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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 975 YONKERS, N. Y., July S. Training gallops at the Empire City track today included the following: KiHFIItE CITY. "Weather clear; track good: i Three-Eighths Mile. 901-Avispa 41 001-Maric Maxim ..33 907-Bayonne 30 915-Sailing Along . .3Sand 973-East View 39 957-Wilkes-Barre .38 Moonlit Way .40 971-Valor 41 Half Mile. 9G5-Ben Wood 54 !C0-John Joseph ...55 921-Bo McMillan ...49 972-Jocose 51 90S-CarefuI 51 973-Mad Hatter ...50 972- Dough Girl 51 973-Pittston 55 965-Desti nation ...frts 971-Spade Guinea .51 973- Dode 51 !73-The Almcner . .51 901-Dexterous 5-1 911-Tall Timber ...49V4 OCO-Edict 50 974-Ting-a-L:ng ...50J6 9C9-Ethnea 49 973-Zev 49 973-Homestretch ..52 Five-Eighths Mile. Amor Patriael:0" 954-Noonhonr ...1:09 973-Blackstonc ..1:03 Noon Glide .1:05 972- Bright Lightsl:03 9GO-Primus 1:05 970- Castleton ...1:09 9oO-Papillon 1:01 I, and Drkesl:0i 057-Pensive 1:05 957-Drifiwood ...1:04 970-Refrain 1:05 971- Ella C 1:09 973-Round Robin. 1:02 - 900- Early Bird ..l:Ot !I51-Stella Maris. .1 -.04 9S-Eniator 1:02 93S-Vigil l.Od 971-UaIl Mark ...1:09. Wing Chlruesl:05 973- Lady Zeus ...1:00 9C0-War Mask ..1;04 901 - Mutiny 1:04 J Three-Quarteri Mile. 971- Camouflcur ..1:20 973-Sea Pirate ..1:24 El Dorado ..1:17 909-Snweep 1:1 970- Gladbrook ...1:1!1 974-Sling 1.18 973-Hard Guess .1:17 S5U-Stone Jug ...1:1S 9C7-IIigh C 1:19 972-Spugs 1:19 910-King Albert .1:20 961-The Sphinx ..1:18 954-Ncw Orleans .1:17 tCl-W. Stranger .1:19 973-South. Cross .1:10 050-Wltchwork ..1;18 Seven-Eighths Mile. 972- Sweep By ...1:38 One Mile. . 9C7-Bnxom 1:47 S94 Meadoworth .1:47 953-Crossless 1:40 907-RovaI Jester.l:48 972- Costigan 1:51 973-Tufter 1:50 973- Daniel A. ...1:50 91S-Trevelyan ...1:46 964-Frank Watcrsl:55 Mile and an Eighth. 972-War Relief .2:02 The track was a little slow from recent rains and few attractive works were recorded. Bayonue showed good speed. Bo McMillan was not extended. Equator and Round Robin worked on even terms. Su-weep did the best trial of the morning. Southern Cross worked creditably. FORT ERIE, Ont, July 8. Todays training gallops here included the following: FORT ERIE, "Weather clear; track slow: Three-Eighths Mile. 955-BilIy Gibson ..40 970-King Trojan... 43 931-Diomed 43 -970-Some Baby ...38 OlUi-Dark Hill 41 White Ridge. .43 030-Eliaa 0 40 Hp.lf Mile. 972- Honcys Jewel 51 Sght Shooter ..52 973- Quanah 51 974-TreadweIl 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 971 - Amber Fly ..1:00 973-Gen. retain 1:04 971- Bobadcl 1:08 1172-George Choofl:05 973-Capers 1:00 971-Mother Bunchl:0S 9G7-Dancing Girl.l:07 971-T. and Waydl:0:l 955-Devonite 1:03 973-Vespra 1:06 Three-Quarters Mile. 972- Brillt Jester 1:27 973-Gondolier ...1:20 973- Collinga 1:23 971-Uid. Jewel .1:19 971-Cho Cho 1:20 974-Star Jester .. 1 18 Fornovo 1:20 971-The Decision 1:19 One Mile. 919-Austral 1:47 971-0ur Birthday 1:49 072-Baby Grand 1:51 973-Past. Swain 1:49 702-Boniface ...1:51 973-Rcgistrar ...1:51 970- Fautwche ...1:47 007-Somrne 1:50 971- Manoevre ...1:47 972-Troubler 1:59 972- MutUkins ...1:59 U72-White Socks. 1:4G Mils and a Quarter. 972-Aquatic 2:15 90S-Woodbine ...2:15 Billy Gibson showed some speed. Some Baby is rounding into good form. General Petain appears to have plenty of speed. George Choos seems to be a fast colt in good form. Cho Cho only cantered, Manoevro went a nice mile. Pastoral Swain and Our Birthday ran well together.