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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15 15WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK HEAVY The figures under the heading Rcc in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track ccnditions Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 0 Superior mud runner X Uood nuiil runuer Kair mud runner II Maideca Appreuttc nllouance b Itlinkers ItlinkersFirst First Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 10 1920 59 1 107 107Todays Todays TodaysIml Iml Horse HorseC8085 Wt Roc AAVtIIan AAVtIIan10S AAVtIIanCS085 CS085 Grace Trimble TrimbleCS103 103 102 7 103X725 CS103 James G GGS218S 105 l05Vs 9 110X720 GS218S Review ReviewC61G71 112 101 G IH5X715 C61G71 Victory AVon 107 102 5 111 710 68167 Lady Betty 103 101 9 10S0710 6 217 Charlotta S ra h M 105 102 4 107X705 G81G7 IORsy Martin 107 102 10SX705 G8038 Yorkshire Maid 101 lOSh 4 101 700 700Second Second Race 58 Mile MilePurs Purs 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 4 107 G8238 Voa Het 114103 G 109X725 109X725CS180 CS180 Santhia C M 110 102 5 114X720 114X720G81951 G81951 Knnitana 108 101 8 109X715 109X715G7785 G7785 Urolaski 111102 5 110 710 710G7977 G7977 Valentine Lcdy 103 102 0 103X703 103X703CS167 CS167 bllunters Point 99 102 5 111X705 68166 Three X M 107 102 103 700 G7723 Limerick 112 101 9 110 700 TJfird Race 1 Mile Inrse 500 3yearolds and upward Track record Juue 17 191G 13S 13SGS197sMJilly GS197sMJilly Gibson 10G 140 140G32391 G32391 Plurality 100144 100144G8082JbPoint G8082JbPoint to Point 110 141 CS233bilistake 110 142 CS180 LCave Man M 108 144 68183 Dal wood 112 144 G3180 Ghnzar M 90 143 C8183 bSilcr II 113 142 142C8238 C8238 bC jbrita 103142 103142Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Track record June 23 1910 105 105C819G1 C819G1 Cannonball 110 103 63166 American Maid 1O5 108 C8211 Tempy Duncan 103 108 68218 Onwa 109 108 108G6919 G6919 Miaj Meclick 107 107 68123 Elmer AV M 99 l13m l13mG8195 G8195 Blanche Meyers 106 108 682381 bKlne AVorth 114 108 68487 Call Me M 100 110 7 108 700 66392 Malauctto M 109 113 4 lOt 700 68039 Bonnebelle 102 109 5 10G700 65235 Striker 109 108 13 113 700 67763 Curlicue 114 107 11 113X700 Fifth Race 1 18 Miles MilesPurpo Purpo 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 27 1921 152 117 117G81G8 G81G8 bCabin Crock 103 153 5 113X723 113X72363183bTiwaKntha 63183bTiwaKntha 93 155 5 105ic720 68186 Olympiad 4 103 X 715 715C81S01 C81S01 Dolph 100153 G10SX715 G10SX715S182 S182 Old McKenna 102 156 G 108X713 68240 bPoacher 106 lr G 8 103X713 68219 Little Orphan 110 156 9 10SX710 10SX710G81S6 G81S6 Ithymer 107 152 9 10SX703 10SX703CS105 CS105 Lariat 7 113X705 113X705GS186 GS186 Arsento 107 155 9 113X700 68129 bJudse Darid 105 155 7 116X700 116X700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingHandicap Handicap Track record Jan 21 1923 142 S 93 63059 BILL HEAD 110 145 7 107X725 68221 AVild Flower 87 146 G 105X715 68149 Ixmannu 103 143 4 105X715 68220 ttajah 103 140 5 114X710 68220s Frank Fogarty Fogarty6S170 110 143 5 114X710 6S170 bluc de Morny 107145 5 90X710 C8149 Hyanpom 103 145 5 104X705 6S08S Black Betty 98 143 4 10H703 63187 bRepreso 110 144 9 110X703 68151 Reap 3 90X700 Seventh Race 1 Kilo KiloPurse Purse GOO 3yearclds and upward Claiming Track record June 17 1916 1 3S 3 93 93he G3181 The he Acngcance 95 141 4 102X725 102X725631C9 631C9 Bowsprit 94 141 3 100X720 100X720C8184J C8184J jiow Steel 2 144 4 104X715 104X71568H6 68H6 Bacchus 108 144 3 92X715 92X715C7893 C7893 Silver Maid 95 145 3 85x715 85x7156S057 6S057 Peace Flag 85 144 3 94X710 68147 Poor Puss 90 143 3 S3 X 70S 67358 Power 3 88x705 68220 Gipsy Joe 93110 4 102 700 j 68105 Figuration M 113 144 u 107 700 700Eighth Eighth Race 5 12 Furlonjs FurlonjsPurse Purse COO 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record June 28 1916 103 3 IIS IISG8202bJack G8202bJack Led 112109 510SX725 68222 Bainy 108108 511lx70j 68198 bRed Man 110107 9110x715 63243 eSoutheru GentlemanllO l13ni 5102X715 5102X715C8171 C8171 Chick Uarkley 111 110 8 107X713 68172 Emma Williams 9S 107 4 101x710 68172 Kimono 113103 4 101 X710 1 68171 Kvalyn Harrigan 107 107 7103X7031 68240 bMerry Lasa 108 107 8 105X70 68223 bChoir Master 114 107 8 11370 88219 Misi Dunbur 03 103 a 100X7CM G8202 Ollle Wood 100 103 0 110X700 68084 bllarry Redder 110 107 7 113 700