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ENGLISH TURF STATISTICS Lprd Woolavington Has Long Lead on Owners Golden Myth Leads the Horses. English turf statistics covering the period from March 20 to August 19 reflect prosper- . ous conditions. Lord "Woolavington easily leads the twenty-one owners who have, to that date, won 0,000 or more, with 45,-955. The Trcdennis colt, Golden Myth, heads the winning horses with 2,180, with Cap- . tain Cuttle contestnig leadership with 0,-S95 to his credit. The sires whose progeny have been piling up winnings are led by Hurry On, which can account for 33,520. Lemberg, next in order, has a credit of 27,-160. The leadership among the riders is held by S. Donoghue, who has had seventy-five winning mounts, and who leads his nearest competitor, C. Elliott, by twenty-three winners. Following are the statistics: Winning- Owners. Winning Races horses, won. Amount. Lord Woolavington . 9 10 45,055 Sir G. Bullough 0 12 82,205 Lord Derby 13 22 C7.2S0 Iiord Queenborough 2 2 G5.SS0 Lord Astor 2 4 05,175 B. W. Parr 2 4 62,6:0 S. Tattersall 5 9 57,375 James White . 14 22 51,575 I Mrs. S. Whitburn 7 12 42.450 Sol Joel 0 9, 39,010 II. II. Asa Khan 4 7 30,865 Sir W. Cooke C 11 2S.0SO Sir II. Meux 4 0 24,895 Ixrd Furness 3 4 24,815 Lord Rosebery G 7 24,185 Duke of Westminster 7 9 24,120 W. M. i. Singer 7 10 23,125 Sir II. Cunliffe-Owen ....... 6 9 23,010 G. Langley 3 5 22,220 King George V 5 8 21,425 It. C. Dawson 3 5 20,435 Winning- Horses. Races Won. Amt. Golden Myth, b. c, 4, by Trcdennis Golden Lily ; 4 2,180 Captain Cuttle, ch. c, 3, by Hurry On Belavista 3 70,895 Pogrom, b. f, 3, by Lemberg Popin- ".sml 2 50,850 St. Louis, b. c, 3, by Louvois Princess Sterling .. 1 53,225 Silver Urn, ch. f, 3, by Juggernant Queen Silver 3 50,020 Town Guard, b. c, 2, by Hurry On Williams Pride .......... L- 4 45,060 Spike Island, b. c, 3, by Spearmint Moll, Desmond ... 2 33,775 Tctrabbazia, b. f, 4, by The Tetrarcli -r-Abbazia 3 24,475 Cos1; br. f, 2, by Flying Orb Renaissance 3 22,105 Double Hackle, ch. c, 4. .by Bachelors Double Sweet Hae.kness. 3 20,000 Chivalrous, ch. c, 4, by Amadis Courtesy 2 19,425 Blandfonl, b. c, 3, by Swynford Blanche 2 15,500 Express Delivery, b. c, 3, by Fariman" : Mrs. Gamp ,. 4 15,105 rharos, b. or br. c, 2, by Phalaris Scapa Flow 4 15,110 Air Balloon, ch. h, 5, by Stedfast Highness .. 3 14,775 Duncan Gray, gr. c, -3, by Pommern Sibyl Gray 3 14,425 The Yellow Dwarf, ch: c, 4, by Cor- eyra Lady Hawker 2 14,020 Legality, b. c, 2, by Charles OMalley Keplers Law 2 13,800 Selene, b. f, 3, by Chaucer Scre-nissinia 3 13,010 Eicyon, ch. c, 3, by Sunder Pol-kcrris 3 12,920 Welsh Spear, b. c, 3, by Spearmint Soutli Wales , 1 12,830 North Waltham, b. h, 5, by Junior Attic Salt 1 12,050 Silver Image, ch. c, .4, by Juggernaut Queen Silver 1 12.C00 Winning Sires. Races in Ireland included. No. of Races Winrs. Won. Amt. Hurry On, by Marcovil Tout Suite 8 15 33,520 Lemberg, by CylleneGalicia 19 21 127.1G0 Trendcnnis, by Kendal St. Marguerite 9 15 90,590 Spearmint, by Carbine Maid of the Mist 11 14 78,185 Tracery, by Rock Sand Topiary. 10 30 71,565 The Petrarch, by Roi Hcrode Vahrcn 14 19 70,470 Juggernaut, by St. Simon Amphora 7 10 60,015 Sunstar, by Sundridge-Doris 21 34 05,750 Swynford, by John oGaunt Canterbury Pilgrim 17 22 61,940 Bachelors Double, by Trcdennis Lady Bawn 15 19 59,915 Louvois, by Isinglass St. Lou- vaiuu 0 6 57.355 Charles OMalley, by Desmond Goody Two Shoes 15 21 53,850 Valens, by Laveno Valenza 8 23 01,030 Son in Law, by Dark Ronald Mother in Law 19 17 40,795 Lomond, by Desmond Lowland Aggie 20 27 39.S30 Pommern, by Polymelus Merry Agnes 5 7 30,125 Roi Hcrode, by Lc Sumaritaine Roxelane 16 20 35,455 Black Jester, by Polymelus Absurdity 16 24 34,420 Polymelus, by Cyllene Maid Marian 10 21 33,300 Volta, by Valens Agne3 Velasquez 8 13 33,270 Chaucer, by St. Simon Canterbury Pilgrim 11 17 32,420 Corcyra, by Polymelus Pear-main 0 14 30,610 Neil Gow, by Marco Chelandry.. 9 15 27,455 Flying Orb, by Orb Stella 8 10 27,315 Stedfast, by Chaucer Be Sure... G 14 20.57C Amadis, by Love Wisely Galeta.. 0 9 25,045 Plialaris, by Polymelus Biomus.. 5 9 23,2S Friar Marcus, by Cicero Prim Miss 10 11 24,710 Sir Eager, by Eager Dame dOr. 0 9 24,355 Bridge of Kara, by Cyllene Santa Brigida 12 21 23.1S5 Captivation, by Cyllene Charm. . 8 11 20,745 Cicero, by Cyllene Gas 0 8 20,320 Winning Jockeys. Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C. Donoghue, S 390 75 52 51 212 19 23 Klliott, C 278 52 38 24 104 18.70 Whalley, A 295 45 50 27 174 15.20 Gardner, E. 235 41 31 25 138 17.44 Smyth, W 2015 41 43 27 155 15.40 Beary, M 3S4 41 44 30 2G3 10.07 Lane, F 2S4 30 30 2S 190 12.07 Chihls, J 213 34 33 23 123 15.95 Carslake, B 219 34 37 29 119 15.9S Thwaites, J 108 33 20 19 90 19.04 Ledfon. J 157 32 20 14 91 20.39 Pox, F 30S 32 34 23 214 10.53 Jones, R. A 202 30 18 28 120 14.85