Fair Grounds: Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-02


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIR FAIR GROUNDS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2 2WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK PAST The figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the test time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviation shew track renditions Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 Superior nind runner X Good mud runner Pair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 38 Kile KileParse Parse 1000 2yearolds Maidens Colts and andGeldings Geldings Special Weights Track record Jan 19 1022 34 2 114 114Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 87877 Blotter 116 37 110 725 725679C2 679C2 A J Buja 116 37 116 720 67877 Mike Morrisscy 106 SS 116 715 67834 Omasex 116 33 116 710 67553 Patsy Howe 116 703 703Ray Ray Palmer Jr 116 Milton M llfl llflForty Forty Two UG Second Race 34 Kile KilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 1918 111 6 116 11667M3 67M3 Black Hackle 1081113 610S725 67035 Locarno 106 113 B 108 720 67935 Sandalwood 105 113 B 113x715 67879 bAlex II 113 113 fc 4 10GX715 67761 Mary G 10T 113 B 111X715 67305 Flip 107 115 B 10G715 10G71567S3G 67S3G Alva 101 llr h 4 106x710 67808 MacbiaTelli 106112 5 116 710 67756 Cockroach 109 113 7111X705 67773 bUobcy Baker 118113 6113x70 67836 bArdito 108 l16h 6113X705 67940 bExecution 10S 116J 4 111 700 7888 Gorbam M 115 114 7 108 700 67687 Billy El M 119 11914 3 96700 96700Third Third Race 34 Kile KilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 1918 111 C 116 67893 Pietrns 112 113 4 107 725 67963 bBurgoyne 110 112 6 103X720 67879 Orlova 105 112 6 108 715 67731 Bedazzle 112 113 3 91 715 71567089s 67089s Ogarite 104 113 4 103X715 67644 Theo 110 113 4105X710 67771 Charles J Craig mile 113114 6101X710 67307 Transient 114 112 5 104X710 67879 Comedie dAmour 108 113 4100X710 66358 bHarp of the Northlll 112 G 108X705 67936 Tender Seth 110 l14Vf 8 92x700 67858 Ukase 115 1U43 4 107 700 70067S63 67S63 Ticklish 7 103X700 67984 Rolo 104 113 0 93X700 Fourth Race 1 Kile and 70 Yards YardsBayou Bayou St John Pnrse PnrsePnrse Pnrse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Feb 12 1916 142 t 113 679375 EPISODE 104Jl44tt 6104x750 67 6702J 02J Gem 98 144 5 106 740 67937 Canyon 101143 4 109 730 67964 Chlva 67833 bK n i g h t of the theHeather Heather 107144 B 109X735 67945 bThe Archer 111145 6108X730 6108X730103J144 67733 hRomany 103J144 6104X730 67937 Orcns 103 146 5 1110730 67816 Rapid Traveler 110140 110140Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Kilos Pnrse 1000 4yearolds and upward Cbaiminff Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 67607 Winneconne 105 l46fc l46fc67S03 6 107X723 67S03 Hello Pirdner 107 146 146G7898 6 108X720 G7898 The Peruvian 107 148 4 105 715 67753 bThe Lamb 110145 C 108X713 67989 Consort 10S 14S 4 101X715 67988 Fornovo 97 145 6 103X710 67712 bArmistice 103114716 6 103X715 67987 Little Ammie 101 148 4 108X710 6757 Walnut Hall 106 145 9 118X705 67713 bSt Donard 110 148 B 112 703 67939 Devonite 108 146 4 U0700 67319 bWaukeac 107 147 9 107X700 67840 Serbian 112147 T 112X700 Sixth Race 1 116 Miles MilesPnrse Pnrse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 101 67939 Atta Boy II 110 145 6 107X725 6704 bAmaze 111147 6 110X720 67937 Kscarpolette 103 140 6 107X715 107X715C7839 C7839 bMay Roberts 103 148 8 102X713 67385 Simplicity 101 105 4 91X715 67987 Grass Tree 97 97143 143 4 4103x715 103x715 6798 1 Slippery Elm 107144 101070715 67862 bEttahc 107 145 8 118X710 67586 High Gear 110 145 9112X710 9112X710679C3 679C3 Mack Fairroan 4 100 710 67649 Scottish Chief 115147 6 112 705 64847 bTimbrel 1031148By 4 91 705 67944 bTulane 107147 4118X700 67765 bCitation 93140 4 101 700 700Seventh Seventh Race 1 Kile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track tecoid Feb 12 1916 142 4 113 67941 Temptress M 104146 98 723 67878 Punta Gorda 97 147 99X720 67731 Marjorie Wood 94 l49h 99X715 67815 Ghost 106147 101X715 67967 Wrangler 107 146 106X715 67482 Hillhouse 102 l49h 104X710 67815 Sam McBride 104 149 101X710 101X710G7C83 G7C83 Yorick M 105 146 193X710 67861 Manicure Maid 901149 99X705 67878 Allurnig M 103 147 03 700 67941 Reel Foot M 1061148 103 700 67941 Henry l attnerM 105 146 104 700 67983 Kulalia 104 150 93 700 67856 Recoup M 1003151 S3 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020201/drf1923020201_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1923020201_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800