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mDAPC 34 Mile 3yearold and upward Claiming Dec SO 1O16 nAlC 111 25 3 110 COTTNT BORIS b g 8 108 108Trainer By Ivan the Terrible Palms by Himyar Trainer H E Daria OWBW H E DavU Breeder E S Gardaer r Tijuana 5S l03ihvy 9 113 4 4 3 2 M Andson S KuUMoon Milda Nebraska Lad C7933 Tijuana 58 104 hvy 135 113 5 6 4 4 C Thpsonll FdHope Philanderer FullMoon 67897 Tijuana 51 f l09 = imud 31 115 1155S 2 5 44 3J1 C Thpson 9 DdeGuise Fondllope FGCley 67872 Tijuana 5S l03ttmud 6 115 7 3 3s 3i B Fator 10 Corncutter Milda North Shore 67724 Tijuana 34 114 iifast 3 115 4 8 7 72 T Wilson 10 Purl Horace Lerch It 67638 Tijuana 68 Itflvifast 2 115 7 1 in 2 T Wilson S Barriskane Harry Rudder Ncg 67492 Tijuana ImTOy 47fa8t 2 1 H 31 W Pool 8 Yermak TViltDant KvIlargan 67208 Tijuana 34 l1G slow 2710 117 117tS 2 1 I1 I M Andson 8 Ixinieve Au Uevoir Dahvood 67169 Tijuana tS l04bvy 14 IPS 3 4 41 4TJ M Andson C DickTerpin Corncutter Kglike 67156 Tijuana 51 f l12 4hvy 10 114 444 = 3 = 1 M Andson C SilkSor HarryD Summer Sigh 67118 Tijuana 24 11S mud 4 114 6 1 I1 1s M Andson 7 DoiihleEye HorLcrch RcdMan PHILANDEKEH cb r 106 106Trainer By His Majesty Pretty Maiden by Kingston Trainer P Classen Owner P Clauses Breeder G A Cocbran j 67933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 11 113 4 2 2i 21 C Rails 11 Fondllope FullMoon CntBoris CntBorisCl 67872 Tijuana 5S l03 mud Cl 110 S S 6J 6 2 H Long 10 Corncutter Milda Count Boris 67806 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 21 110 6 1 Il 1 H Long 8 Kl la Waldo RedMan Shorcacres 67744 Tljuanm S4 l14fast 4 113 1 2 3l 4 = i H Long 8 Virse TomCravcn NehrasLad 67595 Tijuana 68 l02ifast 21 110 4 1 1 11 H Long 12 Viva BacchtiR GallouBcrry j 67490 Tijuana 6 110 4 C 5s 5s H long 10 Vcra Rita a illotson Norfield MS78 Toledo 51 f lOSJifast 75 112 8 1 E Hilemanll Bennington Pinto Hunter Platt i 63862 MHeighta SI t lC 7ifast 6 114 1 1 E Scoble S Currency Old Sinner Vibrate j NEC blk g 8 111 111Trainer By Orimar Lulu M by Masetto MasettoK Trainer B Barnett Owner X K Barcett Barcett67S97 Breeder M Doyle j 67S97 Tijuana 5i f l037imud 2310 10 110 1 C CC78SO 7 F Stevens 9 DdeGuise FdHope ConntBqris C78SO Tijuana tS l01Hfast 2 110 4 6 4i 2 F Stevens 9 DdeGuise Mayflower Tmbcola TmbcolaS 67769 Tijuana 58 l01Xtast S 111 4 6676S8 6 4 3 F Stevens K HazeiDale ULOwen Lloinlet i 676S8 Tijuana 5S lSlfast 15 110 4 C C67S75 GJ 4 F Stevens 8 Barriskane CtBoris H Rudder 67S75 Tijuana SI f 1OS fast 2J 111 1 4 21 21 J Thomas G F G Corley Kimono Tutt 67298 Tijuana EJ f lOSifast 32 109 1 3 3 2J II Molters S Milda Elga Lariat 67247 Tijuana Cl f 1 7Hast 16 111 1 2 2 31 O Rails 8 Herder lIaceLerch VnnTVelles C726 Tijuana 34 l16Hslow 95 112 2 2 23 2 C Rails 7 JulyKly ElynHrigan SBanner 67118 Tijuana 34 118 mud C 5 112 4 C C 51 C Rails 7 CountBoris DoubleEye HLerch 06999 Tijuana 61 f l105 murt 710 10 111 2 2 21 1 C Rails 8 Plantagct Gadling IIVTopaS CC9S3 Tijuana 1 f 1O1 hvy 2i 1C9 1 5 a Si 1 W Pool 11 MerryLass CouutBoris RAngle I FUEBLO ch Ci 115 By Hockton OrUka by Clifford Trainer W Owner Leeds tc Mills Breeder J Sanford 67805 Tijuana 6S 101 fast 113 4 4 4 1 C RalU 11 Pay Off Vibrate Noonbonr 67725 Tijuana 5 115 4 8 S E Taplin 8 Silk Sox Herder Barriskane 67S79 Tijuana 41 f 54Hfast 8 117 4 4 453 B Fator 5 Settle Sister Susie PhroncWard 67475 Tijuana 34 l14lfast 120 1 4 3i C Rails Rails3J 7 Mannikin II Herder John Jr 67342 Tijuana 68 101 fast 31 107 4 3J I1 C Rails 7 HnmiltonA Cncutter ULevea 672C7 Tijuana 34 114 fast 2710 108 2 2 4 J A Claver Claver1J 6 Herder Bill Illackwell Romulus 67211 Tijuana 24 116 slow 10 116 2 1J 1 A Claver 7 JohnJr MadceF EraWHUains 67100 Tijuana 61 f 111 hvy 85 1C9 3 2 21 2i M Fator 7 Harry D John Jr Foil Mooa 67052 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 75 111 4 1 1 1 A Claver 7 Toombeola l ou Jose Milda YORK LASSIE br m 6 98 98Trainer By Yorkshire Lad Lady Kilmarnock by Kilmar Kilmarnock Trainer T Crysler Owner T Cryaler nock Breeder C E Wilkerson 67834 Tijuana 1 14 208ifaat C SS 4 1 2 21 P Hum 9 Fireworth Little Dear Argento ArgentoS 67723 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 61 110 C S T l L Creery 10 Cafeteria Mrs Pat Au Itevoir 67534 Tijuana Im70y IMT fast lOf 105 1 8 8 S 3 L Creery 30 By Right Tom Owens Vic j 65283 Hastings 1 12 238 fast 24 104 104G5256 S W Davis 9 Sample 3fel Harper PceDirect G5256 Hastings 1 14 214 gooa 3 112 21 W Miller 7 YVhireRelh Bmorell CCourt j 65678 Hastings 61 f 125 mud 7 107 61 H Molters 7 CBoyle UontGeorge FlorDeen 64876 Bghouse 1 116 l4Sfast Cl 99 11 P Hum 9 Tawjisthu Deckhand IMT Moi 64781 Brhouse ImTOy l14fast 1C 102 21 P Hum 11 Cafeleria TBrooks LorcnaMosc 64427 Hasting 34 l21Kgood 6 102 2 T Wilson 9 Velvet Cafeteria Ed Lo Van i 63362 HasUnsa 34 1 US slop 14C 1M 4 II Lone 9 Sky Man MHrmann GolBose RIFLE ch g 8 100 By Uncle Fleur de Marie ly Meddler Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B MeddlerB Irwin Breeders J 0 G H Keene C7873 Tijuana 34 l16imud 135 115 3 8 10 10 P MartinezlO MEmmaG Nhour MoLBaraea G2685 Omaha 1 141 fast 6 107 3 J Sington 8 LeapFrog Mildred MareellaBoy 62623 Omaha 1 142 good 41 106 31 D Hum 6 Franklin Manicure WOItrtmSr 62460 Omaha 1 18 l53fast 4 114 8 W Mnders 8 Wdie Mtgomy Frklln Dolji 02339 Omaha 34 1 J3ifast 25 102 41 D Horn 5 Money Motor Cop Dccy X C1208 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 115 107 1 2 31 41 D Hum 8 Molciber KRankin Mankimll CI117 Tijuana 1 1S l545ifast 2910 107 2 1 HMD Hum 7 Bobby Allen Belario Gatn CLOCK STOCKING br f 3 M MTrainer MexicanW 81 By Pataod Met Moricaa by Mexican Trainer W A Cameron Owner W A Cameron Breeder W C Goedloe Goedloe9a 67873 Tijuana 34 l16jmud 9a 8 4 4l 41 P Hum 10 MEmmaG Nhour MolBarne 67341 Tijuana 1142 fast 89 5 1 2 E H Long 7 BUI Head Yermak Just Right 67017 Tijuana 34 l17imud 116 6 6 3 W OKeefe G RoyalMaid Pinaqnana BKent C6641 Latonia 34 l13ifast 109 2 11 12 12 E Martin 12 WayWaamo PceTiiTii Bedasate 66608 Latonia 51 f l07fast 103 12 10 11 11 A Roach 12 Brunei Spinball Wnywa a m