5th Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-10

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1 Mile and TO Yards rjyearolds and upward Claiming Feb 1 1 2O l4a 16 G 122 FXREWORTH br brTrainer g 6 112 By Fireman Bosewerth by WadrwotO WadrwotOE Trainer H E Davis Owner P Duffy Breeder 3 B Clark 67548 Tijuana 1 18 l56 fast 175 110 6 2 11 2 W Pool S JudgeDarid Dora HigliOlympus 67435 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast 39 109 3 7 6 41 W Pool 7 W Dant Lavaga C Barkley 67409 Tijuana 1 18 157 fast 33 113 5 7 71 S7 M Andson 9 Drifting Argento John Arbor 67185 Tijuana 51 I l12hvy 51 112 6 0 D 9 M Andson 3 HUudder VeraRita MDunbar 67096 Tijuana 1 11C 163 hvy hvyIm70y 20 108 3 5 C1 6 C Rails 7 Conicljon Judge David Poacher 67077 Tijuana Im70y l51hvy 5 105 3 6 7 7 C Rails 9 Rlbird UtOrphin HansTnpai 67002 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud 14 105 7 7 7 71 E Petzoldt 7 Torsida Poacher John Arbor CC335 Tijuana 1 l46Hhvy 30 108 6 2 1 2l H Molten 7 Torsida Silex II Lola TOM CRAVEN b g 4 197 197Trainer By Magneto Lakelet by Orlando OrlandoBreeder Trainer C B Irwln Owner C B irwla Breeder C Clay 67493 Tijuana 5f 105 2 2 4 6TJ C Rails 7 CharBoy SumrSigh ColSn ColSnlder 67453 Tijuana ll42 ifast 2 112 C 1 1 21 D Hum 11 Wise Judge Fiame Cigale IJ7379 Tijuana 34 114 fast 21 106 4 4 41 41 D Hum 7 LitBcacb GrnceE MolBarnes Tijuana 38 95 4 6 5 6 1 P Hurn 6 Abadane LuckyButton Cofflcld i Tijuana 34 l14faat D10 10S 8 4 2 2 C Raits 10 NebrLad Shelbyvllle Lit Gink 67245 Tijuana 34 lliitast 51 103 2 5 6 41 M Fator 7 Alleden Alazon Proclamation 67001 Tijuana 24 l17 mud 10 104 1 6 6 6 D Hurn G Loiiauna Romulus MolHarne 62506 Omaha 34 l14fast 135 108 6 D Hurn S IWHarper TomElUson Bolala G2337 Omaha 51 f l0 ifast 185 102 2 D Hum S CItoberts JSpolm SunWaya 61390 Tijuana 5 12 107 fast 33 94 6 7 8 8 D Hum 8 Kingllke DCcrbctt NMcKiny TEO BRECKENREDGE ch m 7 By Suffragist Tea Beach by Bobby Beach Trainer C Reed Owner H Kiesel Breeder 0 G Parke 67356 Tijuana ImTOy l47Ufast 6 108 8 4 6 8 B Pctzoldtll EUarrigan LCochron Driftinc C7300 Tijuana ImTOy l46sfast 17 105 4 2 5 5 1 B Petzoldt 7 Toombeola C IJarkley W Dant 244 Tijuana ImTOy 143 fast 6 108 4 3 9 93J E PctzoldtlO LittleOrphan Reydo Deckhand 01590 Dcvshire 34 112 fast 45 101 11 11 11 10 J ChImersl2 SAway BAlIen Hof theNorth 03900 MHghts 1 11C l46Hfast 105 7 3 6 7 J Allen 9 Puzzle Bill Head Red RedJ3 63844 MHghts ImTOy Ilt7sfast J3 106 6 4 61 S71 J Allen 11 Primitive MajorDomo MadpeF 63718 MHgbts l 115 l457 fast 15 104 J 3 3i 6 i E Roehm 8 lices Wins Dancer Baby Cal CalC 63362 Reno 1 l42ifast C 110 110Im70y 53 E Petzgld 7 Madrono Elynllargan Zamlcb 63225 Reno Im70y l43Vifast 910 10 110 3i H Long 7 Weinland Madrono Argento 62982 Reno 5 103 1s E Petzgld 7 ColMatt Alazon LcDincsaurs 62899 Iteno ImTOy 14S fast 1110 10 103 1 H Lons 7 Caamano Prophecy Our Hazel 61389 Tijuana 1 116 l4SHfaat 23 110 1 1 6 6 B Petzgold 9 OrleansGirl DaintyLady Zetetie MISS DTJ1IBAR b m 5 By Von Tromp Arcadia Belle by Emperor of No Trainer W H Moore Owner W H Moore folk Breeder E Cebrian 67491 Tijuana 58 l03faat W 108 7 6 51 53 R Le 11 Candorosa JCampbell Alajah 67450 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 17 103G7431 103 8 6 61 5 J Thomas 10 Hazol Dale View Dclaneey G7431 Tijuana 53 l01fast 9 108 108G7243 9 7 5 51 J Thomas 11 Virge Alajah Syncopation G7243 Tijuana ImTOy IMT faat 13 108 5 3 1 Cl U Leo 12 WGMCtk GByng Obstinate 67224 Tijuana 58 l027Jsood 7 103 8 5 4 y R Lee 10 Colonel Matt Velvet Brolaski 67185 Tijuana 51 f l12ihvy 19 104 4 4 4 31 R Leo 9 HRdder VeraRita FickFancy 67166 Tijuana 58 l067 hvy 29 101 5 5 61 4 R Lee 8 IlelenMajor Baisy Wise Judge 6 049 Tijuana 34 l19 hvy 30 103 4 5 5J 611 R Lee 8 CBarktey EHargan CMaster 66895 Tijuana 58 104 slop 11 110 11 9 9 9 H Moltersll Tutt Chrome Virge 63730 Reno 34 115 fast C 104 104PINK 2 H Loner 7 Pueblo Jay Mac Knt ofPythiat ofPythiatPINK PINK PacemakerTrainer TENNY ch m 7 110 110Trainer By David Tenny Friam by Pacemaker Trainer G Lyon Owner G Lyon Breeder Mrs E J Schwartz 67453 Tijuana 1 l42V fast 252 112 7 6 31 10 J Kensgerll WiseJudge TomCraTen Flame 67207 Tijuana 34 117 slow 40 107 1076358S 3 2 6l 51 E Petzoldt 7 Jcrrr Chick Barkley Theresa TheresaC358S 6358S Reno 1 I4l7sfast 1 16 104 3 1 Seremba 9 Kimberly Weiuland Lola HickorynntG342S 63450 Reno 1 l43 fast 12 108 1086342S I1 H Molters 7 Argento Lariat Hickorynnt 6342S ColMattC3362 Reno 5 51 f lOTVsfaat 72 106 7 W Miller 9 BBlkwell Ringlder ColMatt C3362 Reno I l42Xfast 42 107 7 J W Miller 7 Madrono Elynllargan Zanilcli 63235 Reno 1 l3J fast 17 108 I1 W Miller 9 Bobolink Sippara Striker StrikerG3210 G3210 Reno 51 f 109 fast 5 113 3J G Leeds 9 Hicknut Irish Reina Tambian 61317 Tijuana 34 lU5 fast 23 113 1ft 9ls H Jones 12 Poacher Mary Jay Olympiad OlympiadDANCING DANCING AlbertTrainer STAB b m 10 lift By Heno Albertola by Albert Trainer B Orin Owner B Orin Breeder A B Hancock 67470 Tijuana 34 l14faat 13f 111 S S 71 7 3 H Molters 10 VanWelles View Plantagenet 35294 Cheyenne 34 l16 l16sfast = sfast H 104 7 G Embry 8 Sen Dana BofKeys AftXight 35181 Cheyenne 34 l16irast 49 107 FelL G Embry S BFarley GWKisker BProspt 35110 Cheyenne 34 l18fast 9 105 4 G Embry 7 Pat Gannon Ingot Oscuro OscuroCAFETERIA CAFETERIA ch m 7 113 By Abe Frank Suffice by Woolsthorpe Trainer WoolsthorpeTrainer JT S McDaniel Owner J McDaniel Breeder B A Trammell 67436 Tijuana 1 142 fast 7 103 1 2 31 31 C Rails 7 Regreso Yermak Dissolute 67380 Tijuana 34 l14fast 9 103 8 3 91 8 J W Martin 11 Aryanna She Devil July Fly 67210 Tijuana 34 l16J slov 131 101 1 1 I1 2 W Martin 8 Bill Head Roraulns Kimono 05280 Hastings 1 f 123 fast 14 107 5 i H Moltera 7 IIGeorgc FIorDeen EugeniaK 65255 Hastings ImTOy 150 good 165 107 3 II Molters 8 AlVick Donatello BessicYoung 65222 Hastings 1 11C l51slow 8 109 1 H Makers 8 Deckhand DoubVan BerniceK BerniceKPEERLESS PEERLESS ONE br g 8 112 By Jack Atkin Sans Pareil LT by Iroguol Trainer IroguolTrainer S Polk Owner S Polk Breeder T P BJiycs 67395 Tijuana ImTOy 4S fast U 110 2 2 51 8 M Fator 12 LauraCochron Lariat Rhymer 67337 Tijuana 1 143 fast 1S5 103 3 2 2 61 M Fator 11 Baisy Ollie Wood Argento 67243 Tijuana Im70y l47ifast lOf 108 4 1 1 11 M Fator 12 WGMCtk GByng Obstinate 67207 Tijuana 34 117 slow 28 107 7 7 Cl 6T M Fator 7 Jerry Chick Barkley Theresa 6716 Tijuana 5S 1C6 hvy 66 104 3 7 7 6 M Fator 7 Kimono Ella Waldo Toyon C6997 ToyonC6997 Tijuana 51 f lUHmud 37 110 9 9 9 91C M Fator 9 EWilliams CBarkley AlPorter AlPorterMONTONA MONTONA ScarboroughTrainer cb g C 117 By Montgomery Eatcna by Scarborough Trainer W Pinkstaff Owner VT Pinks taff Breeder A S Williams 67492 Tijuana ImTOy l47ifast 18 107 7 6 6 6t II Molters 8 Yeruink Walter Dant CtBoris C3527 CtBorisC3527 Reno 1 18 l53 fast 2710 108 Cl H Molters 7 WalDant LcrcnaMoss Sippara 63455 Reno 1 11C l4SHfast 3 107 6 J M Fator 6 Reydo Conichon Cafeteria 63365 Iteno 1 1S l55fast 8 105 21 H Molters 5 OrlnsGirl Caamano IxjrMoss 63279 Keno 1 141 fast E4 107 7 i W Miller S Orleans Girl Reydo BeesWing 62802 Reno 1 116 l52 = good 14 104 6 H Molters 6 Missoula Sample Reydo 61392 Tijuana 1 34 304 fast 21 104 6 1 1 23 T Wilson 7 Rouen BbonGreen LLachmnnd 61301 Tijuana 1 116 l4S5fast 4310 108 6 6 4131 H Long 7 UarBiirgoyne Reydo Pinecrcst 61245 Tijuana 6 110 7 S 2 3i H Long 7 FanXall Nonsuit Wat Willow 61154 Tijuana 1 l42Kfast 13 114 8 7 71 61 W Davis 8 IkeMills BlackTop MissKruter 61070 Tiiuana 1 316 201ira3t 1110 112 5 1 1 1 C Studer 8 JudgeUavld TomUrks UrSunjl 61059 Tijuana 1 116 l4SHfaat 4 114 7 S 4s I1 T Wilson 8 Zetctic Dainty Lady Hot Foot 60988 Tijuana isiTOy l46 ifast 6 117 5 3 3 2l P Martinez 8 SJVergne TBrooks By Right MISS FRAULAND ch f 4 105 By Malamont Sister Baby by Lord Esterling EsterlingTrainer Trainer B J Sheldon Owner Nebraska Stable Breeder A Brown 67297 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 57 107 4 7 C J E Fator 7 II Rudder O Wood II Major 67262 Tijuana 34 l147Jfast 9 106 9 9 9 O H Lone 10 NebkaLad TCravcn Slbyrillfi 60974 Tijuana 51 f l10Khvy 61 99 2 3 51 5TJ P Walla 7 LIlorce DrTubbs McGsPlnk 66950 Tijuana 5S l03Tislop 46 107 6 7 61 6 J P Walls 7 FGCorUy Hazel Dale Milda 65219 Hastings 34 l19siovr 10 104 3i T Wilson S Jerry RoscocGoose GoldieRose 65190 HstiiiBS Ab 5S l01 = jhvy 4 107 6 J Dawson S KillarBclle BenmorcIL Vodka 64948 IJghouse 34 llGi Eood 3710106 21 H Molters 7 CanrflagcIL DnrRose Louvain 64393 liastmBs 34121 mud 31 105 4 T Wilson 8 NthShore Due do Guise Alazon 04266 Hastings 61 f l24Hfast 9 105 4 i H Rovve 5 ColBovlc OkanBelle BmorcII 64039 Hrhouse 5S 5Difast 146 101 S C Cantrell 8 Kinglikc DrUbett JKrederlck 03980 Brhouse Bi I lOS7ifast 9 103 3i T Wilson G Col Boyle Vodka Our Ilazel IlazelJAT JAT MAC blk g 4 107 By Leonid Zirl by Sain Trainer R H Daniels Owner C B Daniels Breeder C B Daniels 67187 Tijuana 1 l49hvy 75 100 6 6 4 4i C Rails 7 Bcnccia CaveMan NorfordsLast 67099 Tijuana 1 l4G ihvy 20 9S 2 7 71 7 II Lone 8 Whippet My Rose Dissolute Dissolutey 67038 Tijuana ImTOy y 151 hvy hvy6G938 21 100 5 3 31 4 C Rails 7 Barriskane Yermak JohnArbor 6G938 Tijuana 1 145 hvy S 103 4 3 31 4 E Petzoldt G Yermak Midia Millcrsburg 3730 Reno 34 4 113 fast fastG358G 135 95 3 W Miller 7 Pueblo MissDbar KofPythlas G358G Reno 34 4 l14J l14fast fast 12 97 31 E Petzgld 8 LittleAbe Ella Wood Ourllazel Ourllazely 63420 Reno ImTOy y l4C7ifa3t 36 92 tf W Miller 8 Caainaiio Audrey K Argento 63361 Keno 34lllifast Argento4lll5fast 23 96 951 W Miller 9 KISabio OUomesfd MyFuller 63213 Reno 1 l42jfast 18 92 5 P Martinez 7 EIlarrigan Caamano Cigale 62982 Reno 1 l42 fast 7 83 7IS W Dean 7 TBreckridge ColMatt Alazon 62850 Reno 1 l42 ifast 31 93 4 i E Pctzgld 7 OrleansGirl Cafeteria Conichon 01353 Tijuana f Conichonf I09ifa3t 13 95 8 T 31 1 M Fator 12 Delaneey Vodka ValentineLady LOLA br m 10 115 By Sir Huon Birda by The Bard BardOwner Trainer F Risk Owner H L James Breeder G J Lonr 67190 Tiiuana ImTOy 152 hvy 105 6 T 6l Cl W Dean 9 Regreso Wise Judge Argcnto 67097 Tijuana 1 116 153 hvy 16 108 233 4 W Dean 8 Frank Kogarty Dolph Siler II IIS 66978 Tijuana ImTOy l49hvy S 106 5 7 7 7 H Long 7 Double Van Lavaga My laddie 66935 Tijuana 1 l461ihvy 13 108 3 4 5l 4 II Lons 7 Torsida Fireworth Silcx II 66915 Tijuana 34 l16mud 6 110 6 4 3l 4 M Fator 11 Kimono ChkBarkley LOrphan 65186 Hastings CJ f l2Thvy 12 2 112 2J T Wilson 7 Dcckhnd Jerry Toyon ToyonH 65081 Hastings ImTOy l514mud 15C H 107 1J T Wilson 7 Mon Belle RIIrigan BDtchn BDtchnIf 65038 lifehouse ImTOy IMT good 12f If 108 9 T Wilson 10 Sky Man DoubleVan BcrnlceB

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011001/drf1923011001_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1923011001_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800