5th Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-20

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CM DA PC 1 18 arilcs CSyearolds and upward Claiming Qfarcli il Ulll imUu 10 1 152 5 117 BESSIE YOUNG ch f 4 108 By Edwin T Fryer Baby Tonne by Gov Toraker TorakerW Trainer J W Hunter Ownsr W E Hnnter Breeder W E Hunter HunterImTOy 08181 Tijuana ImTOy 151 hvy 5 103 3 2 2l 1 G Rosa 7 PlunRer Gen Byns Meteor G81U Tijuana 34 119 mud 18Sf 110 4 4 3 31 T Wilson 9 IlulleKIower GladNews Jazz 07745 Tijuana 1 18 l57fast 9 308 4 2 2 21 T Wilson 9 Ithymcr Dora Ilish Olympus 7075 Tijuana 1 1S l56 fast 13C 103 4 2 31 4si H Long 9 Montana Gen Rynff Pattern PatternImTOy 0757C Tijuana ImTOy l47fast IS 112 7 6 5 4 1 R Leo 11 Lariat Cigale Obstinate G7S47 Tijuana 1 1S l Csfast T 103 1 4 4l 5 i H Long S I W Harper Al Wick Meteor Meteor5i C7532 Tijuana TijuanaVIC 5i I 1C9 fast 112 103 9 S S S7i K Lee 12 MyrtlcA Dclancey FrchNurse VIC b m 5 5Trainer 103 By Watervale Eastern Shore by Tho Bard Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker Breeder T Piatt 08235 Tijuana 1 l45slovr 7 110 5 G 4 4 i P Walla 8 FNail McsPink WMtsomcry G787G Tijuana 1 14 213V mud 2 106 1 3 3 2J F Stevens C MadseF nominator J David DavidImTOy 07831 Tijuana ImTOy l4T fast 8 101 7 7 6 5s F Stevens 9 She Deril My Kose Irosity IrosityIm70y 07GOO Tijuana Im70y l43faat 8 101 3 3 31 3 C Rails 9 FFojjty SuniiSigh Tawastha TawasthaImTOy 07531 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 6 108 5 6 5 3 C Rails 10 liyltight TomOwcns HorLercb 07398 Tijuana 1 1S l51 ifast 4 108 4 5 4i 4 C Rails ii ivso lust Richt Madge F 1 18 l54 fa3t 5 111 6 5 4 21 C Italia 7 Eugenia K Dolph WalterDanl G7303 Tijuana 1 1S l551ifast 2710 103 1 5 b1 4i C Rails G Rcgreso Sum Sigh Dissolute HIGH OLYMPUS ch 0 8 8Trainer 110 By Hastings Olympia by Rock Sani SaniNibbs Trainer G Uibbs Osraer G Nibbs Breeder A Bclmont BclmontIS 08278 Tijuana 34 l16slov IS 102 6 4 21 1 F Watrous S FreucliNurse Hopovcr Limerick 07978 Tijuana 1 14 210mud 30 110 7 6 6 6 H Zander 8 LonePine Lit Dear Tawasentha 07892 Tijuana TijuanaG7743 34 113 mud 35C 103 10 9 8s 8 H Zander 12 Fickle Fancy View Krmitnna KrmitnnaS5 G7743 Tijuana TijuanaC7G74 1 18 l57fast S5 110 1 5 41 4 3 H Zander 9 Rhymer Itcssic Young Dora C7G74 Tijuana 1 1S l56 fast 50 110 4 5 71 61 H Zander 9 Al Wick Little Gink Obstinate 07548 Tijuana 1 18 lSGfast lSGfastImTOy 137 110 3 5 4 45 II Zander 8 Judge David Fireworlli Dora 07395 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast 4 S 110 8 H II1 10 II Zander 12 luiraCwhion Lariat Rhymer Rhymer21f G735G Tijuana Im70y IMTisfast 21f 108 6 6DRIFTING 9 8i 61 II Zander 11 ETIynlTgau LCocliron Drifts DRIFTING ch f 4 103 103Trainer By Ballot Spindrift by Requital Trainer B Creech Ownor B 3 Creech Breeder C H Barryrnan G8283 Tijuana 1 l45slow 205 110 8 8G8129 8 7 7 R Flynn 8 FNail McsPink WMtgoaicry G8129 Tijuana 1 18 l55 fast 28 108 8 8 6 6 T Wilson 9 GMhlebach AlWick J David G7998 Tijuana ImTOy 154 mud mudG7GG4 9 106 8 7 7 6 ° T Wilson 8 Pltagenet Cabrrcck RedMan G7GG4 Tijuana 1 14 209 faat faatG7109 31 105 5 5 6 51 J Thomas 8 WJudge JDavid ChkHarkley G7109 Tijuana 1 18 157 fast fastG735G 1 103 2 4 Jh 13 M Fator 9 Arsonto John Arbor Caamnno G735G Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast l4TfastG7277 32 1C3 9 8 4 3SJ M Fator 11 lUIarrigan LCocliron CMuller G7277 Tijuana 1 13 l55fast l55fastG71G7 4 103 2 4 3l 31 J Thomas 10 Madge F Judge David Rhymer G71G7 Tijuana ImTOy l56Khvy 41 103 1 C 4s 23 T Wilson 8 Poacher Argento Deckhand BACCHUS b E 3 S4 S4Farrell Bv Zeus Annie Singleton by Sineletos SineletosBreeder Trainer H Farrell Ownsr H TarroU Breeder White Cliborn C8299 Tijuana 1 316 201sfa3t 6 100 5 fi 6 4 C Rails G FkFogarty Doininator GipJoc 08203 Tijuana 1 l45hvy 18 92 9 8 51 51 II Long 9 Povror Poor Puss Plow Steel 08140 Tijuana 1 18 202mud 1010 102 7 3 35S I1 1J H Long 9 Plurality Little Dear GenBrng 08123 Tijuana 5S l02faot 5 107 9 9 9ImTOy S1 54iD Hurn 11 QncupIL SmileAgain EimerW G8053 Tijuana ImTOy 155 hvy 95 99 9 11 115i 71 3 1 O Rails 11 Pretender Chrisiiellolters Dora G8038 Tijuana 5i f l13ihvy 45 100 8 7 7CS 61 31 W Pool 8 IlarBurgoync Thrills JamesG G797G Tijuana CS l05Timud 41 100 9 4 41 2 D Hurn 10 Squash Onxva Operator G7849 Tijuana 51 f l10imud 41 103 9 9 S S A Claver 9 Miesnunbar Review PhvllisK G7742 Tijuana TijuanaJUDGE 5S l02fast 3110 110 6 2 2J J Glass 11 IrisCirl Elmer W SraileAain JUDGE DAVID DAVIDTrainer b h 7 113 113St By UcGee Bcncdetta by The Pepper Trainer W St Vincent Owner F J OEourke Breeder B II Cots 082G1 Tijuana 1 18 202i hvy 11 116 5 4 6 63 II Molters 8 Cabin Creek Lariat Dolph 08120 Tijuana TijuanaG 1 18 155 fast 6 113 422 3i F Stevens 9 GMuehlebach AlWick Montana G Tijuana 1 14 213Amud 5 111 111Im70y 6 4 4 41 II Long G Madge F Vic Dominator 07719 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 13 113 6 5 7 7 E Taplin 7 Louis KRankin Black Thong 07CG4 Tijuana 1 14 209 faat 6 120 2 3 21 2 K Taplin 8 WJudge Cliarkley Shorcacrea 07548 Tijuana 1 1S l56fast 65 113 1 3 2 I1 C Rails 8 Fireworlli I ora High Olympus 07515 Tijuana 1 116 l49fast 135 118 8 7 74 7 A Claver 8 Shoreacres Lariat Rhymer G7277 Tijuana 1 l l55fast 195 111 8 3 2J 21 E PetzoldtlO Madce F Driftiu Rhymer LAURA COCHHON b n 5 103 103Trainer By Leonid Helen Print by Argylo Trainer 7 L Stanfield Owner W L LG8130 Stanfield Breeder C B Daniols G8130 Tijuana 1 18 l55fast 21 113 2 3 55 44i F Stevens 7 Charley Hoy Dolph Dominator 07534 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tifast 42 108 2 3 3s fli W Pool 10 Ily Right Tom Owens Vic 07395 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast C5 110 3 3G735G 4 3i 1 C Rails 12 Lariat Rhymer Wise Judge G735G Tijuana ImTOy l47tifast 6 103 2 2 2i 23 C Rails 11 Klynllargan Drifts CMuller 07300 Tijuana ImTOy I46 4fast 10 105 6 6OG935 6 6 W Pool 7 Toombcoia C Inrkley W Dant OG935 Tijuana 1 l4G hvy hvyGG897 7 108 1 5 6s 6J W Pool 7 Torsida Fircworth Silei II GG897 Tijuana lm0y l47slop 5 5 5 W Pool 11 Cavalcadrll Torsida Yermak GG113 Hlhorno 51 f l13slow 7 61 41 C Buel 7 Whippet DonJose Dancing Girl GirlBy PLANTAGENET b B 11 110 110Jones By Offden Mamie Worth by St Georae Trainer A Jones Owner A Jones JonesGl Breeder J E Madden G8314 Tijuana Gl f l03fast 93 110 6 8 8 S B Kissgerll Noi field Nizam Merry Lass 8199 Tijuana 51 f l10 mud 28 110 S 5 5s 5 G Rose 8 Full Moon Cicely Kay Don Jose 08171 Tijuana 34 llShvy 24f 112 6 5 9 981 R Bauer 12 Philander Kanlledron LewisC i 08055 Tijuana 54 f 113 hvy 22 110 4 4ImTOy 6 61 C3 II Howard 8 Jack Lcdi ISilly Joe Conichon i 07998 Tijuana ImTOy 154 mud 11 108 1 1ImTOy 1 I1 1 H Howard S Cabin Creek Red Man Railbird 07927 Tijuana ImTOy l52Hhvy 23 107 5 5GS 3 3 3 H Howardll IlorLcrch NorthSliore Veteran 07912 Tijuana GS l04 fcniud 4 111 3 35S 3 21 21 H Long 11 Velvet Lone Pine Mistake I 5S l03mud 135 111 3 5 51 3J H Long 11 Tom Hoach Squash Miss Edna G7721 Tijuana TijuanaTAWASENTHA 51 f l09J fast 9 108 9 9ch 8 71 41 J Thomas 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame FlameBy TAWASENTHA ch in 5 113 113Cooper By Yulcain Belle of Arcadia by Plaudit PlauditBreeder Trainer H Cooper Owner E Cooper Breeder H G Herring 08299 Tijuana 1 316 201fast 77 101 6 G 6 6 ° G Cooper 0 FkFogarty Dominator GipJoe 08261 Tijuana 1 1S 202thvy 7 106 7 7ItnTOy 6 Cl 5J F Sercmba S Cabin Creek Lariat Dolph I G8183 Tijuana ItnTOy l50slivy 75 114 5 2 11 I1 W Martin 3 Anita K Caamano Silex II 08105 Tijuana 9 103 1 6 61 5 1 G Cooper 9 Don Jose Miss Emma G IJaisy 08011 Tijuana ImTOy 134 hvy 7 111 6 3 3 3 G Cooper 10 XKIieal PlStcel Plurality 07978 Tijuana 1 14 215mud 215mudImTOy 5 10S 5 Z 2l 3l J Thomas S Lope Pine Little near Veteran G7928 Tijuana ImTOy l53hvy 4 110 G 4 4l 64 C Rails 8 San Ilcdion Lariat Hackamore

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022001/drf1923022001_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1923022001_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800