4th Race [4th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-02

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34 Mile rtjearoldJi and np rard Claiming Dec 2O CHICK BAHKLZY b g 8 110 110Trainer By Teddiagtoa Mary le Bus by St 8ayin 8ayinBreeder Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker Breeder A L Fergnxon 67664 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 15 112 3 2 21 3ri F Stevens 8 WJndge JudgeDjvid Khacrea 67534 Tijuana ImTOy l47Hfast lOf 110 10 9 9674X5 S J F Stevcna 10 By Right Tom Owens Vic 674X5 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast 2710 112 6 1 21 3 F Stevens 7 WaltcrDant Lavaga Fircvrorth 67300 Tijuana ImTOy l4Kfast 16 110 1 8 2 21 F Stevens 7 Toorabcola Walter Dant DolpU 67207 Tijuana 34 117 slow 4 111 4 8 8C7154 2l 2l F Stevens 7 Jerry Theresa Balsy C7154 Tijunna 51 f l12t hvy 1 109 6 7 7 71 F Stevens 8 Corncutter bnennan A It 67094 Tijuana 58 l0 ihvy 41 1M 8 i i67MS 5 4 F Stevens 7 SilkSox EmuaWeller StatUeyn 67MS TUuana J4 O iivy 7S 187 7 4 1 1i F Stevens 8 KIlargan C Iasler LWlipcf xTTEON ch g C 110 By DcmtscWmad Laiy Vera by WooMberpe WooMberpeTrainer Trainer G Gray Owner G Gray Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 67927 Tijuana ImTOy l52hvy 14 J15 1 5 91 11 W GarganU IlorI rch NluSbore PItagonet 67918 Tijuana 3S l03imud 21 113 4 5 6 4l W Gargan 8 IlazelDalc Sllcyll DdeGnise 67802 Tijuana 1 f IrtHfast 17 110 4 3 41 31 E PctzoldtlO Lobelia Poacher July Fly 67722 Tijuana TijuanaC7658 58 l02fast 6 115 3 1 I 11 W Garganll Dehinccy Phyllis K Norficld C7658 Tijuana 5S l01fast 7710 116 4 10 10s 10 J Sinstonl2 Melcboir Xnhour GalBeiry 67596 Tijuana TijuanaC7491 58 l02Tsfast 2 113 1 2 23 21 P Mar MarC7491 Martinezl2 Alajah HuntersPoint Yon Bet C7491 Tijuana CS l03 fast 31 H5 C 3 41 41 W Ga GaP4361 Garganll Candorosa JCampbell Alajab P4361 Hastings Ab 3S 59 slop 45 5 114 1 S Smll Smith 6 nKAsher GeoJamcs Ut Vbt 63927 TSrhouse 34 l147ifast 37 113 G J SInj SInstonll RLOwen MRule IlonGcorge 63366 Reno 34 l13 ifast 10 110 T7 W Ga Gargan 7 MabRale HBgoyne T2ubeola 62798 Reno 5S l03Ugood 125 25 111 I1 W Ga GaRAFFERTY Garcan 8 Bobolink IIontGeore Ternet RAFFERTY HarrieajTrainer b g 9 100 By Harrieaj Picacinay by Cesarion CesarionHarmet Trainer F Marmet Owner F Marmet MarmetC7897 Breeder B A Jones C7897 Tijuana 51 f l09rimud 23 115 9 9 81 S i T Rae 9 DdeGuise Fdllope ConntBoris 67743 Tijuana 34 l14fast 10 113 7 8 51 5 4 H Lo Lome 9 VaiuWelleg CabrnCrk Poacher C7615 Tijuana 51 f l03x fast 116 16 113 5 5 51 1 J Pevi Pevic 12 SwpUpII IoniaRay PhyllisK PhyllisKSO 51 f lOSsfast SO 115 11510 10 10 9 31 T Rae 12 Isphani Tillotson Plunger 67432 Tijuana 5S l01tfast l01tfastCG537 14 115 7 10 10 10 10J J T Rae 11 Fond Hope Vcra Rita Angola CG537 Akron Ab 58 101 fast fast6G470 4 106 I1 J Pevlc S GdEngh LyIIargan Stkailef 6G470 Akron 61 f l26slow 2 115 2 T Rae 7 Old Red Pretender Minnie II 66401 Akron 61 f l2Smud 9 113 I1 T Rae 7 StarBanner ILAngle WarFos 66299 Akron 61 f 123 fast 86 6 112 5 T Raa 9 StarBanner Bcnccin JapMnma 66121 Mirghts Im70y l56mud 13 110 3 T Rae 6 Flea Pierrot Starry Banner G5713 TCKton Ab 5S 100 fast U10 10 113 11 T Rae G JuanHalll MissOrb Athgarvcn MEDIAN b h 6 113 113Trainer By Meridian Veneta Strome by Ben Stroma StromaRice Trainer J B Rice Owner J Rice Breeder R F Carman 67933 Tijuana 53 101 hvy 3Sf 116 9 Sl 7 i T Rae 11 Fdflope Philanderer Fnllllooa 67896 Tijuana 51 f l00 mnd 43 118 S 7 5T1 T Rae 8 Corncuttcr XShorc EyeBnght EyeBnght5S 67872 Tijuana 5S l03 imud 13 US 6 P up T Kae 10 Corncntter Milda Count Boris 67802 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 12 IIS 3 61 ST E Dugan 10 Lobelia Poacher Ynkcn 53 l01 ifast 14 175 4 6s 63 E Pctzoldt 9 RLOwen I Inicve nicve Due deGiilse 67617 Tijuana 51 f l09ifaat 32 113 4 1 U II Molters 11 Cancion Delanccj Pokey Jane 6573 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 45 113 1 2 3 2i II iloltcrs 12 Gen Czar Review Glenzar Glenzar5S G7451 Tijuana 5S l0 fast 6 115 9 9 71 4J R R CTter 9 Celebrate Tlicrpsn IJmnrick IJmnrick5S 67355 Tijuana 5S l02 = fcfast C06 in 6 4 54 4 R R Tterll Bess Welch Hnzel Dale Elga VZRA RITA gr m 5 10 By J F Croxcley Cisne by Flambean FlambeanTrainer Trainer W L Stanfield Owner W L Staafieli Breeder W L Stanfipld StanfipldC7933 C7933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 22 111 5 S 6J 6 1 H Molters 11 FMHope Philanderer FullMoon 67673 Tijuana 5S l01jfast 30 110 2 8 8 7 J W Martin 9 RLOwen Lenieve Due UeGolse 67545 Tijuana 5S l01ifast CJ 110 7 7 6 6 i W Pool 12 OlWood JCamiibell Mayfloer 67490 Tijuana 5S l02Vsfast 1910 108 1 4 4i 11 W Pool 10 Tillotson Xorfield Pokey Jane 67432 Tijuana 55 l01fast 1710 108 1 3 2l 2H W Pool 11 Fond Hope Angila PhyllK K 07227 Tijuana 5S l02igood 2110 109 4 4 41 41 C Rails 11 Amknssin Tcnnllcc IWUper 67185 Tijuana 51 f l12hvy 1110 107 1 3 3 2 W Martin 9 HKadder MissDunhnr F Fancy 6 134 Tijuana 5S 53105 105 hvy 2 109 2 4 31 3 J M Fator 7 Cascade Alajah Emma Weller 67080 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 3 107 1 1 13 2 M Fator Joe Tag Viu Welle Tenniles TOM ROACH b e 5 By Disguise Oasis by Commando Trainer W P Gaines Owner W P GaUos Breeder J W Parrish Parrishijuana ijuana 5S l03mud 36 111 5 2 1 1J F Stevens 11 Squash Plantagenct Miss Kdna 67848 48 Tijuana TijuanaL 51 f l10mud 47 115 4 a S Sl A Claver S ROM Atkin Olytnpd JollySailor JollySailorL L 5J l02ifaBt 72 110 4 10 11 91 E Petzoldtll Yukon Dclancey Phyllis K 67658 158 Tijuana 58 Irtlfast 5 116 12 12 12 KP E Fator 12 Mclchoir Nnhour CJalBerry n759G 96 Tijuana 5S lK2Ssfast 29 11010 12 12 II6 II lloltcrs 12 Alnjnli Yukon Uuniers Point 7545 45 Tijuana Mayfloerijuana R8 l0lfast 144 114 4 10 101 11 = H S Joncsl2 OlWood JCampbcll Mayfloer ijuana 34 lllTast IS 108 10 9 9 9U J Thcmas 10 VanWclles View Plantagenet 67393 93 Tijuana 34 l14 4fast 18 113 5 6 51 oi A Clavcr 10 ThySercn ILKOwcn Plunger Ijuana i 5S 102 good 76 1C9 1 4 4 3i AV ilartin 11 Ximlo Mayflower Cvnrnpatiwn 67134 34 Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 71 110 1 3 41 55 H Molters 7 Cascade Alajah Vcra Rita ijuana 58 104 hvy 160 109 5 7 7 6 C Rails 7 Pueblo Toorabcola Don Jose 65468 Omaha 68 l02eislow 4 112 2 R Scori Scorillc S MissBoy KTcmplar Kitty M MGEORGE GEORGE KingstonTrainer MUEHLEBACH b p 7 119 By McGee Stolen Moments by Kingston Trainer J Uanale Owner J Manale Breeder C W Moore MooreC7927 C7927 Tijuana Im7 y l 2hvy 17 115 6 7 T T1 D Hum 11 HorLerch NhShore Pltagcnet 67744 Tijuana 34 lll fast 42 113 7 fi 61 5 J F Stevens 8 Virgo ToraCraven NebrasLad NebrasLad676S6 676S6 Tijuana lm0y 14S fast 21 110 4 1 Il 1s E PetzoldtlO Seven Seas Pink Tenny Lnvi 67616 Tijuana 5J f lW5fast 44 110 8 4 S 3 E PctzoldtlO J Parmer Tillotson Ciearfield 67576 Tijuana ImTOy l47sfast 9f 112 4 3 6 i 7 i F Stevens 11 Lariat Cigale Obstinate 67356 Tijuana ImTOy l47 fast 21C 11 7 7 lOlll H Molters 11 EIlarrigan LCochron Drifting P71B5 Tijuana 51 f llJS hvy 39 10 101 1 9 6 fii 5 C Rails 9 IIRiidder VeraRita MDimbar 67118 Tijuana 24 113 mud 82 105 5 7 7 7 F Stevens 7 CountBoris DoublcEyo IlI rch 65221 Hastings ImTOy l52 islovr 10 114 4 1 R Lowe 7 Cigalr SenDonlan Olvmpiad 65153 Hastings ImTOy 152 slop 7 109 109C5080 H Molters 7 McnBellp Ntbkalid DesEost C5080 Hastings im70y l50imud 16 111 111TOM SIJ KDllnm S Cobrita Lorcna Moss Cork CorkTOM TOM OrlandoTrainer CRAVEN b g 4 112 By Magneto Lakelet by Orlando OrlandoIrby Trainer C Iiby Owner C Irby Breeder C Ciij Ciij7f 67960 Tijuana 34 l16 hvy 7f 107 3 6 G1 T 1 C Rails 9 LitFlorce HGeorgc BBlackT 67916 Tijuana Im70y l l5smud 5smud 41 100 S S S Ss M Wood S Rajah Silk Sos Ycrmak 67855 BarthellC7744 Tijuana 5J f lOSmud 93 35 8 8 S S M Wood 8 Kinglike TubbyA C Barthell C7744 PhilandererC7598 Tijuana 34 l14 l14ifast = ifast 115 113 5 3 21 D Hum 8 Virgc Xebr Lad Philanderer C7598 Tijuana lm7Cyl4S fast 3 107 7 1 1 1J H Petzoldt 8 Kireworth Ccfcteria Mrntona 67493 Tijuana 1 l42fast Bf 105 2 2 4 57J J Rails 7 CharBoy SunirSigli ColSuider 67453 Tijuana 1 l42faat l42faatDOUBLE 2 112 6 1 I 2i D Hum 11 Wise Judge Flame Cigale DOUBLE EYE b h 6 By Eyebrow Edith Inez by Jack Polat Trainer B J Sheldon Owner Nebraska Stable Breeder A L JUte 67890 190 Tijuana 34 IHStimud 7 112 5 1 1 11 I1 C Thpson 10 LonePinp MdicWiln CMaster 67829 Tijuana 34 113 fast IS 110 9 9 9 3 J V Cantrell 9 Sheka View Canncnball 67703 Tijuana 1 IMSSifast 21 117 2 3 6 7 H MolterslO Fircworth Starlike San Hedron 67338 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 7 113 9 9 8 S A Chivcr 9 Lcla Cancioii Au Revoir Revoiri70y 67244 Tijuana Im70y i70y IMS fast 11 113 S 1 1 5 A Clavcr 10 LittleOrphan Itcyilo Deckhand 67157 Tijuana 1 l4S l48hvy hry 25 107 5 a 4 5 1 58 H Long 7 Whippet Lavaga 7orth Tower 67118 Tijuana 34 34118 118 mud 25 103 1 3 3 2 H Lens 7 CountBoris IlorLfrch RedMan 67022 Tijuana Im70y 70y l50 luOmud miid C9 9 103 1 3 S 3 H Long 9 Lavnga Coniclion San Hedron 66949 Tijuana 34 llGislop C C7 113 7 7C6S95 7 7 7 E Fator 7 UFIorcnce XthSItore CRobtn C6S95 Tijuana 5S 58181 181 slop 25 109 9 11 101 S10 F Cantrellll Tutt Chrome Vlrge 65254 Hastings 34 l19good 135 ill I4 J Dawson 8 flrTubbs PeterPayne JkFrytr ISPHAM ch m 6 108 By Rapid Water Barbaria by Canopns or Glea GleaLott 108I Trainer H A Lott Owner H A Lett heim Breeder C C Glass Glass5S 67918 Tijuana 5S l037smud 20f 111 5 7 6 5J1 C Thpson 8 HazelDale StleyH DdcGui DdcGuiS 67672 Tijuana 5S S 102 fast 43 110 5 3 3 4s M Milrickll KondHope NebraskaLad Nizam Nizam51flOSfast G7574 Tijuana 51flOSfast 30 108 5 3 3s in H Molters Tillotson Plunger Cave Man 67496 Tijuana 1 l42ifaBt 131 102 4 3 7s 8 1 F Stevens 8 Mdlink SilkSoi Proclamatioa Proclamatioa5S 66947 Tijuana 5S lOSrisIop 2 105 4 7 7 711 W D Mler 7 Don Jose Pay Off Velvet 66895 Tijuana 5S 58104 104 slop 5lf 169 7 4 5 J 5T W Miller II Tutt Chrome Virgo 61380 Tijuana 34 l14 l14Hfast fast 36 106 10 10C1362 8 SJ 8 D Hum 11 Fiesta JolinSWipcins VeraRita C1362 Tijuana 51 f 110 fast 115 108 10810 10810G1271 10 6 41 3 W D Millrl2 HtersPoint M Fluke SDonla G1271 Tijuana 51 f flOS lOS fast 12 111 9 7 5 2J H Lons 10 OliveD Dehinccy SqHawkina 61196 Tijuana 1 l44Eood 4 108 4 5 4 4 W D Miller S IlalWright TUrills Vcra Wood 61170 Tijuana 1 l43fast 35f 182 9 6 fij 6 W D illllerlO JnlyFly ChrMaster OHstead

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020201/drf1923020201_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1923020201_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800