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created The Miracle System "j I TO SURPASS, I THROUGH. I NOT TO FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED I THE U. S. I hallel Maybe That HILL Is Not There After All I mail qwly "Very Often the TURF INVESTMENT HILL You Seem to lc Climbing FACT TALK NO. 84 Is made out of the common fallacies of TIPS, GUESSWORK, D BEAMS, SUPERSTITION and LUCK. Dow smooth and level the path seems to be for hundreds of our prosperous, satisfied clients. Your m-restigation of onr proposition will level that "TfTT.T." to a comparatively smooth pathway. In the purchase of securities you are not guided by hunches, tips, etc. needing the advice of a well;meaning friend cannot be "judgment." Judgment Is a matter of FACTS, unbiased, plain truths. Faith and COMMON SENSE are two different qualities, and of the two the latter is far the most desirable. You consult your banker or a specialist in the security field. "Why not apply the same principles to racing? Write today for complete prospectus of the Miracle System. See how we eliminate the blind gambles that cost players thousands of dollars daily. Our Crystallized Racing Manual, containing 2S pages of the most enlightening and valuable turf data ever published, vitally Important racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, result charts, "the 21 Famous Walter Success Maxims, and a review of the best-known systems published, will be sent you absolutely without charge or obligation. For once you receive something worth while. Postals are ignored. uc5bi M. P. WALTER and CO., EScNoD CANADA COUNSELLORS IN TURF INVESTMENT AUSTRALIA Private Loclc Box 40F. S. E. ARTHUR. Public Relations Msr. Towson, Bid. GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 CENTS. MAILED TEN WEEKS . NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY BE SURE AND GET THE "GREEN BOOK" TODAYS FREE SPECIAL: LATONIA Wyomingr-Eain-Ocean-River Boy, oh boy, this sure is SOME PIPPIN, primed and cocked. We got the 0. K. to go strong. Get the NEW BOOK, for the LATONIA LONG SHOT is ono of the RIPEST MELONS to be UNCOVERED THIS WEEK. BY ALL MEANS DONT MISS IT LAST WEEKS LONG SHOT: Make Up 9.90- Won Golden Billows. . 5.70- 2nd Now, teU us, could any ono but a LIVE CLOCKER pive these twot MONDAY 10-1 Getaway Long Shot No. 1 Is a PIPPIN. One of the SMARTEST MEN at La-tocia is sending this ono to the post RED HOT. Should be 10-1 and every bit. The Chief has been Waiting 2 Months for It So hero is your chance. For this one is for sale today, Sunday go to your newsdealer and ask for GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 60 CENTS. MAILED OR WIRED 2 WEEKS ?5. GAR PUBLISHING CO. S32 PLYMOUTH COTJltT, CHICAGO, ILL. CINCINNATI FOR SALE PIERCES NEWSSTAND Fifth and Vine Sts. STOREYS NEWSSTAND Fourth and Central Ave. BISHOWS NEWSSTAND Fifth and Walnut Sts. COVINGTON FOR SALE GORDONS PHARMACY 4th and Scott Sts. fridays Special Won at Good Price MAKING FOUItTH STRAIGHT "WIXTfEIt PImlico meeting promises great results. I can say no more. WIRE NAME AT ONCE joe Mccarty j Saratoga Springs New York LATONIA SPECIALS EX-JOCKEY WILSON Tor the remainder of the meeting I will be on the ground and give you first-hand advice. Within the next week I am expecting two that should win, barring accidents. Usually have two or three good ones each week. I ALSO HAVE MARYLAND SPECIALS You will find I have a conscience. I want l to hear from honest people only who will pay. TERMS: WINNINGS OF A 10.00 STRAIGHT PLAY. After You Collect. Answer Quick. L WILSON 800-C Greenwood BIdg. CINCINNATI, O. THE BEACON Copyrighted 1922, by Beacon News Service. Mailed every Thursday evening. Contains news ef interest to horsemen and trainers. WE HAVE NO SPECIALS TO SELL Y0IT. i When wo receive late word on anything: good wo wire or mail same to subscribers free of charge. Last week we gavo BELPHRIZONIA. 2.40-, WON; COLANDO, ?9.80-?2, WON; NIGHTBOAT, 9-2, WON; TRIUMPH, .50-?2, WON; LADY INEZ, 3-1, WON; TTTFTER, 3-1, WON. Many others at good prices also given in the BEACON. Be a Beaconite and know when they I are trying. THE BEACON IS FILED WITH RACING FORM, j ORDER NEXT WEEKS BEACON NOW AND WE WILL SEND YOU THIS WEEKS FREE. Many good ones yet to go. Subscription rates: ONE WEEK ?1. FOUR WEEKS, . BEACON NEWS SERVICE I 1452 Broadway New York City, N. Y. T.T. BUSINESS BY MATT,. i ALICE BLUE GOWN, ?5.50-?2, WON, and a sec-I end were last Saturdays .00 XX Specials. Dont j fail to get next Saturdays Get-away Specials at j Latonia. All they cost is .00. Mondays Form Special: April-Grape-20-12-64-26. STANDARD TURF GUIDE, 403, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, 111, Subscribe for Daily Racing Form 1 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. . 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. J 167-159 EAST 32ND STREET, HEW YORK, N. Y. 1 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N, Y, Joe Brand 301 WEST 58TH ST. NEW YORK CITY I will be operating at MARYLAND only after LATONIA closes. YESTERDAYS LAUREL SPECIAL PARAGON II., 8.90-, THIRD SPECIAL NOTICE All clients who subscribed for Saturdays Laurel Special will receive my next Laurel horse free. That is the way I do business. Next Laurel Special goes WEDNESDAY. Will bo GETAWAY KILLING. Last Wednesdays 00 Laural horse ETTAHE 9-, WON My next Laurel horse will pay just as good a price. TERMS 00 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. P. S. This hundred -dollar Laurel horse is in no way connected with my daily service at Latonia. I admit I didnt have a very successful week at Latonia, but I always come back strong. Three big getaway horses MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AT LATONIA TERMS 0 DALLY, 0 WEEKLY. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, with large or small capital. It gives a few SELECT PLAYS each week that nearly all win. Won big ncney on a straight flat bet. This marvelous method stands out like a MAN O WAR. IT IS FAR SUPERIOR. My system gives long-priced winners: Fantoche . . . .2.70-j?2 Little Celt 6-1 North Tower ,6.30- Louanna 1.30-?2 Rebuke 0.40-?2 Mumho Jumbo4,40- Tamper 8.60-52 Double Cross 4.10- Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients, showing proof of what my system is doing, sent you FREE. STOP LOSING AND START WINNING RIGHT AWAY. I guarantee my System. Those with honest intentions can get my system on easy terms. Small payment down, balance as i you win. Write today for FREE PARTICULARS. WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45TH STREET :: NEW YORK CITY : : J. f. "Lucky" Baldwin . MY LAST FOUR BIG SPECIALS ALL WON. POSITIVELY NOTHING SENT OUT SAT., OCT. 28. . THREE MORE BIG SPECIALS One goes Tuesday, Oct. 31; another Thursday, Nov. 2; another Saturday, Nov. 4. You cannot t afford to miss these three golden opportunities. If f you are absolutely reliable and winners are what you are looking for, dont hesitate rush your correct name and address at once. Clients who fail to remit on Fridays winner positively will bo J crossed off wire list. I will not do business with lj irresponsible people. TERMS The winnings of a 0 straight play. I CANNOT WIN IF YOU LOSE. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. PHONE LENOX 6110. : FIREBRAND ....10- WON was yesterdays Long Shot. Quince Garden .0.40- Won 1 was Thursdays Long Shot. Alice Blue Gown 1.80- Won j was Wednesdays Long Shot. Just think, all this service costs is .00 per week. Remember we only give TWO HORSES EACH I DAY. 605 DALLY 50c. At all newsstands. " Mailed direct, 1 week, .00; two weeks, .00 NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO., 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. THE Monthly Form Book r containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the 0 month of OCTOBER. "WILL BE ON SALE THURSDAY NOON, NOVEMBER 2 PRICE, .00. Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY S only be sent as registered mail, with an extra a charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 7s EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. Z.