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1 lS Allies ISjearoliJs and upivanl Clniniinsr 3iarcli 7 CABIN CREEK b g 5 113 113Trainer By Short Grass Ocanya by Ornus OrnusWade Trainer J Burfc Owner J X Wade Breeder May Carfisld 63168 Tijuana Im70y 154 hvy 45 5 113 5 51 51GSOJ9 1 1 1 P Walls 7 Plurality ISalfour Fizer GSOJ9 Tijuana ImOy l53mud 32 2 113 3 2 2G7998 2 2 P Martinez 7 Lewis 15 Rhymer Car G7998 Tijuana ImVOy 134 mud 1710 0 10S 3 35 5 2 = 2 G Rose S Plantagenet RcdMan Railbird 67915 Tijuana 4 117 mud 135 112 4 4 4i 3 = P Martinez S Pclamatn DGirl TVgcance 67802 Tijuana 51 f l07 fast fastG3743 21 1 112 10 10 10 y R Carter 10 Lobelia Poacner Yukon YukonC 0743 Tijuana 34 lMfast 6C C 113 5 2 21 2J R Carter 9 Van Welles Poacher Pretender 67119 Tijuana 5 f l18smud 111 5 8 9 Tii M Andson 9 To inbeola Romulus I chlevei 65100 Thncliffe 1 116 l47slov 5 103 2 7 P up C liuel 9 Dantzic lluckboard Secretary 64937 Dufferin 1 116 l5lfcfast 111 GJ J Majestic 5 Flibtybet GChnce MJlJakeJ TAWASENTHA ch m 5 106 By Tulcain Bella of Arcadia by Plaudit Trainer H Cooper Owner R Cooper Breeder H G Herring G8U13 Tijuana ImTOy l50hvy 75 5 lit 5 2 11 1 W Martin S Anita K Caamano Silex II 68105 Tijuana 1 l43faat 9 103 1 1G8041 G 61 51 G Cooper 9 Don Jose Miss Emma G ISaisy G8041 Tijuana lmTOyl54 hvy 7 111 G 3 3 3s G Cooper 10 NKlScal PlSteel Plurality 67978 Tijuana 1 14 215mud 5 108 5 2 2J 3l 1 Thomas 8 Lone Pine Little Dear Aeteran 57928 Tijuana ImTOy l lrilivy rilivy 4 110 5 4 4 = Gl C Rails S Snn Hedion Lariat Hiekninora 67915 Tijuana 34 117 mud IS 5 101 2 3 3 5 H LonK S Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrlc G7791 Tijuana ImTOy l45 fast 1 102 1 2 41 C = J II Long i Diniiello Cirieylloy Fireworth 67767 Tijuana Im70y IMl ifast ifastG7G78 J 103 5 7 7 7IJ G Cooper 7 JohnSiIenrdon Seraphs Hastillu G7G78 Tijuana Im70y IMj fast S 110 2 1 1 2l H Long 7 SutnSigh LManning AValDant 6642 Tijuana 51 i f 108 fast llf 10S S 3 7i 6H F Stevens 9 PhroneWaid Icon DarkAges OLYMPIAD ch g 4 103 103Trainer By Ferole Olympia by Rock Sand Trainer J D Heard Owner G H Abbott AbbottC8186 tt BreeJer A Bclmont C8186 Tijuana 1 12 242yxvy 31 98 6 3 3G8148 41 on AV Martin S nominator NKBeal Tag Day G8148 Tijuana 1 l 4mucl 115 148 3 G GG810G 3l 21 G Rosa Pueblo Jack Lodi Alnzon G810G Tijuana 1 IMZrsfast 61 107 4 2 2G805G 21 3i AV Martin 8 Neb I ad Walter Dant Ix ti G805G Tijuana ll51ihvy 12 102 G 5 5G7997 52 4l G Rose S LewisI lariat G Muehlebach G7997 Tijuana Im70y lK5mud S 103 7 4 4G7928 4 2J G Rose 9 Cafeteria llenecia Shelbyville G7928 Tijuana Im70y l33 = thvy 12 110 6 5 51 51 T Rae 8 San Hedion Ijirlat Haikatnoro 67913 Tijuana 58 104 mud 61 108 2 2 2C7848 I1 1 = 1 II LOUR S Ermitana Smie Again Keviexv C7848 Tijuana 51 f l10mud II 107 3 4 4G7786 4 2 AV Martin 8 UosaAtkin JollySuilor Ptcmlcr G7786 Tijuana Ci f lOSifcfast 23 107 10 ID 1 10 10i F Stevens 11 Goldliryan Delancey RosaAtkin 67639 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast 18 169 1 3 33 Si I Andson 10 Lyiiibon ICosaAtkin CaveMau 103 By Brummel Thrilled by Potomac Potomacicr Trainer K G Marlman Owner icr A Keith KeithG8130 Breeder A L Ferguson G8130 Tijuana 1 18 lGTttfast 21 110 6 2 1 2t G Rose 7 ChleylUiy Domator LCoehron 68012 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 7 106 5 B 3 451 AV Pool G HLerch Ulloreiice Fireworth 5t Tijuana Im70y l4Tfast 23 110 S 7 7s Ti E PctzoldllO By Uigiit Tom Owens Vic C7377 Tijuana 1 116 1 4Tfast 2710 115 7 3 31 3 i A Claver S KyRight WaltcrDant Dkhand 67339 Tijuana 1 13 l5lfaut 13 111 522 2 = 3 = 1 II Long 7 Eugenia 1C Aic Walter Dant 67300 Tijuana ImTOy ISGfcfast ISGfcfastG7153 1 110 644 4 = 41 C Halls 7 Toombeola C ISarkley AV Dant G7153 Tijuana 1 1S 20lr hvy 1 106 I 11 15 C Rails 7 Judge David GenItvng SilexII 67097 Tijuana 1 11G 153 hvy 7 103 5 5G7092 2 2J C Rails S Frank Fojrarty Silex II Lolu G7092 Tijuana 1 116 l53Xmud 63 105 5 5OLD 4 = 1 Il C Rails 7 Torsida Poacher John Arbor ArborEy OLD McKENNA b g G 103 Ey Transvaal Kuhla by Gold Heels or Trentola TrentolaI Trainer R H Chandler Owner G Baskay I Breeder S K Nichols 68182 Tijuana ImTOy 1 31Hhvy 1 13 1 = T Wilson 8 Mistake TOwens hrisHolteM 68011 Tijuana ImTOy TOy 134 hvy 2Gf 108 4 5 5J 6IS E Kenger 10 NKlteal PlStcel Tawasentha 67891 Tijuana 34 l18AmuiI 13 107 7 G 51 3T1 C Studir II VledColn Canvasbk MnFliiku 67547 Tijuana 1 13 l33 l55Kfast fast 110 6 G 6 G7i F Stevens 8 lWllarper AUVick Meteor 67453 Tijuana 1 l42fast l42fastG7337 GSf 112 t S 7 = 1 l XV Wiley 11 WiseJmlge TomCraven Flama G7337 Tijuana 1 1J3 fast 41 108 7 10 S = TJ F Stevens 11 Ilaisy Ollie AVood Argento 66948 Tijuana 34 117 slop S3 110 Left at post 1 Thomas 7 John Jr Whippet Shoreacres 66899 Tijuana 1 116 16 liSl nalHslop slop 17 113 6 5 6 G = M Andson G liill Head Let a Dolph 66530 Toledo 1 110 fast 23 111 111POACHER 6 3 0s 5 = T Burns G Dancer Handfull Plum Blossom POACHER ch g 8 103 103Trainer By Star Shoot Partridge by Longfellow Longfellowi Trainer S Polk i Owner S Polk PolkC8172 Breeder J E Madden C8172 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 47 112 112G810G 9 9 3 3 1C Ericksn 9 Choir Master Neg Kimono G810G Tijuana 1 l42riiasc Gl 107 2 5 GU G E Petzoldt 8 Nebkalwid WterOant Olympd 68055 Tijuana 5 f 113 hvy S310 110 7 3 5 = 6 II Ericksn S Jack Ledi Hilly Joe Couichon 67802 Tijuana 51 1 f l07Hfa t 13 113 2 4 21 2 K Fator 10 lobelia Yukon July Fly 67743 Tijuana 34 l14tifadt 21 113 4 1 I 33i E Petzold 9 Van Welles CabinCrk Ptrnder 67673 Tijuana DS PtrnderDS l01 ifast 8 117 3 5 7 Gll E Fator 9 RLOwen Lenleve Due deGnisn 67622 Tijuana 34 Illira3t CS 107 C 4 2J 2 E Fator 11 RoyalMaid Elltoble MolIlarne G7377 Tijuana 1 116 l47ifaat G 110 3 G 6 6 M Fator 8 ISyllight XValter Dant Dolnli 67263 Tijuana 1 115 llSHfast 135 112 5 2 7 Eugenia K Leta Walter Dant LITTLE ORPHAN ch jr 9 108 By Brigade Amelia B by Sain SainTrainer Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Bucha nan Breeder E E Buchanan 082 19 Tijuana fJ I llU mud 9f IDS S 9 S1 715 R Flynn 10 StAngclina Coniclion Caunzcl G7377 Tijuana 1 116 l47 ifast 11 110 4 G C1 5 E Pctzoldt S ByRight Walter Dant Dolph 67244 Tijuana ImTOy IMS fast 6 108 2 4 2 1J C Rails 10 Reydo neckband Dora G7153 ByngC7115 Tijuana 1 1S 20tjhvy 19 IOC 4 4 4 53J M Fator 7 Dolph Judge David Gen Byng C7115 Tijuana ImTOy l52vimud 145 103 1 4 3 = 1 3j M Fator Lvta Deckhand Drifting DriftingG7077 G7077 Tijuana ImTOy l31Hhvy 4 105 1 3 2 = j 23 M Fator 9 Railbird HansTopaz J Arbor ArborGG933 GG933 Tijuana 1 116 l33 = islop 6 IIS 4 7 C S14 F Smith 7 Sum Sigh Le Dinosaurc lora RHYMER ch e 9 1CS By Salvation La Poeta by Honduras Trainer G W Atkinson Owner G W Atkinson Breeders Ltwrenca Comsiocb 23 ICC 7 7 7 6 E Petzoldt S nominator NKfieal Tag nay 23 115 G 0 9 9 s E Fator 9 GMhlcbach AlWick J David G8019 Tijuana ImTOy l53Vimud C IDS 5 3 31 31 F Stevens 7 Lewis 1 Cabin Creek Car CarG787G G787G Tijuana 1 14 213mud 11 10S G 5 3 G19 F Scrcmba B Madge P Vic nominator nominatorU78X4 U78X4 Tijuana 1 14 2 Svifast 10 107 1 4 G = l 610 E Petzoldt 9 Firewth YorkLassie LitDear LitDearC7743 C7743 HighOlympuaG7515 Tijuana 1 18 l57fast Cl 110 G 1 Il 1 = 1 F Stevens 9 RcsYoung Dora HighOlympua G7515 Tijuana 1 11G l49faat 13 115 6 5 3l 3 E Fator S Slioreacrcs Lariat Itcydo ItcydoLAB1AT LAB1AT br g 7 113 By Rapid Water Tourmaletta by Lissah LissahTrainer Trainer K Cloud Owner V Cloud Breeder G W J Bissell BissellG8105 G8105 Baisy805G Tijuana 1 l43fast 6 107 G 5 S1 S8 P Martinez 0 Don Jcse Mis Emma G Baisy OlympdU7998 805G Tijuana 1 l51hvy 21 114 4 3 22 2 ° AV Pool 8 Lowislt GMhlcbach Olympd U7998 Tijuana ImTOy 154 mud S910 108 526 7 R Flynn 8 Pltngenet CabCreek RedMan RedManG7981 G7981 Tijuana 1 l4Smud 41 10S 2 S 7J 7 = G Rose 10 XthSIiore GdBryan ChleyBoy 07928 Tijuana ImTOy l53 l53shvy = shvy 12 115 1 1 1 2l F J Baker S SHedrc Hkamore nominator nominatorG7744 G7744 Tijuana 34 l14 = ifast 3t 113 3 6 61 G73 F Cantrell S Virge TomCravon NebrasLad NebrasLadG757G G757G Tijuana ImTOy l47 = ifast 710 112 3 2 13 I1 C Rails 11 Cigale Obstinate Lessie Yopng YopngARGENTO ARGENTO br s 9 113 By Jake Argent Ardones by AmJeo AmJeoTrainer Trainer C Edwards Owcer M Kartin Breeder Estate of E J Baldwin BaldwinG818G G818G Tijuana 1 12 242 ihvy 2S 111 5 8 S S C Thpson 8 nominator NKBeal Tag nay nayG8130 G8130 Tijuana 1 18 l53 fast 30 115 7 7 6s 6 H Long 7 Charley Boy Dolph nominator nominatorG7927 G7927 Tijuana ImTOy l5Jhvy 19 115 9 9 S1 S C Rails 11 IILercn NthShore Pltagenet PltagenetG787G G787G Tijuana 1 14 213 imud 11 108 4 G C 6 E Petsoldt 6 Madge F Vic nominator nominatorG7834 G7834 Tijuana 1 14 2CSjfast 22 112 2 1 G1 4e C Rall3 9 Fircwth YorkLassic LitDear na 114209 fast 9 112 S 7 7l 6 ° P Poirier 8 AV Judge JDavid ChkBarkley na 1 18 l5Csfast 9 110 7 3 33 1 E PetzoldtlO Al Wick Deckhand John Arbor ArborJUBGE JUBGE PepperTanner DAVID b h 7 116 By McGee Benedetta by The Pepper Tanner D Dennison Owner F J ORonrke Breeder R E Gois GoisC8129 C8129 Tijuana 1 18 l55ifast 6 113 4 2 21 3 J F Stevens 9 GMuchlcbach AlWick Montona MontonaG7S7G G7S7G Tijuana 1 14 2liimud 5 111 G 4 43 48i H Long G Madge F Vic nominator nominatorG774 G774 Tijuana Im70y l45 = fast 13 113 6 G 7 7 E Taplin 7 Louis KRankin Black Thong Thong07GG4 07GG4 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 6 110 2 3 21 2 E Taplin 8 WJudge CRarklcy Shorcacres ShorcacresG7548 G7548 Tijuana 1 18 l56sfast C3 113 13 2 I1 G Rails 8 Fireworth Dora High Olympus 07515 Tijuana 1 116 l49 fefast 135 IIS 877 7 ° A Claver S Shoreacres Lariat Rhymer 1 l55fast 195 111 S 3 21 2J E PetzoldtlO Madge K Drifting Rhymer