Latest Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1922-09-27

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? j , , , . . , j i i I 1 J ; ; i I I I i i , Latest Work-Outs 54 LEXINGTON, Ky., September 2C Todays training gallops here Included the following: LEXINGTON". "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 52-Boys Belve Me35 51-Honor Man ...36 51- Bright Leaf ..36 49-Indian- Trail ..35 52- Betty Beall ...35 r2-Lugs 36 51- Cash 37 51-Metric 35 34-Dongcs 35 46-Manoevre ....36 51-Easter Bells ..34 44-Pahaska 37 44-Grass Maid ...39 44-Rustem 35 52-Georgette 38 51-Sweet Lady ..38 52-Great Luck ...35 Half Mile. 33-Approval 55 51-Prestolite 50 52- Alicc Bl. GownSO 49-Quince Garden 51 50-Blue Peter 49 52-Radio 50 37-Body Guard ..50 52-Sweetheart 49 49-Bnchantment ..CO 44-TJncle Sonny ..50 46-Lady Morrow .49 52-Wdg Through50 52-Lady Madcap .53 War Idol 50 48-May Buddy ...53 Five -Eighths Mile. 51-American Acel:02 52-Gam. Gurton 1:07 46- Ailsie Vernorl:07 50-Palwin 1:03 50-B. from Homel:03 51-Settle 1:04 19-Bill OFlynn 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 52-Bleys Toncyl:22 21-Modesty 1:19 720-Hazel W. ...1:10 43-Rib Grass ...1:16 728-Humphrey ...1:20 52-Sewell Combsl:22 51-May Bodine .1:17 30-S. of Pleasurel:20 One Milo. 53- Fair Phantoml:48 53-Pindar Peel 1:41 47- Mormon Elderl:45 51-Pumps 1:43 48- Plus Ultra ..1:50 45-Raider 1:42 Enchantment and Blue Peter were both hard held. Easter Bells had his speed. American Ace galloped easily. Pindar Peel worked a good mile. Raider galloped steadily all the way. HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., September 26. Todays training gallops here included the following: HAVRE BE GRACE. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 24-Bluffer 37 22-Lady Boss 37 50-Brocklesby ....36 Miss Miami ...38 50-Citation 39 31-Royal Dick 39 24-Dick Deadeye .38 4S-Sailing Along . .38 51-Delhi Maid 37 50-St. Lawrence ..39 8-Encrinite 39 48-Slippery Elm ..36 53-Fusee 38 21-Wellfindcr ....38 47-Hclen Atkin ..3S 51-Zouave 40 Half Mile. 53-Gladbrook 49 997-Supcr 54 29-Luminist 53 51-Ten Minutes ...55 49- Mr. X 52 47-Ultra Gold 55 47- Pietrus 50 49-Yalador 49 Santa Argo . . .53 Five-Eighths Mile. 812-Not Yet 1:05 53-Sun Mist 1:05 51-Polly Ann ..1:00 48-Sec. Thoughtsl:05 53-Sun Doll ....1:05 51-Vitamin 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 45-Anticipate ..1:23 Salt Peter ..1:22 51-Calamiry Janel:22 38-Thcssaly 1:10 48- Montalvo 1:17 50-Two Feathersl:17 50- 11night Stiesl:23 53-Trantula 1:20 27-Night Raider.l:22 49-Woodland ...1:24 45- Nfords CUcel:21 4S-Wr Take Alll:16 99S-Queen Blondel:21 50-Titania 1:20 50- Rubidium ...1:22 One Mile. 51- Crock o Gold. 1:47 51-Royal Gem ..1:50 47-Nedna 1:51 Rockinghorse 1:55 952-Kryn Harlan. 1:51 20-Trcvelyan ...1:48 47- Our Birthday.l:54 48-Thimble 1:45 51-Petite Dame .1:40 48-Yankee Star 1:44 Encrinite was only cantering. Yankee Star ran a nice mile and had some speed left. Sailing Along and "Wellfinder ran well together. Miss Miami showed speed. Lady Boss seems to have all of her old-time speed. St. Lawrence may be not quite ready, looks high yet. Brockelsby showed good work under-mild restraint. "Valador and Gladbrook showed a sharp turn of speed. Polly Ann was only cantering. NEW YORK, N. T., September 26. Todays training gallops here included the following: JAMAICA. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 48- Dolores 35 51-Sea Tag 37 40-Rock Salt ....37 52-TwaddIc 35 Half Mile. 43- Bessie Leighton49 40-Electod II. ..48 44- Blue Hawk ...50 51-Forshala 49 48-Brainstorm ...48 52-J. Paul Jones.. 51 51-Ben Wood ....49 41-Jug 49 44- Bowsprit 50 4S-Southn Cross .52 50- Bon Homme ..50 982-Sea Sand 50 46- Candida 50 52-Treborah 52 51- Daydue 48 49-Ting-a-Ling ..50 45- D.s Daughter .50 Five -Eighths Mile. 40-Ambler 1:03 47-Recoup .....1:0-1 51-Bit o Black.l:Oi 52-Swcepy 1:03 51- Lucidus 1:02 52-Savoy 1:07 52- Mar. Lorctta.l:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 52- Bettcr Luck. 1:16 44-Lucky Hour 1:16 40-Crystal Ford. 1:15 53-Mawrcoron ..1:14 50- Horologe ....1:19 52-Rork 1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. El-Poe 1:27 One Mile. 35- Lcghorn ....1:40 51-S. Light III..1:43 46- Maize 1:46 Mile and an Eighth. 51- Busom 1:53 Buxom went easily, all the way. Brainstorm and Daydue galloped on even terms. Mawrcoron worked well. Better Luck was under restraint. Elected II. showed good speed. Lucky Hour seems fresh and good. Crystal Ford worked well. Poe worked fast. BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 48-Bantry Pass ..33 52-Galantman 35 53- Equinoctial ...36 51-Three Square.. 35 36- Felside 35 Half Mile. 48-Bud Lerner ...48 Cl-Ruddy 48 25-Belphrizonia ..50 25-Scarlet Bugler. 50 53-Cimbra 49 51-Setting Sun ...51 53-IIourbcl 47 50-T. Col.s Lady. 48 51-Knobbie 49 26-Violinist 48 47- OU Man 49 28-Wood Flower .49 29-Pillory 51 52-William Tell .51 44-Rigel 49 Five -Eighths Mile. 47-Colge Grcen.l:04 51-Sakah 1:01 52-Hobgoblin ...1:03 51-Wterfeathcr 1:03 51- Bffles 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 47-A1 Boyd 1:18 44-Paula Shay .1:18 47-Clierry Pie ..1:16 37-Runmath ...1:17 52- Diagram 1:20 46-Red Wreath.. 1:10 47- Eqnator 1:18 51-Runetta 1:17 52-Gcorgie 1:14 51-Rockabyc ...1:14 51- Hcll Gate ..1:17 50-R. Bottom ..1:20 CO-Ld Herbert.l:18 53-T. Dictator .1:23 48- Last Straw .1:24 52-T. Vengeancel:20 Pat Dear ...1:15 38-Vanderburg .1:22 Seven-Eighths Milo. 52- BIue Teal ..1:29 51-Serapis 1:33 One Mile. 51- Careful 1:42 47-Prodigious ..1:41 17-Duncecap ...1:48 51-Tangerine ...1:42 52- Passamaria .1:48 26-Vendor 1:47 Mile and an Eighth. 51- Senngs Parkl:52 Red "Wreath and Cherry Pie worked easily; together. Hourbel showed good speed. Felside has her speed. Prodigious did her work well. Careful seems fresh and good. Ruddy showed improvement Hell Gate had an easy galley. AQUEDUCT. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 52- Anna M 36 44-Marionette 38 52-Eliminator ....37 44-Miss Finn 37 52-Hcremon 37 47-Woodlake 38 Half Mile. 52- Blue and Gold 4S 40-Sophia Goldman49 46-Polythia 50 1-Wilkes-Barre .54 44- Peddler 47 Three-Quarters Mile. 50-Blazed Trail 1:18 46-Pcn Rose ...1:14 45- Bridesman ..1:14 47-Prince James 1:18 50-Hillhonsc ...1:17 44-Star Court ..1:20 48-Mir. Cooper 1:18 One Mile. 45- Ethnea 1:44 50-Thornhedge .1:46 46- Flannel Shirtl:40 46-Torchy 1:50 53- Swecp By ...1:42 41-Wild Hcatherl:41. Cl-Scttish Chief 1:47 Mile and an Eighth, 43-Capt. Alcock 2:04

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Local Identifier: drf1922092701_11_3
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