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4yearolds and upward Claiming Tan S 19UO DIFFERENT EYES b h 7 109 109Trainer By The Manager Acushla by Miser Trainer E L Fitzgerald Owner E L Fitzgerald Breeder T C McDowell G8099 Havana 710 109 3 2 2 1J A Pickens S Redmnu Runnan Hazel W 68049 Havana 34 lllfast 2 107 Z 1 2 2s A Pickens 5 Perhaps Quanah Janku 67994 Havana 34 l13jfast 21 107 4 47G 2 2J 13 A Pickens G Sun Brae Salvo Tony Heati G788G Havana 51 f l06fast 7G 107 4 4C5 3 2 = ink A Pickens S Redmon CarrieMoore SanDiego 07795 Havana 34 l12iifast C5 107 2 2 3s 3 = J A Pickens 7 Sun Brae Col Chile Approval G7590 Havana 34 lrjfast 21 106 1 2 21 2 A PIckcns 6 Co the Roost Col Chile Salvo 67447 Havana 5S l06ifast 65 110 7 76G 6 6 43 A PIckena 9 Panaman CotheRocst Redinon 67371 Havana 34 113 fast 6G 113 1 1 I2 2 A Pickens 7 ColChile Tony Heau 0 Sinner G70G6 Havana 195 112 2 3 2l 2h A Pickens 9 Approval Dai San Pablo HURON II b s 7 99 99Trainer By Sweeper Zuna by Hamburg HamburgBred Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson Bred in France by H B Duryea 68212 Havana 34 l14 ifast 1 = I1 P Groos 6 Tom Norris Darhley Spods 1 C7176 Havana 51 f l06 l06sfast sfast 6 99 1 1 2l 5 = 3 P Groos 7 SunBrae MtainLassie Isosceles 67823 Havana 51 f lOSslow 6 112 1 1 1S5 Int Il G Wilams 7 Memphis Paiiaman Big Snn C7778 Havana 51 f l07fast S5 112 2 2 I 1 G WUamsH HigSon RuthVehle FirstPulIet 67719 Havana 51 f lOS fast 31 111 3 1 11 3l G Wilams 9 SpIitGrass GetEm Kddarrison G76GG Havana 51 f l07 fast 5 114 S 1 11 2t G Willims 8 WoiQuit MajDomo EdGarrison G7525 Havana 51 f l06 ifaat 4 110 1 3 C ° 8i G Willims 8 Puff Hall Hohbed Hair Ras 07485 Havana 51 f lOSVSfa4t 3 114 1 2 11 2 G Willmsll Salaiider UGoLucky Rkabyo RkabyoBy COL CHILE b c 4 111 111Trainer By Marta Santa Dividend by Ingoldsby Trainer 0 L Foster Owner O L Fos Breeder J N Markey 7922 Havana 34 l12 fast 3 100 1 3 = 3l C Grace 5 Perhaps The Hoy Salvo 67843 Havana 34 l14good 2 100 1 1G7795 21 1 C Graco G Salvo The Hoy Sirocco G7795 Havana 34 l12if st 7 104 3 2l 2J C Grace 7 SunBrae DiffEyes Approval 07635 Havana ImSOy l4lfast 31 59 5 5l 6 1 C Grace G Sun Brae Lucy Kate TonyHeau 67590 Havana 31 l12fast 21 103 4 4l 3i C Grace 6 CotheRoost Diff Eyes Salvo 67508 Havana ImaOy IM jgood 6 98 5 l k 2i C Grace 7 The Pirate Fiucastle Tamper 674 G8 Havana 34 112 fast 7 97 4 SI 43 C Grace 7 HofEliztn EastView CSponsor 07371 Havana 34 113 fast 10 101 2 2APPROVAL 2s 1 C Grace 7 DifKyes TonyHeau Old Sinner APPROVAL b g 8 107 107Trainer By Plaudit Autumn Leaves by Prince of Monaco Trainer W P McCaffrey Owner W P McCaffrey Preeder J E Hadden HaddenC 67971 Havana 34 1 13 = if ast 2 101 6 C 6 ID S Banks 0 Salamander Black Top Runnan 07886 Havana 51 f lOGfast 10 110 0 7 51 u J W Pmrose S DifKyes Redmon CarrieMooro 67795 Havana 34 l12ifast 5 112 G 4 4J 4s II Stutts 7 SunHrae CoiChile DiffntKyes G7739 Havana 1 116 l45fast 21 105 4 4S 6 5J C 3 T Brothers G Hrklesby TonyHeau LucyKato G7G35 Havana Im50y l43ifast S 109 1 4 41 6J W Pmrose G Sun Brae Lucy Kate TonyUcau 67542 Havana 34 113 fast 3 112 4 2 2nk 4 = 1 W Pmrose 9 CotheRoost Janku Panaman 674 2G Havana 1 116 l4GVsfast 3 10S 3 4 4 5 V Pmrose HmhlieKean Thelirate Guelph C70G6 Havana HavanaQTJANAH 34 l12 fast fastMadison 13 10S 5 6 41 lh W Pmrose 9 Different Eyes Dau San Pablo QTJANAH b c 4 By Quanstock Lady Fairstead by Minstead Trainer L S SG817G Madison Owner Madison ilison Bred in England by T G Cart Cartwright wright G817G Havana 51 f lOGsfast 6 61 6 E Beach 7 SunBrae Moun Lassie Isosceles G8019 Havana 34 lUllifast 4 4 ° 31 E Beach 5 Perhaps Different Eyes Janku 07994 Havana 34 l13ifast 6 6 6k3 H Click 6 SunHrae Different Ey s Salvo 07843 Havana 34 l147sgood G 6 Gl II Stutts G Col Chile Salvo The Hoy 67795 Havana 34 l12Mfast 5 E3 5 F Merimee 7 SunHrae ColChile DiffiitEyea GG611 Latonia 34 l12sfast 4 3t 3 = 1 AV Pool 12 Lugs Modna Hanker Brown GG583 Latonia 34 l13 l13sfast = sfast 4 2 3i I McDottl2 Topmost Sasrjimook PrceWelles CG51G Latonia 34 l12Vbfast 8 91 911 1 Corcoranl2 Inquisition Avispa Lugs 65919 Kworth 51 f l0fast 6 6 C Lanville G Colando Sagamore Sun Hrao G5778 Kworth 7S 127 fast 3 41 Il E Ambrse 7 Colaudo Shoot Away LaclsLOYa C5G82 Kworth 7S l G fast 7 S1 7 E Ambrsell Ogarite Colaudo The Was WasBy LUSTRE b c 4 107 107Trainer By Ltho McLuke Fine Arts II l y Songcraft Trainer J Hope Owner f Delbarrio Breeder J 0 G H Keeno KeenoG 68176 Havana 51 f lC6sfast 30 1CS1 G G G k 73 G Corey 7 SuuHrae MnunUissIe Isosceles G8049 Havana 31 lllfast 20 IDS o G 5 B1 G Corey r Perhaps DifferenEye Quanah 07447 Havana 15 110 4 5 S3 73J G Corey 9 Panaman CothcKoost Redmon 07315 Havana 38 105 5 8 8 7 G Corey 8 Riverside Quaker Co the Roost 07259 Havana 34 l19hvy 7 312 2 7 7 7 G Corey 7 Old Sinner Has Janku 67161 Havana 34 I13i4fast 34 111 G 4 5 E3 G Stone 1 Sirocco Tony Heau ApJack II GG428 Toledo 51 f l07VLslow 94 111 4 7 7 7 G Corey 7 MumJumbo HrillitRay Money G5798 MHghts 34 l13Hifast 31 105 812 G Corey S Assume Theo Hallyuuw