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1 liiirloniyrs JJycarolils and upward June S 1OKJ 1 Oo 15 a IIS CANHOKBALL b h 5 11G 11GTrainer By Irish Eiilc Bstala by Hey del Sierras Trainer H Bavis Owner H Davis Breeder L L Allen 68 1 96 Tijuana 51 f l12imud 31 114 3 1 11 21 J Glass 7 Hlaek Pat Onwa Perfect Day 08103 Tijuana 34 115 fast IS 115 2 1 li 3 1 Glass 12 View Plurality Obstinalc C7B29 Tijuana 34115 fast ICf 113 4 2 2i 33 F Stevens 9 Sheka View Knima Weller 07802 Tijuana El f l07 fast 25f 110 S 7 71 C l F Htovons 10 Ix bela Poacher Yukon 67721 Tijuana El f l09ifast 112 115 2 3 21 5 i I Fletcher 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame 07450 Tijuana 0S 102 fast 332 113 4 S S1 9 M AndxonlO Hazel Dale View Delam 66950 Tijuana 5S l03islop G 7 71S E Petzoldt 7 FGCoil Hazel Dale Milda 60037 Tijuana 41 f 55hvy 39 101 4 G G G E Petzoldt 0 IkeyT Diek JVrpIn Corncuttet 65076 Mncuve Ab 5S l03fcmud SO JOS 513 L Caruata r AunlDeda DFibanks Stkader Stkader3G ive Ab 34 125 hvy hvyAKKKICAJI 3G 304 513 I Cargata G Clas A Pyrne Waac Humpy Humpy10G AKKKICAJI MAID br m 5 10G By Dalhousie Brown Bess by Biitzen Trainer G L Wiliams Owner Wilson t Williams Prfipder II P Gardner 08166 Tijuana 5S 100 hvy 1310 10 3 2 Z 43 F Stevens 9 Pokori JackPot ArntSistcr ArntSistcrG7U77 G7U77 Tijuana 5S 1 M muil 41 IIS 124 = 4 J C Kails Xainer Tabloid Keview 07892 Tijuana 34 11S mud 13 105 4 2 2 Ci C Rails 12 Fickle Fancy View Krmitana i 07225 Tijuana 58102 good 45 103 7 7 10 l 11 J Thomas 11 Zinilo Mavflower Tom Koaeli i 071 11 Tijuana 5S 105 mud 11 107 2 3 S1 J K Petzoldt H Ternetto Hizl Dale Thrills Thrillsc049 c049 Tijuana 34 1 19 hvy 13 10S 3 3 4 O10 II Molters 8 Harkley Kllirrnn Master 00007 Tijuana 51 f lllimud 13 109 2 3 E1 C 1 AValls 0 KWilliams MSirey Allorter AllorterCtOXI CtOXI Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy if 103 5 5 SJ S J H MolterslO OllicWooil Vcraltita Al Porter 03359 Ileno CJ f 108 fast 36 100 9 E Petzsld 1 likivortn Sjiorasnto Pltncenet 62803 Heiio 51 f l09HBood 145 93 8 ° E Pctzgltl S PlorveDeen MabellSiile JcnJr JcnJrlEMPY lEMPY DesrslayerTrsiner DHKCAK h m 12 111 By Billy Kayhue Edna Edwards by Desrslayer Trsiner C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder f E Moody 68121 Tijuana 58 l02 fast 41 111 6 C 31 33 D Hum 11 JtnbrKuili GalHerry FNitrsir 08102 Tijuana fJ f 1 03fsfast 7 113 3 4 5i Ss D Huri 12 PrivatdVat Deinrcv SthiaC SthiaCC8039 C8039 Tijuana 51 f ll hvy 3 113 1 2 2 = 3k P Martinez 11 Itas Doll Otiwa lllaik Pat 08018 Tijuana 41 f tgmud 95 ICC 1 3 31 2J V IVol 10 CTr tlieUay Habc Kulli Thrills ThrillsC7029 C7029 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 11 11C ISC 7 P Martinez1 MKtni KniAikhi Pinaiiuauu 67911 Tijuana 58101 mud 2 103 2 3 3 5J H Long 14 C ey Kiy You ilet Ca 07705 Tijuana CSroifait 2 114 1 Z 2 P Martine7l3 Angelo tlinrlttfijuiitli Trulne ti f 1 09 ifaat 13f 114 1 2 k I P Martn z2 Prophecy Nonsuit ONWA ch s 9 108 By Dalhousie TUstledon by Eotlen EotlenTrainer Trainer G Boyd Owner R Pilleni Brooder T Clyde ClydeG8218 G8218 Tijuana 34 l19 = imud 41 111 2 G G1 41 F Watrous 9 Circulate Review An Ilerolr Ilerolr6819G 6819G Tijuana El f l12imudC8M5 l12mud 7 110 7 6 51 3i G Rose 7 IllackPat Cannonball PerfI PerfIC8M5 C8M5 Tijuana 34 119 mud 15 107 7 10 91 9 R Bauer 10 CloverJnnia Pluncer Aultev 68039 Tijuana El f l14 hvy hvyG797G 5 110 S 7 31 2 G Rose 11 RapDoll TpyDuncan Hlk 1 1G797G G797G OperatorG7S90 Tijuana 5S l05rsmud 05rsmud 05rsmudG7S90 21 105 3 7 7 3l G Rose 10 Squash Bacchus Operator G7S90 Tijuana 31 l18mud 10 103 2 5 5 1 6 G Rose 10 DbleKre Ix nePine MdieWl 078 19 Tijuana 51 f l10imud 10imudG77G1 7f 110 355 41 G Rose 9 Miss Dunbar Reriew 1hyllis G77G1 Tijuana 5S 01tfat 4T 107 11 9 71 G G Rose 12 Viva Hen Payne Irene Delsa 6G085 MHfhts 34 19 mud 44 102 5 P Gross 7 Hlue Wrack Puff Ball Itajah MISS HEELICir b m 5 106 By Meelick Lucky C tch by Trap 2ock Trainer Z E McGregor Owner Z E McGregor Breeder J Odell Odell6G919 6G919 Tijuana 5S l02mud 23 114 G G5i 6 ° R Scoville 8 JocHlriir Pueblo BillBlrckwell 65372 Omaha 5S l01 = ffast 12 112 451 W Mnders 9 Coffield PneWard HHlackwl HHlackwlOmaha Omaha 5i f l09TKood 215 99 23 L Mills 4 Manicure H Rudder Cncutter CncutterOmaha Omaha 34 111 fast 3 303 Gi L Mills 8 Maysville Leuieve Herder 62338 Omaha 34 IHlrifast 2130 106 I1 L Mills 7 Leap Fro Hazel V Lotta G GG2262 G2262 Omaha 34 113 fast 910f 110 3 L Mills 12 KirsticsCub HUead HAJonea HAJoneaELJiER ELJiER W b g 3 II 98 B BTrainer By The Wolf Mona Canonmann by Elmer L Trainer T J Ogle Owner Hollywood Stable Breeder P A Klipstein 08123 Tijuana 5S l02ifast IS 107 2 3 2 33 A Claver 11 QneupII SmAfrain NMHonoy 67982 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 22f 99 6 6 C11 T Wilson DiloGuise IJillyJoe Hazel Da lo G7827 Tijuana 41 t 54 ifast Cl 110 8 5 51 51 F 1 HakerPJ Norfield NorIloney QuneiipII 67742 Tijuana 58 l02Vfast 71 112 112C7G40 2 5 3i S M srghterll Iris Girl Bacchus Smile Aeaiu AeaiuCl C7G40 Tijuana 5iflOS fast Cl 102 102G5223 0 6 S S M Slghter 8 Heap Iaber Kl Iloble Iloble5i G5223 IPstings Ab 5S 3003ow 51 S3 2Ji W Dean 1 Fountain Otirllazel Operator Operatort 63118 Hastings Ab 3S l01slow t 113 2i P Martinez S IvyGray SmileAgain UarrelU Continued ou tenth page TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from ninth page BLANCHE JIEYEES br m S 106 106Trainer By J F Crowley Prithee by Filijrrans Trainer B John Owner W Jenkins Breeder B Vilev t Son C8195 Tijuana 51 f l12mud 7 1C5 S 4 3 S1 T Wilson S Nonsuit Ermitana Lola Flato G8I25 Tijuana 58 102 fast 40 106 5 41 5J L Barber 12 SGtleman JCpbcll Hersfnt G7911 Tijuana 58 104 mud iS 110 3 S 121 11 L Barber 11 Cicely Kay You Her Car 67785 Tijuana 55 f lCSfast 71 113 5 6 7 63 B Parke 11 OHomcstM MissDbar Review 7597 Tijuana 53 102 fast 23 113 S 6 C 75i B Parke 12 lobelia Dehuicey View G7432 Tijuana 58 l0titfast 14 10S 9 3 5t 53 L Barber 11 Fond Hope Acra Rita Angela G7151 Tijuana 58 105 hvy 4 109 S 4 5 = 1 45i T Wilson 7 Dr Stevenson PhyllisK Thrill G7079 Tijuana 5J f lllhvy 10 112 6 G 3l 5 i T AVilson S It Cascade Chrome 67019 Tijuana GS l03mud 25 106 9 7 6 41 L Barber 9 Pueblo HnMajor Gcldie Hose 66920 Tijuana 58 l02i mud 26 103 5 6 6 6 L Barber 0 HontGrge DaiuGirl VWelles 01379 Tijuana 34 115 fast 7 111 5 5 3t 4i P Caron 12 LISourbon HotFoot Caadcgrey KING WORTH br e 12 113 113Trainer By Kcnilwcrth liittcn by King Eric EricK Trainer E E lovell Owner K TPalmer Breeder D F Egan G7912 Tijuana 5S l04mutl 11 107 9 S S1 G = J G Rose 11 Velvet Planlageuet Lone Pine 6079 Tijuana 51 f lllhvy 32 112 1 S 7 = 7 J Pevic 8 It Cascade Chrome 66399 Akron Ab 5S l04Vsmud 21G 104 1 J Pevic 7 BlackPat Milia 1 and Stcale 66302 Akron Gi f l25Mfast 25 107 7 J J Pevic 9 Old Red Uranium Old Pop 66051 MHghts 51 f lllmud 5 HI HIG5G15 4J1 T Rae S First Consul Cacambo Zaincr G5G15 NKton C f l24 fast 7 108 35 J Pevic G Old Pop Our Alice AArill Soon 65275 NKton Ab 53 l02 fast 41 10S U J Pevic G BkPay Mis Kruter CLefkovitz 63145 NewKcn 34 l18ifast 101 117 63 J Pevic G Jazz Minnie II Dudle Bug 64772 ConLake 34 l21 good 61 107 107CALL I1 J Pevic 7 PrUoacro Red Chief I Spiller CALL HE ch h 7 M 103 103Trainer Ey Don Johnson Ocala by Nasturtium NasturtiumBreeder Trainer W J OBrien Owner B Cole Breeder H Dewolf Dewolf4l 63187 Reno 1 l43 fast 7 10S 4l P Caron 9 MrsPat Peerless One M Fluke 63416 Reno 34116 fast 8 108 108G2978 2 P Caron 10 Aunt Sue Ardencia Erna R G2978 Reno 1 116 113 fast 24 108 3 P Caron 10 Mis Krug Lariat Bill Sparks 62844 Reno 5J f lC9fast 10 105 4 = i P Caron 10 FredFear AuntSuc BesYoung BesYoung7Ti 02769 Reno 34 l13 slow S 104 7Ti P Caron 10 HNegra Rinkavous SanthiaU 01378 Tijuana 58 101 jfast 112 111 7 7 7G1363 75 6i P Caron 10 Miss Clark Fooman Cancion G1363 Tijuana 5 f l03faat 9f 10S U 11 11 10J 10 P Caron 12 Jay Mac Delancey Aodka 61319 Tijuana 1 l44 fast 13 111 S 5 5 51 6 P Caron 11 Qiunain Mex Cancion 61241 Tijuana DS l02fast 13f 11012 12 12MALENETTO S l P Caron 12 LySmall Vodka MtgoineryTr MALENETTO b c 4 M 104 104Owner By llalarcoct Ivanctta by Ivan the Terrible TerribleBreeder Owner J G Buskay BuskayGG392 Breeder R L Franklin GG392 Toledo 51 f 112 hvy 52 101 7 7 7 = W Reid 7 TtheMark Chow Co the Muia G5822 Kworth 51 f 107 fast 12S 103 S S S S H B Bwer 8 AreKing AsnQueen TNephew BONNEBELIE ch m 5 3y David Teaay Dominica by Alvcscot Trainer A Neai Owner Neal Bartholomew Breeder A Heal 68039 Tijuana 5J f l14hvy 53 108 7 6l S7I R Lee 11 Rag Doll Onwa Tempy Duncan DuncanG7912 G7912 Tijuana 58 l04Vmud lit 110 G 2 0 3J C Thpson 11 Aelvet Ilantagenet Lone Pine 67722 Tijuana 58 l02Isfast 75 110 3 G 61 G5 G Colliis 11 Yukon Pelancey Phyllis K 67657 FancyG7G17 Tijuana 58 l01 3fast 51 105 7 5 O 35 G Collins 12 Pewaukce Sheka Fickle Fancy G7G17 Tijuana 5J f l097tfast 13 lOi 9 S 91 lll C Rails 11 Midian Cneion Dehmcey 67573 Tijuana 5J f 103 fast 43 103 354 = 5C2 G Collins 12 Gen Czar Midian Review 07431 Tijuana 53 l01fast 14 113 5 8 SJ Sl A Claver 11 Virge Alnjili Syncopation 65181 Hstings Ab 5S l00hvy 11 103 6 H Molters 7 Torsida Fickle Fancy Chroma ChromaG5076 G5076 Hastings Ab CS 100 mud S 102 1 II Moltefa 9 AalLady Tlveliells LySmall LySmallSTRIKES STRIKES br 5 13 113 3y Disguisg Contentious by Galore GaloreTrainer Trainer J Kern Owner J Kern Breeder J R Kecae 65285 Hstings Ab 5S SSTifast ICf 112 Pulled up S Smith 10 CdeWtaver Arm Valley Meteor MeteorG3989 G3989 BTopG733 Brhouse 1 l4Hifast 26 204 3 C Cantrell 10 Tltrooks MissHerrmnn BTop G733 Kono ImTOy l477ifast 15 113 9 = J Carter Al AViik TomlSrooks Rinkavoua 63623 Reno 1 l12fast 11 HI G15 D Hum 7 Yoi kLassie CasCrown NebLad 63389 Reno 1 l42fast 44 1U TJ D Hum S Zainloch Firo Perfect Day DayG33GO G33GO Reno 1 l41fast 11 102 1 M Fator S Vorain Al AVick Castle Crown 63270 Reno 1 143 fast 2310 111 GJ P Martinez S CamMulIer Neb Lid ArAVood 63235 Reno 1 l43V fast 3 110 4 M Fator 9 Pink Tenny Bobolink Sippara SipparaCURLICUE CURLICUE ch s 14 113 Ey Handsel Eva Kite by Masetto MasettoTrainer Trainer F Sincliart Owner F Hinebart Breeder T B Jones JonesC7763 C7763 Tijuana 5S l01t fast 11 112 7 12 12 12 ° II Moltcrs 12 Viva Ben Payne Irene Delsa DelsaG7658 G7658 Tijuana 5S I01ifa3t 23C 107 9 7 9l 9 W Martin 12 Melchoir Nnhour GaIIerry 07545 Tijuana 53 l01 ifast 151 114 5 G 33 12 E Donhucl2 01 Wood J Campbell Mayfloer