Dorval Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-22


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D0RVAL PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL. QXTB., WEDNESDAY, JTTNE ML 1922. — Porval Park 1 mUe. Pourth day. Dorval Jockey Club. Spring Meeting oi 7 days. Weather wet; temperature 70*. Steward Representing Canadian Racing Associations. Francis Nelson. Stewards of Meeting, D. Raymond. Dr. L. J. Lemieax. J. B. Campbell, M. N. Macfarlan and J. T. McBride. Presiding Judge, D. S. .lilies. Starter, Harry Morrlsaey. Racing Secretary, Sheridan Clark, t | I j , i i 1 . t | i j ; | | I | I ! j j i : | I | ; I | r I j ] ! j i j ■ I , I I I 1 I j ! : I i 1 | 1 | I ! ; I ; j j I Racing starts tit 3:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m. W indicates whip, S irpnrs, B blinkers. Figures in pan nth. ses following the distunce of each race indicate date, track record, uge of horse and weight tallied. ladStatai apprentice allowance. _ OOPrerr EIR£T RACE— 3-4 MUe. Sept. 16, 1915—1:11—7—113. Purse 00. 3-year-olds aud 3*d 4 4-P "4 upward. Claiming. Bet value ta winner 06; second. 26; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % H Str Pin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Odds Strt 62525 WRACK PAST w 3 9« I 6 1* ll 1« 14 N Swart M Finn 26124-109 [St7SS*MAD NKIA. w 3 98 % S 4» 2* 21 2| P Wills T Doyle 140-100 62701 BAOKR BTMi wb 3 95 7 4 V 3l 4 24 J Wallace G Chooa S06-109 IS7SS*PLURAUTT w 3 95 4 7 Ill 5» « L Gregory S T Bonder ISM-MI 12274 ABCH1VB wb 4 105 6 I I 8 64 51 J Rowan W D Bernhardt S06-109 62217 I/Y ROi.HKSTI3R w 3 1031 1 1 5j 4» 3 S H C.r. gory B Niusteter 140 100 6210S BACCHANALIAN w 4 109 2 5 8» 6» 7# I* ■ Atkson J De litrampes 4.:i ISO 62531 RUNMIC W4 1U52 27|8 8R Holway C W Hall G5.V100 Time, 25*4. 51%. 1:20. Traxi heavy. mutuels paid. Wrack Past. 4 25 straight, 7.20 place, 3 10 show; Mad Nell, .40 place, 15 -ihow: Eager Eyes, .60 show. Equivalent booking odd* Wrack Tast, 2612% to 100 straight, 1260 to 100 place. 555 to 100 akaw; M t 1 N. 11. 70 ta 100 place. 22% to 100 show; Eager Byes, 80 to 100 show. Wilier Br. f. by Wrack March Iast II., by Marco traiuod by B. It. Rice; bred by Mr. P. M. Walk •! ■. w*eat to ; ost at 2:57. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same WRACK BAST displayed the most sp.H-d all the way. tnit swerved in the homestretch in ros-ing dry spots and was tiring at the end. MAD NELL meed well and finished fast on the iu..ile. BAGBB ■TBS was always a forward contender PLURALITY dosed a gap and finished fast. Beat aetafcta — Wreck Past, 1 paaad; i-ady Uoebestir, 1%. OOrTjr ?r SECOND RACE— 3-1 Mile. Sent. 16. 1915 — 1 11— 7— 113. Purse 00. 3-ye*r-olds ajid Ool 4 tl upward. Churning. Not vaiua to winner 1922.sh06; second, 25; third, 0. ludei Horses AWtPPSt % % . Str Pin laiSajl Owners Equiv. Odds Strt I27SS*PRANC T.RKUR wb r, 108 7 4 2« 14 2» l»* D Stirling W Serio MS-MI 62486 PHANTOM FAIR w 1j3 11 P f ■ 1 J .1 B Dunn 27.-100 IS7St*CHOW wb 1 IU 2 1 31 3 44 3» H MtSska/a W Ornies SCS-laS SSSBSLITTLB PATSY wb I 106 8 S 5» 5| * 4| A laver W L Marks 310-100 ISSSSH1A I JjOU-BBBJOT W49858 7»7«6*5R Doyle H K Davis 710-100 62270 MAX GOLD WB .1 1044 3 6 *4 B 71 S« J Rowan J R Sklnker 9.0-100 62252 DANCING GIRL am I Ml 4 3 6* S* 51 7* H Gngory J Rcfcert - 5,-l00 ISSS1S COfcDSENT am I Ml I 1 1 3 8 8 H Stearns J S Flynn 3005-100 Time, 25. 51%, 1:18%. Tiak hoary. mutuels psiid. Franc Tireui. 70 straight. .13 place. .5 show; ITiantom Fabr. .60 i nci , 10 show; how. S3 25 show. Bqairaleat booking odds- -Franc Pireur. 3S5 to IM straight. 107% to 100 place, 47% to 100 show; Phantom Kair. 130 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Chow. 62% io ISS akaar. Winner Ck, g. by Free I-auce litifa, by Hamburg trained by J. Allen; bred by Mr. George J-i Long. Weed to ; . st it 3:24. At post 1 minutes start "v d .mJ slow. Woo driving; second and third the same. FRANC TIRBUB e:Une to the aataada of PHANTOM PAIR on the stretch turn and. coming fast. was farced out all through the final eighth, but eatsaaaed PH .MOM FAIR at the end. The batter showed the most speed, but forced the winner out and Lired finally. LUOW finished fast. l.iPPldl PATSY finished • 1 se up next to the inner rail. Overweights- -Franc Tireur. I pouuds; Mix iold, 4%. — j 607* THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sept. IS, 1915—1:11—7—113. Purse 00. rt-yeej-o.tls and » 4 iJ9 upward. Clainung. Foa! ;d in Canada. Net valuo to winner 605; second. 25, third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % %. Str Fin letfctyi Owners Equiv. Odds Strt SSSSI KICKSY WH7ICSY w I :09 2 2 14 V V 1»* A Clara* Mrs L A 1 .1 v.ngstom BS-SM SSBSS*PANATIC w 3 33 I 3 3* 24 24 2 , J WaUaea Brookdala fTTabla 42f.-io« |6230«RKX GAD3TT w IL 4 « 44 4! 41 3J H Grecory 1: Glaaaoa 90-1M [SSSSS*BRTNGAR am I Ml 15 7* 7* r.i I" II Stearaa V Taaa -lull •!., 100 SS7S1*WAAC w 1 99 3 1 V- 3 i P| J Tkomaa A W irner 120 100 62273 WAB TANK ar 4 IM 5 7 54 V Kl 6» W Wirin 1 . ,rrr. in 200-100 *J2 48 1 KVA SONG w ISM 6 4 6| D M 7s W Bogfakl M W Williams C700-100 •62666 MTRTLB CROWN vIBT f I 8 I 8 It Hel*«my C. K Ulia 6700-101 Time, 25, 51%. 1:1I«L Track hravy. aiutuels paid. Kieksy Wi.k-y. 1 M straigk . ML2S place, l Mj -how. F-ri.iiic. .10 pbace, $.! 50 show; Rra Gahrty, ?.*.•." akaar, bamlraieal baaktag o.iris !ik-y Wlckay, 4;:". la I ■• straight, 210 to 100 ...ace. l..2% to 100 show; il. 1. it-. 12S t ItX [.lace. 75 to MM -ii.w; Itei Sale y sji. to ISS -show. Wiaaer B. c. by Btaafcapa Ti Kerateaa, by Gisaateaaa | ralaed by R. Peakaa; bn?d by Mrs. rt A. Liviagstea. Went to jxist at 3:50. At post 1 minnte. Start goad 1 il d.iw Won lriving. second and thtnl the laaaaa. KICKSY WKKBT dJapaayed the most k-iI ia tfce gaiag aaid gaasely hekj PANATtC safe la the laal driv. IANAiio came thraagk oa the iaaade aa he str. u-h turn, but 1. rushed n tfca aafcakfci f the winner REX GAIETY was tkafled back right after Uie start, hut tiuished 1 aaalatnlj next to Cue rail. BBYNOAB rJaaad a hig gap. W v - Lired. Overweights-Myrtle Crown, 1 pound. FOURTH RACE— 1 l-S Miles. Ss-.rt. 1. 1921— 1:53%— 4—103. , Purse- .900. 3-yeax-olds GOryerfT J 4 *J 4 and upward. Cia:miag. Net vniad to afaaar MBS; i»;t;d, S150; :liud. j75. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Kin Jeefceja Owner* Kc,uiv. Otlds Strt ISS7SI COTE D" it wb 4 112 "» 6 3 lJ 1" 1 P| H G.- „- ry A Bwiaka MR1-MI StSSS* VETERAN wb I 1J9 2 2 4* 4 2 2 B T Wikaaa V P roftaai BkVMB |SS4SSSTAR REALM w •; 112 4 4 21 34 ■ i * P D Stirlbas H B BUaaa lio-ioo i:iJ-»70 KENTISH UtY ar 4 97 I I I* 54 « »4 P Walla fliagiaia stable Tv.-ioo SS7SSKING TROJAM w 4 Ml 6 i 6 6 ll "»» l»* H Stearaa C Mortea iS5 Ml 62670 StSTBB FLO ws 1 17 1 1 1* 2" 6 6 6 J Roaraa J It Skicker iT Ml Time. 2C, 52%. 1:19%. 1:43%. 2:05%. Traok heavy. 2 ■ itaeta p.ud. Date d*Or, $."2.i." straight. sit.TO place, -ju " o akaw; fckaraa, s5 place. IS siiow; Star Beaka, K2.4S show. ;.,.. ralcot beatUag adda 1 . ■ Tor. 1SS7H to ISS atraigfct, 7 -" •. it place, 125 to 100 show; Veteran. i»2j to 100 place, ." 7 -j ta IU show: Star Bealaa, 2S 1 H ihew. Wiaaer I h. • t.y Bea AUe dOr, by apt. Haacack traiaed by A. Swbafce; brad by Befcatr Stad. Weal to post at 4:19. At peat 1 aiiaate. Stan goad aad stow Woa raaily; iterwad uad third !riv- iag. 1 DTK Ooit raced i"t ■ laag lead after entering the barbs trrtvh and kept it. bat was tiring badly tbroagb the final slxteeatk. PKTBRAN asavsd ip reaalately after reaadiag the far lara, bad also Ured in the final alzteeatk. STAR RBALU raced extreaacly wide n all the mrns blBNTISH BOY paaaad tired horses 11 tfce cad. BIBTRR PLU quit after going a half -title ia the lead. =■ ftOiyertjJ FIFTH 2iCE— l Mile acd 73 Yard.,. Bag. 27. 1321— I 43 — 5—114. Parr.e . Oas 4 «3 tJ 3-year-oid.. s.r.d upward. Ciaiuuaj. I ;t mlae . wiaaaar MBf; aaaaad, S125; Lhird, 7,79, index Horse? AWtPiSt % M % Str Fia lael . Owaera Bgair. Odda strt 62671 STAUNCH am 4 MS I V I* 1 I* I* J Wallace B htlrhanbl C90-MI •S7SS*AM*N SOLDIER v.s.-. ■. I .1 _ 111 f ta ;■ p ./ . btimera T H i IM SSSII WAKEFIELD waa I IM 7 : 11 2» 2 - | . P Walla Seagram .-sable 0 62672 WATER WILLOW w j M 6 8 ." Z- 4 I* ll T Wilson .1 I 7.. Ml |S1SS7*HKLEN LUCAS m I Ml ." 4 ti 7i I 5 W Organ I Keaaady 10136-MI , ;2;06 T. PORTUGUKSB w 7 101 i 7 7 : 4 ; i 7J 7 J1 W i: s:i R Warfield l*"*-!M aS7SS**PRk7TBNDBB w and 4 I ; 1 "! •;- 7 L Gregory G C MUtoa 159-101 •1571 AMAZB wb 5 107 I " l| s4 P P V It Holway M it Puns • 100 162610 H. M STEVENS am I MS M 10 91 9J 9s 95 pi 11 RoaVeil! G K LUea MO-MI 62671 ZOVTAN wa I : 2 1 1 s 10 M M 10 A McLhlia l J H r -. •. bB Time. 26%, 52%. 1:20V5. 149-,. I:SI*4. Tra k heaay. mutuels paid. Btaaack, 5.80 straight, .75 place, "i 00 ska w; Laser 11 . Bar, taXSI peace; 4.1."; Wakefield, y :« shea UquiT.ilent boekiag nhi , Staaack, MB o lOO -tr 1 *ht, J..j a 100 place, !".2-j to 100 how; Am- ■-can Baldier. 217. to loo place. 107% to 10S skew; Wakefield, :!.. 1 IM -how. Wiuner -B. f. by Aatraaaaaer Faithful, by Baaaaaatick tiaiaed by V. N. Freeaaaa; bred by Mr. David Gideon. Went to post at ilS. At post 1 minute. Start goad aad slaw. Woa i*i .■ , - i ind th rd Irir-ing STAUNCH tared into a long lead after going Uj.1 11 • tad *aa 1 :ng p. AMERICAN SO] i;. t begar slawly, bat claaed a z;t iato a Caat ; ■ ■; wcaad. WAKMPIB1 0 tat the 1 .. ...1 a aa.i . ai tied gamely. PBBTBNDBB quit lu.tly. Bcratebed BaBB*Caraliar, .2. Overweights Zovian. 9 paaada; Harry M. Stevens. 2. £* ty r* v € SIXTH RACE— l 1-16 Milea. Saai, 15. 1915— 1:«%— 5— 104.: Paras vQO. l-yaar alaB O 4 *y*3 and upward. Claiming. Mat vataa la attaaar .005. Hasaad, HSS; .aiid. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Srtin lackey* Owners Equiv. Odda Strt •SS71*PROBPBCTOB am I Ml 6 3 P i 2* l» 1 J Rewaa- W it Padgett - • Ml I6I6I0 JIMMIE w :. 1j 2 5 14 i» - P 22 h Grogah* v Droar i loo 62529 WAUKKAG wu IMS 1 2 3s f.i 4« H P J WaBaca C N l*liiiaaaa tiio 62706 DOLLY C am 1 105 I d 44 V i M i3 .1 Cfcavlaaeia B Saaaderaaaj 790 n» 62672 VEILED COLLM ws I 9 7 4 :," 6 6" t. B P Walla A Swiake 62705 P1ZKR wu S 114 5 7 7 7 51 B H- J H 1.1 :ner . Saaakl aS-SB 627. H BLMONT wn I bB 4 I 24 l 7 7 7 J Thomas T Doyle MM-1M Time. 26, 54%, 1:21%. 1:50. 1:56%. TraJk heavy. tiutuels paid. Prospector. straight. SB.43 place, . MJ siiow; Jiaaaast, p.TS | lace, . V4 afcaar; Wankeag, .10 show. BqnivaVeat booking dds rigapi 1 las . 235 to lie straigk t, 72% to loo place, MJ ta loo -how; .iimmie, 135 to lix place, 70 to ioo siio v; Wankaag, 98 to 10S -how. Winn, r it. g, by Mushroom -iief dor. by Bead or traiaed by G. W. Cilppea; bred in Paglind by Lard Arttagtoa. W-nt to pa I it 7 :19. At Baal 1 minute. Stall geod lad dOW. Won ea-iiy; secoad and third ilriv- ing. PROS! l.CTOIt went to the front when called aa ia the atretcfc aad, drawing nviy lata a - ua lead, was aadet nstraint at the end. JIMMli; stowed the BSOst speed 111 tha -.".::g. but ti:ed bad./. WAUKBAQ co-.d a bg gap while racing 0:1 the I aside. BLMONT .u. aaaad ut at the end. Orenreaghta — Jimmie, 2 po.mds; Praapectar, 3. SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-iG Mi.e. Scot. 15, 1315— 1:40%— 5— 104. Tur-e ?-C0O. 3-year-Bd eS%f*T£*f 4 Ov olus and upwaid. Caiminj. Net valuj to adaaat i60o; ■aaaad, 3125 third, 570. index Haraaa AWtPPSt % % % sir Fia lesbaja Daman Boadr. Odda strt SSSISCBON RMBLaTR waa 4 99 6 4 l1 V V lJ 1« P Walls A G Doalap BS-SM SS5SS* VANITY DR8ER w 2 9 4 5 1*1 Sl 21 2* I* j Tfcoaaaa M it Poaa 1 :.". 1 0 62529 PLANTARKDB am* I Ml 3 2 ".1 5 5tt 34 3» W Pagakl H W Clint MS-MI Issteil GREAT HAWK are I Ml 1 1 4J 41 4» 4! 4« F Wdafcfc W A CraarfaadJ MS-SM !60486 COMPLI.MLNTRY WB 1 02 2 I 8 6 6 6 l| J CfcafcallSB A M aul Hug B45-MI 62524 ANT1PHON ar I .H I 6 2s 2J 3* « A McLfcUa A Wane* 450 -Ml Tirrve. 26%. 53%. 1:21%. 1:51%. 2:0.2%. Track heavy. mnttils pail. Crtaeaoa Bswkarr IdLOd ■tralgfct, S4 ,4S placa, o- afcaar; Vanity Dresser, paSLSS place. |AS9 show: Ilantarede. SS.M show. Equivalent looking adda— rinison Rambler. 225 to 1iK straight. 12! to MB place. 4.", to 100 -how; Vanity Drcaaar, 7 x to ioo place, li;-.. to 100 afcaar; Plaatareda. 50 to ISS haw. Winner B. f, by Pebbles — t liaafcrr, by Voter traiaed by C. S. WU aa; brad by Mr. James Hitler. Went lo post at .".:4S At post 1 minute. Start gaad aad slow. Wou ea.-ily; secaad and third driving. CRIMSON RAMBLER ret the pace from soon after the start ami drew away into a long lead to win in a canter. VANITY DRBS8BB rac.-d well and finished resolutely. PLAN IAUEOE finished well next to tfca inner rail. ANT1PHON quit. Scratch. si -C2701 Sir Jack. 107. Oias.BJBlj.fcls 4ouiplimentary. 1 poiiiid. ADDITIONAL CIIAUTS ON PAOBJ IO.

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