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rrT THE MIRACLE SYSTEM Pn ASandK FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED yfaTV Jl There Is a First Time for Everything W2 CiS THE CAVE MAN AND THE SUCCESSFUL TURF INVESTOR QJwRand gySLlp FACT TALK NO. 140 Dtf gCTjaangg SupiKc you were in that particular stag" of evolution where man BSS$ bad just discovered the life of the club, that extended from which inablcd him to make the blow of his fist many times more powerful. Our Free .,Iuj suppose some man came to you and demonstrated how you could Information Crystallized effectively use a bow and arrow. And suppose yon had adopted it Jr if5" iacing Manual aui accordingly achieved a dominant place in your tribf. And sup- tat Makes fs the 10se tins game man later came to you and described a rifle, wouldnt the Books "Wonder of yoH believe himV Today the Miracle System gives yon as much , oh the Tnrf dominance over the rank and tile of players as the possession of a boleinn repeating rifle would have given a cave-dwelling ancestor over his tribesmen. Its offered to you by SCIENCE, the same agency that enabled man to make each step forward tin the road of progress. Trust SCIENCE to make good her promises, because her previous promises have been to bounteously fulfilled. She showed us how to move a clunisy water craft by spreading sails. Then how to move it when winds failed. She taught us how to use wings of canvas to sore beyond Hie eagle. She taught us all we know. Surely we cannot mistrust her and s:iy she holds for us no more useful information. She now tells us with INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE in hand that the Miracle System is as the club to the bare fist, the cartridge to the arrow, the ocean liner to the row boat. Will you heed her announcement, at least to the extent of careful inquiry, or will you let others get the rifle while you struggle to bend the bow? Write today for complete prospectus of the Miracle System. See how we eliminate the blind gambles that cost thousands of dollars daily. Our Crystallized Racing-Manual, containing 28 pages of the most enlightening and valuable turf data ever published, vitally important racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, result charts, the 21 Famous Walter Success Maxims and a review of the best-known systems published, will be sent you absolutely without charge or obligation. For once you receive something worth while. Postals are ignored. viSu M. P. WALTER and CO., BSSKg? CANADA Siiec-isilixeil Training in Irofitalile Tnrf Investment. AUSTRAL TA. Private Lock lloi -tOF. S. K. AltlItl It. Pii-liHe Ilelations Ir. Tow.sou, Mil. GARS ; CHIEF OBSERVER 35c MAILED TEN WEEKS, .00 j TOD ATS FREE CODES: ; Dade Park: Gecrsia-HonEc-Pnrple-White. Pimlico: Wyoming-Boy-Pink-Sun. WON" NEARLY 00.00 On Last 9 0 Free Specials ; Playing each, and every one of them 0 WIN j and PLACE. Now I FOR DADE PARK TODAY ; t GRAND 0 FREE SPECIAL If you miss this bird you will simply miss . the GRANDEST OPPORTUNITY ever presented to f you; shipped here in cherry ripe condition, worked : out excellently and showed TREMENDOUS SPEED Scy, YOU SIMPLY CANT AFFORD TO KISS THIS ONE. So go right now to your newsdealer . and ask for j GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 50c. Mailed 2 weeks, . Remit to CHICAGO PUBLISHING CO. 332 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. NOTE DADE PARK FOR SALE: Evansvilie, Ind. A. Fisher, 209 Main St. St. Lcuis Wm. Laser, 705 Market St. Lobby. St. Louis Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington St. - Veterans Novices Losers 1 STOP, LOOK, LISTEN! Or 7 7. The Miracle System full page announce - ment appearing in POLICE GAZETTE issue e of Nov. 11 will he a REVELATION to ALL TURF INVESTORS. Read the letters of PROSPEROUS, SATIS- w FLED CLIENTS. See- the ?2,500 FORFEIT as to their com- plete authenticity and many other startling facts that will prove the talk of the as- country. Note the date on your calendar. Doing eo will declare you D-I-V-I- D-E-N-D-S, M. P. WALTER AND CO. r- Private lock box 40 F. P. e as- S. E. ARTHUR Public Relations Manager Towson, Md. j,. WAYWASSAMO 10.20- WON and a loser were last Saturdays ?2.00 XX SPECIALS. Dont miss next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES. All they cost is .00. . AL BOYD .20- WON was yesterdays Form Special. Dont fail to get new book. Contains best lin on sleepers. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: Octobe-r-Flum-21-17-31-28. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 103, 22 W. Quincy St. Chica-so, 111. Joe Brand I 301 WEST 58TH ST., NEW YORK CITY 1 Start the Week With Me I Today at Pimlico YESTERDAYS HORSE LOST Which is to ho expected in the racing game, hut WATCH ME TODAY. I ALWAYS COME BACK STRONG. Tuesdays Horse. JilGHTJIOAT .90-S2 WON" Mondays Ilorsc: F.XODUS .80-; .40- 2ND Saturdays Special scratched at the last minute. NO HORSE SENT OUT FRIDAY. THURSDAYS LATONIA HORSE: WICKKOKl S12.60-.30-i?i SECOND Was interfered with all the way otherwise it would have been a different story. WEDNESDAY S LATONIA HORSE: FN M KM OKI AM .50- WON TUESDAYS SPECIAL SCRATCHED AT THE LAST MINUTE. There was a reason. That is the way my clients are protected. MONDAYS LATONIA HORSE: Tony Beau, 4.50-, Won I AM OPERATING AT PIMLICO ONLY. TODAYS HORSE WILL BE A I HUMMER 1 WILL PAY 10 to 1 S RECENT WINNERS AT MARYLAND. I Ettahe ...9.00- Won I Irish Kiss .7.50- Won E I will have some long shots this week. m My past record shows that I know my E business. I DO IT NOW H TERMS 0 DAILY, 0 WEEKLY. H Out-of-town clients wire your subscription. H BE SURE TO SEND YOUR CORRECT STREET ADDRESS. iBBHHMHHHHHnHBB I J. F. LUCKY" BALDWIN Three phenomenal propositions one goas Saturday, Nov. 11; another Tuesday, Nov. 14; another Thursday, Nov. 16. If you are absolutely reliable and I can depend upon your honest co-operation, "dont hesitate, rash your correct name and address" at once. Terms: The winnings of a 10.00 straight play. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. PHONE: LENOX 6110 LADY AST0R..1.50- WON was yesterdays Long Shot. Remember, we only give TWO HORSES EACH DAY Worth many times the price. 50c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 50c. . Mailed direct, 1 week, .00; 2 weeks, .00. NATIONATi O. K. VUHLISHING CO. Room 411 Jfaltlmore BIdg. Chicago, JH,