4th Race [4th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-10

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4th RACE 1 Mile Comrade Handicap 3ycarolds Jan 11 191C 1 T 43 5 1OG CALCUTTA ch c 3 116 116Trainer By Colin Jamzna by Delhi DelhiBreeder Trainer G R Alien Owner G R Allen Breeder G Starr 67520 FGrnda ImTOy l457Jgood C 9 2 3 4 2 W Fronk 9 BlaryStone Colando ComSong 67418 FairGds 1 116 ISOHhvy 12 95 1 1 Ik Il J CrcoranlS SThsKean Maximrc Olynthus 67327 Jefferson 34 l15ihvy 7 102 4 5 41 So J Crcoran 5 rlucNose KirkLady Poor Sport 67130 Jefferson 1 l45V mud 5 1C9 6 5 4 451 J Corcoran G Ladylnez Stump 3r LadyJIyra 67090 Jefferson 34 11 6311 vy 25 103 6 7 7GG588 G1 G W Fronk 8 Stump Jr Superhum Vennie GG588 Latonia 1 l39ifast 5 101 3 1 1GG44G 41 5 L McDott 9 The Clown Chiva Kindred GG44G Latonla 1 l41 ifast 16 103 3 2 2GG27C Il 1 J Corcoranll Iompous Stump Jr Cuknmo GG27C Latonia 34 l13 fast 14f 107 G 7 7BETTER 7 T7 C Rails 11 GuliUnCrest Nuyaka StoneAge StoneAgeBy BETTER TIMES ch c 3 109 By Berrilldon Bounty by Celt Trainer T J Shannon Owner G Konigswald i Breeder W Garth 673 03 Jefferson 51 f lOTfast 4 103 C 2 21 1 C Lang i n AllieOcJis Sweep Hawk 67029 Jefferson 5J f 112 mud Si 116 4 4 4GG987 4 411 C Lang 7 Untried Pennarco SettingSun GG987 Jefferson 51 f lOTsfast 135 10S 1 2 26G890 21 21 L McDott S RockSalt StunipJr Felicitous 6G890 Jefferson 5S l00 ifast 2 106 4 2 2CGG37 21 25 L McDott 7 Anonymous Ventiic Goldencrest CGG37 Pimlica 34 l13ifast 10 10G 5 1 1CG33I 2J 51 C I ang 13 Felicitus LadyMvra Homcstcli CG33I Laurel 31 l13 ifast 23 115 7 5 5GG330 Cl T l C KummerlO GenThatcher Comixa Scribble GG330 Laure E f lOT fast 12 108 3 3 55 4 G Walls 7 Heeltaps Comixa Woodland CG223 Laurci El f lOS fast 14 112 4 3 3GG072 31 4J C Turner 7 Moonraker GoIilcnRtilc Comiza GG072 Laurel 34 llGV hvy 135 109 3 6 6G5S15 fii fii = c Turner 7 NUpshire CtEmptor Wdland G5S15 Laurel Cl f 107 fast 11 115 4 1 1BOEK Il I1 C Turner 9 MoonraUer My Own Noel NoelBy BOEK b g 3 103 103Trainer By Assagai Affinity by Star Sheet Trainer C A Applcgate Owner C A App pplagate Breeder V S Kilmer 67533 FGrnds 34 llS good 41 101 7 6 C1 081 J Wallace 13 May Bodinc Alex U Spugs 67438 FGrnds 34 l Sinvy S 114 C CG7381 3 3 2 G Babin 1 Macbeth Flying Devil Leslie LeslieC G7381 Jefferson 34 113 fast 7 113 6 C 3i 31 J Owens 11 Itednzzle Ormont MjorieWood 67 140 Jefferson DA f 110 hvy 8 103 4 46G307 5 611 G Babln 7 Leslie Vennie Setting Sai 6G307 Empire Si f l07 = ifast 20 10S 6 6GG403 6 CJ 31 G Babln 10 Raffles PeterlJroivn IlrotherPat GG403 Empire Ab 34 lllgood 6 10 5 56G303 6 6 5s E Marts G Lylncz IVterliron Homcstrch 6G303 Empire Ab 34 l101ifast 12 110 5 5GG209 6 1 553 G Babin 11 Baffles Ben Wood BesLeighton GG209 Empire Dl f lOTvifast 95 115 2 2 21 2 E Taplin 1 Advturess SophiaUoldii Leloba G5913 Jamaica Di f lCCifaat 1C 112 4 3 3l 3J L McAtee 9 LInez DsDaughtcr DiamDick BEDAZZLE ch f 3 100 By Canard May Bud by Thrush ThrushTrainer Bradley67G1 Trainer D F Cannon OtraarG Drnoholler Breeder E E Bradley 67G1 FGrads 3S llSfsfant G 107 S 7 C1 G i J Corcoranll Glabclla Ebcthllean Ghost GhostC74S2 C74S2 FGrnda ImTOy 113 hvy G 110 C 7 S S H Shillick S AlStchlcr MarjWood PGo PGorda 67381 Jefferson 34 113 fast 73 J01 5 2 1J 11 J Crcoranll Onnont Roik Marjorie Wood WoodS3 67230 Jefferson 34 ll l157 ll7sfast 7sfast 7sfastGG72 fast 1SZ S3 lt3 2 3 2i Jl H Thurbcr G Leslie Ilillhouse Al Btibler GG72 1 DadcPrk 51 1 f lWfaat r310 10 112 4 2 21 3 H Thurber 7 LilyM Put andTake MColIette GGCa4 DadcPrk El 107 fast 1110 10 110 2 2GGG41 1 U 1s H Thurber 9 GoldiiiHillows RoyalMaid SCins GGG41 Iatonia 34 l15 iiast 5 109 5 5CG349 1 S 3 II Thurberl2 Waywasso PceTiiTii VanIloy CG349 Latonia 34 l13 fast 165 65 J09 3 3GG310 2 2GG310 31 Sl H Thurbeil2 Pompous Waywassamo GShaif GG310 Latonia 34 l13 fast 10 112 5 3 3ANONYMOUS 3 2i W LIHev 12 Lierrc Thclma K Blue Bird ANONYMOUS b p 3 113 113Trainer By Maistectnt Valentine by Marta Santa SantaL Trainer W Shields Owner J L Hollaed Breeder J E Widen = r rS3 67479 FCrnda 24 115 hvy hvy6741G S3 112 1 1El 1 12 1 C Lang 9 PIneXose John Q Kelly Pellon 6741G FalrGMa El f lC9Jihvy 1110 10 103 2 4 21 21 K KummerlO RIueNosc 1oor Sport Brhind BrhindS5 67239 Jcfferaon 31 115 goo gooGG90 good S5 113 2 1 Il Il F Weiner G VwinU Rock Salt Blue Kose GG90 Jefferson 34 113 last lastCG890 9 101 2 2DS 3 S 3 F Wclrer G MarMuy FiftyFifty JPergcr CG890 Jefferao DS lOOJ fast 31 106 2 2MC 1 1 1 F Weiner 7 Hotter Times Vennie Goldenct 65092 Belmt 34 MC lir = tfast tfast046CS 3 105 3 3Di C 7 7 L McAtee S BlnncScing Thcssaly SdnyBeat 046CS Saratoga Di f aillSilivy aillSilivyG43G1 2 115 1 1SJ 1 1 1 F ICeogh 5 Pickcter Waterfcattier Liwaito J G43G1 Siiratoga SJ f 11Q hvy C 115 1 1G 4 3 21 C KummerlO DrogheJn The Clown Sjtelllte 64208 Saratoga G f 105 fast S 194 C 3 31 5s A Wilson 8 Edict Shamrock Vigil EOSEATE IL ch c 3 108 108Trainer By Sea Sick SosetU by Slaintecra SlaintecraI Trainer TV Shields Owner J I Holland Bred in France by M A Blavetle C715G FGrnda ImTOy l455iKood 2 104 2 1 11 2 C Lang 10 Venuie SettinSun Supcrbuia SupcrbuiaG C7S06 Jefferson 1 l42last G HO 5 1 2 2l F Weiner 7 Venuie Lady Inez Irish Pat I C589S Jamaica DJ fl05 fast 20 104 C 6 EJL McAtee G Rigel J of UmhrLn RockSalt 65755 Jamaica Dl f 107 fast 4 112 1 3 I L McAtee 9 Chile Black Friday Winnipeg 64 4 86 Saratoga 51 f l tnud tnudi 10 10S1 S C Gl G Eabln 12 CuPiay E Sawyer Avalanche i 4129 Saratoga Cl f 1 3 mow mowCS885 25 115 8 ft SI 8 C Ponce 9 Rliilto BoysBeveMe CnpeClcar CS885 Empire S8 1DI fast fastI 1 U4 S 4 W Pool 9 SpotCash Forest Lore Bluemont I S3826 Kmpira 61 1 l07last 8 11 1 41 31 E Martz 6 BofBRidge Becoman Marlon I S7M Kmpii i t l08 fcurt 12 M2 K 4 4 i J Merimee 0 BLghton Plirown DindDkei PEINCE TH in b g 3 X SB SBTrainer By Spuisfc Priao XL OBMK TO T Muffle MuffleBnedac GoldWattG7437 Trainer B Walter Owner 1C GoldWatt Bnedac E P WHteey G7437 FGrnds 34 1 7 hry 3 116 6 6C6G41 2 2 X lorte 11 Amole Bnpce Jo e M C6G41 Latonia 34 l13Xfast 73 112 2 2 M Garnar 12 Wayw amo Bedazzle Yan qy GG577 Latonla 1 140 fast 45 110 7 7G5092 Ik Z M Garaer 8 BeUeAmie Lky Eon PortD G5092 Belnjt 34 MC lU2ifaat 5 10S 6 C L Penman S BhincSeior Thenaly SdnyB C4964 4G474G Belmont 34 MC 112 fast 7 112 4 4 41 C Knmmerll Betty Becll Eumriso Carol tG4301 G474G Belmt 51 I MC 107 last 5 115 t 41 4i L McAtee 10 Cape Clear Sakah Satellite G4301 4C4208 Saratoga 5S E9 = ifast 10 114 4 Ci 4 T Keogh 9 Cnrtia Cape Clear Pew Wow C4208 Saratoga 51 1 106 last 1 IK f t 7 i Penman 8 Bdict Ebamroclc Vigil FEENANDOS br f 3 K KTrainer M By Crusades Fernanda by Hay el Santa Anita AnitaL Trainer F J Bmlth Owner L 7 Keating Breeder Miss A K Baldwin G7555 FGrnda 34 l13 good 15 95 10 10 1 10 J CTrcoranlS May Eodinc Alex II Spurs G7437 FGrnda 24117 hvy 7 113 4 2 Zi 5 L Morris 11 Amole Prince Til Til Rupee 07115 Jefferson GS l04i hvy 8 105 1 1 2 2 A Wilson 9 Permarco Begum Gold Mount 67107 Jefferson 51 f 109 good 12 115 3 4 el 0 L Ensor 9 Majority GoIdMount FiretBluA 670CO Jefferson 1 f l12hvy 10 103 5 4 n 2 A Wilson 11 Ukase Leo Fisher High Speed G7010 Jefferson 34 llSHjnud 6 104 4 5 41 4 1 J Merimeel2 Al Steblcr Yorick Flying Dcrfl GGSOG DadePrk 10 105 4 1 S 3 1 B Petsoldt G BlueStonc Macbeth Tedsthua CG792 DadePrk 8 109 7 4 3 43 J Owens 8 VanBoy Thclma K Gail Ford C67G3 DadePrk 35 97 S Z 2 2 W Reid 5 StumpJr Macbeth MarjWood

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011001/drf1923011001_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1923011001_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800