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j I j I KENTUCKY TURF RULERS Racing Commission to Mest on July 8 — Probable Fall Dates. LEXINGTON, Ky.. June 21. —Chairman J. N. Camden has called a meeting of the Kentucky State Racing OommissTon to be hed at 11 oclock on the morning of Saturday, July! : 8, in the clubhouse at the Latonia race track. It had previously been arranged to have the meeting next Saturday, but after reflection on the likelihood of an extraordinary crowd ; : to see the Kentucky Special on that date and , the fact that everyone would be more than ordinarily interested In other matters Senator Camden decided t change the date to the closing day of the racing at Latonia. This will be the first met ting of the commission since Governor Morrows announcement of the appointment of Messrs. J. N. Camden, Thomas C. McDowell, It. A. Hunter, Ernest Pollard and Polk Laffoon. The com- ■■ j missioners will proceed by taking the con-1 stitutional cath of office and then will come I ! the election of a chairman, vice-chairman and j secretary-treasurer. j ! There is no gossip here that would indicate any change in the officials, except that it is i considered likely that Major McDowell will j j be named vice-chairman, succeeding J. O. ! j Keene. Fdward G. Stoli. it is understood, is : to be re-elected secretary-treasurer. Hach member of the commission has been j requested by the Louisville Convention and j Publicity League to so arrange the schedule . of fall racing dates as to have no racing in Louisville during the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge, which opens October 13 and I closes October 20. It has been stated to be | the plan of the Kentucky Jockey Club to open : the Louisville meeting October 11 for ten ; days. It is understood to be the present plan of ! the Kentucky Jockey Club to open at Latonia September 2. Just what will be the request of the Green River Jockey Club as to dales for Henderson and the Tri-State Fair and; Placing Association for dates for Ashland! tracks, now building, litis not been disclosed. ■ -♦