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Laurel Form Chart XAUREL, MD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1922. Laurel Tark 1 mile. Nineteenth day. Maryland State Fair Association. Autumn Meeting of 23 days. Weather clear; temperature 64. Steward Bepresenting Maryland Racing Commission, George Brown, Jr. Stewards of Meeting, Baker Waters, Henry Morris and George Brown, Jr. Delegate at Large. Carlos M. DeGarmcndia. Judges, H. P. Conkling, J. B. Campbell and John P. Turner. Starter, James Milton. Euciug Secretary, J. B. Campbell. Eacing starts at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time 12:45 p. in.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures" in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice -.allowance. RandLi "I ft FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Oct. 31. 1914 1:054 2 113. ,363 Added. 2-year-OOtcJLO olds. Claiming. Net value to winner ,063; second00; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt G6387 NOON GLIDE wb H2 9 7 2 1 1 14 E Barnes W Durnan 1050-100 G5012 PENNON wb 112 7 9 8l E 4s 2: B Marinelll S H Harri3 110-100 G68G9KOSIE II. w 104 5 3 1 21 21 3 S McLane G H Goodacre S99-100 GG285THE GIRL w 104 10 S 71 3J Sb 41! W Martin R F Carman G130-100 G6221 PRIMUS w 10S 3 3 9 10 94 S1 C Lang JL A Prico 2690-100 CC138 REAP wb 112 S 10 10 8l 7 P R McCrnn K Tatterson 1930-100 6G138 ST. ANGELINA w 105 1 6 G1 91 Sl 71 E Srawod A Marrone 2135-100 GG037 FAITH W. w 110 2 4 41 74 61 84 L Morris Sunnyland Stable 915-100 C6285 BE TRUEMAN w 112 4 6 Sb 4 51 9 D Stirling E Trueman 730-100 G6 138 ANITA HAMPTON ws 104 G 1 6l Gl 10 10 J Thomas Kenton Stable 24S3-1W Time, 25, 50, 1:02, 1:09. Track fast. mutuels paid. Noon Glide, 3.00 straight, .40 place, .90 show; Tennon, .90 place, .10 show; Itosic II.. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Noon Glide. 1050 to 100 straight, 320 to 100 place, 145 to 100 show; Tennon, 95 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Rosie H., 150 to 100 show. Winner Ch. c, by High Noon Skip, by Delhi trained by W. Durnan; bred by Mr. James Butler. Went to post at 1:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. NOON GLIDE raced ROSIE H. into defeat and, racing into a long lead, "was easing up at the end. PENNON was shuffled back at the start and closed a big gap into a fast-going second. ROSIE H. set the early pace, but tired and just lasted to outstay THE GIRL. The latter finished fast. PRIMUS closed a big gap. Scratched CG283:BilIy Gibson, 104; G62S3 Susiana, 110; C624S Gold Mount, 103. Overweights St. Angelina, 1 pound; Faith W., 1. A i Cft SECOND RACE Ahout 2 Miles. Steeplechase. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. OOtcJLJ Allowances. Net value to winner ,400; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 8 12 14 Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strl 66202 :tKEI,TIE w G 141 5 4 1 2 1 1 1 R H Cfd A Rogers 145-100 G4045 COMIQUE w 5 111 6 7 51 3 4" 2" 2" D Byers J E Widener 635-100 63574JUNAR vr 7 141 2 3 3 4 3 S" 3" J Williams Malvern Hill Farm Stb 1935-100 G6070 VICAIRE w 3 130 4 5 41 E E 4" 4" C Mergler J S Cosden J365-100 G6202 TREVISCOT ws 3 130 3 2 S 6 G 5 5 L Cheyne J E Davis 2790-100 GG351 WRACK GRASS w 4 140 7 6 2. 1 2 L. rider.N Keny Mrs F A Clark 360-100 66070SEA MASTER w 3 120 1 1 Lost rider. B Kleeger R Tarr t tDisqualified for foul and placed last. JCoupled in betting as J. S. Cosden and R. Farr entry. Time, 4:01. Track fast. mutuels paid, Comique, 4.70 straight, .00 place, .00 show; Lnar, 2.70 place, .30 show; J. S. Cosden and It. Parr entry, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds Comique, C35 to 100 straight, 250 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Unar, 533 to 100 place, 1G5 to 100 show; J. S. Cosden and R. Parr entry, 53 to 100 show. Winner Dr. g, by Bryn Mawr Valentine, by Marta Santa trained by J. H. Lewis; bred by Mr. Joseph E. Widener. Went to post at 2:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily; second and third driving. KELTIE led from start to finish, but swerved against COMIQUE when both were taking the thirteenth jump abreast and was disqualified for fouling the latter. COMIQUE was saved until in the last turn of the field, then moved up rapidly and was on almost even terms with KELTIE when the latter swerved against him and his rider had to pull him up. UNAR was cut oft a couple of t:mcs In the early running. WRACK GRASS lost her rider at the twelfth jump and SEA MASTER his at the fourth. d H A A THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. 5, 1918 1:11 4 103. Purse ,562. 2-year-olds. OOSrAilf Handicap. Net value to winner ,162; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt 5i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt GG252 MARTINGALE w 124 2 4 14 14 Is ll C Kummer J S Cosden GE-100 6G02 3 AMBLER w 103 10 8 S1 S5 8 2 J Callahan Nevada Stock Fm Stb il205-100 65959 VIGIL w 119 15 7 4k 2i 34 J Butwell W J Salmon C15-100 G2901 BLUE HAWK wb 100 3 2 2"t 31 34 41 B Parke Nevada Stock F"m Stb f GG252 DANIEL w 110 9 1 6 7 5 5b W Kelsa7 II C Proctor 720-100 6G223MOONRAKER w 112 4 3 3 El 64 61 L Penman Greentrec Stable 255-1M G6353BUCADO w 112 5 7 4 2 7i E Barnes J R Skinkcr C23-100 GG170MY OWN wb 107 S 9 10 91 7J 81 S McLane Salubria Stable 970-100 G4746 PETTIFOGGER w 109 G 10 9 10 9 9 C Ponce Quincy Stable 11120-100 GG102NOEL w 107 7 G 04 GM0 10 J Rowan E B McLean 1695-100 Coupled in betting as Nevada Stock Farm Stable entry. Time, 23, 48, 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid. Martingale, 4.10 Straight, .00 place, .10 show; Nevada Stock Farm Stable entry, 0.00 place, .80 show; Vigil, .90 show. Equivalent booking odds Martingale, C05 to 100 straight, 330 to 100 place. 153 to 100 show; Nevada Stock Farm Stable entry, 400 to 100 place, 190 to 100 show; Vigil, 145 to 100 Miow. Winner B. c, by Martinet Lady Irma, by Scmproniiu trained by W. Garth; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. Went to post at 2:44. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. MARTINGALE, showing the most speed and saving ground on the turns, set a good pace and held the race safe at the end. AMBLER began slowly, but closed a big gap and came with a rush through the last eighth. VIGIL, shutllcd back at the start, also closed up ground and finished resolutely. BLUE HAWK was speedy, but tired. DANIEL could not keep up. MOONRAKER showed speed, but tired. BUCADO quit badly. Scratched CG168New Hampshire, 112; CC350 Better Times, 107. Overweights Vigil, 2 pounds; Pettifogger, 2. CiClcPl FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Oct. 21, 1319 1:37 4 125. Purse ,562. 3-yeax-olds. 004fcJrf JL Claiming. Net value to winner ,162; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Ouds Strt G6320STREVELYAN wn 107 2 5 4 2 1 1 E Smwod C P Winfrey 310-100 GG319COLANDO wb 107 6 3 2l 2 11 2 2 J Wallaco C Phillipa S33-1C0 6G320CLANSMAN wb 107 1 1 31 4 4 31 S5 J Callahan A Alexandra 353-100 GG317 SAD. AND BOOTS wb 107 5 2 14 U 34 4 4: J Rowan E B McLean CC3-100 G5912 HARMONIOUS w 105 3 7 04 C E 55 51 C Lang A J Wells 1155-100 G6205 YANKEE STAR ire 103 4 6 7 7 7 6 G C Ponce. Quincy Stable 2S3-100 GG352 TOM CASSIDY wb 105 7 4 5 S 6 7 7 C Taylor Sunnyland Stable 10090-100 Time, 25, 49, 1:15, 1:40. Track fast. .mutuels paid, Trcvclyan, .S0 straight, place, .90 show; Colaudo, .G0 place, .30 show; Clansman, .90 show. Equivalent booking odds Trcvclyan, 310 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 43 to 100 show; Colando, 230 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Clansman, 45 to 100 show. Winner Ch. c, by Trevisco Starry Night, by Star Shoot trained by G. C. Winrrey; bred by Mr. Kenneth D. Alexander. Went to post at 3:15. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. TRE7ELYAN, after being saved in the early running, raced into the lead in the stretch and was going away at the end. COLANDO ran a good race, but tired after taking the lead.. CLANSMAN was outpaced in the early running, but made a fast finish. SADDLE AND BOOTS set the early pace and tired badly. HARMONIOUS was pinched out at the start and hadto be taken up. YANKEE STAR ran poorly. Scratched 0230 Roulette, 102. Overweight Yankee Star, 1 pound. I DgiOn PIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. 5, 1918 1:11 4 108. Purse .563 3-year-olds and W9bdidJ upward. Claiming Handicap. Net valu to winner ,163; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Stet 66317 MAY BLOSSOM wb 3 HO 7 4 54 34 2"- 1 J Callahan C Fellowes 470-100 G6203APEX w 3 110 2 5 4 4" 31 2 S McLane S Ross 1SO-1O0 G6284FIFTY-FIFTY wb 3 103 G 2 31 21 4J 31 E Martin J J Hertz 1903-100 GG225 DESPAIR wb 4 107 1 7 G G 5 41 J Rowan A Swinke 350-100 GG284 WRAITH vr 4 101 3 1 1 V Ink 5ni c Lang J W Dayton G03-100 G5305;PORAL SWAIN wb G 103 5 8 8 8 7" G E Smwod G C Winfrey 1570-100 63199 ALEX H. wb 3 103 3 3 2k 51 GJ 7 E Barnes J R SkinUer 3190-100 GG281 DOUGHNUT wb 3 93 4 6 7 7 S 8 A McLhlin T F Prico 4500-100 Time, 23, 484, 1:13. Track fast. mutucls paid. May Blossom, 1.40 straight, .40 place, .90 show; Apex, .S0 place, .70 show; rifty-Fifty. .10 show. Equivalent booking edds May Blossom. 470 to 100 straight, 170 to 100 place, 93 to 100 show; Apex, 90 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show; Fifty-Fifty, 203 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Ultimus May Hempstead, by Patron trained by J. F. Schorr; bred by Messrs. neadley and Miller. Went to post at 3:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MAY BLOSSOM was outpaced in the early running, but moved up with a rush after rounding the far turn and, passing the leaders in the stretch, took the lead and drew away at the end. APEX was in close quartera on the backstretch and was jostled about, but finished fast. FIFTY-FIFTY showed speed and ran a game race. DESPAIR finished resolutely. WRAITH set a fast early pace and quit when challenged. Overweights rastoral Swain, 3 pounds; Alex H., 1. OO SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 7, 1916 1:43 5 116. Purse ,363. 3-year-olds 00dfc0 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,063; second, 00; third, 00, Index Horses AWtPrSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt GG287 "DOUBLE CROSS wb 3 110 8 7 G 5 4 I W Kelsay J E Griffith 1170-100 G6174KING JOHN wn 7 113 3 8 7 G4 6 2" F Wdsfck J T Buckley . 715100 G6319 DUC DE MORNY w 4 113 10 G 3l 3s 1 34 31 L Morri3 S L Jenkins 415-100 GG287MOCO w 3 105 7 10 10 9 71 S K Parr ton E F Whitney 1595-100 6G321 FREEZY SNZY w 3 104 5 5 5 4M 51 54 E Smwod S Louis 3T.5-1C0 GG224 DARK HORSE wsb 4 113 G 9 74 8 9 71 Gk J Wallace E E Mooar CG0-1O0 GG3.G:MINUTE MAN wb 5 105 -2 2 2 24 2b 1 71 C Taylor H Dattner 1650-100 66042 "HELLO PDNER w S 110 9 4 lb 1 3s 2 81 G Brening J Jones 2180-100 G635G JACQUES wb 4 113 1 1 41 54 S 9T 91 A McLhlin W S Murray 2S90-100 G5241DARK HILL wb 6 U6 4 3 9l 10 10 10 10 J Rowan A Swinke 1060-100 Time, 23, 48, 1:14, 1:42. 1:49. Track fast. mutuels paid. Double Cross, 5.40 straight, 3.00 place, 6.20 show; Kii.g John, .40 place, ?6.20 show; Due de Moray, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Double Cross, 1170 to 100 straight, 530 to 100 place, 210 to 100 show; King John, 320 to 100 place. 210 to 100 show; Due do Moray, 150 to 1C0 show. Winner" Ch. g, by Superman Olevia, by Ornus trained by U. Rite3; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 4:15. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. DOUBLE CROSS was outran early, but gradually improved his position and, finishing fast, got up to win in the final strides. KING JOnN closed a big gap and was running fastest at the end. DUC DE MORNY raced into the lead and finished gamely, but tired in the last eighth. MOCO closed up much ground and finished with a rush. MINUTE MAN was much used in racing with HELLO PARDNEIt and tired. The latter set a fast pace to the far turn and quit badly. Scratched GC35GlMoody, 105; 6628S Balustrade, 115. Overweights Moco, 1 pound. and6i SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Oct. 10, 1914 1:49 3 124. Purse S1.363. 3-year-OO-dbdb olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,063; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt hi li Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt GG251::CIMARRON wb 4 107 9 9 21 l1 1 l5 14 C Lang E Michaelis 305-100 G631GWCOME STGER w 3 99 C 5 4l 4l 41 21 2b C Taylor W V Casey fll30-10 6G251T. CLKMENDER w 3 102 2 3 9 51 3b 4l 3b S McLane J Nechamkis t GG20G WIDOW BDOTTE w S 107 12 7 81 6b SJ Gl 41 D Stirling E Trueman 355-100 G6321 KINGS BELLE wb 4 104 1 1 11 2J 21 Sb 5b S Lowe W J Kennelly E40-100 66075 "EXPLOSIVE w 4 106 11 10 10 91 ll1 7s 6s K Parr ton E P Summerfield 31S5100 GG104 ANNIVERSARY wb 5 105 7 12 12J 12"10 S! 7l G Mein D B Barzilay 843-100 66254 MOSE wn 7 105 3 4 51 7i 6J 51 S1 F Wdstck L Sperling 1350-100 6G322 DISSOLUTE w 3 104 13 11 11 11 91 9 9 J Wallace E E Mooar t GG234 LITTLE ED wb G 110 lj S" 1- S4 Gl 105 lO.R McCrnn T E Crist 935-100 66206 PAUL CNNELLY wb 7 110 5 2 31 31 71 11,011,S E Harbne C Phillips 2635-100 6G206KEZIAH wb S 104 S G Gb 10U121 12 12s G Brening C W Gasser G170-1CO G6104 VETERAN wb G 103 4 13 13 13 13 13 13 W Martin J Crofton f tMutuel fiefd. Time, 24, 48, 1:15, 1:42, 1:56. Track fast. mutuels paid, Cimarron, .10 straight, .90 place, .90 show; Welcome Stranger, field, .40 place, .60 show; The Clockmcnder, field, .60 show. Equivalent booking odds Cimarron, 305 to 100 straight, 145 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Welcome Stranger, field, 270 to 100 place, 330 to 100 show; The Clockmendcr, field, 330 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by His Majesty Royal Martyr, by Golden 3Iaxim trained by C. N. Freeman; bred by Mr. G. A. Cochran. Went to post at 4:49. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CIMARRON raced to the front on the backstretch and drew away into a long lead, but was tiring at the finish. WELCOME STRANGER ran a good race and finished gamely. THE CLOCKMENDER clo-ed a gap and finished fast. WIDOW BEDOTTE ran well. KINGS BELLE set the early pace and quit. Scratched 66073Dcckmate, 103; C6321 Toodles, 104; 06173 Bullet, 101; CC234 Sir Jack, 10S; C3403 Dan Dinan, 112. Overweights Kings Belle, 2 pounds; Explosive, 4; Keziah, 2.