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Tijuana Form Chart TnTTAJTA HEX WEDNESDAY JANUABY 31 1923 1 mile Fiftyfifth day Tijuana Jockey Club Winter Meeting of 100 or more days Weather rainy temperature 76 ° Stewards Francis Nelson J W Coffroth and Ii J Rose Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Associate Judges L J Rose and J S Rothert Starter Harry Morrissey Racine Secretary J S Rothcrt Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig nrea in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance ± TOT ft FIRST BACE 3 12 Furlongs Feb 12 1917 42 10 105 Purse 600 2year O 4 tJ 4 J olds Allowances Net value to winner 420 second 120 third GO Index Horses AWtPFSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 67784 SBATTLE SHOT w 107 4 2 Il lsi 14 D Hum Meadowbrook Stable t7SO100 67594 NORWOOD w 117 2 3 4f 3 2 J Glass M Synfy 150100 67784 W1KI JACK ws 110 1 1 2J 2 3 S Smith Allen Wilkerson J10201CO 67784 OVER SHOT w 107 65 5 5 i 41 W Dean Meadowbrook Stable 67530MISS LEGGO w 107 3 4 3 4 5 C Thpson Allen Wilkerson t 67784 SETHS FLOWER w 107 7 6 61 6 6 K Petzoldt B F McClain 6680100 668010067784AL 67784AL HOTFOOT w 123 8 8 7 7 7 H Molters A Neal 120100 120100BARDALID BARDALID w 110 5 7 8 8 8 F Stevens E OConnell 1390100 1390100fCouplcd fCouplcd in betting as Meadowbrook Stable entry Allrn Wilkerson entry Time 25 37 44 Track muddy 2 mntuels paid Mcadowbrook Stable entry 1720 straight 540 place 340 show Norwood 440 place 260 show Allen Wilkerson entry 380 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Meadowbrook Stable entry 7fiO to 100 straight 170 to 100 place 70 to 100 how Norwood 120 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Allen Wilkerson entry 80 to 100 show showWinner Winner R f by War Spot Countess Joan by High Order trained by S Christenson bred by Mr B Christenson ChristensonWent Went to pest at 203 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the ame RATTLE SHOT began fast and showing high speed in the going held sway throughout and under vigorous riding held NORWOOD safe in the final drive NORWOOD was in close quarters early nud when clear finished with a great rush and was wearing the winner down at the end WIKI JACK showed speed and made a game finish MISS LEGGO ran well to the stretch where she tired AL HOTFOOT was always beaten beatenScratched Scratched C7700 Josephine Newell 107 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Kay 20 1920 59 4 107 Free 00 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 109 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 4 Str Kin Jockeys Rquiv Odds Strt 67911SQUASH wu 6 109 11 1 l k 1 1 L Crecry G Sidney 350100 67849 BACCHUS WB 3 100 9 9 6 41 41 2 D Hum H Farrcll 4SO100 67890 ONWA w 9 103 5 3 71 7 T 31 G Rose Ii Pillana 2580100 67639 OPERATOR WB 6 110 7 4 31 3 31 4 H Molters T Polk 963100 67870 THREE X ws 6 105 S 5 5 51 5 5 M MUrick J Horn 8340100 83401006791VERMITANA 6791VERMITANA w 8 114 2 2 21 2 2 G C Thpson J Kem 120100 67827 RAG DOLL W3 901010 81 6 61 7 J Thomas Smith Mo nabaa 2580100 67869 MAE SETH w 3 102 3 6 41 8 8 Sl F Stevens F A Breit 1380100 138010067765OKLAHOMA 67765OKLAHOMA KID w S 102 4 S 9 91 9 9 G Cooper It Cans 56W100 56W100C7076 C7076 VICTOR F w 5 105 G 7 10 10 10 10 W Dean L Galbraith 163GO100 163GO100Time Time 25 51 106 Track maddy 2 mntnels paid Squash 900 straight 420 place 460 show Bacchus 040 place 480 show Oawa 1080 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Squash 350 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Bacchus 22 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Onwa 440 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch m by Dcntschland Island Queen by Dick Welles trained by J Rogan bred by Nevada Stock Farm Went to post at 225 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SQUASH took a quick lead and raced head and head with ERMITANA until entering the stretch where she drew clear and finishing resolutely under a hard ride outstayed BACCHUS The latter began slowly and racing wide finished on the extreme outside and just failed to get up ONWA was badly outrun to the last quarter where he closed a great gap in a fast finish OPEUATOK showed good speed tut tired ERMITANA ran well to the last eighth eighthScratched Scratched C7890 Lenas Boy 110 G792G Yorkshire Maid 105 THZRD KACE 58 MCe May 20 1920 59 4 107 Purse 500 3yearold and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPFSt U s = i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 67869 J ZAINER w 5 111 5 4 3 is I1 Il F Stevens G Butler 030100 030100C7830 C7830 TABLOID w 4 110 1 2 2 4 2 2J C Thpson A E Stokrs 140100 67915 REVIEW ws 6 116 6 7 7 51 5 31 T Wilson Strite Valentin 1040100 67892 AMERICN MAID WB 5 108 2 1 1 2 4 4 C Rails Wilson WilliaiiM 450100 67911 L GENTRY ws S 112 8 5 41 3 k 31 5 H S Jones II Cox 400100 67850 HUNTERS PIXT w 5 116 4 S ff 6 6 61 E Dugan D S Fountain 2760100 67918 LADY BETTY w 9 103 7 8 9 8 71 71 H Zander G Nlbbs 9460100 67114 HELEN HAYES w 7 108 33 5 71 S 8 M Andson C Brown 11110100 11110100C7913 C7913 VALTINE LADY w 6 103 9 9 8 Pulled upG Ross E Rail 17CO100 17CO100Time Time 24 51 104 Track muddy 2 mntuds paid Zainer 1400 straight 420 place 300 show Tabloid 360 place 280 show Review 340 show Equivalent booking odds Zainer C30 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Tabloid SO to 100 place 40 to 100 show Review 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Jack Atkin Lois Cavanaugb by Hastings trained by R E Lovell bred by Messrs Uullihcr Bros BrosWent Went to post at 250 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and thii came ZAINKR was hard ridden from the start and passing AMERICAN MAID raced to the front on the last turn ind held TABLOID safe TABLOID was a forward contender from the start and did her best REVIEW began slowly but closed a big gap and finished fastest of all AMERICAN MAID ran well for a half thin tried L GENTRY showed speed speedScratched Scratched G7891ICanvasback 11C 07933 Southern Gentleman 110 67954 Victory Won 110 FOURTH KACE 1 14 Miles May 16 1920 205 6 115 Purse 609 3yearolds and upward Claiming1 Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U J Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt 67912 MONK PINE ws 6 115 121 Il Il Il I1 E Dugan S Higuera 810100 81010067834s 67834s LITTLE DEAR w 5 113 4 3 4 31 3l 3 2 W Gargan T Harris 210100 6928 TAWASENTHA w 5 108 5 5 2 2 2 2s 3 J Thomas R Cooper 520100 67927 VETERAN WB 7 113 C 8 5 5 51 4 43 G Rose H D Catea 280100 28010067914s 67914s PRETENDER ws 10 110 7 1 6 4 4 5 5 E Petzoldt R Felix 400100 40010067892HIGH 67892HIGH OLYMPUS w 8 110 2 7 8 6J 6 6 6 = 1 H Zander G Nibbs 2960100 6783 1 EL KEY ws 9 113 S 6 71 7 7J 7 7 H Molters J Dalton 14960109 149601096780GLAVA 6780GLAVA wsa 7 110 3 4 32 8 8 8 S F Stevens B B Bond 2963100 2963100Time Time 25 52 119 147 215 Track muddy 2 mntucls paid Lnne Pine 1320 straight 700 place 500 show Little Dear 380 place 280 show Tawasentha S3 10 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lone Pine 810 to 100 straight 280 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Little Dear 80 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Tawasentha 80 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Deutscliland Iepnerwood by Eddie Joiies trained by P Campbell bred by Nevada Stock Farm FarmWent Went to post at 317 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing LONE PINE well ridden took the lead at once kept it gamely and held the others safe through the final quarter LITTLE DEAR was prominent throughout and making a game finish just managed tc outstay TAWASENTHA The latter raced in nearest pursuit to the stretch and only tired in the last fifty speedScratched yards VETERAN is improving and finished fast PRETENDER showed speed Scratched 07834 Dehra 113 457Q7Q FIFTH KACE l Mile June 17 1916 138 3 95 Purso 600 3yearolds and up O 4 7 4 7 ward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 6789DVEILED COLLN w 4 104 4 3 Ill 1 1 11 F Stevens A L Brigga 1560100 67893 POOR PUSS WB 3 S3 5 6 6 5 4 2 2 P Hum R H Good 420lflO 67929MISS 420lflO67929MISS EMMA G w 4 110 6 2 23 2 2 3 3l C Thpson J S Steward 110100 679165SILK 110100679165SILK SOX wn 4 114 7 5 5 3 = 13 4 4 G Rose Blackwell Crippen 300100 C7892 FICKLE FNCY wsS 107 3 1 3 6 6 5 5 D Hum R Cloud 1380100 57843 FIGURATION w 5 118 1 7 7 7 7 7 6 M Andson F D Howard 16SO100 C7855 16SO100C7855 ICON WB 5 117 2 4 41 41 51 61 7 W Gargan R Cooper 2640100 Time 2640100Time 25 J 51 118 146H Track muddy 2 mntuels paid Veiled Colleen 3320 straight 1200 place 440 show Poor Puna 560 place 280 show Miss Emma G 200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Veiled Colleen 1560 to 100 straight 530 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Poor Puss ISO to 100 place 40 to 100 show Miss Emma G 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by The Finn Scenery by Sain trained by A L Briggs bred by Mr John B Mad ¬ den denWent Went to post at 340 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the came AEILEU COLLEEN sprinted into the lead at once and keeping it hold POOR PUSS safe through the final eighth The latter after racing far back in the early running made up ground with a rush while rounding the last turn and finished fast and gaining MISS EMMA G ran well and had no mis ¬ haps SILIv SOX ran well to the stretch where he tired A7QQ A SIXTH KACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Jan 21 1S23 142 8 98 Purse 800 O 800O 4 tOvr 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 540 second 160 third 80 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 07852 VAN PATRICK wsn 3 100 3 1 11 I I I1 1 C Rails C Irby 230100 C7958 230100C7958 WILD FLOWER w 6 102 5 4 21 2 21 21 2 F Stevens A L Brlggs 1060100 C7930 1060100C7930 KRK FOG ARTY wsn 5 109 1 6 41 4 41 4 1 31 D Hum C B Irwin 160100 G79GOLIT 160100G79GOLIT FLORENCE w 4 103 C 3 31 3 31 21 4J T Wilson G M Van Gonlea 400100 67803MARCELLA 40010067803MARCELLA BOY w 5 100 4 2 5 5l G 5 5 J Thomas A T Baumstark 17SO100 17SO100C7832 C7832 CAVALDOUR II WB 7 103 2 a 6 6 6 6 G P Hum G V Hum 1040100 Time 1040100Time 24 J 50 117 145 150 Track muddy 2 mutuels paid Van Patrick 000 straight 420 place 200 show Wild Flower 740 place 320 show Frank Fogarty M show showKqulvnlent Kqulvnlent booking odds Van Patrick 230 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Wild Flower 270 to ICO place 00 to 100 show Frank Fogarty 30 to lot shoxv shoxvWinner Winner Ch e by General Roberts Janice Marian by Rubicuu trained by C Irby bred by Mr Arthur B Hancock HancockWent Went to post nt 405 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing VAN PATRICK showed the most speed and selling a good pace while under stout reatraint won in a canter WILD FLOWER was always in closest but unavailing pursuit of the winner and had to be ridden hard in the linal strides to hold FRANK FOGARTY tafe The latter made a fast finish LITTLE FLORENCE hliuwed speed while racing on the outside of the leaders SEVENTH KACE 1 Milo June 17 1916 138 3 95 Purse 600 3yearold and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U 4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt C7927S NORTH SHORE w 5 105 2 1 1J 1 1 1J 1 E Petzoldt S Elmer Elmer67780GOLD 67780GOLD BRYAN w 6 111 S 8 7 41 21 21 21J Thomaa L Warren WarrenG7932 G7932 CHARLEY BOY w 5 108 4 4 4 5 5 4 3l H Zander Sunflower StabU StabUU791aN U791aN K BEAL w 9 114 9 C 5 2 31 31 4 G BrMfoot U T Palmer G7928SAN HEDRON WSB 4 108 6 9 Sl 61 6 51 51 T Wilson J Manale r50100 r50100C792GJBALFOUR C792GJBALFOUR WB 5 113 7 5 9 9 9 9 G C Thpson Nebraska Stable 1340100 07928 = LARIAT w 7 108 1 2 3 S S 7J 71 G Rose V Cloud 4X 100 10007910s 07910s VERMAK w 10 113 5 3 2 3h 41 6 8s D Hum G F Hum 170100 170100C7002 C7002 MISTRESS POLLY w S 106 31010 10 10 10 9 F Stevens W Walker G7724 DOCTOR TUBBS WB 4 110 10 7 61 71 7H 8110 H Molters Neal Bartholome BartholometMutuel tMutuel leld Time 25 52 lli 148 Track muddy 2 mutuelx paid North Shore 1380 straight 1080 place 640 show Gold Bryan 1480 place 1100 show Charley Boy 2340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds North Shore 590 to 100 straight 440 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Gold Bryan G10 to 100 place 450 to 100 show Charley Boy 1070 to 100 show showWinner Winner B m by Martinet Galinda by Galveston trained by F Tracey bred by Messrs Willlama Bros BrosWent Went to post at 431 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing NORTH SHORE ran well in the going and setting a good pace withstood repeated challenges and gamely held GOLD BRYAN safe in the final drive GOLD BRYAN away slowly was hard ridden into a forward position anil made a game finish CHARLKY BOY made up ground and finished well N K BEAL showed much speed to the last turn where he began to tire tireScratched Scratched 7S97 Emma Williams 10G I Overweights N K Real 1 pound Doctor Tubbs 2 EIGHTH KACE 5 12 Furlongs June 28 191G 105 3 118 Purse 600 3yetfr olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 12 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt G7918 DUC DE GUISE w 7 115 12 I1 11 1 = 11 C Rails G Edison 140100 1401006774S 6774S BILLY JOE WSB 11 115 3 6 6 5 41 2J H Molters Kane Zeigler 2160100 2160100G7918HAZEL G7918HAZEL DALE ws 10 113 61 21 21 2l 3 D Hum C B Irwin 163100 67933 FOND HOPE WSB 6 108 23 3 3 3l 41 F Stevens B Creech 410100 07929 s ROSA ATKIN ws 5 103 5 4 4si 4s 5 S R Petzoldt RM Hollenbeck 1060103 67827 ELMER W w 3 99 4 5 5J 6 6 6 T Wilson Hollywood Stable t tMutuel field Time 24 49 111 Track mnddy 2 mutuels paid Due do Guise 480 straight 400 place 200 show Billy Joe field 1140 place 300 show Hazel Dale 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Due de Guise 140 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Billy Joe field 470 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Hazel Dale 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Star Shoot Miss Granville by Yankee trained by G Edison bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 455 At post 1 minute Start good nnd slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing DUC DE GUISE began with a rush and showing high speed easily won all the way BILLY JOE closed a big gap and finished fast while racing closest to the inner rail HAZEL DALE tired after rac ¬ ing in closes pursuit of the winner to the last fifty yards FOND HOPE was done after turning for home homeScratched Scratched U7927 Yukon 113 G7S51 Ella Waldo 113 67870Tom Roach 113 G79231Pinaquana 2 67805 Pueblo 113 67890 Double Eye 113