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6th RACE 1 Mile and 5O Yard YardG Claim Ins March G 1O18 141 5 117 SHOOT AWAY b e 6 110 110Trainer By Jim Gaffney Kilky Way by Star Shoot ShootBreeders Trainer C H Jfeal Owner C H Heal HealP7510 Breeders Eobbins tc Lynch P7510 Havana 34 114 fast 2J 110 5 2 2CG429 21 2 C Grace 10 HGoLucky ColItfd AmKsgle CG429 Toledo 1 l42slow 1 104 1 1 1CG325 I1 l t E Petzoldt 7 Cockroach Hopeful Skecr Face CG325 Toledo Ab S4 109 fast 32 110 1 X XGG230 3 4 1 T Wayt G PlnBill SkFace AinernKagle GG230 Toledo 51 f l07fast 4 111 2 S SC5778 3J 3 J T Wayt 9 Planfn HBurgoyne BBlkwcll C5778 Kworth 78 127 fast 2 100 4 2 2 21 W Organ 7 Colando Lads I ove Trihune C5169 Thncliffe ln 70y IHShvy 13 93 3 1 1G501C I1 1 J Tliomas 9 FFogarty BroJohn FVirginia G501C Thnclife C4 116 slop 6 107 2 t 2i 3s E Petzoldt 8 QkKun Neapolitan VanWellea 04590 DevBhire 34 112 fast IS 111 4 2l 1 E Petzoldtl2 BAllen Hof theNth VWelles C4468 Windsor 34 l14ROod I3f 103 3 7 T7 E Ambrscll Chas Henry Fusee Quick Run C3832 Kworth 78 126 fast 16f 112 1 Gl 5T1 J Owens 31 Greenland Staunch FosKtnbry 63083 Devsulro 1 140 good 19 105 3 9l 3S A Roach 10 High Gear Sister Flo Colossus SWIFTCRICKET ch f 4 25 25Trainer By Atheling IL Dora I by Eagles Flurae Trainer F Hinphy Owier F Hinoky Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 67328 Havana lm y l45fast C 100 4 4C7485 11 2 ° A McLlin 7 JMuma F Virginia MRankin C7485 Havana l t lOSKfast 10 105 3 S C G Fields 11 Salamder Huronll HGoLucky 57 Havana 34 lZlhvy 8 1C3 3 3C5977 SI 9 E AmbroselO MaryEib Molly Puff Kdith K C5977 Mneuve Ab 5S 103 mud 6 107 4s R McAney 7 Count Boris Doctor D Waac 63837 Mneuve Ab 5S l09 4fast 3 107 3l R McVney 7 I xdy lone Drapery Doctor D 63742 Mnuve Ab CJ f l24fast 17 IOC C R McAney 7 llohokus Draftsman Mike 65694 Mneuve Ab 68 100 fast 195 107 7 t R Ball 8 Lyllsrsan MUold G Berry 65547 Kempton 5S 1OC fast Z 115 7 W Heinch S Runnan St Just Kayman 3888 Delmier Ab 34 l24slovr 225 109 SI S WIda 7 FAhead AtAgnes ComerColln 62922 Delmler Ab 58 104 fast 86 108 li C Eamea 9 MIdStorles Jacquerie ChSmllii 62881 Delmier Ab 5S l05Kfat 175 109 10962S33 2 C Eamea 0 Urcllff BBiting TCkmenr 62S33 Duff trio Cl f lrJ6faat 17 10S 10S82SS1 6 C Bamea 7 Mary Maxim UIluxton Vlctilo 82SS1 Dufferia Cl f 126 tut C Iflt 4 C Earned 8 Dclliltuar Tneo Happy Boxtoa HOMAH ch e IDS By Star Shoot Soiega iy The Commoner Trainer O Tnrcls Owner O Turele Breeder 1C Overtoil 67528 Havana ImSOy l45faat 6 105 6 7 7 7 P G Gross 7 J luma Swfcket FVirginia 67449 Havana Im50y l45fast 10 105 3 3 3 2 W Lancet 8 Orris llarryMStevcns Medusa 67390 Havana ImSOy l44Vifast 12 107 9 10 8 P G Grosall Periiaps DtyLady LyRachel 67316 Havana ImSOy 146 Rood 67 105 6 7 53 3 P G Gross 9 Chimera Pibroch Montillo 67197 Havana lnxH y l44fast 23 103 4 8 7 61 W Lancet 8 Czardom Prospector Mayrosa 67125 Havana ImiOy 145 fast 33 105 4 5 6 411 W Lancet 7 Randel DalntyLady GoldenRed 67042 Havana 24 I14r4fast 19 111 8 7 7 7s 6 1 A Sstrom 0 Wedgwood Ruth Wehle Alliraa 66981 HavasA Cl f l07fast 71 107 7 S S SGG532 8l 8 P Gross 10 Red Superior Golden Chanca GG532 Toledo 1 140 fast EO 103 7 8 8 8GEORGE 8s 7 R Doylo 10 Phclan Magnet Land Chovr GEORGE W b h 6 t 110 110Trainer By Bunnymede Emobi by Solitaire H Hinler Trainer G Dennler inler Owner K Seifert Breeder A B Sprockets 67539 Havana 34 114 fast 6 107 11 11 10 10l 7 W Lancet 11 Dairyman LyIIeart LyFrakes LyFrakes3J 67445 Havana 3J l13Vifast 4 106 10 7 5 51 41 H Stutts 11 BcbbedUair Humpy Pittsburg 67387 Havana 34 l14faat 12 110 6 8 10 10s 10 R McAncylS LChanccII GctEm Big Son SonII 67314 Havana 51 II f lOScqod 35 117 9 S 8 86588G 8 R McAney 9 ColChllc Memphis KChcatirm 6588G Mneuvo Ab 34 119 fast 6 10S 10SC5G97 3 1 R McAney 5 Sir Galahad II Avion Attoo C5G97 Mneuvo Ab 34 117 fast 7 105 31 R McAney 8 SGalnhadll Mike BiackBaby 65357 Kempton 1 11C 16 154 fast 145 112 Ei W Smith 8 MyrtleCrown Jamima Drifting 64456 KingEl 1116152 16152 fast 2310 111 111C4320 2 k C Eamea 3 FlygFord SStalwart VirnCuba VirnCubail C4320 KlngLd Cl il f l2fast 41 103 4 i P Hunt 0 Huntress HGoIky THclgnll THclgnllIJ 64140 Demicr Ab Cl IJ f l2Sfast 3310 114 114LE l k S Boylo 0 ComColin El Coronel Huntress LE BALAFEE gr e 7 118 118Trainer By Sir Wilfred Grey Asnes by Fepper and Salt Trainer J Shine 10 Owner B Hock Breeder H T Oxnard 66469 Akron 61 1 f lrcslow 3 110 6 J Pevlc 8 Star Banner Bashful Uranium 65082 Mncuvc Ab 34 l23mud 10 110 C J A Sstrom 0 Nan Humpy Smite Smite70y 05888 Mneuvo Im70y 70y 155 fast 19 110 47 J Simmons 8 Draftsman Jamima Klinj 65742 Mnuve Ab GJ i Klinji f l24fast 10 113 71 C OMahy 7 Hohokus Draftsman Mike 65505 Kompton 1 116 16 l52fast 21 107 5 R McAney G SGnlahadll Cnsel Ramonall 65458 Kempton 1 116 16 l51fast 3710 106 106G5S57 4 R McAney 5 Dairyman MCrown FinRooster G5S57 Kempton 1 110 10 161 fast 5 109 109C4424 8J R Ball 8 MyrtleCrown Jamima Drifting Drifting70y C4424 KinsEd Jm70y 70y l50fast 310 111 111G4S22 3s C Eames 7 Drifting TwentySevcn Drapery G4S22 KingEd 1 116 16 l52fast 4 109 109ADVANCE 1 C Eames 7 TokMarch Fircwth RichardV ADVANCE h ff 5 113 113Trainer By Von Tromp Cain Shot by Sain SainEudson Trainer C E Endson OxTner C E Hudson Breeder E Cebrian 67539 LyFrnkcsG7506 Havana 34 114 fast 5 112 3 3 2J 43 N J Brnesll Dairyman LyIIeart LyFrnkcs G7506 Havana Cj f 109 good 12 112 5 7 71 5si 1 J Brnes S Discusu Valtine dOr Mphia 67182 Havana 5ifl07fast 41 110 6 6 0 Cs N J Brnes 8 Runnan Knd Man San Dipgo 67047 Havana 1 139fa3t 13 109 6 6 6 F Merlmen G DukcIJuff ThePiratc OldSinnor OldSinnorGG573 BullynewGG471 GG573 Akron 34 l16fast 8 111 6 J McDowl 8 She Devil Glenn Bullynew GG471 Akron 1 116 153 slow 2t 110 5T T Willims G North Wales Glenn She Devil 66402 Akron 61 f 128 mud 9 113 4 F Moore 7 Panaman Puzzle Slin Devil DevilGG300 GG300 Akron 34 lCfast 8 110 11 P Moore G ShcDcvil KvaSong Sentimental SentimentalGG266 GG266 Akron Ab 58 59fast 11 114 5 1 P Moore 7 Capers Panaman Redmon 66152 MHghta 34 l21mud 19 100 41 N Burger 7 Cape Pillar Musito Mallowmot MallowmotHARRY HARRY M STEVENS ch e 1 115 By Superman Bose Prim by Potomac PotomacTrainer Trainer O K Allen Owner G K Allen Breeder Yoaaff Gorhara 67449 Havana ImaOy l43fast 4 110 C 4 4s S l W Pmrose 8 Orris Ilomam Medusa 67388 Havana 34 l13fast 20 116 1 7 7 71 W Pmrose S ArrahOoOn MajDomo Ruddles RuddlesGG9G5 GG9G5 Havana 1 1S l54fast 17 110 1 4 2 3 W Prrose G SuiiUcd WakefieM BiiiUnnley 66888 Havana ImaOy 143 fast 15 113 3 6 C 5 W Prroso I Harlock NHle Yorke DukcIlufJ 66519 Latonia 1 1S Ia3faat 127 113 1 10 9s 771 W PrimselO Mochanic Walk Up Gem G5989 MHgbts 1 316 204 slow 3s W Pmrosa 7 Puzzle Duke Ruff Reveler 65894 MHgnts 1 116 l46 fast 5s W Pmrose 7 Col Matt Puzzle Van Dresser G5707 MHBhts 1 14 207faat 3i W Pmrose 7 LucyKate AmernSoldr TosaUp 65242 Dorval 1 116 149 faat 115 110 177 3s E Barnes 10 SmartMoney Briarsliff SuGirl OLD BoyTrainer POF ch ir 10 110 By Marimas Cannie Maid by Cannie Boy Trainer W B Fadgett Owner H Dougherty Breeder C A Crew 67400 Havana 34 l14 4faet 5 112 1 4 31 4si T Nolan 9 PuffBall Win oiQuit BobHair 67101 Havana 51 f lOSfast 83 110 10 7 7 3 E AmbrselO LuiMcme BobHair M Gunner CG9G2 Havana 5J f l07fast 2i 112 6 9 9GG74G 71 6 61 1 G Walls 10 Runnan KittyChcathain ManibJS Mambl GG74G Mboro Ab Gi f 128 fast JS 116 4 5 i i6G50G 6 4 P Moore G StarCourr WPennt IfRibbon 6G50G Akron ImOy 151 fast 2 III IIIGG302 5 E T Moore 7 Pierrot Drifting Silex II GG302 Akron Ci f l25 fast 21 117 34 S Wida 9 Old Red Uranium Mab 63895 MHghta Im70y l46V fast 7 108 10865C59 2 S Wida 10 By Right Mali Sercn Seas 65C59 NKton 1 147 fast 2310 10 113 113KELVIN 4 J S Wida G Revnler Rapitlan Fonderosa KELVIN b p 6 EsterlingM 118 118Trainer By Martinet Lady Esther by Lord Esterling Trainer W E Suggs Owner H D Suggs Breeder Williams Bros G744G Havana 34 l15fnst 12 111 4 S 81 7T1 J Brunner 10 Immokalcc Discussion Salamr 67258 Havana 34 l18hvy 31 107 4 6 71 S H Stutts 9 MadVcll Discussion Ilcliocrosa 60131 Havana 1 l41fast 10 308 2 4 5 4 5 5 W Pool G SliootAway Osgood G Chance ChanceESS75 ESS75 Havana 51 f 111 hvy 21 104 7 54 4 4 B Scheffel 7 OldSinncr Blazoaway JBudrow JBudrow596G7 596G7 Havana 1 l40fast 1 102 214 41 5 B Scheffel 7 FEinbry G Hope Fair Orient Orient5S606 5S606 Havana ImSOy l43faat 1 110 4 1 1 1 1 I1 L Penman 8 Chrisllolters WiscMan Hocntr