6th Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-15

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h DA PC 1 Mile nnil TO Yards ZJyearolds and nnvrard Claiminsr Ilan UI nAUC dioup Jan 21 1023 142 5 8 98 BILL HEAD ch g 7 107 By Doncaster Scddie King by Leonid LeonidTrainer Trainer J McCoole Owner J McCcole Breeder W C Nail NailG8059 G8059 Tijuana ImTOy l53hvy G 110 2 2 Il 15 W Pool i KkFogarty Itarriskane Torsida TorsidaC8001 C8001 Tijuana ImTOy l51mud 20 110 4 4 4s 1J E Petzoldt S PeaceFlag Barriskanc SlieneTl 07577 Tiluana ImTOy l4IHfast 37 110 4 6 G G E PctzolUt S Rcgreso Hannikinll M Manage ManageG7514 G7514 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 18 103 1 5 5i 6SJ C Rails 7 Louanna Black Betty Breeze BreezeG7341 G7341 Tijuana 1142 fast 2310 10S 2 2 1 = 1J C Rails 7 Yrrmak Just Uiglit Uomuus UomuusG7210 G7210 Tijuana 34 llSHslow 5 112 2 4 2 I C Rails 8 Cafeteria Homultis Kimono 07171 Tijuana 1 IMShvy 9 95 6 3 3l 4 P Walls G Itajah Louauna Barriskanc BarriskancG7117 G7117 Tijuana 1 116 l52mud 2fi 96 5 4 2J 3l J Pevic G Prince Direct Kajah Midia MidiaWILD WILD LamplighterTrainer FLOWER br m 6 105 By Magneto Lampover by Lamplighter Trainer L Lahcy Owner A L Briggs Breeder R H Anderson AndersonG8221 G8221 Tijuana 34 1lGHmud 7 100 1 3 3 3 J F Watrous 1 VPatrick HarryD JudgePryor JudgePryorG8170 G8170 Tijuana 34 11G hvy 5S 113 2 2 2J 2J F Stevens 8 Oil Man Be Frank Georgie GeorgieG8088 G8088 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 28 107 5 S S 8 W Martin S BckHetty WarPenny Sum Sigh SighG8022 G8022 Tijuana ImTOy 151 mud 7 101 1 3 65 T14 T Wilson 7 Louanna FrkFocarty AVliippet AVliippetG7980 G7980 Tijuana ImTOy 150 mud 11 102 4 2 2J 2J F Stevens G VPatrick FkFogty LFlorence G7958 Tijuana 10 16 hvy S 103 5 5 G1 514 R Flynn G Dorius Hyanpom Louiuina LouiuinaCT854 CT854 Tijuana 1 11G i49iimuu ID 105 G 5 G G11 R Flynn 7 CMarrone J Dundee Louanna LouannaiLOUANNA iLOUANNA b f 4 I05 Sy Luke McXuke Aunt Josie by Ogdsn Trainer J J Dug s2 Owner Shafer Con way Breeder J 0 G II ITeene C8119 Tijuana ImTOy l49Vimud l49VimudG8022 7 103 1 3 2J 35i E Petzoldt 7 FkFogarty GlcnWell Hyanpom G8022 Tijuana ImTOy liulmud liulmudG7953 4 101 2 1 1 1 W Pool 7 FrankFogarty Whippet Kajah KajahG G7953 Tijuana 1 146 hvy hvyG7834 G 10S 3 2 43 31 C Studer G Dorim Hyanpom D de Morny G7834 Tijuana 1 11G l49Vmua 12 1W 6 3 3 35J G Studer 7 CMarrone JDundec PceDircct 67 804 Tijuana ImTOy l42fast 9f S9 9 4 5 7I = L Creery Jii Simnyland Coffield Abadanc AbadancS5 07728 Tijuana ImTOy l43Mfast l43MfastG7599 S5 107 2 3 Gi 5 = J J Thomas 7 SumSigh Itoistcrer BlkBetty G7599 Tijuana 1 l40fast 13 96 G 7 G1 552 J Thomas 7 Rebuke Haiti Black Betty G75 14 Tijuana ImToy 115 fast 95 101 4 2 1 I1 J Thomas 7 BBetty Brze WMontgomcry WMontgomcryRAJAH RAJAH br g 5 114 By Dunbar Parthenis by Ajts AjtsTrainer Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker Bred in France by E Blanc BlancG8220 G8220 Tijuana Im70y l49fcmud nio 112 211 = 1i F Watrous G FFogarty MarlaBoy CStockg 68187 Tijuana ImTOy 148 slop 32 108 1 1 1 = A 1 J F Stevens S Horace Lcrch Rcgreso Whippet WhippetG8057 G8057 Tijuana 1 1S 203 hvy 5 112 3 1 li 2h F Stevens G Whippet Poor Puss CharleyHoy CharleyHoyC8022 C8022 Tijuana ImTOy l51 mud Si 109 7 6 4i 4 F Stevens i Louanna FrkFogarty Whippet WhippetGJUS2 GJUS2 Tijuana 1 316 2OT hvy 7G 112 4 1 in 3 R Flynn G Torsida Whippet Fireworth FireworthC79IG C79IG Tijuana Im70y l49 imud 31 111 4 1 1 = 1 1 H Long 8 Silk Sox Ycrmak Peace Flag FlagG7413 G7413 Tijuana Im70y 143 fast 30 108 1 4 7 T i II Long 7 CavaldrlL SumSigh SilkSox G7341 Tijuana C 108 7 G 6 G J Thomas 7 Bill Head Ycimak Just Right FRANK FOGARTY Lr s 5 114 By Wrack Irish Wit by Celt CeltTrainer Trainer C B Irvvin Owner C B Irwin Breeder A B Hancock HancockK8220 K8220 Tijuana Im70y l4Dimud 2 114 G 4 4 21 E Petzoldt G Rajah MarcellaBoy CStocklng CStocklngG8149 G8149 Tijuana ImTOy l49Vmud 95 10S 3 2 2J 1J D Hum 7 lieu Well Louanna Hyanpom 68059 Tijuana ImTOy l53hvy 1310 115 6 4 31 2J P Martinez G Bill Head Barriskanc Torsida 08022 Tijuana ImTOy l51mud 3 106 5 2 23 2 D Hum 7 Lotianna Whippet Rajah RajahG7980 G7980 Tijuana ImTOy 150 mud S5 109 6 4 4i 3 = D Hum G VIatrk WFlower LFlorence G7930 Tijuana 1 11G l51hvy IS5 120 5 45 4 P Martinez Itoisttrer J Dundee G7873 Tijuana 1 11G l51mud 910 313 4 4 3JJ 31 E Petzoldt S Barriskanc Whippet Donatello DUG DE MORNY br g 5 90 90Trainer By King James Hortenso II by Troutbcck Trainer J Crcfton Owner K D Gates Breeder H T Oxnaxd 70 115 7 G 64 G1 E Duban S OilMan WildFlowcr BeFrank G814U Tijuana Im70y l491 mud 17 99 7 G C3 6 G Rose 7 FkKogarty GlenAVell Lonanna LonannaG80 G80 Tijuana Im70y laliimud 8 102 6 7 7 G11 G Rose 7 Louanna FrkFogarty AVliippet AVliippetG7958 G7958 Tijuana 1 146 hvy 8 103 G 3 21 43 D Hurn Dorius Hyanpori Louanna 67931 Tijuana 1 14 2llhvy 16 S9 7 7 7l 7 = 3 P Hurn 8 Halu Buckhorn II Tailor Maid MaidG7S95 G7S95 Tijuana 1 144 mud GO 102 8 5 4Z 4T1 G Rose 8 CMarrone Dorius Bowsprit BowspritHYANPOM HYANPOM ch g 5 104 By General Roberts Frill by Burgomaitor BurgomaitorTrainer Trainer P Hiegel Owner P Hiegel Breeder G M Van Gordon GordonG8149 G8149 Tijuana Im70y l49mud 1 1C6 5 4 45 45J F Stevrns 7 FkKogarty tilenWclI Louanna 7958 Tijuana 1 146 hvy 7 108 4 4 3l 2Z M Slghter 6 Dorius Ixmanna Due de Mornj 6895 Tijuana 1 144 mud 36 107 4 4 64 511 E Fator 8 CMarrone Dorius Bowsprit 66642 Latonia 1 18 l53fast 6 110 9 4 11 1 AV Pool 11 SamRch Wickford Morm Elder ElderCG21G CG21G Latonia 118159 hvy 45 103 2 1 I3 1 B Kenndy 8 LAVrack AVin or Quit PMcfiee 66097 Latonia 1 116 l56 hvy 1 107 7 2 21 2 J Heupel 9 Hysteria AVin or Quit U Rachel RachelGG035 GG035 Latonia 1 116 l52 ihvy 5 101 S 2 2 2 J Heupel S Trper Escpolette MornEldet MornEldetBLACK BLACK BETTY br f 4 IOC By Black Toney Macarooa by Marco MarcoTrainer Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder E R Bradley BradleyC8088 C8088 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 910 102 C 2 2 = 1 I1 Ar Pool 8 AAarPenny SumSigh Roisterer 67804 Tijuana Im70y l42fast 7 J4 3 7 S S P Hurn 15 Snnnyland Coffield Abadane 67728 Tijuana Im70y l45Vfcfaat 21 104 5 2 2 32 II Long 7 SumSigh Roisterer McellaBoy McellaBoyG7G77 G7G77 Tijuana 1 116 l45 fast Gf 89 S 7 7 G ° P Hurn S Adonis Paisley Alleden AlledenG7599 G7599 Tijuana 1 IMOHfast 19 i 2 4 5 41 33 II Ix ng 7 Rebuke Halu Paisley PaisleyC7514 C7514 Tijuana Im70y 145 faat 9 104 5 6 41 2l H Iong 7 Louanna Brzc AAMontgomery AAMontgomeryREGRESO REGRESO ch g 9 110 By Histines Arline by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder C C Patrick PatrickG8187 G8187 Tijuana Im70y 14S slop 15 10S 7 4 4ll 37 E Petzoldt S Rajah Horace Lereh Whlppct 68109 Tijuana Im70y l44ifast 45 115 5 4 G3 6 D Hum 7 Irosity Barriskane Donatello DonatelloG7931 G7931 Tijuana 1 14 2ll = ihvy 45 112 S 8 8 S P Martinez 8 Halu Buckhorn II Tailor Maid 67804 Tijuana Im70y l42fast 7 101 13 8 9 = 91Z D Hurn 15 Snnnyland Coffield Abadane 67707 ChBojG7G77 Tijuana Im70y 145 fast 3 121 5 4 21 2 = P Martinez 7 FFcgarty AVMgomy ChBoj G7G77 Tijuana 1 116 l45fast Gf 111 5 8 S 8 P Martinez 8 Adonis Paisley Alleden 67619 Tijuana Im70y l47Jifast 93 123 S 4 11 13 P Martinez 8 AVMgomy KRankin Whippet REAP oDayTrainer b p 3 90 By Bemlldon Harvest Queen by Peep oDay Trainer J N Crofton Owner K Patterson Breeder W Garth 681 1 Tijuana 51 f l09mud 23 103 S 7 5J 4T1 F Stevens 8 HarryD CarlosEnriquo RMaid G808G Tijuana 51 f lOGV4fa t S3 92 5 G GE 5 G1 W Martin G Abadane BrilliantHay CocaCola G8013 Tijuana E f Ill7thvy 13 101 3 3 35S 2 = 2 W Martin G Serapis Lavinia Black Deer G7894 Tijuana 5S 101 mud 3 102 G G 55 5 = W Martin 7 Paisley Jkltauer CarEnrique C7G40 Tijuana 51 f 1 OS fast IS5 104 S 2 21 1 W Martin S Faber El Koble Iaiy Leonid Leonid3l G7533 Tijuana 51 f lOSlifast 30 107 5 4 3l 45J W Martin 5 Atlianna Sir Leonid Faber

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021501/drf1923021501_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1923021501_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800