John Finns Public Trial: Qualifies for the Latonia Special by Defeating Lad Madcap., Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-22


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| JOHN FINNS PUOLIC TRIAL • Qualifies for the Latonia Special by Defeating Lady Madcap. Donges Gives Weight and a Beating to Fast Two-Year-Olds — High Cost Loses. » BY J. L. DEMPSEY. IjATONIA, Ky., June 21. — John Finn was returned the winner of the Morvich Handicap at one mile, featuring the card, but Lady Madcap Buffered defeat in part through a faulty ride which Earl Pool gave her. John Finn was ridden by W. Pool and during : the early running was outrun. But he moved i up with a great rush just before reaching j the stretch through being able to get through ; next to the inner rail. His getting through at this point was partly due to the elder : Pool on Lady Madcap coming wide and In doing so forcing Woodtrap, closest in prox-; imity to him. to also lose ground. John Finn then had little difficulty in dispossessing Bar-; racuda from the lead and appeared as if he . would be an easy winner. But Lady Madcap, in spile of being taken hack and com-; Ing wide when beginning the stretch racing, came with a great rush mxh r a strong ride ; and forced John Finn to exert himself to : his inmost to keep in advance by a scant i half length. Yoahimi, which had made a | challenge in the stretch, tired slightly in the ; last sixteenth, but ran a good race, John Finn is an eligible to the Kentucky | Special, to be run next Saturday, and his | connections have high hopes of beating the | other crack three year-olds which will start in it. ile covered the mile in 1 :" 94r . but was favorably weighted with 192 pounds, being ! in receipt of twelve pounds actual weight : from Lady Madcap, but only five pounds . scale weight. i.OSi; finish ks FEATURE. Interesting racing was the order again dur-j Ing the entire afternoon, several of the fin-j ishes being of the close variety. Serving as a secondary feature, but of ! equal interest with the mile handicap, was | the handicap for two-year-olds at five and a half furlongs and In which Donges, a double j winner In his last two starts at big i dds, w;;.-? an outstanding choice. Donges won, but he had to be rid ten hard through the last eighth to wear Certain down, which raced in improved form under a good ride. Donges fol-| lowed Certain fairly close up until In the last | eighth, where he began gaining, but In the j hurt seventy yards he swerved a trifle toward I Certain. It did no damage and he raced Into , a good lead in the last twenty yards. Taylor, on Certain, began taking him bach when : Donges ranged over and Immediately after , dismounting lodged a claim of foul, which was not allowed. Skeezix, coming with a Irtish in the stretch, outstayed Metric f r third place. Piince K. here was always far back of the others and appears to have gone I hack as a result of Ids hard campaign. Some good sprinters inaugurated the sport I at three-quarters with High Cost again an odd.s-on favorite and again a loser, being beaten by Rapid Day. The latter showed suddenly improved form over his preceding races. Hadrian was third. There was a mlxup In the last sixteenth of the race, Angou being the chief sufferer and almost going down. The riders of the placed trio were questioned at length by the officials, but the original placing was not disturbed. Doctor Glenn, owned by Glenn and Laffoon, emerged from the maiden ranks in the second race. Kingsclere finished second and Donegal third. Kingsclere displayed brilliant speed for live-eighths, hut fell a ready victim when Dr. Glenn challenged. SAM FRKKDMAS It ETC UNS. Sam Frecdman. which has been out of racing for three years and has to his credit a victory in the valuable Cincinnati Tropin, staged a successful comeback in the third race, in which an ordinary band opposed him. He led through the last half mile and finished with speed in reserve. Bermoat landed in second place and Bit of Green headed the others. Youneed proved best in the fourth race, bringing together a dozen ordinary platers. He led for the entire distance and was in advance of Grayson at the finish, with Pyx in third place. The concluding race brought to the barrier some of the better grade of long-distance platers here and Oountes3, which has been running consistently in her previous races here, won after having led for the entire mile and a quarter. Alex Jr., hard ridden in the stretch, outstayed Dr. Rae for third place. A carload of horses arrived from Omaha and included consignments of R. L.. Baker, 1 Continued on twelfth page. j I ; JOHN FINNS PUBLIC TRIAL *c Continued from first pagtv V. Knebelkamp. S. Baxter and W. Dondaa Ed. W. Simms was among the visitors this afternoon en route to his home near Paris, Ky. He will return Saturday to witness the running of the Kentucky Special. Charles Hill came from New York this morning and will remain until after the running of Saturdays big race. The stewards today terminated the ruling against Locust Leaves, whose entry was refused last year for inconsistent running. | She is now the property of Knebelkamp and Croaa.

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Local Identifier: drf1922062201_1_8
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