shvy 1310 110 5 6 5 2 14 1 M Garner 6 Mile Dazie Ben Valet Louis A 6723 Latonla 3 31 l12 fast 5 103 3 6 E 3 14 M Garner 8 PeterPipcr Westwd Musklzt 67042 Latonla S 14 l13Hgood 4 10S 5 5 4 2l 2li M Garner 5 Ginger Angon Sewell Comb 66786 Lntonla 1 l41Hhvy 29 11268I t 8 6D Connlly 0 Kinburn Bullet Proof Jonett 65553 Latonla 3 34 101fast 5 108 fi S S 4 i H King 0 High Cost Marvin May ByQollj EOLOHES b f 3 91 By Disguise BerriUs Choice by BerrilL BerrilLTrainer Trainer W IiIcDzniel Owner J H Rosseter RosseterC1972 C1972 Churchill 34 lUIaat 10 95 7 G 2i 2 J Owens 10 Deadlock Col Baker CherTree 61851 Churchill 1139 hvy 116 041 3 3 3 3 A Arvin 4 I dyAstor DBnckner Travesty Travesty5S321 5S321 Laurel 51 f 107 fast 2310 114 2 11 11 1 A Johnson 9 Yashmak Grisclda JohnMorril JohnMorrilES2G5 ES2G5 Laurel 51 f liOSrifast 3110 113 C 4 2 21 3 A Johnsonll Clansman Opperman Yashmak 57517 AaMuct 31 fast 3 Ul 3 21 2J A Joansoi G Emotion PQuiRoule Ph Blue 67033 Dclmont 53 st 63fast 3 110 G 2l 2J A Johnson 8 LadyBaltimore Emotion PBlue 66613 Sartoga 5S C9 fast 135 105 1 1 1 1 I1 G W Carl 8 Yasliuiak PQuiRoule Chewiuk 6S341 Sartoga 51 f 107 fast 21 115 4 5 4 4 J A Johnson 8 Citation Rose II 111 Story Teller 66021 Sartoga 68 liOOfast 40 115 S 4 5 0 6 A JohnaonlO Harridan PierrcQuiRouIe Evil DARTKOOH ch c 4 1C 100 By Whisk Broom H Pankhurst by Voter VoterTrainer Trainer D T Zlillcr Owner A B Gordon 61909 fTiurchill 1139 fast 10 112 3 G 2 21 A Johnson 8 Hold Me Wapiti Toiaahol 01814 Churchill 1 116 l7slow 1710 115 3 3 2 2 A Johnson G EulahF DcrnierSou ChasJIenry 60533 FGnds 34 l13jslow 31 105 2 5 S 5 5 J C Lang 5 Centimeter AJsckIL CoLTenn CoLTennCv430 Cv430 M30 FGnds 34 112 fast 4 135 4 4 4 3 2l A Wilson G ERbacher Hadrian St Allan 68133 Churchl 34 l13fast 7 ICfl 4 7 91 981 C Buel 15 Judge Pryor Tharon Bennont Bennont5S011 5S011 Churchl 34 l12fast 11 110 8 10 8 8l 8l C Buel 11 JnSReardon Cabslan LastOne 67528 Latonla 34 112 fast 13 1051 2 7 7 71 71 C Buel 8 BngaBack Eastesldo Wickford 67353 Latonla 1 l33fast 7 104 1 3 2 1 2 41 A Colllna 4 Bettina Eastcside While Star 67270 Latona 1 l39Kfast 2110 105J 311 1 S1 3 C Buel 4 BlkieDaw TSahlb BrorlyLore BrorlyLoreE7256 E7256 Iatonla 1 l427smud il 112 222 2 2 2 C Buel 4 Tryster Knobble Frigate FrigateECS54 ECS54 Bclmont 1 l3S fast 13 S7 2 3 3 3 4 4 Penman 5 BMcLshlln Debdoo OSwpei 66777 Belmont 1 137 fast 5 100 331 IS 21 L Penmaa G TFcathcrs JPJoaea Polythia PolythiaTIPPO TIPPO SAHIB b ff 7 106 By Rapid Water Icaria by Sanders SandersTrainer Trainer J T West Owner J T West WestC2012 C2012 Churchill 1 116 145 fast 8 113 3 3 31 3i A Johnson 7 Jouett ClintonviHc Tody TodyG1107 G1107 HdeGco 1 18 l544fast 4 111 3 3 2h Si W Kelsay G Lunctta Gain de Cause LuckyB LuckyBCIS CIS 15 HdeGco 1 116 l47good 75 10S 4 4 3 2li R MotUey 7 PnsSwain TheLamb KingJolin KingJolinES193 ES193 Churchl 1 1S l52fast 33 109 7 7 7 5 44 2 Anthony 8 Belgian Queen Jouett Easteside 57678 Latonla 1 116 l43fast 5 106 4 6 7 S 8 S41 H Ciregory 8 UVerde RapTraveler LouisA 67205 Latonia 1 l42 mud 145 108 3 3 3 3 S 3 H pregory 4 BkieDaw Dartmoor BrrlyLove 66913 Latonla 1 116 l4Gfcfaat 5 105 4 5 5 6 21 11 B Jarke 7 By Golly Matinee Idol Legal EC617 Dshlra 1 116 IMl fast 3910 100 C 4 4 I1 1 H Gregory 0 Incog Grace Doctor Jim 66515 Windsor 1 18 l51fast 1C544C65 5 E Anthony 8 The Archer Incog Belarlo EC4S3 Windsor 1 116 l45fant 9 1007 44kS kB Parke 8 Adonis Brisk Blackie Daw E5S20 K worth 1 116 l465 aat 225 106 7 7 T 7 64 M Schwtz 8 Klnbnra Belarlo King Joha ADVOCATE ch c J 1H By BaUotInspiratlon by Tngleinan Trainer TngleinanTrainer J I Smith Owner H H Hewitt 6 6 D Connlly G H Jemima LUadcap MFallon G1194 Lextoa 1 116 1 3 mud 12 1C3 2 1 1G1441 1 1 D Connelly 4 TabdHonr BStona Sofrinr G1441 Lcxton 1 116 l4j good 31 103 2 1 15S015 H 2 i D Connlly 7 UnltedVerde Rouleau Woodtra 5S015 aiurchl 1 l37fast 10 SJ 3 2 X 4 4 4 E ScobU 4 MarJ Hynes Dr Clark Roulea 57293 Latonla 1 5S 246slow 28 103 6 4 f 9 9571C9 8 Q Fields 10 HEColen BlTcSerrant Rleaa 571C9 Latcnia 1 l3S fast 12 103 3 1 1 1 1567G5 14 14 G Fields 9 Parader United Verde LoolnA 567G5 Latonla I l41 slow 14 U9 6 3 I I IS5K51 B 5 D ConnIly 0 Blancha Mac Wcstwood Legal S5K51 Latonla 1 337fa3t 9 113 2 1 1 1 V 2 D Connlly 4 Cho Cho H E Coleman Runzaf 5233 Latonla 1 14 2CShvy 7 104 4 2 J I I55C3G S 3 J Francfc C Firebrand Our Flag Petrarci 55C3G Latonia 34 113 slovr 5 114 3 S a 4 4 W Lllley 8 Cho Cho Fallacy Balance Wheel 54732 Latonla 34 115 Hmud 125 111 1 11 1 1 1 W Lllley 8 DLoriotte SergYork ItVHieel 34449 Churchl 1 l40 mnd 3 107 3 X 1 4 V 311 M Garner 8 HKOman BKcan Bothatloa 54267 Churchl 1 l37fast 10 103 3 3 X 4 4s 4T1 F Smith 6 Coyne Darjecllng SlrThosKeaa 54139 Charchl 7S 1JSXhvy SS 113 1 4 1 1 1PA2ADEII 1 1 D Connllyl5 WilTree Humphrey TVginlaa PA2ADEII ch jr 4 108 108Trainer By Which Broom H Pageant by Delhi Trainer J C Calm Ownor T J Pendergist G2010 Churchill 34 l119sfast 37 100 G 5 557CT8 6J S McGraw G Brdalbane NeiJdam Ccntimnter Ccntimnter3i 57CT8 Latonia 1 115 l45faat 5 105 6 4 4 3 3L7495 3i E l H Scobio S UVerde RapTravcler I uisA uisAS L7495 Latonia 1 116 l43 good 19 105 C 6 8 S 6 E Scoble 7 Rangoon BngaUuck BofWhlU 57312 Latonia 1 116 119 mud 1 100 3 2 3 2 2 2 G Fields 2 II B Coleman 57237 Lstonia 1 13 l51fast 8 103 9 9 4 X 3 3 1 E Scoblo 10 Rangoon Woodtrap AttaBoyll 57169 Latonla 1 l38 fast 7 108 6 7 3 S 24 24 N Barrett 9 Advocate UnltedVerde LoalaA 6903 Latonta 1 116 15S hvy 66 113 3 X X 4 4 4 N Barrett 5 Humphrey ColBaker BenValet 56768 Latonia 1 116 l17slow 85 107 4 2 2 1 162SC 14 1 E Scoble G GenlIIaiff Furbelow UncleVel UncleVelU 62SC Sartoga 1 hvy 165 93 1 1 1 1 1561S5 U 1 E Scobla 2 Devastation DevastationS 561S5 Saratoga 1 l42Kmud 10 1011 3222 S 11 F CKiletU 4 TenLee Dartmoor Dry Moon