Erie Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-22


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I 1 j : ! i , I ERiE FORM CHART ERLE, Pa., Wednesdiy. June 21, 1922. One half ■Be. Thirteenth and Nst lay. Brie It-ic:n As *x-iaion3 meeting of 13 days. "SJsstSSS ; oloar. PraskfiaC judge. Joseph A. Murphy. aSSSelst* ludge, J. J. rnllUn* Btartor, faster Dean. It.ic :,_. M r-ary, II. 1. Monroe. Badag rtsrta at 2.30 p. m. Chicago Hum 1 30. CO-7C1 FIRST RACE— 6 1-2 ■"■llss** ?*-?-* j"**"1 J3O0. 3-year-old; a-:d ■;-rwaid. CUim- ] i-g-. "Set value to Winner itb; second. J50, third, : Bqair. I Ms. lud. Horse. Wt. Fin. J.x-key. Straight. ! 62737 -Baby Cal 115 1 E Hiieman 170 IBS 56!4:l Ura.-idee 1G7 21 P Ln I3BB-M8 ; 62707 Little Niece 108 3 R Ball 1.W0-UD : 62712 Red Chief 115 4» L Gray U 627:56* Kedcwidl 107 5f T Wayt •760 100 | ■6270S Peaceful Starlo7 6 G Marino 8850 tOB 62582 IL.rd Times 110 71 C Watson 5580-108 j 1 62675 Gilder 107 8 F Moore IB 82 msts-tle paid. Baby OsL 40 ■Jralsht, IS 38 slaes, . SO show: Gran. lee. 8J8L8B place. .20 =how, Littta Niece, . SO show. I Kjuivalent .xlds- Ifwby Cal, 170 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place. 40 I* 100 show. Qrsa ■ ■»• 240 to 100 place, 110 to 100 alio*; Little Niece. 140 I to 100 show. Time, 1:26. Track feat. Winner — A. Feichtmeirs b. g, 9. by Doronte — ■ I I ; Pepita. by Hanover trained by J. McGoreru, bred j by Mr. F. A. Torsythe. • Went to post at 2:2«. At post 2 minates. Sart good and slow. Won handily, secoud and third driving. j Scratched 62002 Sea Urchin. 107; 52737 Blue Star, I 115. ; Orerweighta- little Niece, 3 pound*; Hard Times, 3. fi9 7fi9 SECOND RACE — 6 1-8 Fr-xlon»s. Purse MIM 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner $£25; second, S50; third, £25. Rs*jf*r. O.ids. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straigiit. 62639 Dor*y Carlin U8 11 E Hlleman 460 100 627 37 Sir A.laum 116 2» E WelU B88-M8 62738 Stir Up 115 3* C Jackson 170-100 62502»Alhena 10« 4* T Wayt 710-100 62738 Arrw Point 106 5* T Rae 825-100 62708 Alex Getz 107 6* T Duel 8MS-M8 6273 1 Clara James 110 7* F Moore 30:.-lC0 62502 liiss 105 8 G Marino 1»90-1J0 mat Ml* paiJ. Dorothy Carlin, 1.20 etraigiit, ..iX place, 82.88 show; Hir Adsum, .20 place, j . SO slow. Stir lp, ?2.60 sl-.ow. 1 Kjuivalent tx okir.g odds — Dorothy Carlin. 460 to 100 straight, 1.00 lo 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Sir Adsiitn, 110 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Stir Lp, 80 to 100 show. Time. 1:25**. Track fast Winner— W. K. Jones b. m. 9, by Gay Roy-Taunt, by Toldlngton trained by W. R. Jones; timl by Mr. David A. Campbell. Went to post at 2:58. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; secoud and third the same. Scratched— 02737 Harry Smarr. 107; C2740 Troben, 107. Overweights— Dorothy Carlin, 5 pounds; Alhena, 4. fi97fi THIRD RACE— Abent 5-8 Mile. Purse -41uo e300 3. year-olda and upward. Claim-tnjr. Net value to winner 25; second, 850; third, 825. Bqutv. Odd*. Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight 82708 Zainer 108 1» R Bail 800-100 •2612 Hat. Willdo 107 21 G Williams 220-100 ; ] : ! ; : | j 1 I I I I ; j • j I ; j 1 62708 BTward P*SM MB V /•* MSS-M8 SSSSS Juaaita III 1.T7 4- T Rae I71S.MB 62712 •-■ . Bfoader IM 4 I .ray 4t-i-l«l 6264 1 till 8M 7 T Wayt 888-M8 •-•!•;. : Gay life D5 7 T William* 11 MJ j20o! H McCarty 110 -;* 1: Hilemaa BOS-MB ■70717 Ttauad rbirl HO J C Wataoa 1348 Mt 2 ■stsel* paid, Euiser, 8.00 strakfat S6 Oi -4-tee. 84.60 ihww; Rat! .• Willde 84 i place, ,"4 40 bow; Baatwatd 28 i: -civ ileal fa a km.- odd* - . 100 • 1 it, MO . . . place, 130 to 108 mow; Usttia IVi 1 : . 120 l lace. i_0 t* 1JO s.aiv, , I7antwird il .Tl IaS. 110 .. i :l ... . Time. 1:0S*4. Track fast vPisnsr J. . Brsusea -;. 1. ! y Isi-k Atkia — r, :s Oa*rasss*h, f.v II lined y .". A. Brsuse; ar.-.i ay :.;.-. s;s Gallaker !h-..; 1 Wut to post at 8:29. Al past I laiaste Msrt good and stew. Won aaadlly; sseosd .ml third i. ling. BuaUaaJ a;27."!J llaiira. 104; TT7TT1 1 PI*arki|S. 106; 62713 Bsa-Nsssu, 107. 627G4 F0UHTH: BACE— About 5-3 Mile. Purs* S300. S-year-cids and upward. C.jira- imr. Not value to winner iiU5 . .;cond, 0; third, Euuiv Q Ms. Ind. norse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Bttaicht. S 74*Vansylrls 10s i" L Qrsy IM 100 62640 M A.inanne IM 2 B Woils 1 , ! 100 62711 Sal. line 8M J* T Wayt r-loO 62708 James G. I08 4* R Mall 1788-M8 172.773 Dinty lag 3* P Moore 7« IJO •;:67: Ruth n. 101 171 a M*i*i* 4.::io 100 62734 Mar htone 107 7 T Ba* 1 M8 100 mutuls naiL Vansylvij. .-* straiRht. .*;:!. ;0 ;.lace, SJ 10 show; Mas Adr anno, $." if pace. 00 aasw; Bsisme, ti shorr. Kiuivjlent kaskiUC « m.-tvlvia. 110 tj 100 ■trakfkt, BS to MB [dace, 20 to 100 rthow; Miss Adri.inne, 150 to 100 place. 50 to 100 ihow; Salome, 88 - 100 show. Time, 1 03. Track fist. Winner L. M. Renters br. ra. 6, by Ivan the T"rrih!e- **ylvia BwsftSS, l y rMini t**S*asi by P. Renter; bred by Mr Otto Stifel. Wi-nt to p- st a .!:".!. At ji st 2 minntes. Start BBSs ml alow. Won driving; aeend and third the same. Beratckcd UlSS*aSflsrts-, 110; 82813 Malvdlo, 107; S273S Peaaaat HO, 8ST8S*Que*s of the Spa, 108; 62707 BM laps Pet, 104 62765 rlTTK HACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 03. 3-year-ols and ujr.vir.l. Claiminir- Net value to winner 25; sooend, $.50; third, 8. B.niiT. Odd*. TnL Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 82679 Don Dodgo 107 I* G William* 610 100 88 12" S -nUniental 110 21 C Watson tO-100 626121-1. Krosa 113 ft* fj Hi.-nan 4.0-100 62679 "•Kog 108 4* T Wayt 9aC-l-0 62676Puzzle 108 5 T Wiliiam* 10CO-100 mutncls paid. Don Dodge. 4.20 straight, .20 place; Sentimental, .80 place; no sho* mutuels sold. E iuivalcnt booking odds — Don Dodge, 610 to 100 ■traigbt, 160 to 100 place; Sentimental, 40 to 100 place. Time, 1:47"*. Track fast Winner-— II. T. Palmers b. g. 7. by Toddington — Miss Oertel, by Handsel trained by 11. T. Palmer; bred by Messrs. Stone and Rucker. Went to post at 4:17. At post 2 minute*. Start good and slow. Won easily; second aod third driving. Overweight* — -Don Dodge. 2 pound*. 62766 SIXTH RACE— 1 Kile. Purse HM. 3- i " year-olds a_-;d upward. Oaiadas, I Net value to winner 25; second, 0: third, 5. Baalr. o ! ls. Inil. Horse. W"t. Kin. Jockey. Straight. WU*MtW 105 1» T £60-100 . M718*P«R7 Baton 113 V .1 Grotk eo-148 . 627i:i lYimiiiv. 112 l" C Jackson 1380-144 62618 t BalafM ill 4« T Williams 134-104 •8812 Lady linroe 1"". f.J K Moore 44 62 730 T. Cigarette K I" W Roai II 1M| •M41 jazz no 7 L Gray ic*3-ioj f- mimi.-ls paid. Bailbiid, 17.30 atraight, .50 pine. .40 sho-.v; Petty Batoa, 13.30 place. .81 ah : l*i laritive, 18 10 ibow. E-iuiTaienl booktag adds BailMrd, 200 la 188] atralakt, T." la MM place, SO la MM aaow; Peajirj Baton, 63 to 10i place, 4v to MM show: Pruaittre, . 70 la 100 bTiqw. Time. 1:45V5. Track fast. Wlaaer- M. saadaca ca. g, 8, kg Ptaadil Maad I . P.. l... by Star BJjeot tralaed by M. Baailen; bcedll by Mr. Arthur 1!. Baacock. ! lis | ■Teal la paal at 4:42. At pea! i! sttaatea. Start i pi*.! aad ilOW. " :i eitsiiv; s -."iid und third : j di i lag. Scratched— 42S03 Horace Lerca, lit; «272fKia au I., 108; 82707 lea Mlaar. 103. Overweight* Le Batafre, 1 peead. R7»17 SEVENTH RACE— S-4 K:ir. PltH S30D. ujj«u« t jaar aMi and agvari. Chtimiag. . j Net value to ariaaat 25; second. ; third. $£5. E ;iiiv. IMda, J 1-.. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. St t a iilht. : j I «2718M. Holltca 112 1* T Wayt 220-140 62C7.-» Kit. Johaaoa 113 i? V Moore MS0-140 , IS114aW. Humphreylla a B Hlleman »H; I • ". Super Wail 111 0 E Wdla MM-140J B2M0* Murphy 113 : C Garner 170-1 to] i Ct707Ccltk: Lasa 111 04 T Willlama and2O-10O | | 6i~.:,l Louie Lou 11] 7 T Rae I430-1M ] | $ . mataela paM, Marioa Uollina, .40 atratgkt. j $:, : • place, .20 show; kit:;. Johnson, .60 place, I .00 -ii... .: William llaaaaferey, .J0 abow. I Bjui*aleal booking adda Marlon llt.i.iis. 220 so 100 straight. 65 la 100 place, 60 la MM «boa; Kilty j J..: . io to nw place, 100 to 100 ■boa; W . aai Baainarey, 00 la 100 anew. I Time, 1:1".. Track fact. i Winner II. Kcals b. m. 0, by Peep oDaj nix J i Co- . by Tit norma trained by 11. Keal; bred by j Me* . •. Otl I Barbee. ■feat to peat ;.i 5:88. At post 2 ■iaatea. Btarl poo! aa4 sio.v. Res in allj ; aceaad and thbrd drii lag. be ! S2678|CoTer Dp, 113; 12748»Arti«-l* j X.. 106: 3270SCbickea, 111; 8S58Q Neg, 111: t.-tlTS ; •. Ka-. ■.,.!! Tana. 101. *

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Local Identifier: drf1922062201_10_4
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