Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-10


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10 10WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner runnerfc fc Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance b Blinkers First Race 38 Kile KilePuree Puree 600 2yearolds Maidens MaidensTrack Track record Jan 8 101G 35 2 103 103Todays Todays TodaysTnd Tnd Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan67530s 67530s Josephine Newell 115 36 11D725 67530 Mlns Leggo 115 37 11571 0 0G7530 G7530 Wiki Jack 118 37 118 715 67530 Setas Flower 115 37 115 715 67530 Double Shot 118 37 118 710 67530 Bert Dennison 118 37 118 700 700Norwood Norwood 115 Margaret Madison 115 Second Race 58 Kile KilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 r 9 1 107 67211 GallouBcrry 103 102 5 115X725 67490 Philanderer 115 103 5 110X720 67 4 Freddie Fear 107 102 1 112 715 715G7180 G7180 Chrome 108 101 3 G 115X715 67545 Snm llill 8 110X710 67450 Vcra Wood 114 102 5 113 710 67472 Lola Fluke M 85 103 3 92 703 67490 Net Star M 103 104 Hi 4 110 703 67472 Bacchus M 109 103 3 94 700 67429 Viva 103101 11108X700 67531 Lenas Boy M 114 103 8 110 700 67355 Pokey B 117 104 7118X700 7118X700Third Third Bace 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 107 67491J Alajah 105 101 5 109X725 67491 Yukon 100 101 Ji G 115X720 G7152 Squash 103 102 G 109X71 67545 bTom Roacli 112 102 5 110X713 67165 bUunters Point PointG7095 09 102 5 113X710 G7095 STou Bet 111 103 G 109X710 67394 Anna Star 110 105 8 113X705 C7394 Mandie Wilon WilonC7393 103 103103 l03 i 5 115 703 703C7393 C7393 Oklahoma Kid 109101 8 115 705 67333 Silent Sam M102 101 5 110 700 700G7495 G7495 Dr Winifred M103 lOUh 5 110 700 700C7454 C7454 Make Haste Mlll 103 7 115 700 700Fourth Fourth Bace 58 Kilo KiloPurse Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 4 107 107C7510 C7510 Angela 91 101 4 107X723 107X723C7532J C7532J Dclancey 114 101 10 110X720 110X72067470s 67470s View 111 102 9 110 715 G7491 Phyllis 1C 104 102 4 110X711 07532 Kitkwood 107 102 5 115 713 67429 Operator 10S 102 G 110 710 G74S2 Blanche Meyers 113 102 9 1K5X710 67532 Seven Seas 103 103 Js 5 110 705 67470bPlantacenct 102101 11110X703 67491 Lobelia 112 102 9 109X700 109X700G73S6 G73S6 WIId Brier M 109 lOSh 5 110 700 C7432 Hester H 11G 103 9 113X700 113X700Fifth Fifth Bace 1 Milo and 70 Yards YardsFurse Furse 500 3yearoIls and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 1 1920 143 6 122 12267548s 67548s Fireworth 107 143 G 112X725 67493 Tom Craven 93 147 4 107 720 67356 Too Breekcnridge 110143 7 110 715 715G7491 G7491 Miss Dunbnr S7 147 5 110 713 713G7453 G7453 110X715G7470 bPink Tenny Ill 140 7 110X715 G7470 Dancing Star G 110 700 700674365bCafetoria 674365bCafetoria 110x7106757G 103 147 7 110x710 6757G bPeerlcss One 104 144 8 112X703 67492 Montona 117 140 G 117X703 67573 bMIss Fratiland 4 103X700 67187 Jay Mac 91 150 4 107X700 67190 Lola 108113 10113x700 10113x700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Kile KilePurse Purse 1000 3yenroIda and upward Handicap Track record June 17 191G 138 3 93 67434 REBUKE 108138 4113X730 4113X73007550s 07550s bPrince Direct 103 111 7 98X740 98X74067337s 67337s Paisley 3 93X740 67514 Louanna 10214S5 h 4 90X733 67434 95X73567410s bllalu Ill 139 5 95X735 67410s Bastille 103 139 5 97X735 67474 Scotland Yet 109 138 5 S3 730 73067514s 67514s Black Betty 09 140 4 92 730 07494 Sangrado 107 140 4 SG725 SG725Seventh Seventh Bace 1 Kile and 70 Tardi TardiPurse Purse 700 3yearolda and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 1 1020 113 G 122 67551 Summer Sigh 114 144 7 110X725 110X72567551s 67551s Yerinak 103145 101130720 10113072067406s 67406s Silk Sox 108 145 4 103X715 67534 Madge F 116144 7104X715 67534 Vic 103 146 ii 104X713 67514 Frank Fogarty 104 143 5 110X710 67550 bBuckhorn II 107143 G 110x710 65078 Tawascntha 5 102i705 67515 Ueydo Ill 144 9 109 705 67573 Colonel Mutt 11G 144 10 113X703 113X703C7496 C7496 Irosity 3 SO 700 67405 Missoula 107 143 G 102 700 700Eighth Eighth Bace 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dec IO 191G 111 3 110 67578 Harry D 9 112X723 67535 bSarn Reh 110112 7 104x720 104x72067455J 67455J bMiy Manlsby 101 113 S 103 715 715G75S6 G75S6 blncognancc ILO l22h 4 109X715 109X715G734G1 G734G1 102X71567398s Anna Reina 103 111 G 102X715 67398s Just Right ill 111 4 10G710 10G710C7533 C7533 Title 107 114 3 59 710 67267 IJttle Florence 112 114 4 107X703 67549 Bill Blackwell 111 114 G 112X705 67302 Bill Rendered 113114 7109X700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011001/drf1923011001_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1923011001_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800