untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-09-27


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CHICAGO HANDICAPPER 50 CENTS AT ALT. NEWSSTANDS. L00K!L00K! YESTERDAYS ADVERTISED LONG SHOT: Bunga Buck .90- Won MONDAYS "LONG ONE": Dulcy 5.40- Won SATURDAYS ADVERTISED LONG SHOT: Bromelia .40- Won FRIDAYS ADVERTISED LONG SHOT: Water Girl 6.60- Won THURSDAYS ADVERTISED LONG SHOT: Bunga Buck Lost "WEDNESDAYS ADVERTISED LONG SHOT: John Morrill . . . 1.90- Won Look over the record and see what you have missed A "LONG SHOT" A DAY Now, the Chicago Handicapper is the tat.tt OF THE TOWN. If you want to clean up, then let us show you -what REAL INFORMATION IS. TODAY Another 10-1 LONG SHOT for you, plainly marked on sheet, and comes from the SAKE SOURCE as the above. Go right now to your newsdealer and ask for THE CHICAGO HANDICAPPER ONLY 50 CENTS." Mailed, 2 Weeks, .00. Remit to CHICAGO PUBLISHING CO. 333 South Dearborn Street, " CHICAGO, ILL. Some Principal Agents: CINCINNATI Pierce, Fifth and Vine Sts. ST. LOUTS Laser, 705 Market St. LOUISVILLE Filer and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. SERVITOR 7-1, WON i HIS is the savory morsel served I our vast clientele Monday. Posi-tively the ONLY horse sent out on Havre de Grace that day. That our "information" is not confined to any one track is borne out by what we did Saturday. Our advertised special at Lexington was Lady Frakes, 5 to 1, Won We Are Specialists, Buying: and Selling on a Large Scale. on by our splendid success we intend SPURRED issuing a DAILY ONE-HORSE WIRE during the Latonia meeting. This track opens next Saturday, Sept. 30, continuing until Nov. 4 THIRTY-ONE DAYS OF RACING, all for the nominal sum of 5. Our next special at Havre de Grace SPECIAL GOES Friday. Inability to properly advertise it forces magnanimity on our part. Therefor it will be included FREE with all subscriptions to Latonia. The price of Latonia one-horse daily for the entire meeting is 5. Rush your order NOW. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Turf Dept. Suite 1002, 109 N. Dearborn St. Chicago, Til. LATONIA RACES J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU S15 FOR ANY TEN DAYS. OPENING DAY, SEPTEMBER 30. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION DONT FAIL TO SEND YOUR ADDRESS. From Me You Get Track Conditions and No Scratched Horses, but Fit Horses. My many clients will vouch for my marvelous luccess at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of-the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. ! Propositions Not Considered. Strictly Cash Only. PARKTON FLATS 825 Greenup Street :: Covington, Ky. ARCH B. ODOM 1100 South Second Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. TODAY AT LEXINGTON Everything is ready for big getaway TrflUng- at Lexington. Rush subscription. Terms, . Horse must win or you get ten days information at Latonia free. 5 LATONIA MEETING 5 Entire meeting 31 days for 5. Do business with a man that knows this game. I am a brother of George M. Odom, who races a string- in the East. Anyone subscribing for Latonia meeting will be taken care of on anything I receive word on from East. 100 PER CENT HANDICAP COPYRIGHTED. Figure your own horses. 100 PER CENT HANDICAP will give you a percentage of winners that will startle you. Enable you to make two or three plays a day or the entire card. RELIABLE CONSISTENT SUCCESSFUL. No tips. You figuro your own winners. L. R. PATTEN, LOCKBOX. :: :: :: LA SALLE, N. Y. J. f. "Lucky" Baldwin Three big specials one Friday, September 29, another Tuesday, October 3, and another Thursday, October 5. You cannot afford to miss these three big specials. If yon are reliable rush your name i and address now. TERMS: Winnings of a 0 straight play. 1S03 Lexington Avenue, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Phone Lenox 6110. Daily Racing Form Ads Pay Well. THE BEACON Copyright 1922, by Beacon News Service. MAILED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. Contains news of interest to horsemen and trainers regarding present form of horses that are expected to win next start; also ratings and intended coups. We Have No Specials to Sell You When we receive late word on anything good we wiro or mail samo to subscribers free of charge. Subscription rate one week , four weeks. . IN NEXT WEEKS BEACON WE WILL HAVE ANOTHER THREE STAR SPECIAL AT MARYLAND. OUR LAST SPECIAL: Carol 6.00- Won Next Saturday we expect late word on A KENTUCKY SPECIAL This special will be sent as a free wire. OUR FREE WIRES give late and exclusive information and are sent to subscribers agreeing to pay telegraph charges. ORDER YOUR BEACON NOW AND SECURE THESE SPECIALS. THE BEACON IS MAILED ON THURSDAY EVENING. YESTERDAY WE GAVE: Valentia 2-5 Won Be a Beaconite and know when they are trying. The Beacon is filed with Racing Form. All business by mail. Dont miss this weeks freo wires. Subscription rates one week, , four weeks . Checks and money orders payable to BEACON NEWS SERVICE SUITE 614, 1452 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, N. Y. A Stable Killing ! Mr. Small Wishes to Advise all of his friends that he is in possession of a priceless piece of info, which will to manipulated by one of tho shrewdest horsemen on the turf, a proposition which can only interest players who can apprecdato something occasionally of an exclusive nature. SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, is the day and the price should be 5 or 6 to 1. My terms are the profits of a ten dollar straight play. If you want a slice of the melon address at once. No callers. H. SMALL 102 WEST 101TH STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. FOR REAL INFORMATION GET THE THOROUGHBRED Only 35c wherever Racing Form is sold Todays best: Ship-East-Sow-Cab-Nut-Run. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimoro Bldg. Estab. 1907 Chicago, HI. THE TURF REPORTER Oldest publication in existence Heros the best. Costs no moro than the rest. Only 35o at all newsstands. Wednesdays Special: Forward - Saturday- One -Run - Why -Put. 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904 Chicago, HI. NEW BOOK on salo today. Gives you a real line on horses that are ready to win at all leading tracks. Todays form special: October-Pcar-15-56-30-65. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 103, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, I1L

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922092701/drf1922092701_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1922092701_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800