Latest Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1922-08-11

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Latest Work-Outs 8 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 10. Todays training gallops over the main course included the following: SARATOGA. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mils. C-Athelstan 37 3-Drnld Hill ...3S C-Athcrstone ...3G 3-Golden Itule ..37 4-Brilliant Star. .36 4-Huckerry FinnSO 3- Boxwood 38 4-.Tune Grass ...37 4- Blue Peter ...10 G-Leghorn 35 4 Bill and Coo .36 4-May Blossom .39 2-Clsque 37 G-Maryland Bclle3S 1- Confederacy ..39 4-Morvich 30 9C7-Cherry Pie ...38 997-Pirate Gold ..35 2- Cimrii 3J 4-Savoy 37 998- Codlna 39 1-Smoke Screen. 36 4-Contonr 37 C-Serenader 36 4-Drcam of Allah39 997-Sunday Best .38 3- Dalby 38 2-Warburton 39 Half Mile. 997- Broomster 48 3-Orcus 53 6- Bunting 48 991-Paisley 51 7- Capt. Costigan.51 0-Picketcr ......49 C-Carnarvon ....49 5-Prime Minister32 4- Cresta 52 Quaint ...53 1-Calamlty Jane. 53 999-Quarrel 51 1-Donges 50 3-Itorkes Drift. .30 3-Errand Boy ...49 5-Itcddy 49 5- Faith W 51 Itr.ncarol 51 G-Flagstaff 49 990-Itunleigh 50 999- Henna 50 5-Spray 49 Hampshire ...53 970-Son-o-Unc ...53 998- High Chief ..51 4-Trnnpom 51 3- Majority 50 4-Woodland 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 4- Avispa 1:03 4-Pow Wow ..1:04 4-Blosm Time.l:0t 2-Pony Expressl:07 3-Bethany 1:03 Panache 1:14 997-Bcdazzle ...1:04 999-Pandowdy ...1:01 6- Better TimesLOI 4-Free ltegentl:03 3- Belphrizonia 1:03 5-Itegal Lodge. 1:10 1-Blackstone ..1:04 7-Sansini 1:01 4- Catapult 1:00 7-Snn Quest ..1:01 4-Chiffon 1:05 7-Sun Fey 1:03 7- Cyclops 1:04 999-Solisa 1:05 6- David Haruml:10 7-Sun Thistle .1:01 1-Dustabout ..1:10 7-Sweep Hawk. 1:04 4- EIccted II... .1:01 7-Sallys Alley. 1:03 ; and C-Gadfly 1:04 5-Slippcry Elm.l:03 1-IIephaistos .1:04 3-Sky Line ...1:03 5- Haidee 1:03 C-Trystcr 1:02 967-HopelcSs ...1:04 997-Tain 1:03 C-Kippie 1:03 0-Twaddle 1:04 4-Longboat ...1:03 5-T. Foreigner. 1:07 3- Marionette ..1:04 G-AYhiskaway .1:02 4- Miss Smith .1:05 2-W .Take All.l:04 5- Nancy F. ...1:03 4-Wigwam 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 990-Adonis 1:17 9S3-Oil Man 1:21 3-Black Friday.l:20 C-Prinee Tli Tiil:24 999- Bank. Brown.l:20 3-Qucsada 1:18 3-Brocade 1:20 4 -Bed Brand .1:24 1-Cartoonist ..1520 99S-Roy. Charlie.l:10 7- Ir. Brigadier.l:17 999-Itoulette 1:21 3- Keenan .....1:20 971-Serapis 1:20 6- Lettcnnan ..1:23 4-Tufter 1:21 9S9-Moody 1:21 5-Vfolet Kay ..1:21 4- Marton :i:18 5-Wylie 1:18 3- Misa Joy ...1:17 3-William Tell.l:18 993-Nose Dive ..1:21 Seven-Eighths Mile. 1- Flanncl Shirtl:30 7-Pretty Day .1:35 G-Horologe ...1:29 1-T. Hottentot.l:40 7- Muskallonge 1:34 5-Wild IIther.l:33 One Mile. 4- Billy Barton.l:44 4-Prudery 1:48 4-Bit o BIack.l:45 6-Becount 1:45 2- Castanct ....1:41 997-Itaequetta ..1:47 4- Exodus 1:48 3-RouIeau 1:44 1- Good Times.. 1:48 2-Sweep By ..1:56 5- Jock Scot ..1:45 4-T. Feathers. .1:46 995-Mast. Hand..l:43 998-Thimble 1:45 2- Passamaria ..1:51 1-White Star .1:45 Brilliant Star showed fine speed in the going. Smoke Screen galloped from the barrier. Morvich was under restraint. Pirate Gold showed good speed. June Grass is in good condition. Golden Rule looks good. Donges has a good way of doing his work. Picketer and Flagstaff worked together. Belphrizonia seems fresh and good. Sallys Alley and Sun Fey worked together. Twaddle and Gadfly galloped head and head. Hopeless was under restraint all the way. Cyclops had an easy gallop. Bunting and Broomster ran well on even terms. Whiskaway and Tryster both showed fine speed. Marton worked fast. Miss Joy was not fully extended. Irish Brigadier seems in good condition. Flannel Shirt is ready for a good race. Horologe did his work in good fashion. Prudery had an easy gallop. Master Hand was unextended all the way. Billy Barton did a creditable mile. Jock Scot and Thimble both are in good condition. Good Times was under strong restraint. Exodus appears fresh and good. Rouleau ran from the barrier. The track was drying out this morning and if there is no more rain should be fast for Fridays racing. OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 4- Grey Las 39 Half Mile. 3- A. M. Humphy51 3-E1 Dorado ....53 6- Dust Flower ..51 G-Lord Brighton 52 901-Duc de Morny 51 G-Overtake 53 2- Evil 53 Five-Eighths Mila. 1-Black Mkey 1:08 983-Jocose 1:07 6- Carcful 1:07 G-Kock Salt ...1:03 G-Deep Sinker 1:00 G-Scottish Chiefl:07 Turee-Quarters Mile. 4- Anterio 1:19 G-McKenna ...1:20 5- Chile 1:20 G-Sedgefield ..1:23 G-Cavt Emptorl:22 5-Trcvelyan ...1:18 7- Harridan 1:19 4-Thessaly 1:18 3- Knobbie 1:17 One Mile. G-Duncecap ...lr53 5-Pillory 1:47 1- Kirklevgton 1:50 990-Yankee Star 1:49 Anna M. Humphrey and Dust Flower galloped easily together. Careful worked under restraint. Caveat Emptor is training well. Knobbie seems fresh and good. Thessaly worked fast. Harridan was not extended. Pillory is nearing good form again. FORT ERIE, Ont, August 10. Todays training gallops here included the following: FORT ERIE. Weather clear ; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 3- Attorney 33 3-FIyIng .Tacque 38 G-Arendal 37 Florentine .....30 9S9-C. J. Craigmile39 991-Lady Boss? 36 5- Dancing Girl.. .39 5-Lloyd Georgc3S 4- Eulah F 3 4-Mary Itelgel ..3d 2- Estero ........30 5-Mo:.s Fox II .33 7-OId Top 39 Spcedv Girl ...39 1- On nigh ,38 930-Swt Bouquet 33 2- St. Quentin ...41 999-Tipsy Dance ..39 5-Servitor 37 350-Ten Can .. 38 Half Mile. 3- Bulldog Dond 52 999-Lent 51 7-Bengall 51 3-Mabel K 5!i 4- Bobadil 51 6-Mallowmot ...55 999-Ciceroaian 52 997-Moll Cutpurse 53 956-Citizen 51 9S2-Norais 53 Flea 53 3-Pretender 51 vi 3-Father Damien 50 Piedra 51 2-Fanatic 51 6-IteIuctant 52 997-Heeltaps , 53 Sweet Kiss ....53 2- Impcrsonator ..56 997-Titania 52 5- Johnny Overton.53 980-T. o th Morg 53 3- Lilt 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 1-Azracl 1:07 978-Make Up 1:03 4- Cimarron ....1:07 1-NuIH Secdna 1:06 997-Corenzio 1:08 5-Itock Garden 1:03 994-Forest Major 1:08 7-Some Baby ..1:0S 5- Fincastle 1:02 842-T.J.Pengast 1:05 993-Galllvant 1:08 983-Van. Welles 1:05 5-Laura 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 5-Brilliant Ttay 1:21 2-Joscph Brant 1:22 999-Blue Jeans ..1:17 999 -Lady Zeus ...1:22 3-Biillt Jester 1:18 3-Max Gold ...1:21 G-Briand 1:21 9S4-North Sea ...1:17 997-Dclusive .. ...1:1S 7-Bcdmon 1:22 5-Eleanor S. ..1:19 a 09S-Sailor 1:20 997-Isomorphous .1:27 5-Tip. Witchet 1:13 One Mile. 1- Baby Grand.. 1:50 2-Fincry 1:50 2- Bastille 1:51 907-HalIueintion J.:57 935-Encrinitc 1:46 G-Natural 1:43 2-Fantoche ....1:48 1 -Woodbine ...1:54 997-Fcylance 1:54 974-Zack Terrell 1:54 Old Top showed speed. Estero was under restraint. Ten Can is showing good form. :Lady Boss showed fine speed. Arendal had plenty of speed. Florentine was ridden out. Bengali was doing his best Citizen was galloped for all that was in him. Father Damien showed good speed. Vanessa Welles was doing her best. Make LTp appears to be in good form. Delusive worked impressively. Encrinlte showed the best mile.

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Local Identifier: drf1922081101_12_4
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