Latest Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1922-09-05

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LA TEST WORK-OUTS I 1 l f rf 31 LOUISVILLE, Ky., September 4. Sundays c work-outs here included the following: Weather clear; track fast CHURCHILL DOWflS. Three -Eighths Mile. 1 968-Bobby Shea ...37 058-Marinc Corps .35 30-Blanche Mae ..30 29-Post Haste 35 29-Blue Nose 30 30-Punta Gorda ..38 29- Boy Fm Home30 27-Roekministcr .37 30- Cruzern 30 950-Stonewall 38 30-Golden Floss ..36 999-Sweet Lady ...36 Mammon 36 Half Mile. 29-Coyne 48 29-rongee 51 973-Fair Alice 54 Red Arrow 48 28- Jeanne Bowdre f0 957-Royal Dick ...50 29- Linn Clark 47 915-Twopair 49 Mildred Ruth.. 48 Violet Maboney48 28- Mom 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 30- Bastinado ...1:02 28-Gorham 1:05 29- Beach Beautyl:02 29-Lady Lillian 1:03 28- Bcdazzle 1:02 29-Lierre ...1:02 2-I5ody Guard 1:01 27-Reneelaw ...1:03 29- Brad.s Toneyl:01 29-RuggIes 1:04 29-Cho Clio 1:05 971-Sir Lawnfal .1:03 29-Escarpolette 1:04 30-Skeezix .....1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 29- Barracnda ..1:17 27-Inquiry 1:19 27-Billy Star ..1:14 27-M. P. Gdner 1:16 963-FIors of Lovcl:17 29-Wdg Tlirghl:20 30- Hold Me 1:10 27-Wild Life ...1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 30-Biddledee ...1:31. 991-Whippet 1:32 30-Tomahoi 1:31 One Mile. 27-Alex Jr 1:50 27-Quality 1:46 2S-Dartmoor ...1:45 20-Ked Wgfieldl :41 29-Harvest Kingl:44 959-S. of Pleasurel:49 27-Mcrchnnt 1:53 965-Split Grass ..1:44 947-Paha ska 1:47 Lina Clark showed much speed. Hold Me was never extended. Harvest King did a creditable work. Billy Star showed improvement in his work-out. NEW YORK, N. Y., September 4. Sundays gallops at Jamaica included the following: Weather clear; track good JAMAICA. Three-Eighths Mile. 23-Better Luck ...36 16-Mormnw 35 20- Bud Fisher 35 21-Nancy F 40 21- Dimmesdalc ...36 21-Prima Donna ..35 22- Great Lady ...35 19-Savoy 30 971-Mambi 36 Half Mile. 953-Black Knight 53 18-Miss Star 48 Hessian Lad ..51 993-Peter Brown ..49 22 - Lady Rose ....48 True Eyes 51 27- Morvieh 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 961-Flving Devil 1:10 Sligle Sliaek 1:07 23- Gadflv 1:01 35-Timbrel 1:04 22-Great Man ..1:10 23-Turuulent ...1:03 19-Juicy Fruit .1:03 23-Twaddle 1:01 920-Lucky Buttonl:05 One Mile. 997-J. Paul Jonesl:45 999-Sthern Cross 1:44 Better Luck showed much speed. Bud Fisher seems fresh and good. Great Lady and Prima Donna worked on l even terms. Mormaw worked fast. Lady Rose and. Miss Star worked well together. Morvich was under a pull. Peter Brown looks and acts good. Twaddle and Gadfly both worked well. HELJIONT PA UK TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 21-Beatitude 39 987-Irish Pat 37 19-Canaque 39 20-rennon 37 18-Contour 38 26-Romping Home39 21- Felside 39 23-Stockraar 3G 28- Uobgoblin 38 20-Toil 3S 16-Metal 36 Half Mile. 14-Amusement ...50 971-Osprey 48 Fly by Day . . .51 26-Passamaria . . .51 28- Kellerman 49 22-Plentycoos -51 993-K. of t. IlerSl The Gaff 55 10-Mastcr Hand ..54 22-Transom 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 29- Blue Peter ..1:02 29-Moonraker ..1:02 29-Chickvale ...1:02 29-Rialto 1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 25-Calaity Janel:20 28-Flagstaff ...1:13 22- Cresta 1:17 25-Nedna 1:20 21-Crocus 1:20 25-Quarrel 1:16 21-Prudery 1:20 22-Untidy 1:10 23- Edict 1:18 22-Woodland ...1:17 28-Exodus 1:18 One Mile. 990-Algoa 1:48 25-Enchantmcnt 1:45 28- Bbary Bush 1:52 29-Picketer l:4o 21-Frigate 1:45 Mile and a Quarter. 29- Bunting 2:00 Prudery, Calamity Jane, Crocus and Nedna a had an easy gallop in single file. Untidy and Quarrel worked easily on even n terms. Woodland and Cresta were galloped in n company. Edict had an easy gallop. Frigate seems in good condition, Bunting showed excellent speed over the e distance. Enchantment and Picketer did a useful mile together. Flagstaff did an excellent work-out. 32 BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weather cloudy; track fast Throo-Eighths Mile. 31-Beatitude 35 31-Felside 35 10-Bud Lerner ...42 11-Sequel 35 28-Curtis 38 Half Mile. 965-Astrolitc 50 24-IIoy 52 24- Chesterbrook ..50 27-Kai-Sang 49 25- Chile 53 991-Lord Herbert .51 26- Contact 49 21-Lustrous 53 28-Cyclops 48 26-Quaint 52 28-Grey Lag 52 21-Skinnish 50 Fivo-Eighths Mile. 31-Canaqne ....1:03 9C5-Equinoctial .1:05 20-Chateaugay .1:04 31-Romp. Home. 1:03 Three-Quarters Milo. 27- Ar. of Gold .1:18 970-M. Patricia .1:18 993-Bonus 1:24 17-Suspicion ...1:19 25-IIourbel 1:21 25-The Almoner.l:15 954-Last Straw .1:14 25-Whirlwind ..1:16 25-Lucky Antnel:10 One Mile. , , 947-Gold. Guinea. 1:49 Last Straw worked fast. f," Kai-Sang seems fresh and good. Cyclops went easily. c 1 Beatitude showed speed. Romping Home and Canaque worked easilj on even terms. Lucky Antoine was not extended. The Almoner did a creditable work. JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 26-TraJanus 30 Half Mile. 990-Brainstorm ...49 977-John Joseph ...51 993-Buxoin 52 6-Juno 49 26-Hephaistos 48 25-Valentia 49 10-Idle Toy 53 947-W. of Chance. .50 Fivo-Eighths Mile. 23-Lady Inez ...1:03 31-Scotland Yet 1:07 924-Marg. Lorettal:08 Three-Quarters Milo. 28-Armistice ...1:19 Extend 1:19 28-Carmeneita ..1:17 Le Glorieux .1:21 26- Daniel A. ...1:17 985-Maize 1:17 20- Dream Days 1:14 Brainstorm galloped easily. Hephaistos looks and acts welL Dream Days worked fast. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 22- Billy Barton ..38 923-Pansy 39 23- Hughie 39 906-Ray Jay 37 2S-Hercmon .... .37 Half Mile. 2S-Bluc and Gold 53 27-Wildrake 51 24- The Gregorian .55 Five-Eighths Mile. 9-Capt. Alcock.l:07 970-Poor Sport ..1:08 Three-Quarters Mile. 17-Blue Mount .1:27 24-Torcliy 1:17 977-Pde of Indial:19 20-Yankee Star 1:18 710-Leochares 11.1:19 Seven-Eighths Mile. 21- Polythia 1:30 One Mile. 27- Eliminator ..1:43 22-Mystic 1:48 23-Harridan 1:44 28-Wild Healherl:45 23-1layfellow ..1:50

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